mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
“Thank you, I like him too” Daisy laughed at the dogs basking in the attention “He’s an adorable puppy. My dog isn’t too much older, about three years old but sometimes he acts like a grumpy old man” 
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“Grumpy old man or not, I think he’s a cool dog. I’m biased towards Allen, like you must be with your own dog, but still, he’s a cool beagle” he grinned when Allen barked along in agreement 
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
dxisybell :
“I know, how could this little sweetheart hurt anyone” she cooed and crouched down to scratch behind the labradoodles ears, resulting in her beagle letting out an attention seeking bark “I’ve not forgotten about you” she laughed and scratched behind her own dogs ears “How long have you had your dog?”
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“He really likes you” he smiled while observing his dog almost bursting with happiness. Mylo laughed at his professors own dog having a bit of a diva tantrum at the lack of attention “Umm not long. Allen is still a puppy. A big puppy but still a puppy - maybe a year and a half, two years at a push. What about your dog?”
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
kostakrum :
“I don’t… I barely know her.” Why should he have the right to freak out when he barely knew the girl? He put a hand in his hair and tried to focus on breathing. Maybe his parents had been right, maybe going back to school had been a bad idea. “This is stupid…” He grunted out suddenly.
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“It doesn’t matter if you barely know her or not, you can still not feel okay about all of this.” Mylo reasoned with a light shrug of his shoulders “It might seem like it but it helps. It just takes some time and patience” It was how he had learned to deal with his own anxieties and if he could offer any help to Kosta, he would. 
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
dxisybell :
Daisy heard the boy call out to the dog while the bundle of curls bounded over “Good morning Allen, how are you today?” she asked the labradoodle upon his arrival and feeding him a small treat. “Oh it’s okay Mylo, I know he means no harm. He’s just a little goofy and wants to make friends” she grinned down at the dogs playing together. 
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“He does. Allen wouldn’t hurt a fly, he just really likes to be around others. Thank you for understanding Professor” he smiled in relief that his dog was running around causing any sort of riot. “They seem to get on well”
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
“Allen! Allen! Don’t scare the other dog please” he called out after his labradoodle that darted away the minute he spotted another dog. “Professor, I’m so sorry” he apologised when he caught up to the party “He just gets excited around other dogs, he likes making friends. He won’t bite or hurt your dog, promise”
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Daisy was making her way back to the castle through the Scottish snow with her dog bounding his way through the crisp untouched blanket of white covering the grass. This winter wasn’t as cold as others, but she was still thankful for snow nonetheless. “C’mon Croesus, we don’t want you turning into a snowdog” she laughed, looking her her beige beagle who was now almost entirely white thanks to his antics.
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
fairchildpuff :
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Mercer hadn’t been expecting a reaction, was really just unable to keep from saying the truth. But when he saw the rosey blush on the boy’s face, he couldn’t help smiling fondly. It complimented Mylo, just like the boy’s smile and his kindness did, too. It made him want to reach forward to trace it with his thumb, to press a sweet kiss there on each cheek. He felt so tempted, but refrained if only to make sure he didn’t do something to make the Gryffindor uncomfortable. That was the thing about Mylo McLaggen–the tall blond made him feel things he never felt for another person. All his senses were clouded with such warm emotion just ready to burst at the seams, ready to show Mylo how much he was adored and appreciated. Mercer had been fooling himself for a long time and no longer wanted to hide it. Even if a part of him was still afraid, the boy in front of him made him feel like everything would be okay. And that’s what he really wanted, to be there for as long as Mylo would allow and want him. It took everything in him not to stubbornly disagree; he bit his lip, gaze shyly lowering as his face heated up. “Thank you.” A smile took over then, wide and toothy because of those words.
“Pfft! You’re one to talk.” The teasing was clear in his voice and his eyes were now full of amusement. “I’m not letting that happen, I’ll revive you before it ever does.” He took in the other’s appearance once again, gaze lingering on those full lips as he was filled with longing to reach out. “Tonight’s going to be even better now that you’re here.” They always did have a habit of finding each other during parties. This instance shouldn’t feel any different, but it did. Ever since Halloween, everything was different–better. Mercer felt like the luckiest person to be standing there being given that brilliant smile.
His smile was contagious and Mylo couldn’t help but sport one of his own to match. He wanted nothing more than to pull Mercer close and shower him with all the love that he deserves, but he wasn’t sure how comfortable the other was with anything public yet. This was new to the both of them and Mylo really didn’t want to mess this up. He settled for only the subtlest of motions between them that was a slight brush of his fingertips across Mercers own. If he couldn’t ruin this, not when he’d just learned of their mutual feelings a short time ago. He was ready for this, he was playing pretend long enough and he couldn’t keep it up anymore - he didn’t want to keep it up. Mylo had felt drawn to Mercer in a way that couldn’t compare to their other friends. “You don’t have to thank me, it’s true. I’ve never seen someone so beautiful in a suit” he continued, his smile softening at the pink hues crossing the Hufflepuffs skin. He wished of simple things. To be able to avoid the media whenever this all came out - Mercer deserved privacy. To be able to spend as much time with him for however long Mercer was willing to put up with him. 
“Always so stubborn” he laughed and caved in, spotting a quick brush of Mercers cheek with his thumb, so quick that he was certain no one had seen it. “To be fully honest, I wasn’t even going to come until I remembered that you’d probably be here with the others.” he admitted, his cheeks burning at his confession. They really did seem like magnets that seemed to gravitate towards each other whenever they were near. His nerves were more present than ever before around the Hufflepuff, he couldn’t get Halloween out of his system. Mercer both tamed and ignited those nerves, even more so now that he was standing in front of him with that welcoming smile of his. “But I’m glad I came...I get to see you” 
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
kostakrum :
Kosta didn’t need people seeing him in this state. They already thought he was losing it because of his brother. But this would just be the frosting on top of the cake. He pressed a hand flat to his chest, trying his best to keep it under wraps at least until he was in private. “Fine… I’m fine.” He gasped for air suddenly.
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He wasn’t convinced by Kostas words, mainly because he clearly didn’t seem fine. Mylo sat down next him, leaning against the wall “It’s okay not to be fine...Actually the circumstances we’re all in right now justifies it more than ever” The gasp of air had him on alert “Take a deep breath, take all the time you need”
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
He was walking around trying to find his nearest and dearest but the halls had fallen dark over time, and he was now feeling slightly lost. Mylo turned a corner and bumped into someone, jumping at the sound of a scream reaching his ear “Oh wow, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? I didn’t mean to frighten you”
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Athena felt sick to her stomach, Hogwarts was supposed to be a safe place well that what she was told anyway.All Athena could think about was finding her cousin.  It was dark and Athena hated the dark she wouldn’t see where she was going she bumps into someone.  she screams out of fright. 
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
He had no idea how any of this happened. Hogwarts was supposed to be safe for everyone and now that seemed like a distant idea. The news of someone being attacked had rippled throughout the school quicker than anything that he’s ever heard before. Mylo had been checking in on the majority of people he’d been passing in the hall “Hi, are you okay?” he asked when he spotted Krum in a corner. “Krum?”
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School was supposed to be a safe place. The place he could go where the terrors of the world wouldn’t touch him. His home had once been that, but now he felt as if he’d lost both his childhood home and his school as a safe place. The world was fucking messed up. It hadn’t even been him that had been attacked, it had happened to someone he barely knew. But it felt like everything was happening all over again and there was the sudden tightness in his chest. Where he’d ended up, he didn’t know. It was a dark corner somewhere– but all he could do was desperately try to focus on his breathing. He was fine, everyone else in his family was fine.
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God– he hated feeling so helpless.
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
He wasn’t planning on going to the ball until it popped into his head that a certain Hufflepuff would more than likely be there. Ever since their revelation at Halloween, Mylo pretty much had Mercer on the brain. The smile, that look in his eyes, the feel of his lips...hell, he could hear the boys voice like a sound clip being replayed over and over again when he had told him he liked him. But Mylo didn’t want to seem too forward and ask him to the ball as his date, he didn’t know how comfortable the other would feel about everything being out in the open - so the only thing he could do was show up. His dear aunt Tuesday had sent him a new suit from her yet to be released clothing line and paired it will a tie to match. He had fixed his hair in his not really styled -but really styled- quiff and left with his friends down to the ball. As usual his friends were rowdy after a few drinks and crashed into the hall wailing with laughter. Mylo followed in after with a smirk on his face, shaking his head and chatting away to his dorm-mate next to him. It wasn’t until he looked round the hall and locked eyes with the Hufflepuff that the world stopped. 
A grin spread over his face while he walked without thought to meet Mercer in the middle of the room, leaving his dorm-mate to join the rest of their friends. His cheeks burned at Mercers compliments as he looked down at the floor and ran a hand through his hair “Thanks...You look amazing” he replied, lifting his gaze to look at him “I don’t think you realise how great you look.” he pointed out. Nothing but the truth spilled from Mylos lips. Even in the never-ending crowd of students, his eyes still found him. “Honestly Mercer, you’re killing me” he whispered between them with a smile. 
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There was only one true reason that persuaded him to go to the ball. It was in the shape of a beautiful boy, taller and with the deepest blue eyes he’s ever had the fortune of getting to know. While there was no confirmation of this being a date because Mercer had been too chicken to ask, he still stood off to the side with his gaze sweeping over the crowd in search of the one person he couldn’t wait to see. Mercer had tried to clean up, had fixed his hair to look presentable and wore the only plain suit he had because he couldn’t afford anything new. Hoping he looked okay left his mind as soon as he spotted the McLaggen. Finally. His nerves didn’t know whether to calm or go haywire as he got a good look, eyes taking the boy in from head to toe.
A smile broke out across his face, unashamedly wide. There was no chance of him looking away like he would have in the past. It was like his feet had a mind of their own and he didn’t realize what he was doing until he had walked over to stand in front of the blond. “You look incredible.” The shyness was already on the verge of taking back over from the sudden burst of confidence. “Really, you do.” He felt it necessary to say it again before Mylo surely tried to deny it. “You’re so handsome.” And there he went biting his smile back now because it was turning bashful from being honest, especially out in the open. But he wouldn’t take it back. Mylo deserved to be told how stunning he looked, deserved to know it and feel it.
( @mylomclaggen )
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
fairchildpuff :
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His gaze lowered to their hands when he felt fingers intertwine with his own. It felt right, so right. And it meant the world to him to see the way Mylo responded to his touch, like it could be and was meant to be this natural. The connection made him feel more alive than he’s ever been. He hadn’t thought it could ever be like this. Before tonight, he had continuously refused to make sense of the strong emotions that consumed him every time he was around the other blond. Now it all made sense, though if he were honest with himself a part of him had secretly known all along. Mylo drew his attention more than any other person, any other boy and he wondered if the other had even been aware of it before this moment. “Yeah?” He repeated softly, that hope and excitement filling his eyes. He searched Mylo’s face to make sure it was okay; knowing that they were both shy meant he didn’t want to push the other and make him uncomfortable. Not expecting the kiss to his foreahead, it made him feel warm from head to toe and brought on a bashful smile. He accepted the hand without hesitation, using it to help himself up. The fact that he was given options brought on another smile. It meant a lot to know Mylo wasn’t going to pressure him, not that he ever had in the past. “I am…I’m comfortable with that if you are?” Because that was most important. Mercer wasn’t sure how this worked–having feelings for another person–but he felt he no longer had to be as afraid with Mylo by his side. “I mean…imagine us trying to squeeze onto the couch. One of us might fall.” He joked with a light chuckle, before adding, “Not that I’d let you.” He wasn’t opposed to trying to fit on the couch if it still meant being close to the boy, but the bed would have a little more space, would provide a little more privacy from anyone returning to the common room from the party. He laced their fingers then, giving Mylo’s hand a gentle squeeze as if to say he silently trusted him, which he did.
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He wasn’t letting go, no one could ever be so cruel to ask him to do such a thing. Never in his dreams did he think that they’d be here together, he didn’t think it was possible. Mylo didn’t think about who he was ever attracted to but now that he really took a minute to think it over, it made exact sense. Growing up around Marcus and Maddox with their escapades of dating and one night stands, Mylo thought that he was supposed to be doing all that but in all honesty for some reason he could never bring himself to do any of it. Now he realised that deep down that reason was holding his hand - it was Mercer, it was always Mercer. “Yeah...” he nodded in agreement, a wide smile crossing his face at the shy look on the other blond. Even though Mercer was the one that suggested laying down, the Gryffindor still didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable or pressured in any way so he thought adding a few options might have helped - and to his relief it seemed to. “I don’t mind as long as you’re okay” he shrugged with a soft smile. It seemed to natural to him to put Mercer first, whatever he felt more comfortable with is what they’d do. “Maybe...We obviously don’t want any injuries.” he joked in reply with a laugh soon following “I’d rather fall than let you fall” he disputed. The little squeeze on his hand was a good enough indication that Mercer was comfortable enough. Mylo gave a squeeze in return and started to lead Mercer up to the dorm. Once up the stairs, he opened the door, revealing the red and gold decor to the other “And here we are. I know it’s no Hufflepuff decor, but I like it” he teased and backed over towards the four poster bed that was his out of the line up. “If you don’t feel comfortable or change your mind, let me know and we can go back downstairs. I don’t want you to feel like you have to be here if you don’t want to be”
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
be honest: how far would you go to protect the ones you love?
“As far as I would have to go. I would say within reason but I don’t think anyone knows how far they would go until they’re put in that kind of position.”
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
fairchildpuff :
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“No, I’m not.” He murmued, probably proving the other’s point. Mercer decided that laugh was the best sound, tied for first place with Mylo’s beautiful smile. Every touch, every lingering stare made him feel giddy with a mixture of his natural shyness, but it all also coaxed him to let his guard down. The way Mylo grew shy over his words was so endearing. Giving a warm smile, he gently lifted the boy’s head to meet those eyes. He didn’t want Mylo to feel like he had to hide or shy away from him. His thumb stroked over the blush before he pressed a sweet kiss to each cheek, showing that he saw the red hue and found it absolutely adorable. The hypocrite in him would have protested, but he was silenced with another round of pecks. Soft lips brushed against his own, making themselves known against his skin where no one else had touched him like this before. And he felt the smile, the way it was pure and lovely and just for him. It evoked one of his own, growing wider and wider until the short kisses had gotten clumsy and he was giggling into it. He pulled away, hand slowly reaching to hold Mylo’s. Even that simple contact of their fingers brushing gave him sparks he’d never experienced before. Mercer’s face was as bright as ever, eyes dancing with happiness…an emotion he hadn’t felt in a long time, nor had he ever felt it this strongly. “Do you, um…can we maybe go lay down or, I mean…” Mercer meant it in the most innocent way. All he wanted was more time, not wanting to give Mylo up just yet because then this would feel too good to be true. The more he got his hopes up about sticking around, even just for a little longer, the more he found that he didn’t care about someone seeing them as much as he maybe should have. Mylo was everything right now and has been for a while. “Only if thats okay…only if you wanted.” 
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Mylo didn’t even try to counter the others words because Mercer had pretty much proved him right by denying he was stubborn anyway. The Hufflepuffs shyness was downright adorable and Mylo fell harder and harder for it every time it showed. He knew himself that around the other boy, his own shyness seemed to reveal itself more often than he’d like - but he couldn’t help it. Mercer was cute, he was fun and he was sweet. Having the Hufflepuff with him like this seemed like the most natural thing in the world and part of him couldn’t help but wonder why they had waited so long to figure this out. His eyes fluttered closed, taking a moment for himself to feel the others lips on his skin. Resting his forehead to feel close to him, his eyes eventually opened to scan over the other. Their kisses became messy and no matter how many Mercer gifted him with, it never felt like enough. It felt like Mylo had been waiting for eternity for this revelation. Seeing Mercers grin over his face felt like witnessing a sunrise for the first time. Bright and full of wonder. Fingers intertwining, the Gryffindor brushed his thumb over the back of the others hand, tracing over his knuckles to feel every bump and distinguishing feature existing. “Um yeah...sure, of course” he smiled. This was the first time Mylo felt like he didn’t want to run away and go hide away from everything; having Mercer around helped make him feel grounded. After taking a moment to motivate himself, he pressed his lips to Mercers forehead and got up from his seat, holding out his hand for the other to take. Mylo didn’t care where they were, as long as he got to be around Mercer “We can go lay down on my bed...Only if...uhh...you feel comfortable with that...We can stay here on the couch if you’d rather” he suggested and ran a hand through his hair. 
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
Send "be honest" followed by a question and my muse will be forced to answer with 100% honesty
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mylomclaggen-blog · 7 years
fairchildpuff :
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He noticed the boy grinning in the quick second he caught his breathe and it made his heart leap. He would do anything to make sure Mylo kept smiling like that. It was pure and breathtaking and if the Gryffindor ever let him, he could sit like this and stare at that smile all night. It was better than any fire–better than the sun, he suddenly thought–and with the flames illuminating the other’s face, it only made Mylo shine that much brighter. Mercer was left completely entranced. Right now all he wanted was to feel that grin. His hand fell from Mylo’s hair, moving to the boy’s neck before cupping the side of his face. He touched Mylo delicately, as if the other blond would disappear. His fingertips were driven by longing and curiosity, unable to stop caressing the boy’s cheek. This was the highest he’s ever felt, higher than any broom could take him. His face was already flushed so he didn’t think he could go any redder as instinct made him stubbornly shake his head when Mylo spoke. It rang soft and sweet in his ears, persuading him to believe it. The kisses he welcomed were electrifying every inch of him. They left Mercer feeling utterly weak. Hand helplessly finding that soft hair again, he tugged a bit as if it were the only thing keeping him afloat right now from completely melting into Mylo. All of his senses had been awakened and his head tilted to reciprocate, a muffled sigh emitting, or was it the smallest of moans? He tried to bat away embarrassment, though whatever it had been showed the affect the boy was having on him. His tongue swiped out to meet Mylo’s, slowly at first because he didn’t want it to be too much. He found his rhythm and kissed the boy deeply. Lips moving as if they were chasing any ache Mylo had away, tongue brushing to erase any doubts the boy might’ve had because Mercer felt the same way and wanted him to know it. “You’re really good at that.” He confessed when breaking apart for air, smile almost shy as he leaned in to give another peck. His voice was hushed, trying not to breathe so heavily and probably failing. Fingers gently combed through the boy’s hair and he not once let go, fully prepared to keep Mylo in his arms for as long as time allowed.
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He wanted nothing more than to bring Mercer happiness like this for the rest of his days. His eyes scanned over the others face, taking in every detail to memory in case they never found themselves like this again. Those soft touches that were crossing his skin felt like fire branding itself on him. They were as close as they could possibly get to each other and it still didn’t feel like it was enough. All he could do was stare into Mercers eyes like they were the only important thing in the world to look at. Mylo took a moment to delicately tuck one of Mercers stray curls behind his ear before combing his fingers through the rest of the curls. “You’re so stubborn” he grinned, breathing a quiet laugh between them. He never did understand why Mercer didn’t see how great he was, but he hoped that the Hufflepuff would come around one day. His nose brushed over Mercers pink cheek, pausing when he heard a noise slip from the others mouth. Was that a moan? This boy was going to be the death of him. A look, a sigh, a touch...Each thing Mylo witnessed Mercer do was better than the last. It felt like everything finally made sense to him now. His breath hitched at how sweet the other looked when he was embarrassed. It felt like a dream that they were finally like this. It had been a lingering want for Mylo for sometime now but now he was here with Mercer in his arms and it was breathtaking. “Thanks...” His cheeks faded into red while he shyly ducked his head at the Hufflepuffs words. “So are you” Returning a few pecks in reply, he softly held Mercers chin, smiling against his lips. He didn’t want to let him go, he really didn’t want to let him go. He wanted the peace and quiet around them to stay with them but he knew that sooner or later a crowd of rowdy Gryffindors were going to battery ram their way into the common room and disrupt everything - he just hoped that that wasn’t for a while. 
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