mygoodlifeatinfinity · 2 months
# The Scars tell the story.
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"Have you ever considered the afterlife of the man who was freed from the demon called Legion, because they were many? Jesus freed him from their bondage, but imagine his life after. The injuries he inflicted on himself, cutting himself with stones every night and day. Yes, his face, hands, and legs bear scars, because he's human, not a spirit. He was free, but the scars remained. \_Well, scars tell a story\_. He might have been saved, but we can still tell from his scars the life he lived. He's a whole new person living his life, but all they see is his scars, his past.
"Okay, bringing the story to our modern day. He wears a short sleeve to go get something, and at reaching there, a man sees him and remembers a story with that kind of scar, but is not sure it's him. He would ask, 'Were you not the madman living up at the mountains?' Perhaps he might say. \_Well, scars tell a story\_. Well, the answer might be different; it depends. He might deny or speak up, 'Yes, I was, but I am now a sane man.' But in life, the answer to the question depends on who you are and what scars you have.
"Were you into bad things in the past, into cultism, robbery? Or were the scars inflicted on you? Were you a victim of rape, domestic violence, traumatized, unable to relate because of your past? Now a changed person, but living with the scars. \_Well, scars tell a story\_. All people see is the scar. Maybe because of the past, you tested HIV positive, lost trust, lost time, and the chance to live a better life. Life throws up a question. The answer depends on you - deny it or face it.
"Don't see yourself as the you before, but see yourself as who you are now and tomorrow. Don't be depressed because of the scars. \_Well, scars tell a story\_, you rule today. Don't let the scars rule your today; it just tells a story, not your life. Yes, people see, we judge based on what we see, that's being human. They will talk, but they will get tired. The scars are past. The scars tell of your past. The past can't be erased, so is the scar, but you can outlive it. Show them you are a better person now.
"Yes, the scars made me more of who I am today. I learned from it. I am living a better life, and that should be the answer. We all have scars; some are just so deep.
The scars tell the story. Are for people who feel they can't live up to their worth. Live life. Life gets meaning. #the scars tell stories
By M.C. Paschal
From My Good Life @ Infinity
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