My objective here is simple. I’d like you to gain better insight into who I am, without telling you who I am, yet. Allow me to begin at a higher, more bland, boring, surface-level with first answering the who/what question of me today. I’m a go-getter with a good job and a drive to become better than I am today in business, relationships and life in general. I have good intent, but am more show than real. Life is more of an uphill battle than I let others and myself believe. As a kid, no one was able to understand me. I didn’t just stutter. I couldn’t say words, none the less a full sentence. For years, I met with a speech therapist and have worked ever since to be able to articulate my thoughts and words in a half-cohesive sentence. Years later, I’ve managed to accomplish this, but I’ve remained rough around the edges. I look at my family and friends who are crisp, put together and well-refined. I admire them, but can’t compete. My success has been earned more through harder, more difficult work. I believe in quality vs. quantity, but for me, my roughness requires me to have more quantity than most. I wish this wasn’t the case, but it’s a fact I’ve come to cope with and one I’ve just embraced. The success I’ve had was purely hustle with an underlying combination of intent to improve the customer and for me to succeed/not fail in my job and life. Luck, timing and a good support system helped, too! I have deep drivers that make me wake up every morning and fundamental ideals I live by, goals I want to achieve, hurdles I want to overcome and people I want to align myself with. As we face uphill battles, I hope we can each take time to reflect, keep our promises and earn the trust of those we come across. I’ll share more later. For now, I’ll keep you guessing who I am. Maybe in the meantime, you’ll think I’m speaking about you. TTYL. -anonymous
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