my peace is here and now
2 posts
This is where you can find the real me, without any insecurities or worries about what others may think. It's scary, but ultimately worth it.
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mypeaceishereandnow · 11 years ago
Welcome to my here and story
Let me start off by saying that if no one reads this that's cool and if one person reads this than that would be rad too.
I created this blog as a means of letting myself express how I'm truly feeling because that is definitely not something I do in my real life.
I have always been the girl who is very shy, doesn't create unnecessary drama and will go along just to please a crowd. Well, let's just say that I'm sick of it. I'm tired of sitting back and keeping my feelings and opinions to myself.
I'll admit that a lot of my opinions are very black and white and I don't see myself being swayed to the "other side". 
The main reason I am so quiet in my personal life is because I am terrified of offending someone. I typically keep my opinions to myself and just agree or nod along to what others are saying. And slowly it is eating away at me.
All of this has caused some issues, that I will go into greater detail later, and I just want to find the balance between being a nice person and truly being myself.
Life is hard and I've gone through some tough shit, everyone has, but it would be really nice to have a safe environment to talk about my issues/opinions/drama/school/life/relationships etc. 
I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut for the sake of others because I am taking away from who I am and who I want to be. I will never set out to personally attack or offend someone but why can't I express how I feel?
And that brings me here, to this blog. Read it, don't read, hate me, love me, disagree with me, talk to me (this is encouraged!), whatever the case may be, this blog will be for me and will always be something that I feel I NEED to do for myself.
I'm going to leave this unedited so my apologies for any mistakes, run-on sentences and anything like that.
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mypeaceishereandnow · 11 years ago
If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.
- Laozi
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