mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
...hm, alright then. 
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
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((Episode source: Transformers Animated “The Elite Guard”))
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
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((Episode source: Transformers Animated “The Elite Guard”))
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
/shrug/ He's alright. Barely spoken to the kid beyond...well, laughing a lot when you took him down in the ship.
/snort/ Really? That’s one way to put it.
Mm, he’s not so bad, though. I’ve grown used to him being around.
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
/snort/ Really? That's one way to put it.
Oh, and that reminds me. Do you remember our stowaway? 
Mm, Rodimus. Of course I remember. He’s too obnoxious to forget.
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
Oh, and that reminds me. Do you remember our stowaway? 
I guess. /small shrug/ I’m glad you remember that part though, that’s important.
…Of course it’s important. -hums- It’s one of the most important things.
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
I guess. /small shrug/ I'm glad you remember that part though, that's important.
…I suppose antagonizing works pretty well. 
Heh. I suppose so. But, that still works.
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
...I suppose antagonizing works pretty well. 
/small smile/ Well, I think that was mostly Red and I just happened to be here at the right time… /or the cursing. the cursing and insulting might’ve worked, who knows/ 
I always knew that talking to him would bring him back! I read about it, humans believe in it, too!
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
/small smile/ Well, I think that was mostly Red and I just happened to be here at the right time... /or the cursing. the cursing and insulting might've worked, who knows/ 
…To help Ultra Magnus! I remember. And you did.
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
.../vents/ Well, to bring you up to speed, you had come to Earth to offer me back up for a Decepticon related incident that never happened. Then you came back here and asked me to come along.
… /frowns and nods/ You’ve told me, before. About the memory problems. 
…Mm. It happens sometimes. It’s…no big deal.
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
... /frowns and nods/ You've told me, before. About the memory problems. 
/nods, smiles/ Good! Looks like you just forgot…hm, actually, do you remember Earth?
Of course I do. Earth is…well, let’s not get into detail right now. -tilts helm- I just…forgot that you were here. It’s…it happens.
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
/nods, smiles/ Good! Looks like you just forgot...hm, actually, do you remember Earth?
/shakes his helm/ It’s fine. So you remember Rodimus…what about Magnus? 
…He’s back online, of course!
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
/shakes his helm/ It's fine. So you remember Rodimus...what about Magnus? 
/nods/ Yup. Do you remember Rodimus at all? On the ship?
…oh, yes! Oh, I remember. I’m sorry…
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
/nods/ Yup. Do you remember Rodimus at all? On the ship?
A little while back, you were on Earth and you asked if I would come back to Cybertron with you. /yeah this snack is burnt. still eating it anyway/ 
… I did?
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
A little while back, you were on Earth and you asked if I would come back to Cybertron with you. /yeah this snack is burnt. still eating it anyway/ 
/chews thoughtfully. trying to be normal about this/ Your ship. I came back with you. 
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mypedeupyouraft · 10 years
/chews thoughtfully. trying to be normal about this/ Your ship. I came back with you. 
/dims optics a little. oh boy/ I’ve been here for a month. /takes a treat, nibbles on it/ 
…Oh. You have been? -tilts helm- How did you get here?
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