myladyofsilver · 16 hours
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Text: There are a finite number of mermaids, ocean spirits us sailors claim as patron saints. Any gift from one is worth more than gold: a shell, a song, a wriggling strand of hair.
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myladyofsilver · 16 hours
Nonhuman expressions of affection are great. Purring. Exposing weak points as a show of trust. Head bonks. Preening and chewing. Nuzzling. Biting. Intertwining tails. Feeding each other. Little chuffs, chatters, beeps and squeaks. Fluffing up of feathers, fur or other things. Dancing to impress. Cleaning their fur, scales, feathers or skin. Sharing body heat. Ears pointing toward those you care about to show your full attention is on them. Slow blinking.
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
As the princess and heir apparent of the kingdom you are the most sought after woman in the whole kingdom, with suitors lining up every day to ask for your hand in marriage. Today you finally accept the proposal of a suitor, causing a massive scandal.
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
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Kim Myatt
Alterius in VK
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
Looking away from the half mangled corpse on the ground, you peered up at the towering creature before you, unable to deny that it was strangely cute despite it also being quite terrifying. It certainly helped that it was pretty much giving you puppy dog eyes right now, seeming incredibly pleased with its gift.
At least you knew who had been protecting you and your guards until now.
Sighing softly, you gave the creature an awkward smile, reaching up and gingerly petting it’s blood stained head as it leaned eagerly into your touch, large tail swaying happily and disturbing the flowers as it showed its joy. You doubted your adviser was going to be particularly pleased with the new bloodstains on your expensive clothes.
Under your touch, you could still feel the faint scar from the wound you had carefully treated all those months ago, whilst travelling to visit one of the neighbouring countries. In all honesty, you’d expected the creature to attack you when you’d freed it, and yet it had been surprisingly docile as you’d carefully bandaged it up and cut away the last of the nasty trap it had been caught in, it’s unnervingly intelligent eyes watching you with something akin to awe.
You’d never expected that it would find a way to follow you all the way back to your own country, nor that it would assign itself your protector whilst you were tucked away in this mansion for your safety.
It did raise the question of what you were going to do once the threat to you had been taken care of however, because you doubted the creature was going to agree to leave your side now that it had been allowed this close again.
Something told you that convincing your adviser to keep around a massive monster as your guardian, was going to be incredibly difficult.
….Or at least, it would have been…. had your “Massive Monster” not just shifted into the form of a rather unusual looking man, who was still leaning into your touch like a puppy.
Somehow this had all just gotten a hell of a lot more complicated.
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
In the end it wasn’t too surprising that no one ever suspected what you were. You’d been playing human for a long time after all, and had long since mastered the skills needed to hide your true nature. 
It was for this very reason that you were in the predicament you were in now, as the group who had “captured” you, had wrongfully assumed that you were the weakest and most vulnerable. 
Perhaps if the situation had been different, you would have found this somewhat entertaining, but given the fact that they were trying to use you to bait your companions into willingly walking into a trap, you were feeling far from forgiving. You’d come to care for them after all, and the protectiveness you had developed over them was only to be expected from something such as yourself.
Luckily, tricking your “captors” into approaching your bound form, was all too easy thanks to their ignorance of your nature, and once they were within reach….well….
Sinking your teeth into someones vulnerable throat had never felt quite so satisfying~
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
Heart still thundering frantically in your chest, you stared wide eyed at what little remained of your attacker, hyper aware of the powerful chest you were still pressed back against. Had it not been for the arms that were wrapped around you so firmly, you had no doubt that you would have fallen to your knees by now, your legs having quickly grown weak from relief.
Truthfully, you knew you still should have been just as terrified now, as you had been before, if not even more so, given how deadly your saviour had just proven themself to be. Even their presence alone, had been enough to have your attacker freezing in place, complete and utter terror, painted across their features, as if they too had sensed the immense power this person contained.
Faster than you had even been able to blink, you’d found yourself wrapped up in their arms, their protective rage practically simmering in the air as the scent of ozone filled the room to an almost suffocating degree. Even without being able to see their expression, you knew that the look on their face must have been a terrifying one, the carefully restrained anger in their voice, having sent shivers down your spine, despite how composed they’d otherwise seemed.
In the end, you hadn’t actually seen how they had dealt with your attacker, their actions having been far too fast for you to register, especially since they didn’t seem to have even needed to move in order to kill them. Leaving you with the sight of their remains as the only proof that anything had actually taken place.
After witnessing such a dizzying display of power, it would have been perfectly logical for you to fear them, just as anyone else in their right mind would. And yet… despite that, you honestly couldn’t remember a time when you had ever felt safer.
Somehow, in that moment, you knew that the safest place for you, was at their side, and in their arms.
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
Shuddering at the threats of violence you could hear from your hiding place, you did your best to calm the softly whimpering child in your arms. Shushing them gently, you carefully shielded them with your body, rocking slightly as you nervously listened to the angered people that were hunting you.
The moment you’d seen the child’s terrified and teary expression, you’d known that you couldn’t just walk away.
These people claimed to be holy and just, and yet there they were, treating this young child as though they were the highest evil, all because of their inhuman parentage. 
It had disgusted and horrified you, and despite the dangers, you had vowed to free them, no matter the cost.
Thankfully, due to their young age, the people hadn’t viewed them as much of a threat, and freeing them had been almost comically easy. You’d even managed to get a good head start before they’d realised the child had escaped, but sadly, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to outrun them for long in your state. Especially not with the precious burden you had clutched protectively to your chest.
Your only hope was that you could wait them out, as once the sun had sunk below the horizon, you had no doubt that their parent would come for them.
Holding your breath, you watched through a crack in the wall as the last dregs of the dying light, finally faded away. Instantly a shaky sigh of relief left you as you clutched the trembling child even closer, murmuring gentle reassurances to them as you fought back your own tears. 
You could hear them getting closer and closer to your hiding place, and desperately you hoped that their parent would find you in time.Though from the heavy feeling of rage and power you felt quickly forming in the air….
You doubted you would have to wait much longer.
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
The abrupt silence seemed to ring in the air harshly the moment it fell, and unintentionally, you held your breath, your heart sounding almost deafening in its absence.
You’d warned them this would happen, though none of them had listened. The moment they had laid their hands on you with such dark intent, they had sealed their own fates, and nothing you said or did would save them.
A quiet rustle of fabric pulled you out of your grim thoughts, and instantly you flinched at its closeness, your body beginning to tremble anew. Their soft reassuring murmur was unfortunately lost on you in your fearful state, and it wasn’t until they had removed your blindfold, that you finally released the breath you’d been holding, relief flooding through your veins.
Deftly removing the rest of your bonds, they caught you with ease as you practically hurled yourself into their embrace, their arms gently drawing you closer as they soothed your nerves. Even with how gentle they were being however, you could still practically taste the rage that hung in the air around them, their movements and speech proving just how much restraint they were showing for your sake.
They knew how much such acts of violence unsettled you.
Letting out a shuddering breath, you pressed your face closer to them, eyes remaining firmly shut at their unspoken urging, knowing you wouldn’t like the sight that awaited you if you ignored them. Instead, you focused on the sound of their voice and the feeling of their solid warmth surrounding you as they spoke, the tension gradually bleeding from your limbs as you put all of your trust in them.
“Shhh my dear, you’re safe now…. Let’s get you out of here.”
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
The loud screams and sounds of people frantically fleeing, were strangely muffled to you in your disorientated state, the persistent ringing in your ears from the explosion, only confusing your dazed senses further, as you laid there beneath your saviour. It wasn’t until you felt their hands gently but firmly pulling you into their careful hold, as they got to their feet, that you finally started to come back to yourself.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for your mind to be consumed by another type of confusion, as you stared bewilderedly up at your unexpected protector, desperately trying to figure out why they had willingly and intentionally taken on so much damage, just to save you.
You were pretty damn sure that saving random civilians, wasn’t exactly typical bad guy behaviour.
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
It took everything you had, not to flinch or grimace, as you heard the gruesome sounds behind you, no amount of former experience with such things, managing to make it any less disturbing and horrifying to hear.
When the sounds eventually came to a stop, much to your eternal relief, and were replaced by someone’s laboured breathing, you found yourself tensing and listening more intently. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for them to return to their usual composed state, the confirmation that they were unharmed, instantly draining away some of the tension in your shoulders, even if you knew logically, that there was little that anyone could have done to seriously hurt them, in the first place.
Looking away from your swollen ankle, you peered up at them with a mix of apprehension and guilt, knowing that you were likely about to be told off for your reckless behaviour. Something only given more credence, when you took in the almost thunderous scowl on their face, although the expression did little to mask the concern that was brimming underneath.
After a few moments of pointed glaring, they let out a deep and drawn out sigh, obviously having realised that there was little they could say, that they hadn’t already said before. 
The expression on their face, and the way their hands faintly shook when they knelt before you and started tenderly inspecting your injury, had your heart clenching with guilt and shame, as you realised just how terrified they were of losing you. A rather valid fear, if you were being honest, especially given your tendency to attract trouble.
As they had said many times before, you were just so fragile, compared to them, so very mortal and breakable. With all of the losses they had faced over the course of their extraordinarily long life, it was understandable that they were so incredibly protective of you, the first person they had let into their heart, in decades. Possibly even longer.
Truthfully, despite knowing where their fear and protectiveness came from, it still could get rather suffocating at times, which was part of the reason that you still slipped away like this, occasionally. Although, seeing the expression on their face now, you were seriously starting to regret having let such childish compulsions consume you.
You just knew that the vivid flash of genuine fear and grief, that you had seen in their eyes when they finally saw you, was going to haunt you for a very long time to come.
Perhaps, it was time the two of you had a talk.
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
Person A: “How much longer is this going to take? We’ve been here for hours.”
Person B: “You didn’t have to come with me, I told you I could do this by myself.”
Person A: “And leave you unprotected? Fuck no.”
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
It was just a classic slip of the tongue. Almost everyone mistakenly calls someone “mum” at some point. Its embarrassing, but not world ending. The only problem is, that its not a teacher, friend, or just a simple stranger, that you just said it to. Oh no, no, YOU managed to call a being of great power and evil, mum.
You froze at first, dread sinking into the pit of your stomach, and your face draining of colour as your body grew cold. The terrible being looked just as startled as you were, peering down at you with silent shock. 
It was the lack of sleep, you thought, or perhaps the three coffees and six energy drinks you had downed just to stay awake. You were short on time after all. Your groups alliance with the powerful being, had a very sensitive time limit. Once your quest was done, all bets were off, but even then, all of you knew you were on a hair trigger, that this powerful being could simply break the alliance on a whim. Of course you had to go fuck it all up.
A giggle suddenly sounded out above you, and you blinked owlishly, trying to comprehend the sound. The creature was hunched over slightly, giggling at your slip up. Before you could process what was happening, or attempt to escape, they scooped you up, cooing at you.
You weren’t sure whether to be relieved or unnerved by the reaction, remaining stiff and nervous as the creature settled you more firmly in their hold, being surprisingly gentle with you. Apparently they found it endearing, which would have been relieving, if not for their quiet possessive and affectionate murmurings. 
Congratulations, you’ve been adopted.
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
There was something living under your house, you were sure of it. It terrified you at first, seeing those menacing glowing eyes. During the night, you could hear it moving around. You had never seen it fully, but you knew it was large, and that it liked the warmer sections of your house. 
Eventually, you started to notice that it would follow you from below, when ever you were cooking. One evening when you made too much, you made an abrupt decision to leave it for what ever was under your home. You nervously padded outside, and set the large container of food on the back deck, and then fled inside. The next morning, the container was empty, clean, and gently placed on the step in front of the door.
This started a bit of a tradition, and slowly, you began to stop fearing what ever lived under your house. You even started to notice little things being fixed around the place, like leaking pipes, external damage, and even some gardening.
Lately, you had been dealing with a creep at work who would not leave you alone. You thought that it wouldn’t go too far, but then they showed up at your house. At first you tried to tell them off politely, but they were getting pushy. Before you could call the police, they forced their way inside.
You screamed, though you knew no one would hear you out here, and struggled with them for a few seconds. Suddenly there was a loud creaking, and the sound of splintering wood, before the creep was yanked away from you. 
Before you, holding up the creep like a squirming worm, was a massive naga, easily large enough to wrap around your car multiple times. The creature snarled at the creep, and opened a terrifyingly wide mouth, their jaw unhinging as they hissed. The creep screamed, and suddenly the massive naga, coiled their tail around you, pushing you away a little, and shielding you from sight. From here, you could see that the door had been obliterated, too small to make room for the massive creature. Strangely enough, you felt completely safe.
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
When you were 5 years old, you met your father for the first time, and the last. You barely remember him, but you do remember how lovingly he looked at you, the sound of his soothing voice. You also remember how hatefully your mother looked at him, snapping something about “only five minutes” before storming out of the room.
He had told you that he loved you, and gifted you a beautiful necklace. He looked so agonisingly sad, when he had to say goodbye. It still made your heart ache after all these years. Not much else managed to stick in your mind, being so young, but for some reason, that moment always felt important, and could never be fully forgotten. 
You chose to keep that necklace on ever since, refusing to take it off for anything, it felt special. Surprisingly, your mother never questioned you about it, it was almost as if she couldn’t even see it. It had become something of a comfort to you, a way to keep calm and push on through when things got tough or stressful. 
Today, it had done more than that. You weren’t sure who they are, or why they came after you, but the second they fired at you, something burst free from your necklace. It towered over everyone there, fearsome and powerful. Even with it having to use its large frame to shield you, it still still managed to take out every single attacker, despite their seemingly supernatural speed and strength. 
Somehow, you knew that they were bound to you for eternity. 
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
Trembling, you looked away from the gruesome display before you, and back up at the creature crouched protectively above you. For years, you had seen them off and on, constantly stalking you from the shadows and lurking in strange places. You had thought that they were out to get you, having had them rush at you and others around you many times before, and caused many a death. But after today, you can’t help but wonder how many of those situations you had completely misunderstood.
Slowly, they stood upright once more, turning to look at you as you took a moment to take them in properly for the very first time. Their eyes were strange, irises so large that no whites could be seen, a strange blueish grey making up their colouring, and dark bruised looking skin covering the area around and below their large eyes. Their skin was also a faint grey, fingers tipped in long sharp talons that bled black, from their tips to their writs, and as they panted heavily, face stained with your attackers blood, you could just barely make out the glint of their fangs from behind blackened lips. 
Swallowing thickly, you hesitantly looked them in the eyes again, seeing none of the anger you always had thought you saw in the past.
“Th….Thank you.”
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myladyofsilver · 6 days
It was strange being out here with only the crunch of the gravel beneath your feet, to keep you company. Something about the stillness in the air and the gentle overcast sky, made you feel more alive… more free.
Perhaps it was because you were no longer surrounded by the noisy clamouring of the town, or perhaps it was because you no longer felt the weight of judgemental stares following you no matter where you went or what you did. Either way, you felt more relaxed out here, the expectations of others, meaning nothing whilst surrounded by only the looming trees and gentle fog.
Whilst it was quite common for you to slip away from town for some relief every now and then, it was rather rare that you strayed so far. In all honesty, you’d probably never gone so far from the town before in your little trips, but something about today had made you feel like you were meant to. Whatever the reason for your sudden urge, you were glad you had listened to it, as with each step away from the town, you could feel the tension simply melting away.
You were so caught up in the soothing feeling, that it actually took you quite a long time to realise that you were no longer walking alone, though your unexpected companion seemed quite content to walk in peaceful silence with you all the same.
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