James 'Logan' Howlett | 22 | Senior.Logan is…Difficult. He smokes a lot, swears a lot, drinks a lot, fights a lot- basically, all of the bad things you can think of, Logan is involved in some way. He has an appalling attitude towards most people, and finds it hard to tolerate them in more than short bursts. He’s quite fun when he’s drunk though, and he never fails to hook up at one of the Warriors Three’s parties. The problem is, is that Logan has suffered from amnesia since the age of 16. He took the necessary tests to enable him a college education (he retained the memory of his schooling, but doesn’t remember learning any of it) and rocked up at Shield University on his eighteenth birthday, with no family to congratulate him, or even a proper name. James Howlett is on his forms, but Logan is Logan. Never call him James.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

Don't you even fuckin' dare, Wilson.
Well, night.

Maybe Logan won’t notice if I get into bed with him and just use him as a giant teddybear.
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Who is he. I'll fuckin' kill him.
Just some guy… kinda shook my confidence.

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Look, uh...Don't worry 'bout it...Talk to me, kitten. Tell me what's up.
Sorry, baby…

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Uh, I'm not even mad? I'm just askin', jeez. It's not like I miss you or anythin'.
If you’re going to be mad at me, then go away. I can’t deal with it right now…

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Seriously, what's wrong with you recently? You haven't left your room at all, I've barely even seen you.
No it isn’t. There are people outside. I just need one person to bring me food.
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Why not? Out of bed is better for bagels.
No thank you.
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...Oh God.
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Wouldn't she just? Yeah, it's what I'm majorin' in, so I better fuckin' hope so, hah. Thanks, man. Appreciate it.
Oh, man. That would be the prettiest thing in campus, really in the city even. I hear you are good with mechanics so I have no doubt it`d be done in no time. I won’t tell a soul.
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I already got some ideas in mind, so yeah, I reckon it could be pretty awesome. Yeah, doesn't exactly fit with my reputation, y'know?
Yeah? We can do that, we can definitely do that - it would be amazing. Really something your baby would be glad to transform in. I am not saying a word.
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Man, you really need to see 'em...I was thinkin' of recreatin' the Batpod. Closet geek, shut up, okay?
Seen the old movies - I`ve been meaning to see the new ones for ages but never got the time. What do you have in mind?
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Hell yeah, the beers. Listen, you're not a fan of Batman at all, are ya? Might help if ya kinda know what you're gonna be workin' on.
Sure thing then. I`d be happy to help out with whatever I can, plus it`d be fun to actually do some interesting work. And the beers too.
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Know what? Why the fuck not. I think I've got a few ideas for what I wanna do with what's left of my baby. I could use a hand with that.
No need to say sorry, man. I understand, it`s not your fault I asked for it - I understand how it feels to be protective over something. You are actually very cool - we should hang out in the work shop sometime drink few beers it`d be nice.
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Yeah, look, uh...Sorry about that, man. Guess you can tell I'm pretty protective over my baby. But if you've got Ror's seal of approval, then you got mine. I trust her judgement.
Well I gotta say that the last time we had a “conversation” I kind of didn’t make a good first impression. Yeah, Rory is a great gal, you are really lucky to have her, she always says how she is the female version of me - we have a lot in common I suppose. You ain’t bad too, man, plus you have a killer right hook.
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Yeah, guess so...I guess it'll just take some gettin' used to, not having it be all her, y'know? ...Gotta say, Stark, you're not too bad once you actually get into a conversation with ya. I can see why Ror likes ya.
In a way she deserves to be back on the road, you do too. Eventually. She would have wanted you to too.Plus you`ll get to be with her on the road again.
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Yeah, I thought about doin' that, but...

...I dunno, it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't really be her.

I felt the same way, but then a friend of mine offered me to take some spare parts from my bike and mix it with the new one. It…kind of felt like it was her, you know - still there.
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She was the only bike I ever remember havin'. Don't think I'm gonna bother gettin' another.
I know how you feel, man. It`s…one kind of love that. You can never really forget your first bike. I remember when I trashed mine. Took me two years to get myself to get new one.
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