My Little Otome Corner
529 posts
Hello and welcome! My name is Dori and here is where you'll find my random scribbles. They're mainly fan fiction, but I have had the rare moment of writing a general fic. Very rare... While I do write NSFW, please check my Ask Status for what my current creativity mind set is in. Please respect all references used as they are the property of their respective creators. Ask is Currently: ***OPEN FOR ANYTHING*** Please refer to my bias list to see whom I am most familiar with. Message if you have any questions ^_^ MOBILE LINKS For those followers under the age of 18, please read this! Now Accepting Donations & Commissions!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mylittleotomecorner · 5 years ago
So, I recently got into BTS and one of the things I see is a lot of fan fic for the guys. Love their music and, yea... kinda going broke but hells, happy is whats important. I’m wondering if writing fan fic for them is something I should try. I’ve never don’t celeb fan fic before. Actually tried avoiding it bc it’s so close to reality. And yet, the idea that BTS has so much out there and the concept with them doesn’t bother it is strange. As a writer that’s only ever really done otome fan fics, it’d be new waters to test.
Asking for opinions, thoughts, whatever y’all feel about it. It’s something I want to challenge myself in, but I also want to know what others think about it.
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mylittleotomecorner · 5 years ago
To the person that sent in a HC for Diary of a Stepsister:
I haven’t gotten to read that one yet but, weather forecasters are saying there might be snow coming this weekend so:
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Thank you for the request. My writer’s soul is feeling muddled due to the new medication I’m on and I do miss Voltage stories. I haven’t been able to keep up, financially. I will take this as a sign I must treat myself more. I will do your request as soon as i can :)
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mylittleotomecorner · 5 years ago
I enjoy reading your writings 😊
Thank you, anon. I enjoy writing and enjoy it more when others do, as well. ☺️
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mylittleotomecorner · 5 years ago
Rainy Day Care Lucien x MC Rating: aww
I finally leave the office. We’ve been pulling late nights to get the proposals done for the next project and finished with little time to spare. Kiki and Willow wanted to get drinks, Minor insisting he check my drinks like last time, but I had to turn them down. I wanted to go home, relax and refresh myself before the next proposal meeting. Walking home, I planned to stop at the store and get a few things to fix for a quick dinner. The air was crisp and the night was calm… until something hit my forehead. 
“Huh?” I look up and a few raindrops hit me as drizzle slowly began to fall. I walked briskly to the store and make it inside just before the downpour came. Sighing as I looked outside, I muttered, “There wasn’t any forecast for rain…” With nothing else to do, I grab a shopping basket and wander the store for the things I wanted for dinner.
Once I have all I need, I looked around to see if there were any umbrellas for sale. When asked, the clerk said they ran out and I was left to wonder how long I would have to wait. Paying for my items, I decided to wait outside and see if the rain will lighten up enough to walk home. 
The awning was large enough and a few others waited as well. The clerk said we could wait inside if we got cold. Time passed, the other people waiting eventually left to take their chances or found friends that so happened to pass by. I heave a heavy sigh. “At this rate, I’ll never get home…”
“[___], are you waiting for someone?” Turning to the voice that spoke to me, there was Lucien holding an umbrella and a look of gentle concern. 
I must look like a wet rat to him. Looking me over, it felt like he must. “I didn’t know it was going to rain so I didn’t bring an umbrella. I was just on my way home.”
“And you went grocery shopping hoping it will stop?” I nodded, feeling pretty pathetic. I’m sure I look it. But all I got from Lucien was a smile and an offered hand. “Let me to take you home and carry your things.”
“Thank you, Lucien. I’ll be okay carrying them while we walk.” I smile as I join him under the umbrella. 
Still with that smile, he wrapped a warm arm around my shoulders. “I suppose this will have to do. I didn’t realize it might be a tight fit under here since I don’t walk with anyone in the rain. Maybe that might change. I hope you don’t mind.” I can feel the flush rise on my cheeks and I shook my head no, too afraid my heart might jump out of my throat. I didn’t have to look up to know his smile was there shining down on me as he held me close to him the whole way home. I was grateful for the warmth as I didn’t realize how cold I was. I hope he didn’t notice the shivering as I shifted the bags in my hands. 
“I must be lucky that you’re living right next door,” I say as we reach our floor.
“Yes, though, I won’t always be there to take you home.” Lucien sounded worried as he took his keys out. “Why don’t you join me for some tea. Maybe we can even share dinner? I just want to make sure you didn’t catch cold after getting caught in the rain.”
“Oh, it’s okay, really,” I say in objection. “I feel fi-choo!” I sniffles and rub my nose. 
A hand goes to my forehead and more concern grows on Lucien’s face. “You’re burning up a little. Come in. No arguments.”
Darn, I just had to make myself a burden. Obeying, I enter his apartment as I hold my bags in both hands. It’s still the same as I last saw it, hardly lived in since he’s always away at the lab working on some research project. Lucien closed the door and took my bags. “I think we can save these for another time. I’ll order us something.”
“Really, I-“ A slender finger was placed on my lips and my wide eyes went to the owner. His smile was one of comfort and gentleness. 
“No arguments, remember?” That look made me feel so safe somehow and I merely nodded. He then went and placed my groceries in his fridge and took his mobile to order takeout. He looked up and frowned. “You need a hot bath and a change of clothes.”
I forgot my clothes had gotten damp from the rain and look at them. “They seem okay. I could just-“
“I’ll draw you a bath and give you some spare clothes. It’s no trouble.” There he goes, to draw a bath and get me clothes. Wait… spare clothes… his clothes?! What about my damp ones?! I’m mortified and embarrassed and other things mixed into one moment. How could this have happened to me…
Freshly bathed, I feel really embarrassed to have to wear a man’s large shirt as a gown. The sweatpants he gave me were so long, I had to roll the cuffs up. It made me feel like a little kid. Lucien is somewhere on his phone. I can hear him talking to someone so I’m left to take a seat on the couch. Somehow, the need to hug a pillow was there. I grab a throw pillow and held it in my arms. 
“That is one lucky pillow.” Lucien had come over with a blanket in his arms. “If only to know how that pillow feels…” How can he say that with that smile of his? My cheeks flamed up and I try to hide behind the pillow.  I even tried tucking my legs under, feeling greatly exposed. “Here, this will be much warmer than that pillow. It’s just a simple throw, but I can get you something heavier if you’re feeling cold.” He held it open and it was big enough for two people. 
“What about you? Will you be alright? Were you in the rain long?” I couldn’t help but worry that if I was caught in the rain that he was as well. I took the blanket, trying not to shiver despite the warm bath I took. But, our hands grazed each other so he must have felt how cold my fingers were. His were exceptionally icy so that made me even more worried.
“Oh, don’t worry about me. Let’s just get you settled in. Food should be here soon.” No sooner was the throw on my lap did the doorbell rang. “That should be it now.” He went to answer the door and returned with a large bag of takeout. He moved the coffee table closer and set the bag down. Out came containers of soup and dumplings. “I figured you would want something simple and maybe got a little hungry?”
My stomach replied with a loud growl just as I opened my mouth. I snapped my mouth shut and wished I could be swallowed up by the cough. All Lucien did was chuckle lightly and take out more dumplings. How does this man know how to take care of me? “I’ll have to repay you for all this food.”
“Nonsense,” he said once everything was set. “I’m just happy to have a meal with you.” 
I smile, now not sure if I have a fever or feel embarrassed that this is seeming like a date. Shifting so I can have my soup, I blurt out, “This kinda feels like a date.”
Lucien was passing a container of dumplings my way, that smile ever present on his lips as he set the container before me. “A date? Hmmm, I’ll have to get you flowers next time I take you home for dinner then.” The hot soup was as good a cover as I was going to get as I avoided looking at the scientist neighbor and try to determine how to feel about all these comments. Again, he chuckles. “You look adorable,” he said before sipping his own container of soup. “Had I known you could make my clothes look so cute, I might hope you’d get caught in the rain more.” 
“Huh?” Did I hear him right? Not paying attention, I burn my lip on the hot broth. “Ah, hot…”
“Here, let me cool that off for you.” Lucien took the spoon from me and moved to sit closer, practically shoulder to shoulder with the professor. He scooped up the broth and blew on it, steam being blown away. “Here,” the spoon was brought close to my mouth and I froze, looking between spoon and wielded. “You need your strength. You won’t have this opportunity to be fed by a world renowned professor, after all.” Knowing he would say I couldn’t take care of myself, I caved in and allowed Lucien to feed me. All the while, he wore that worried smile. “So cute,” he muttered. I blamed the soup for my face feeling so hot. 
The rest of the night was spent watching movies on Lucien’s tablet until I fell asleep. I think I protested staying the night but all I remember was feeling lifted into the air before I lost consciousness. 
Lucien had made sure the movie they watched was something [___] liked. He honestly didn’t know since he never had time to even think about dating. His life was spent with his work. But there was something about her that made him think outside his usual boundaries. Somehow, he felt the desire to keep her safe. 
When he saw her outside, taking shelter from the rain, he knew right away that she was so focused on her own work that she didn’t think to get an umbrella. As she began to doze, Lucien brushed hair from her brow as she leaned slightly against him. Soft fringes fell against warm skin as he felt her forehead. “Hmm, you’re burning up,” 
The only reaction he got was a slight shift and a sigh. The movie had been playing all this time, but no one was paying attention to it. The person it was meant for has fallen asleep and the person that provided it was more interested in watching the other sleep peacefully. 
Before the movie was over, Lucien carefully lifted [___] into his arms as if she were as light as a doll and carried her into the bedroom. There, she was placed on the bed and tucked in for the night. He left her there, door ajar, and returned to the living room where he closed the movie app and opened some research material. It would be a long night and he wanted to make sure he was awake in case she needed him again. 
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
Surprise Getaway Kiro x MC Rating: OMFG
Inspired by this prompt
I finally got the weekend off and, thanks to the recommendation of Anna, booked this amazing hot springs weekend. It was so unreal to see a place as lovely as this just outside the city. 
The Hibiscus Falls were known for their restorative waters. The air here, alone, was amazing. It was like my lungs were getting clean just breathing here. I’ve settled into my room and looked at the schedule made for me by the staff. Meals in a main hall, select times I can use the hot springs all by myself, massages and beauty treatments. It all sounded like heaven. 
According to my itinerary, I have my time at the hot spring. I’m feeling pretty self conscious about my appearance. It was recommended we wear swimwear while in the springs so I had to buy one before coming here. It’s been so busy, I barely get time to take a regular bath. Never mind being prepared for a hot spring. So, when all I could find were two-piece bikinis, I got one that was the most basic and affordable. A simple black one since it wasn’t like I was going to show anyone while I’m here. They provided this wonderful plush robe that felt like a light cloud on my body. Having my hair piled on top of my head, I got my slippers and towels and made my way there. 
It was so peaceful. Just the sounds of nature, water running and occasional snippets of conversation as I passed other guests here. Then, because my reporter ears were honed into catching something interesting, I happened to hear a pair of maids talking. 
“Did you hear? Someone said a celebrity is here.”
“Who?” This was just something you don’t pass up hearing about, even when on vacation. 
“Not sure, but it has to be. Someone booked a whole section of the inn for privacy so if it’s not a celebrity, who else could it be?”
“A diplomat or just some rich guy. Hey, maybe we’ll be able to catch a glimpse!” They giggled a bit before moving onto their next tasks. 
Hmm, the journalist in me wants to look into this. But, I promised I would enjoy myself. I did tell Kiro I would be here and he said he wished he could have joined me, but he was shooting a guest spot for a reality show somewhere on the other side of the country. It’s not like he couldn’t come here anytime he wanted to. I, on the other hand, don’t have such luxury. Shaking off my workaholic ways, I proceeded to the hot spring before I lose my time slot. 
The steam rising from the spring was so ethereal, it’s amazing what Nature provides us. Looking around, I hesitate to remove my robe till I’m sure I was alone.  Once I set my things down, I slowly sink into the warm water and feel tension leaving me. It’s so peaceful and relaxing, I close my eyes and let the soothing warmth take the troubles of work away. 
Suddenly, a wave of water follows a splash and I’m washed to the edge of the spring. Hair is squirming down my face like sea legs and I’m choking on the water that waved over me. I hear someone or something splashing in the water. 
“Oh no!” Someone goes as I hear them make their way to me. “Not the surprise I wanted to give you…” Gentle fingers help move the sea legs from my face and I’m able to wipe my eyes enough to open them. There before me was a shirtless Kiro. I instantly feel faint from the heat rushing to my face and I sink into the water up to my neck. “What’s wrong? I thought you’d be happy to see me.” A pout formed on his face and I regret what I did. 
“K-Kiro, I didn’t expect you to be here.” I slowly rise a little, very aware of his upper body and my very bare self. “What…”
He beamed a big smile as he scratched the back of his head. “I managed to get shooting done early so I booked the next available flight and come surprise you.”
I couldn’t help but smile. His smile is so contagious at times. “You certainly did that.”
“I guess the cannonball was a little over the top.” We laughed a bit before he had a look of realization. “Why are you so low in the water?”
“Huh?” That came out way louder than intended. “Um, well… it’s warmer like this?” Really smooth, self. 
Kiro peered at me, drawing his handsome face closer to mine. “What’s the matter? Don’t want me to see how cute you look?”
Could my face get any redder? I felt like sinking deeper into the water, but it could possibly make things worse. “O-Oh, well… It’s just whatever I could find on my budget…” I gave in and stopped sinking, leveling with him so he could see the simple top of my two piece. I feel so exposed now.
He looked me over with a discerning eye then brushed some of my damp hair away from my face. “You look fine. It looks great on you!” I’m suddenly lifted into his arms and into a bug hug. My face burns with embarrassment as I feel skin making contact with skin. Please don’t let go and see, Kiro. I might faint otherwise. 
Letting me go, my face has not gone quiet yet as my ears have now joined them in concert. “[___], are you alright? Your ears are red. They look kinda cute.” He said this is a softer tone and I didn’t know how to respond. Moving to settle next to me, he looked to the sky. “I hear the stars look amazing here. Want to go see them together? We still have time so we could have dinner together, too.” 
I take in a fortifying breath and relief fills me. Thank you for shifting topics. I look to where he was looking and nod. “Yes, that’s what I was told. A calming walk in the gardens at night is a lovely way to end the night. I’d love to have dinner with you.” I smile at him, glad to be with someone I know.
“Then, it’s a date.” I blink a few times, looking at Kiro who is nothing but bright smiles and that just made me feel happy that I got to take this trip. He really is the best surprise to have.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
I apologize for the way things are posting. Tumblr app has been giving me glitch and error messages left and right when I try entering links and tags. I’m hoping it will fix itself as I try to post some more up.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
Suspected Nonsense Gavin x MC Rating: omg
Inspired by this prompt
I’m sitting in a coffee shop reviewing some quick notes. It’s been a long day at the office and I just needed a change in venue to refresh my brain. I also needed coffee. Since it wasn’t too busy here, I left my things on the table and quickly ordered another latte. It was only a few moments that I had to wait when I turn around and see Gavin standing by my table. I head back to greet him.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were coming.” I smile but it fades when I see that he’s holding my phone.
“I was in the neighborhood and saw you were ordering so I came in. Thought I’d surprise you by sitting at your table then your phone started ringing.”
There was a serious look on his face and I had no idea why until he showed me the list of messages from someone saying they wanted to see me and do all kinds of things that just made my face turn red as Gavin looked at me. “I-I-I have no idea who that person is! Oh my god! Wha-what…”
Gavin took my phone back and started typing in things. Oh no, is he replying to that random creep? Trying to look and see what he was doing, Gavin merely continued until he was finished and set the phone down.
“What did you do…” I felt myself pale in realization it could have been some business associate that was maybe drunk texting me? I set my cup down and went for my phone apologize, but was stopped when Gavin grabbed my wrist gently.
“I replied that I was with the police and that your phone was being monitored for predatory activity. Any further actions will result in a trace for us to find them and arrest them.” Gavin was so serious right now. “Were you are any gatherings or social events recently? Anyone allowed to have access to your phone?”
Gavin let me go so I could sit, latte now held in my hands like a warm protective place. I racked through my mind to think of when I could have left my phone with someone else. Minor has been really on it with keeping things safe for me whenever Gavin isn’t around so he would never let anyone near my phone. Anna, Kiki and Willow would deny to punch someone for trying… then it dawned on me.
“What is it,” he asks me, taking the seat opposite me. His tone serious but not so stern as before.
“I had a meeting recently and there was this one assistant that seemed really nice. He was to coordinate with me on a project and relay with his boss who couldn’t make it that day.” I sat there staring at the foamy liquid feeling conflicted. It was a business opportunity and we couldn’t afford to say no right away. But now… if he’s a pervert, I can’t trust this job to just anyone.
My thoughts were disrupted when Gavin tousled my hair a bit. “Don’t worry about it. I took care of it.” I still kind of paled at the thought, but he smiled reassuringly. “If he messages back anything inappropriate, I’ll know.”
“How,” I asked as I sipped my drink.
“I messaged someone with the cyber crimes division on your phone to monitor it in case any more harassing messages come in.” He said it so matter of factly, I couldn’t think of a response. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” I smiled as I sipped my latte. “You’re always looking out for me, that’s all.”
“Just doing my job.” More than your job as far as I’m concerned. “Anyway, it’s getting late. Let me take you home.”
“Alright.” I did lose track of time reading all these documents. I packed my things and we walked home together without another incident.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
Lost and Found Victor x MC Rating: too cute
Inspired by this prompt
Sun shines into my room and I rub my eyes to remove the sleep from them. Another day to work on some projects I’m looking forward to. I’m in my sweats and my hair is a total disaster but I laugh when I see myself in the mirror and shrug it off. It’s early so I decide to fix breakfast. It’s rare I don’t sleep half the day away lately, I can save some money with at least one meal at home.
My kitchen is pretty sparse, but I keep the basics. Milk and cereal should do. As I grab a bowl from the cupboard, I hear a strange scratching. Looking about, I assess it’s at my front door. Opening it, a black cat sat there meowing to be let in.
“Hello there,” I say as I pick him up. No collar and none of the neighbors have a cat as far as I know. Not even Lucien since he’s hardly home, though he is wonderful with animals. “Guess you’re my breakfast date.” I smiled as I held him in my arms, a soft purr coming from the sleek creature as I closed my door and walked back to the living room. I set him on the couch so I could go back to the kitchen and fetch two bowls, the milk and cereal.
“Here we go.” Setting the bowl down, I poured a small amount of milk into one bowl and set it on the floor. Immediately, the black cat went for it. “You must have been really hungry. Don’t worry, you can have more later.”
I fix my cereal as I got ready for work. Habit I just can’t help as I check emails. I check as the guest cat was now resting on the couch. I couldn’t help but smile as I finished my cereal and took the bowls away. I did some quick fixes to accommodate for a cat before petting him gently. “I have to go to work, but rest well. I’ll be back later. Maybe I’ll bring you some tuna.”
He lifted his head and looked at me funny. I could have sworn it was like one that a certain CEO would give me… I laughed it off and left. I made a note to message Lucien about caring for a cat as I hurried to get to the office.
It was late. I had worried the cat was hungry again or worse as I hurried home. I bought fresh fish at the recommendation of Minor and just decided to cook some and share it. I hope he liked salmon. It was a little pricey, but it’s not often I can have such a great looking piece of fish.
“I’m home,” I call out as I enter my apartment. Looking around, I didn’t see any sign of the cat. “Maybe he’s hiding…” I set my things down and put the groceries on the counter to go find him.
I jumped a few inches as the sudden deep voice and thought my heart was going to explode. I turned around to see Victor standing in my apartment. He looked so out of place in this mess of a place.
“H-How did you get in,” I ask between gasps of air. I’m holding my chest to try and calm my heart down.
“How do you think?” It’s really him. That snark is practically patented. “It’s a wonder you’re alive drinking that quality of milk.”
“Eh?” I’m staring at him. How did he know… “No…”
“Yeah,” he said, as if he knew what I was thinking about. “Your couch is okay, but you need to feed yourself better. Your fridges did its contents should be donated to science.”
No way… “You were the black cat?” I couldn’t believe it. I went to go search. I looked everywhere. All the while, I can feel the ever judging eyes of Victor.
“How else do you explain how I got here? I wasn’t about to break into a place I didn’t need to be in in the first place.” His arms were crossed as he watched me.
“But then how?” I stood too fast and the blood rushed to my head.
I’m quickly caught by strong large hands before I crashed into something. “I’ll explain in time. When was the last time you ate?” He sat me down on the couch and went to the kitchen. I can hear the grocery bags being looked through.
“Lunch, I think?” I hold my head in an attempt to stop things from spinning.
A very tired, very loud sigh could have been heard through the walls with that intent of his. “Just sit there and rest. I’ll use what’s salvageable and what you brought home…”
I instantly regret getting the instant noodles I bought as Victor emerges from the kitchen and takes my phone from where I left it with my keys. “Bring fresh groceries. I’ll send you the address.”
“Did I look like I had the availability of pockets when I was a cat?” No… no, you didn’t. “Go take a bath and dinner will be ready once I get what I need.”
I’m shooed from my own couch to take a bath. My mind is reeling from this revelation.
“I’ll explain once you’re stable enough to handle anything more than mere gossip,” was all I heard before I closed the bathroom door, arms loaded with bath things, and left to wonder how Victor became a cat.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
If you're still taking requests "87, Keith Alford" please😉😉
Confession is Good for SomethingKeith Alford x MCRating: G
Since working for the Alford family, things have been pretty nice. If you could call Keith’s rude comments and constant shouting pretty nice. But, it’s just the way he’s always been. Guess I’ve been here long enough to sort of become immune to it. It helps that his sister Catherine sees me as an important person in her brother’s life. She’s, at times, wise beyond her tender years.
Today, I’m in the garden. Catherine asked me to have lunch with her so how could I refuse? It was a lovely day, Summer hasn’t taken full effect yet so the dress I wore was just right for staying cool while having lunch with a princess.
When I reach the spot she’s told me to go to, I see Keith ahead of me. “Hey,” I call out to him. “What are you doing here?”
“Catherine asked me to join her for lunch,” the prince said matter of factly. The breeze tousled his hair a bit and sun hit his eyes, making them sparkle like emeralds. “What are you…”
“Oh, good,” Catherine smiles as she clapped her hands together. “You’re both here. Luke is almost finished setting things up.”
Looking at Keith, he did the same to me and we both followed her to the spot set up for a summertime luncheon outdoors. A large table was set with all kinds of light looking foods from sandwiches to salad to lemonade on ice. Simple but still something anyone could enjoy. That’s when Keith noticed something. “Hey… there’s only two settings.”
“That’s right!” Catherine looked everything over, seeming very pleased. “I so happened to forget that I need to be somewhere else so you two are going to have to enjoy this all yourself.”
“What? No way!” Keith is yelling now. “I came here to have lunch with you, Cat. What’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is that you suck at expressing your feeling and emotion, brother. So now is your chance to do so while everyone else is at the main house doing whatever it is they’re doing in preparation for the Summer Festival.” She looked between us and I just felt parent trapped somehow.
But, she’s right. This year, it was decided that a festival would be held in celebration of the people of Liberty. So a week long celebration is being planned which included invitations to the other nations. And when that happens, that means the other princes will be here as well.
Catherine took on a serious tone when she spoke again. “I’m in charge of making the invitations for the other kingdoms and bring the prince’s here for the week of fun in the sun. Last time they were here, they were all very happy to see [___] so I’m sure they will be when they’re here. I heard there’s going to be a beach appearance at the sand castle event, too.”
I gasped. “That means…”
“Yes!” Catherine squealed and grabbed my hands in glee. “Fan service with them all, including my brother,” whom she stuck her tongue out at,” will be in nothing but swim trunks! I can’t wait! Anyway,” she waved at us as a nervous Luke stood in the distance. “ I’ll leave you to lunch and discuss whatever you like. Bye now~” And they were gone in a flash.
“Wow, she is really into the festival, isn’t she,” I say as I walk to the table and take a seat. “Shouldn’t let her trouble in making this lunch go to waste, right?” I look up and see Prince Keith internally struggling with something. “Your highness?”
“I told you not to call me that,” he gritted his teeth as he hesitantly stepped to the other seat before taking it. He had a look of worry on his face as he opened his napkin.
“Sorry, Keith.” I’d been here only a short while, but I’ve been accepted by Catherine as her best friend. That lead to being on more familiar terms with the crown prince and being on a first name basis. Whenever I get nervous, I instantly go back to being formal and I know how much he hates his royal duties.
He plops down in the seat opposite me with a huff. “Eh, just forget about it.” Looking over the table, it began with some sandwiches and I went and followed suit.
The atmosphere was awkward. We both anticipated having lunch with Catherine, but now we’re having this silent meal together. I can’t take it anymore and start some small talk.
“So, how was your day?” We spoke in unison and I can see Keith’s eyes were as wide as mine. I start to laugh but his cheeks began to flush.
“What’s so funny,” he said, irritation lacing his voice.
I catch my breath and wipe the tears from my eyes. “Nothing. Just that we asked about each other’s day at the same time.” I smile at him, the last bubbles of laughter leave me. “We haven’t had lunch alone before so it’s kind of awkward.”
He looked at me with those emerald eyes and I could get lost in them again. “If you want …we can have lunch more often.”
Did my ears deceive me? I blinked to see if the man before me was someone else but… “Are you sure? I don’t wish to take time away from -“
“Look…” I could see he was struggling with his words. I dared not interrupt him. “I don’t care about whether you’re taking up my time or not… I’d rather it be with you than some boring meeting or luncheon with some stuffed shirts I hardly know.
He really did hate the fact he had to have those duties of his. It was what he said next that hit me. “As long as you’re by my side, nothing else matters.”
Am I hearing this right? Sitting there stunned, I wasn’t sure what he was saying. “Y-you’re just saying that because I’m friends with Catherine, right? I’m just a commoner that’s sort of a friend to you by proxy of your sister, after all.”
“Stop talking.” The words hung in the air with a tone of seriousness. I instantly shut my mouth. “Listen carefully. I’m only going to say it once.” He started turning red and I began to wonder if he was holding his breath. “I like you.” Eh?! I can feel my own cheeks burning as I looked at the prince before me. I think he turned even more red. “Stop. Staring.” I quickly averted my gaze to the plate before me, food being the last thing on my mind now. “Ugh! Come on…” I look up and see his brows knit in worry, lips frowning a bit. “I’m serious…”
“About me?” My cheeks heated up again and like my heart was hammering at my chest.
“Do you see any other commoners around?” He smiled as he dropped his gaze for a moment, those fierce emeralds back looking at my own. He ran a hand through his locks and sighed. “Catherine has one thing right: talking about my feelings is not my thing.”
It got awkward again. Not sure what to do with my hands, I’m wringing my napkin on my lap. “The closest I had someone confess their feelings for me was at some office gathering and I think he was drunk.” Looking to Keith, I see him sour at that.
“I don’t need to be drunk to tell someone I like them,” he said, then realized the situation we were in and laughed. “But I did need my sister to make me say it.”
At that I couldn’t help the laugh that followed and we both shared in the moment. “So,” I said after catching my breath, “what now?”
“Stay by my side and I’ll make you more happy than some drunken fool that hit on you. I mean it.” Keith wore a genuine smile and I couldn’t deny that it was the best smile I’ve ever seen him wear in a while.
“I’d like that very much,” I smile back, feeling so happy at this surprise that was sprung on me. A delightful lunch with the sweetest treat of all.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
Could you write drabble where Soryu cheers up a sad MC? I'm having a bit of a rough day... Thanks
Rainy Day BluesSoryu Oh x MCRating: Aww
I’ve been hit with a bad week. Extra shifts at hotel, at least two guests filing false complaints because they didn’t get what they wanted (including me in their beds), almost getting kidnapped by a guest to accompany them to the auction when I wasn’t supposed to be there and, to top it all off, getting splashed by a passing car in the pouring rain. I’ve come home worse than the most soaked rag imaginable. I guess this is how it feels to be an unlucky dog. I’m in the pits and even my best friends and coworkers couldn’t help me. I’ve showered and planned to do nothing but binge watch my shows and trash eat. I thank my lucky stars Eisuke and the others had my back, but I didn’t want to be anymore of a burden to them so I requested the weekend off because I just couldn’t take it anymore. I was afraid I would snap and make things worse for them when all they did was look after me.
I’m feeling a little chill run through me, but thinking I’m just really tired, I go and fix myself some tea and hunker down for the weekend. I’m about to start my show when I get a call. “Oh…” It’s my boyfriend, Soryu. I wonder what it could be about. “Hello.”
“Hey.” That gruff voice of his could settle all my worries and I sink into my couch in relief. “You okay?”
I start to cough but recover quickly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”
“Ota and Baba kept talking about one of the auction guests trying to get you to be their date.” I could see it now: stern look, mind quick to go for that gun he always carries. Wonder what else they told him… oh boy…
“It’s okay, nothing happened,” I said, hands he couldn’t see waving him off. “It’s just been a really busy week at the hotel, that’s all.”
That heavy sigh. Come on, let it go. I was the one that almost got dragged off to some stranger’s room a couple times. “No one better have laid a hand on you.” Stupid brain! Why are you so loud! My prolonged silence earned me an earful of “why didn’t you call me as soon as possible” and “who was it so I could talk with them.”
“Please, Soryu. I just need-“ I couldn’t stop the coughing this time. Nor did I realize how hot it suddenly got after seeing I didn’t drink my tea yet.
“What’s wrong?” Now the genuine worry has set in and all I’ve done was cause trouble again.
“N-nothing, really! I’ll be fine,” I say between coughs. “I just need rest. I’ll be back at work in no time.” The rain wasn’t letting up so I was definitely not going anywhere. Taking a deep breath, after the coughs finally subsided, I said to the mobster, “It’s raining really hard so I don’t plan to go anywhere. I just need tea and my blankets and I’ll be fine.”
“It’s Summer and you need blankets?” Crap, this isn’t going to go well. “I’ll be over as soon as I can.” And he hung up.
Heaving a sigh, all I could feel is that of a burden. Soryu was a member of the Ice Dragons mafia and always working hard to see his group succeed in their plans. The last thing I wanted was for him to take off and take care of me. Now that my tea was cold, I decided to go and heat it up. But, a sudden dizzy spell takes over me and I did my best to save the mug, but not myself as I collapse onto the floor. The room goes dark as it spins all around me.
Ugh… I wake up, head pounding, throat raw and chest and nose congested so bad, I almost choked on air. Wait… something is covering me… Rubbing my eyes, I see I’m on my couch with a blanket over me. The sounds of movement in the kitchen gets me awake but my body is in too much pain to move much.
Soryu comes with fresh mugs of tea and sets them on the coffee table. “Good to see you’re awake,” he said as he looked me over. Worry set that strong visage of his in a mood that rips at my heartstrings.
“You didn’t have to come,” I say in a raspy voice. I try my best to sit up but he comes over and helps me, fixing pillows at my back.
“You were passed out on the floor with a high fever,” he said to me as he hands me the mug. The aroma of ginger and lemon strong. “Drink this. Did you get caught in the rain?”
Sees right through me before I could even think it. Mug in both hands, I have no strength to fight him. “And splashed by a passing car.” Avoiding his gaze, I feel helpless and guilty he’s dropped whatever he’s been doing to come and take care of me. I’m waiting to be scolded when all I got was a pat on the head. Looking up, I saw gentle eyes and a soft smile. “You’re not mad at me?”
He sighed and tousled my hair. “I am, but I can’t stay mad when all you did was go to work.” Brushing his hand through his hair, Soryu looked to the side and said “You have to speak up when something feels off before it gets that way. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.”
I sip the tea and it fills me with warmth, feeling better with each sip. “I know. I just-“
“If you say that you don’t want to be a burden, asking for help is not being a burden. Saving your butt might be, according to the Book of Mamoru, but you’re one of us now. And we look after each other.” I’m expecting that stern look on his to beam down on me, but all I get is the look of the man that I love loving me back in return. “Drink your tea,” he tells me and I nod in compliance as he stands up brings over a bag. “Here.”
“Hmm?” Setting the mug down, the bag placed on my lap, he walks off back to the kitchen. Inside were books and movies. “What’s all this?”
“Inui wouldn’t shut up when I said something happened to you. Almost broke the door down when we arrived. Samejima picked the lock so we’ll have to replace the lock. They wanted to stay but I told them no.” Hearing that made me smile. It’s never a dull moment when it involves them. Bless their hearts. I can barely smell anything but is that more ginger? Soryu emerges again with a tray that had a bowl on it. “When was the last time you ate?”
Now that I thought about it, it must have been during my break at work that was the last time I ate. I didn’t even think about what to have for dinner other than popcorn and other snack items. Hearing my stomach growl was the last straw and I sheepishly smile as I move the bag from my lap for the tray. “What’s this?”
“Chicken congee.” A simple bowl of rice gruel with chicken meat, ginger and scallions. It looked like heaven.
“Did you make this?” I tasted a bit and it’s simplicity gave me life.
“One of the chefs at the hotel did after I asked them to. There’s two more containers in the fridge and another serving on the stove when you’re ready.” Soryu picked up his mug and finally drank his tea as he sat at the other end of the couch.
“Surely you’re busy as it is. I could manage on my own.” I really didn’t want him to take time from his work just because I was sick.
“It’s fine. The others have their orders and will call if they have to. Eisuke gave you a week off. Said you’re no good to him dead so might as well take the time to get better.”
I smile, enjoying this delicious porridge. “I’ll have to make sure to thank him when I return to work.”
“You can thank him by not getting sick again is what he said for me to tell you.” We both chuckled at that. “So, what were you going to watch?”
“I’ve been recording the Bachelor for weeks because I couldn’t get to watch it…” I looked at my boyfriend and saw the look of disgust. “Hey, you bought me from a black market auction. How is my show any different?”
“I had to save your life to learn about love, not be bothered with a series of other women that were trying too hard.” Well, when you put it like that, it’s not as exciting to watch anymore. “I bought a bunch of movies but I can always call Inui and Samejima to bring more,” he said with a groan, knowing full they (more like Inui) would just worry about me more when they get here.
“Well, lets just watch what you brought then,” I said as I finish the porridge. “What about the book?”
“For when you sleep. I don’t want the tv on disturbing you.” Did he really think of everything? What planet is he from? “Stop looking at me like I’m an alien.”
I couldn’t help laughing, which led to the coughing. He took the tray from me and headed to the kitchen. “Pick a movie and you’re eating this other portion before you pass out again.”
I’m in no position to argue. A mix of genres from what he likes and what I like. And he really intends to stay with me the whole week? I better not ask and start thinking of that to tell the others when I get back to work. I’m feeling so much better now. I have hot food and movies and all the time in the world to spend with the man that I love. The rain can’t take that away from me. Nothing can.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
Prompt 27. MC x Zyglavis.
NOTE: I wrote this without having read the 1st anniversary sub. When I finally did read it, I was like “well, shit… how did I know that was going to happen?”
Baking TimeZyglavis x MCIncluding: the rest of the SCM godsRating: OMG
I’m home this weekend and felt the need to bake. It’s cooler now so I must be in hibernation mode. I am eating so much, I’m sure I’ve gotten fat. I better bring these to the guys before I eat them all. Muffins, cookies, buns and other pastries, all themed to what the guys like. I must be spending way too much time with them because I had no intention of doing that. Packing it all away, I get my coat and things and head out before I start making more.
“[___], you’re here.” Dui looked surprised as I entered the mansion. “Did you need something? Or did one of us call for you?”
“I smell baked things!” Ichthys pokes his head from a doorway. His ever cheeky grin beaming as he sees me with boxes of baked goods.
“Is that why it smells suddenly sweet in here.” Leon was holding a book open as he looked over the second floor balcony. That sensitive nose of his so much like that of his namesake zodiac. “If there isn’t a meatball about in that box of sweet mess, leave me alone.” He turned and went back to his room.
“Just ignore him.” Teorus came and plucked the boxes from my arms. “He’s grouchy without his meatballs.” He started walking away towards the common room.
“Oh, but I did bring some for him,” I said as I took out from my bag a wrapped bundle that contained a container of fresh meatballs in sauce.
And it was gone from my hands. Leon has exceptional hearing when he chooses to listen, after all. I giggle a little and followed the others.
“I see the caravan of troublemakers are all gathered save the head troublemakers.” Zyglavis was sitting in one of the plush chairs, a tea set and tea steaming from a cup set on the side table. When he sees me, his expression of surprise was fleeting, that stern look back before any could comment. “Are you the reason behind this ruckus?”
“Now, now, Ziggy. Don’t blame [___]. After all, she did make all these for us,” Ichthys said as he helped Toerus with the load of pastries.
“She’s practically glowing, after all.” Teorus stresses the word “glowing” and I suddenly felt uneasy for some reason.
Before I could wonder about Teorus’s comment, Dui brought over plates and napkins and Huedhaut appeared, an odd look at me as he approached me. “Are you not well?” Not waiting for my answer, he took my wrist and checked my forehead, doing all the things a doctor would while checking his patient. “You do seem to have the glow.”
“Just say she’s pregnant already,” barked a voice from somewhere. Scorpio is never gentle with words.
I’m flustered, face on fire with embarrassment and eyes wide in shock. Everyone stopped what they were doing and all eyes were on me. I raised my hands flailing in defense. “No, I couldn’t be! It’s just me and winter and eating everything because I’m a bear getting ready for hibernation!” Good job, self. Who would really believe that?
“Our momma bear getting ready to feed her baby! I’m gonna be an uncle!” Ikky snaps his fingers and an instant baby shower is what becomes of the common room.
“Our sweet little Goldie is gonna be a momma fish. I can’t wait.” Teorus hugs me gently, as if my belly was swollen already.
That’s when we heard Zyglavis stand from his seat. Everyone froze and I’m unceremoniously plucked from Teorus’s arms. No words exchanged. Just me getting practically dragged out of the room while the others celebrate the sudden news.
I’m taken to a room far from ears and the door is closed behind us. “Is it true?” Zyglavis has his back to me when he speaks. I wring my hands nervously, not knowing how to answer. “Is it true,” he says again, turning to me and I’m backing up into the door trying to escape the inescapable.
“W-Well, I… I thought it was because it was just Winter and, you know how I can get at times. Forgetting to eat at work helping others with extra tours and I suddenly started baking all these things. I swore I was just getting fat…” I looked towards his face but Zyglavis is unreadable. I feel like shrinking away. How could I not know? My mouth couldn’t stay shut though. “It’s not like we’ve seen each other often and I don’t go anywhere without Hiyori because she knows how important my relationship is with you…” Stop talking, self. It’s not helping.
Now the god has pinned me there with his gaze and I have nothing else to say about all this. It makes so much sense now when I think about it but now I must look like a fat beast to him. Surely a god couldn’t care less about someone like me at this point, his child or not. The silence is killing me. That cold looking stare making me feel like I should crawl somewhere and die. Ugh, I just had to go and share the pastries!
I’m broken from my self loathing when a gentle touch to my cheek wipes away tears I didn’t know I shed. “So then…I’m a father…” The voice was gentle and the look of astonishment was unimaginable. No matter how often I am here working with gods, it never ceases to amaze me that they, too, can be as surprised as anyone else.
I nod, holding that hand to my cheek. “Yes, you are.”
That soft smile Zyglavis has melts all doubts away and warms my heart. “Just for the record, you’re not a fat beast and it would take more than some Winter fat to turn me away from the woman I love.”
“You idiots! What are you doing huddled in the hall?!” Scorpio’s bark vibrated the door I forgot I was leaning against.
The moment ruined, Zyglavis pulled me into his arms and opened the door to reveal Teorus, Ichthys and Dui listening in on the private conversation. “At least Huedhaut isn’t so foolish,” he said as he sneered at the three of them. Scorpio standing with arms crossed glaring at them.
“Time to go, fellas!” They quickly hurried off back towards the common room.
“You better not eat the apple whatever it was she made!” Scorpio storms off after them, leaving Zyglavis and myself alone in the silence of the hall.
“Guess we better go and make it official?” I look up towards the man I love, ready to join the others when he holds me tighter to him.
“Let them be for the moment. I need to check and make sure you’re well enough.” He leans in for a kiss and suddenly I feel as if my hunger has been satiated. No amount of godly powers could ever do what he does to make me, us, feel so loved.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
To the Zyglavis anon:
I hear ya.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Scorpio and Leon and the others, but I have to admit the other 6 kinda got overlooked (in my opinion). And I have great feels for our Minister of Punishments.
Looking through my drafts, I have a couple requests from lord knows when but I’ll see you get one done as well :)
EDIT: What if I just did like a Zyglavis appreciation *looks at calender* end of the month? Damn... well, I’ll just say I’m open to requests for that beautiful god ^^
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
Would you do headcanons?
Sure. I only been asked once or twice but, if allowed time to ruminate, I could cultivate a lovely HC or few if asked.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
Can I request #68 and Ikky and Mc as pairings? Thank you~ :3
Sudden AmbushIchthys x MCRating: Silly
Today I’m with Ichthys walking through the city to see to his duties. While we’re there, I need to get a few things for home, so we head to the mall to kill some time. We’re in the home goods section and I have to look for some new bedsheets. Most of what I’m finding are either too big or too small, too expensive or not what I’m looking for at all.
Sighing, I didn’t realize I lost track of Ichthys. “Ichthys,” I call out as I turn around and see he’s nowhere to be seen. “Guess he must have wandered off,” I say to myself as I walk towards the bedding.
Normally, there are a few display beds showing various designs in bedding sets with pillows and comforters. However, I was met with a well strategized pillow fort. Oh no, I thought to myself as I hesitated to take another step. Please don’t tell me that he made that…
A small throw pillow collides with my leg, not so hard that it hurt but enough that I would notice. Picking it up, it was actually designed to look like a square squirrel. “Where did you come from, “ I ask it. No response.
Again, I’m hit and they’re clearly from the children’s section: a triangle bird and a circular fish. No good can come from this.
From out of nowhere, a barrage of animal pillows fall on top of me and I’m halfway buried beneath. All I was able to get out was a yelp before it was muffled by the silent chaos. Somehow, I manage to free myself just as the face of the God of Pisces appears before me, a cheeky grin on his face.
“Pillow fight?” He said this as if realizing he might have overdone it. Might. I sigh and he helps me out.
“You’re lucky it’s just me here. What if someone that works here sees all this?” It would be very hard to explain how he made it rain pillows here.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Ichthys says as he picked up a fish pillow and hugged it. “I put sales signs outside so everyone should be where the fashion stuff is.”
Oh dear… no doubt Scorpio is going to find out and Ichthys is going to be in trouble. Not sure how else to respond, I grab a lion shaped pillow and hit him with it.
He stood there shocked a moment. So did I. Then we burst out laughing. Once we gain our composure, I convince him to fix it all before Scorpio came down and scolded him.
“I don’t want dad to scold me,” he said, mock frown as he quickly got that cheeky grin back and snapped his fingers. It was like nothing happened. “Hey, think he would like this?” Ichthys held an Apple shaped pillow.
“I better pay for that,” I said and took it from him, along with a takoyaki shaped pillow. “I think this one is more your speed.” I made my way to the checkout counter and the god soon followed me, asking if it was really for him, stars in his eyes like a hopeful child after a prize. I didn’t answer right away. Maybe I want to keep both for myself. I said I’d think about it.
We stop to get snacks for everyone and it seems a truce was made.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
Who is your favourite character and why? It used to be Kiryu but I have a feeling you’ve moved on since we were close. **
Oh man, that’s like asking what’s your favorite coffee flavor or food. It’s really about mood for me. Kiryu is definitely my fave for EITM, but I never really had one over all the apps. It’s why I have my (muchly in need of updating) bias list. Not to say that I don’t like the others in EITM, but Kiryu’s story got to me the most somehow. 
As for moving on, not really, I don’t have an overall top #1 and I never really thought about it like that. For each app, there’s one I like more than the others. But, since i’m getting back into all the Voltage things, that could change. I’ve got a library to read, after all.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
Fic Request Open!
I decided to make this post to give a better idea of what I have on my bookshelf in Love 365. Some I only have select routes in while others I have at least S1. If you’re interested in a fan fics for any titles, please feel free to ask away. I’m sure I have a few subs, at the very least, with the man you wish to be in a fic with.
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I’m also active and reading through Ayakashi Romance Reborn and Mr. Love, Queen’s Choice. I’m open to writing for them. I’m more than happy to give them a try for writing. I just need to burn through the keys and chapters for both :) 
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While I’m not active in Samurai Love Ballad Party, I can still take requests for fics for the 12 samurai lords, Sayuka, Masanari and Sasuke. I’m actually more familiar with those as opposed to SAC. 
And I haven’t forgotten the requests still waiting in the overdue wings. I have so many things in draft waiting, I will just need a moment and prolly a refresher. But, I am definitely looking forward to writing them all.
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years ago
hey dori im feeling very nostalgic and want to play some of my old voltage routes do u know where i can download the apps??? it seems they're not on the google play store and when i download it from my history it says that voltage shut down or smth like that ;^; what do i do??
Unfortunately, they’ve ported everything to Love 365. I believe they removed the older apps back in September so now there’s no choice but to get Love 365.
If you purchased any routes in the single apps, there’s a very thin chance you could ask them to restore them in 365. Have shots of your purchases and email them with your story, especially if you haven’t been keeping up with Voltage news. They may have mercy upon you (and maybe praying to Leon could help XD ah, the sneer on that one), especially if you purchased a lot.
But, bc of the transfer code that’s required in the single app to do it for each app you had, they may not do it since they’re no longer in the App Store/ Google Play store. You’ll have no choice but to purchase them all over again.
Only other way to enjoy select routes is if they’re free. Right now, for the month of July some routes are totally free to read through in celebration of AX. And don’t forget that you can log in for a bonus daily (either coin or hearts for those free to read stories that they have now).
I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help with this. Even if there was a way to shady the single apps, those will no longer work if they did away with them on their servers.
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