one step at a time...
34 posts
please open the gates slowly, and make your way though my (our) secret garden
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
“I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn’t have one at all. Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours.”
Day 1 – Daffodils; new beginnings
I sometime find it funny the way you call me your sun when you’re the one bringing light into my life. I remember all the darkness and the nightmares before I met you, I remember my pain and my tears, but most of all I remember the first time we talked. I remember laughing, I remember your soothing voice and all of your kind words.
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
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Day 2 – Purple Crocus; youthful happiness and hope
I love these ones, they’re so pretty aren’t they? They say they’re the first flowers of spring, and I can perfectly picture them peeking through the snow at the first bit of warmth. I wanted you to know that you inspire me so much every day, Aran. I don’t think I knew happiness before I knew you and if I did, it surely wasn’t as wonderful as the one feeling I get when you’re with me. You always manage to make me smile, and I wanted to thank you for everything. You truly are my best part.
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
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Day 3 – Purple Hyacinth; sorrow
Keep walking, we have a long way to go. Here, take my hand. Let me tell you a story. You know Apollo right, god of the sun, brother of Artemis. When he saw Hyacinth, a beautiful young Spartan, he fell madly in love with him, as did Zephyrus, the west wind. This one grew jealous of their attachment and one day, when the two lovers were throwing the discus, he deliberately made sure it killed Hyacinth, because if he couldn’t have him, then no one, especially not Apollo could. Broken, Apollo made a flower spring up from his lover’s blood, giving it his name. This is of course one of many versions of the myth, but I think it is my favorite one
 death trope and everything
 You know me after all.
Things have been very harsh these days, but I know, and I wish with all my heart that you’ll find the strength to go through it all. When you’ll feel tired, I will always be here to help you. This year is the one you’ll stop blaming yourself for everything that happened in the past. This year is the one you’ll realize what a beautiful person you are. And this year, the kindest soul that ever-walked earth will finally be relieved, and my angel will be able to fly again.
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
“You have suffered. You have created suffering. You have killed. But you have also paid. With your life, twice over now, and with your heart, with your mind. You have guided thousands of lost souls. You have saved thousands of lives. You have done good in this world. Which will define you? The good? Or the suffering?”
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
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Day 4 – Amaryllis; pride
I always thought pride was going to be the death of me before crossing your way. So wrong, I was so wrong about this because I’ve never been more transparent with someone as I am with you. Amaryllis is a beautiful flower, some of them got this crimson color that I love, and I think it suits you perfectly. I can’t help but think of you when I see something pride and prejudice related. Somehow, this book (and movie as well!) helped me a lot when we were not talking anymore this summer. Perhaps I was just taking the smallest thing as a sign from you, but I simply couldn’t bare the fact that you were no longer mine. I can’t think of anyone else but you when someone brings up pride and prejudice and I will forever be your Lizzie.
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
“She feels wild and infinite in my arms.”
Day 5 – Rhododendron; beware
I may have cheated a little with this flower because they have many meanings, but this one is my favorite, as they are quite poisonous. Like you. You intoxicate me in the most delicious way I could think of, and I would like to get drunk on you and never get tired of it, for you are my greatest sin, Aran.
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
Day 6 – Hibiscus; delicate beauty
I think you have very pretty eyes. And the most delicate lips. I love your nose, too. And the way you smile, and the scent of your hair, and the softness of your hands, and the blush on your cheeks when you get shy, and the music in your voice when you say my name, and the warmth of your arms when you hug me and how I can hear your heart beating in your chest, pounding like the bottom of the ocean. I love your healing touch, how it makes every bad thing go away instantly. I love it when you’re talking about something exciting, how it makes you happy and the stars shining in your gaze.
I wonder then, he is so beautiful, how can he be mine?
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
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Day 7 – Lycoris; death and reincarnation
There is this song in the playlist, that I love. The lyrics are so beautiful, I’ll just read my favorite part to you, hopping it would be enough to show you how much I care about you:
“If you see her, tell her that I died for being in love with her, and bring her to my grave after I am gone as my bones are craving to be stepped on by her feet.”
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
Day 8 – White Rose; silence
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
Day 9 – Daisy; innocence 
Maybe we should take a break, and I’ll read you a few excerpts from a book I love dearly. It’s an old Lebanese story, telling the tragic fate of a young man’s first love. The love depicted in this is so beautiful I couldn’t think of anybody else but you when reading those lines.
“And God said, “Love Your Enemy,” and I obeyed him and loved myself.”
“We stood up and bade each other farewell, but love and despair stood between us like two ghosts, one stretching his wings with his fingers over our throats, one weeping and the other laughing hideously. As I took Selma's hand and put it to my lips, she came close to me and placed a kiss on my forehead, then dropped on the wooden bench. She shut her eyes and whispered softly, "Oh, Lord God, have mercy on me and mend my broken wings!”
“Now I know that there is something higher than heaven and deeper than the ocean and stranger than life and death and time. I know now what I did not know before.”
“Be happy because I shall live in you after my death.”
“He was born like a thought and died like a sigh and disappeared like a shadow.”
“Love that comes between the naivete and awakening of youth satisfies itself with possessing, and grows with embraces. But Love which is born in the firmament's lap and has descended with the night's secrets is not contented with anything but eternity and immortality.” I looked at you then. I think our love is born from the firmament’s lap, I said.
“His life began at the end of the night and ended at the beginning of the day.”
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
Day 10 – Purple lilac; first emotions of love
Do you know the exact moment when you start loving someone? I thought about this one day and I wondered, when was it, for you. I mean, when did it struck me that I was in love with you? It took me some time, to be honest with myself. I had to let some things in the past to be able to know a future by your side. And I’m so glad I did. But I don’t think it was something that you did, that made me realize I loved you. I guess I always knew deep down that you were the one for me. But there’s actually something that I did not feel about anyone before I met you, and I don’t even know if I can describe it correctly right know, but I get these... butterflies? I don’t know how to call them so let’s go with butterflies okay?. They’re not always good butterflies but they’re always here with me. When you’re hurt, I am too. And when you’re happy, I feel like I could do anything. It’s like I’m literally sharing my soul with you. And I think that is actually the case, so please take care of it as I’ll cherish yours forevermore.
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
"He called the Phoenix and the Phoenix came; enveloping him, embracing him, loving him, bringing him back into the fold."
Day 11 – Peony; anger
I just wanted to tell you that your anger is valid, and that you’re allowed to feel angry about everything that you wanted to. And absolutely no one would take it from you. And I’ll love you even during your angry days, and I will never make you feel bad about this. I want you heart to be free from all the chains it was locked with during all those years. I want you to be free. And I want you to be happy. And I want you to be sad sometimes, because I know you’re going through a lot and it’s okay to let go when you need it. And I want you to be angry again. And I want you to be all kind of things without caring about anything else.
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
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Day 12 – Anemone; fragility
Anemones are short lived flowers, that’s why they’re related to fragility. They also mean love, for the story of them being born from Aphrodite’s tears. But I think you had enough of Greek stories by now, no? I often wondered if you would still love me if you knew really the darkness I live in. Would you still love me if you knew how scared I am to love you? How every day I wake up thinking, this might be my last day by your side. What if you decide this isn’t the right thing for you, what if you realize you don’t need me the same way that I do, what if you finally find someone better? What if, what if, what if, what if, what if
 what if you’re wrong? But how could you be wrong when everything about you feels so right to me, how could I think that when you’re the one causing thunder in my heart.
You’re the best thing that happened to me in so long I still can’t believe you’re real sometimes. But even with all of this, I am absolutely incapable of letting you go, so I’ll just keep you near me for as long as you wish and be selfish for once.
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
Day 13 – White clover; they think of you
Take a second to look at these flowers sprouting. They frequently pop up in the yard, reminding you that others are always thinking of you.
I am not the only one who wished to let you know how much I love you, so I’ll just shut up for a moment and let you read what your beloved friends wrote to you.
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
A song, from Zaar
hey aran, tu sais que j'ai du mal Ă  faire de long textes ou quoi mais jtenais quand bien mĂȘme Ă  participer Ă  ce petit cadeau de groupe pour que t'ai une trace de tout ça. jsuis pas du genre Ă  souvent l'exprimer ou autres mais sache que t'es quelqu'un d'assez important pour moi/dans ma vie/Ă  mes yeux. tu comptes Ă©normĂ©ment Ă  mes yeux, quand bien mĂȘme je le dis pas voir peu. j'espĂšre que tu passera un merveilleux anniversaire et que tout ira bien pour toi
There you Are
Dancing In The Rain
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
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A star, from Jussun
☟ mon aran,
j’aimerais commencer par te souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire, en cette jolie journĂ©e naissait plusieurs annĂ©es plus tĂŽt la plus incroyable des personnes. et de nouveau plusieurs annĂ©es aprĂšs vint notre rencontre, dont je n’ai les mots pour la qualifier. j’apprĂ©cie chaque moment passĂ© en ta compagnie, chaque discussion, chaque envoie de vocaux qui peut ĂȘtre vraiment long, chaque partie ch (d’ailleurs rejoue avec moi, tu me manques). tous ces petits moments de ma vie partagĂ©s avec toi la rendent meilleure et je voulais t’en remercier. je suis fiĂšre de pouvoir affirmer que tu es mon ami, un de mes amis les plus chers, et pour rien au monde je ne changerais ça. tout ce qui vient de toi me plaĂźt, toute la gentillesse et la bienveillance que tu dĂ©gages, toutes les attentions, toute ta personne qui est des plus extraordinaires. tu es bourrĂ© de qualitĂ©s, et je dĂ©teste le fait que tu puisses parfois en douter.
tu mĂ©rites le monde aran, je ne cesserais de le rĂ©pĂ©ter mais tout ce qu’il peut y avoir de mieux t’est destinĂ©, et le bonheur tu le mĂ©rites aussi. j’espĂšre que ma place dans ta vie t’apporter autant de joie que la tienne dans la mienne. n’oublie jamais que je suis et serais lĂ , auprĂšs de toi et rien ni personne ne pourrait changer ça.
passe une magnifique journée, profite de tes amis, prends soin de TOI, pense à toi. encore joyeux anniversaire mon bébé.
je t’aime, ta suni. ☌
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mygreatestsin · 4 years ago
A dream, from Alexie
salut mon chĂ©ri!! je te souhaite le meilleur des anniversaires pour la meilleure des personnes❀ j'espĂšre que tu passeras une journĂ©e super et que tu seras gĂątĂ© de pleins de bonnes choses. t'sais c'est pas trĂšs grave de devenir vieux tqt t'es toujours aussi stylĂ©.. bref bon anniversaire encore (parce que tu mĂ©rites trop qu'on le dise TOUT LE TEMPSSSS) et je te kiff mon chaton♡
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