mylifeisapain-blog · 5 years
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Thank you Jihi ❤️👏
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mylifeisapain-blog · 5 years
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hey, guys!! delirious turned down potentially winning lots of money to protect his identity.
hopefully now, everyone telling him it’s “so easy” to just “turn on the webcam” will finally realize that he is absolutely serious about keeping his identity secret.
the guy turned down a massive amount of money for privacy. stop being assholes by bombarding him for a reveal.
this has been a psa :)
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mylifeisapain-blog · 5 years
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
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Hawt guys appreciation post
(OoPs ToO MuCh AnDrE #sorrynotsorry)
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Esp this man. God…
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
It's America. He naturally went downhill 😂
This isn’t a quest but the answer for John Andre question and he was actually a spy for America so he spied on the British but he did a bad job and got hanged
Andre, look.. ily.. you were so smart etc when u were on the british’s side bUT WHAT HAPPENED WHEN U WENT THE OTHER WAY
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
Alexander, gesturing to Washington making Lee a general: NOT — FUCKING — THIS!
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
yesssss I love him too ❤️❤️
BUT ALSO ABRAHAM WOODHULL I have the biggest crush on him-- asides from my boy John Andre of course 😉👌
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But also he reminds me of the actor that plays Peter Parker in Spiderman 🤔
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The man in all his glory: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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John Andre ❤️❤️
I JUST STARTED WATCHING TURN like 2 days ago. I haven't been able to binge watch but I'm on episode 3 rn and OMFG I LOVE John Andre ❤️❤️
But what abt BEN TALLMADGE >:3
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^my 2 bbys 💖💖💖
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
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In case anyone wanted it, here’s Chris and Lin being precious in this video. Also watch the video to fully understand why Lin says he doesn’t know if he believes in God but he believes in Chris Jackson.
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
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So, they say that Alex was lost at sea and they were all going to give a moment of silence for Alex until he came back on shore and everyone was confused. (he basically swam all the way back >:/)
Here’s my crappy version of what I think happened. :)
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
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He deserves love 
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
Historical Alexander Hamilton Facts
Hamilton wasn’t necessarily short for that time period (5′7 was about average) but he did have a slight build with narrow shoulders and a tiny waist.
Since he had spent the previous ten years before becoming a soldier as a student and clerk, he definitely didn’t have a rugged or muscular physique, and likely resembled a growing boy even though he was 21. 
His age was often questioned by soldier and commanders, being called “diminutive,” “boy,” “youth,” “almost delicate,” and “small.”
Once while marching, a soldier wrote how Hamilton walked beside his cannon with his hand on it and occasionally patting it as if were a horse or pet.
Once during a British invasion of New York, Hamilton’s unit was led to safety by Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Burr, who knew of some backroads.
Hamilton missed Laurens so badly he asked to fight with him in South Carolina and was cockblocked by Washington denying his request.
Source: any biography that mentions Hamilton.
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
Alex stood back to admire his work. The day was 14.02.19, and Alex had managed to get the day off to surprise Thomas. It hadn’t been easy however. After a long series of ‘its not for Valentine’s Day’ ,and ‘I’m just not feeling very well today’ with loads of fake coughing, Hamilton had finally managed to convince Washington to let him have the one day break he desired.
Now he was stood around his small table, laying out all the decorations. He had started of with a soft iris shaded tablecloth and had steadily added more and more decorations.
Alex stood back and smiled fondly at the purple themed table. The centrepiece had a grand, modern candle that he would light as soon as Thomas came through the door: which he would. It was Valentine’s Day; if he didn’t come to visit him, Alex would be dumping him — over text.
Alex’s chocolate eyes flickered up at the clock which was perched on the white, brick wall. He still had, at least, fifty minutes before Thomas escaped the clutches of what was probably going to be a strict and weary George Washington. Then, he still had twenty minutes additional time as it took Hamilton twenty minutes to walk to work. However, Thomas was a fast walker, so reducing that to eighteen minutes, he had (approximately) around an hour before the moment of truth.
Alex sighed as he turned on the oven. He couldn’t believe he was doing this for Thomas of all people. If you told him a year ago that he would be dating Thomas Jefferson he would have presumably screamed and burst into tears.
The thing was, none of their friends knew they were dating. The two had been going out for two months now and were dreading the day their friends found out. Jefferson and Hamilton has hated each other before Christmas. That was when everything changed.
It was Christmas Day, and the two were at each-others throats, more irritable than usual; the whole Cabinet had been forced to stop overnight due to being snowed in. It was a long story, but they had gone to get coffee and found out they had more in common then they both thought. They had started dating almost immediately after on New Years Eve.
And their friends still thought they hated each other.
It was no use denying Hamilton adored Jefferson’s kisses. Alex sighed longingly and smiled, lifting himself up onto the marble counter next to the oven. They were so soft. So irresistible. So…
Hamilton was too wrapped up in his own head that he didn’t realise the macaroni and cheese was almost done. He smirked as he imagined Thomas’ voice in his head.
‘I’m that irresistible am I?’ That would be what he would most likely say. And then he would snake his arms around his waist–
The macaroni and cheese.
Alex cautiously pulled out the heated tray and set it on the countertop. He winced at the pain this caused his hands and regretted not using gloves. Cooking safety wasn’t his best subject to say the least.
Alexander smiled as he began dishing the macaroni and cheese onto two smaller trays. He hoped Thomas would be impressed by his sensational work and expertise in designing tables.
As he strode towards the table with the two plates, he noticed something rather off about the set up of the table. Confused, he set the two plates down and stood back to get a better view of the table he called a masterpiece.
It all looked fine though: the tablecloth was right, the knives and forks were in the correct place, the centrepiece was exactly in the middle, the vases were at a perfect size and even the god damn swan napkins via YouTube were immaculate, so what was it?
Then he realised what was off. Although the vases were at a considerable size, they had no flowers in them.
He almost laughed at his stupidity. The flowers! Anxiety flooded through his veins and he turned around to look at the clock. He had twenty minutes left. He was screwed. The nearest shop he knew that sold lavenders was twenty minutes away.
Last night, Thomas had mentioned he had a garden to himself when he was younger where he grew flowers. Alex had asked him what his favourite flower was and Thomas had responded with ‘lavenders.’
Alex felt a sense of defeat run through this body. That had never happened before. He just wanted this to be perfect! His phone pinged.
Hey Alex! Look at these flowers I created for me and Maria tonight!
Eliza was good at art and crafts…
Hamilton heard the familiar opening of the door before it even happened. His heart was thumping against his chest. He took a big gulp of breath, surprised his lungs still worked.
“Lex?” Alex felt a blush creeping its way up his neck at the nickname. “Lex!” The footsteps were coming closer up the stairs; Hamilton lived in a flat. Alex’s mind was swarming with different possibilities of how Thomas would react . “I thought I’d come see you as it’s-“
The door opened and Alex felt the floor sway beneath his feet. Taking deep breaths, he cautiously looked up. Thomas was standing there, five bags in hand, lost for words. Completely lost.
Alex smirked at this. He watched as Thomas stood there baffled, trying to form words. Thomas’ eyes locked with his and Alex felt his confidence slip away again. He quickly diverted his gaze down to the floor, pulling his sleeves down to cover his sweating hands.
“Washington said you were ill!“
There was a sudden thud on the floor that made Alex jump. There were heavy footsteps on the wooden floor that made his breath hitch.
He sensed Thomas’ hands wrap around his waist and exhaled deeply.
Alex nuzzled his head in Thomas’ neck and hugged him back. “I missed you,” he murmured into his shoulder.
“I missed you too,” Thomas whispered back into his ear, sending shivers down his spine. Thomas’ lips grazed over his cheek and made their way over to his.
Alex gasped as Thomas’ cold hands snuck up his green t-shirt. Thomas laughed mid-kiss and pulled away. Alex hit his arm and crossed his arms across his chest.
“You look cute when you’re angry.” Thomas smirked and loosened his tie. Alex scowled.
“Well I’m about to be fucking gorgeous.”
He huffed as Thomas raised an eyebrow. “Okay. Come back to me when you’re my height.”
“You’re like three inches taller than me!”
Thomas smiled. “Do I smell macaroni and cheese?” He asked, his dark eyes questioning and hopeful.
“Yeah, and now I have to reheat it because you took so long coming back. Also, turn the light off, it needs to be romantic,” Hamilton complained, acting like a whiny child. Jefferson let out a breathy laugh at his inner thought.
As Alex left, he turned towards the light. Had the ‘stoic, witty’ Alexander Hamilton took the time off to do all of this for him? He switched the light off and heard Alex begin heating the macaroni and cheese.
He rested his head against the wall and took a deep breath. It had been a hard day at work, he thought, yawning. He couldn’t wait to get back and collapse onto his bed.
He heard the microwave stop buzzing from the other room. “Thomas, sit down,” Alex’s voice called.
He took a seat on one of the chairs and gazed into the dark: the room only slightly illuminated by the stars outside.
A candle was lit up and Thomas chuckled. He saw Alex set one tray down for himself and another in front of Thomas.
“You’re so romantic,” Thomas remarked, a grin evident on his face.
“No I’m not,” Alex snapped back. Thomas just raised an eyebrow in response.
“I noticed the flowers too, thank you.” Alex looked up, almost snapping his neck in the process. “Oh, no problem.” Thomas frowned. Alex had been acting really jumpy and awkward today.
They sat in a comfortable silence, the only sound being of the forks and knives scraping against the tray.
Thomas looked up at the flowers again, his eyes more adjusted to the dim light. On further inspection, they hardly looked like flowers at all. He slowly picked one up and held it to his nose.
“Hamilton…” Alexander looked up. His eyes widened. “Why don’t these feel or smell like lavenders?”
“I got them from a bad shop,” Alex replied almost immediately.
“Hamilton.” Thomas repeated. “You and I both know Mrs. Jones sells the best flowers in the whole of New York City.”
“I didn’t go to Mrs. Jones’”
“Mr. West’s? Mrs. Foster’s?”
There was a silence. “No…”
“Hamilton,” Thomas said again, exasperated.
“Thomas Jefferson will you do the honours of becoming my husband.”
“Hamilton.” Thomas laughed. “No, I will not.” He stood up from his chair and walked around the table. “Hamilton,” Thomas sighed.
Alex lunged up out of his seat and grabbed Thomas by the waist, catching him of guard. He connected their lips and ran in hands through Thomas’ hair. Thomas murmured something in the kiss and pulled away, a look of amusement and annoyance on his face.
“Don’t change the subject by kissing me, it’s not going to work.” Hamilton looked down at the ground and began messing with his hands.
“Did you make the lavenders? Yes or no?”
Alex blinked a few times. Why was he getting upset over something so small! It was only some stupid flowers. He nodded slowly and bit his lip. He wanted everything to be perfect to prove he was better than Thomas at everything!
Of course he had forgotten something. He couldn’t do anything right.
Thomas looked at Alex in shock. Was that a tear cascading down his face? Over something so simple? It must have meant a lot to him.
Thomas’ heart shattered a bit. “Hey, ‘Lex?” He said softly, taking Alex’s hands in his. “Look up at me.” Alex just shook his head. “Hey, I’m not mad. Just look up at me okay?” He heard Alexander sniffle and watched as he raised his head.
His eyes were slightly puffy and red, tears still making their way down his cheeks. Still holding Alex’s hands, he walked over to the sofa and sat Alex down on his lap.
“Look, I’m not mad. I just don’t know why you’re crying,” he explained wiping some of his tears away, but they just kept falling.
“You…You think I’m weak don’t you?”
Thomas stared at Alex in disbelief. “Weak?” His voice cracked. “You? Never in a million years would I think you’re weak.”
Thomas picked Alex up and placed him besides him. “Just tell me why you’re so upset and we can fix it”
Alex sniffled again and buried his head into the crook of his neck. “I wanted to impress you. I wanted to prove I was better than you at designing tables and making macaroni and cheese.”
Thomas laughed lightly and cuddled up to him. “You’ve proven yourself. I’m not sure about the macaroni and cheese part, but you impressed me.”
Thomas pecked Alex’s forehead. “I got you something today, you wanna see?” Alex nodded in response. Thomas got up off the sofa and walked over to his pile of bags near the door. He picked up one of the bags and walked back over to his boyfriend.
“Have a look,” he whispered, rubbing Alex’s back gently and resting his chin on his shoulder.
The first thing Alex pulled out was a lion plushie: It’s legs floppy and it’s mane fuzzy.
“For my little lion,” Thomas said, smirking. Alex pushed him away. “Shut up!”
The second thing Alex pulled out was a small book. It was an antique, leather-bound notebook with his name engraved on the front.
‘Property of Alexander Hamilton’
Hamilton set the book down on the table and snuggled up to Jefferson. “Thank you so much.”
“So you like it?” Jefferson asked tentatively, fiddling with Hamilton’s dark hair. Alex hummed in response and yawned, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
“Are you tired?” Thomas inquired as Alex lay his head on his shoulder.
“A bit.”
Without saying anything, Thomas lifted Alex up and walked to his bedroom, practically throwing him into the sheets. “What the fuck Jefferson?” Alex said, glaring at him.
“Sorry,” Thomas laughed, holding his hands up. He sat down on the bed and crawled over to Alex, who had his legs crossed.
Thomas pushed down on his chest and lay on top of him. “Hey.”
Alex rolled his eyes and flipped them over so he was on top. “Hey.”
Thomas pushed him off with a slight nudge and scooted up to him. “Permission to sleep in Alexander Hamilton’s bed?”
“Permission granted.” Alex smiled back.
The two woke up entangled in each other’s arms.
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
Continue being Amazing!
Dude ilysm thanks to you (and also the others), i start feeling good abt my art again ヾ(*´∀ ˋ*)ノ
Here’s what i just made
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Once again, thanks yall for all of the supports!!!!!!!!!!! 💓💚💜💛💙💜💚💜💚💛💜💜💙💜💜💛💚
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mylifeisapain-blog · 6 years
an open letter- hamilton storyboard. my youtube
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