myfunkyself · 8 years
testing something
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myfunkyself · 9 years
Activity Check .003!!
This month’s activity check at Take Me to Church is on! You have until the 10th of April to save your characters! The Purge will commence at 12 PM Pacific Time! Can’t say we didn’t warn you!
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myfunkyself · 10 years
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myfunkyself · 10 years
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myfunkyself · 10 years
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We have only one Stepford Wife right now. Sad. How about some more?
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myfunkyself · 10 years
Don’t leave a brother hanging!
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myfunkyself · 10 years
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myfunkyself · 10 years
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Wanted! Brother for Lex!
Figured I’d give you guys first dibs on Raul before I post this up on TMTCRP!
Name: Raul Cortez Age: 36 DoB: December 12, 1979 Occupation: Retired Marine; Gunnery Sargent Nicknames: Gunney, Dickwad Relationship to Lex: Brother IQ: 138 Playby: See notes (suggested pb is Jake Gyllenhaal from End of Watch) About Raul: Raul Cortez is the older brother of the Lex Cortez (a year and a bit). He grew up in an abusive household with his brother so they learned to count on each other to help themselves get through the worst of it. The two brothers are very smart and did very well scholastically, but despite that, they fell into the wrong crowd and made friends with the rebels and miscreants of their school. It was through one of their shared friends that introduced the Cortez brothers to John Henley; owner of Henley and Sons Automotive Repair and President of the mother charter of the Men of Mayhem MC. It was with John that Lex and Raul started their career early as criminal, having a knack for stealing cars for John’s chop shop that he operated. It wasn’t until Raul was 18 that he was arrested for botching at a failed car theft. He left himself be caught so that his Lex could escape arrest. While Raul was incredibly loyal to John and even moreso to his brother, he remained completely silent when he was asked about who he was stealing cars for and who his partner in crime was. Fortunately for Raul, the judge presiding over the proceedings was familiar with the Cortez family situation. Feeling that the system failed this young man, the judge gave him a chance to straighten himself out by joining the Marines, the alternative being going to Prison. Raul was a smart kid and as much as he looked up to John, he decided that the club was not worth his freedom. So at the age of 18, Raul enlisted with the Marines. The only regret that Raul has is leaving his little brother alone.
Now, having retired from the Marines, Raul is back permanently in Vegas.
Personality: while a smart ass, Raul has learned to tone it down and is much more smooth around the edges as opposed to Lex. He has a temper problem, but never lets it get out of control. He’s loyal to Lex to a fault, always feels the need to watch his back, is considered a Friend to the Men of Mayhem considering his history and that Lex is the VP, so he has some loyalty to the Club, but more Lex’s sake, doesn’t approve of Lex living this life and does call him out on it from time to time, but understands why Lex chose the life he made for himself.
I promise many plots for Raul! There is much to work with here! Notes: Raul’s playby is open, but there are a few things I need to mention. If possible, the play by should look a little like Theo Rossi. If not, no worries about that. It is hard to find actors that look like other actors. The next thing is that Raul is a retired Marine vet (18 years), which means he probably wouldn’t have crazy tattoos on his arms, neck, face or whatever. Since this is a Real Life rp, I’d like to keep it as close as to what would be acceptable in the Marine Corps. He'd most likely have a "Semper Fidelis" tattoo somewhere, though. I found this excerpt from Time magazine should there be any questions about playbys and tattoos vs Marine Corps stance on tattoos: “The Marines last revised their tattoo policy in 2010. Commissioned and warrant officers can only have four tattoos or brands visible when wearing a physical training uniform (shorts and a t-shirt). For enlisted Marines, they can’t have tattoos on their hands, fingers, wrists or inside their mouths, and any tattoo visible from a physical training uniform can’t be larger than a fist. One of the Marine Corps’ considerations when they reviewed the tattoo policy is the “assignability” of individual Marines–they serve as embassy guards around the world, in addition to other highly visible assignments. “We’re confident that the current policy both ensures’ Marines worldwide assignability and protects our high standards of appearance and bearing,” Capt. Ty Balzer, a media officer for Headquarters Marine Corps, said in an email.”
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myfunkyself · 10 years
Let's get to know Lex a little better, shall we?
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First and foremost, it should be known that he was a geek growing up and still likes most of the same things that he did as a teenager. He is big into computers, as is evident by his computer circuitry tattoo. He also loves movies, being a huge movie buff and often makes reference to them in his day-to-day conversations. If you ever sat down at his laptop to quickly check your mail... well, unless you know a thing or two about computers, you would't be able to get past the first boot-up screen. And that's even before tackling with his passwords and safeguards he'd put in place. With so much riding on his ability to stay anonymous on the web, he has to protect his online identity to the best of his ability. Another fun fact, he goes by the name 'Lexicon', so if you ever chat him up online, chances are he's already perused your computer just for shits and giggles.
So now that the geeky stuff is out of the way, let's get down to his more not so endearing qualities.
He's a biker. He gets intensely angry at the drop of a hat due to his condition: while in prison, he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and is prone to fits of anger. He was given medication and a prescription to help combat it, but he doesn't always take it.
He's an incredible smart-ass and has an amazing talent to being able to piss just about anyone off without even trying so hard. And most of the time, he doesn't even do it intentionally; his damn sarcasm always seems to get the better of him. There are only a hand full of people that can see through it, though, most of them being the other patch-members of the Men of Mayhem.
So how did he get involved with the Men of Mayhem? While he has only been officially part of the MC for the last ten years or so, he and his brother, Raul, have known them for much longer, since they were both in high school. Due to their less than ideal and familial situation at home, Lex and his brother ended up mixing with the wrong crowd and got involved with John Henley, the still President of the Men of Mayhem MC. The two cortez brothers stole cars for the MC and were actually both very proficient at it. John also taught them mechanics and hired them to work in his above board shop. This is where Lex also started his career (of sorts) as a boxer, with John coaching him and taking him to matches, all in the effort to give the Men of Mayhem a better name in the community. 'Look, we even take the time to coach high school kids to make sure they don't get into trouble. Look how awesome the MC is.'
While Lex is highly intelligent and has been known to be a bit of a joker, he knows when to turf that shit when things are about to get real in the Club. He has all but mastered the art of intimidation, being able to switch on the 'don't-fuck-with-me ' vibe like a light, able to push his own sense of morals and ethics aside in order to get the job done. He dubs this 'asshole mode' and you know you're in trouble when he's engaged it.
So... what else is there to say about this guy? Well, he loves the MC and is insanely loyal to it. How loyal, you ask? Would he go to jail for the club? Would he kill someone for it? Yes, to both of those and has. The prison part happened when he was in his mid twenties. The Club needed to meet up with their business partners for an incredibly crucial meeting, but couldn't because they were being watched by the police. So what did Lex do? He assaulted a police officer, stole his cruiser and drew the attention away from the club and onto himself by inciting an intense car chase down the Strip. Made the news and served the entire time. Who was that business partner that Lex sacrificed five years of his life for? The Russian Syndicate. The MC already had a very good working relationship with them, but due to Lex's actions, that relationship was strengthened even more. Lex was even protected on the inside by the Syndicate while he carried out his sentence. This was also where he learned Russian fluently.
It was after Lex got out of prison that he was promoted to VP, the previous one recently retired. John knew that he could trust Lex with club, knew that he would put it and his brothers before himself, as made evident by his stint in prison.
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myfunkyself · 10 years
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Lex Cortez, the Vice President of the Men of Mayhem Motorcycle Club.
Name: Alexander "Lex" Juan Cortez Age: 34 Sex: Male Height: 6'0 Weight: 174 lbs Hair: Brown Eye: Green Nationality: American Ethnicity: Hispanic Date of birth: February 29, 1980 IQ: 128 Spoken languages: English, Spanish, Russian Education: Bishop Gorman High School Diploma, Undergraduate degree in Computer Information Systems, specialty in Information Systems Security; Devry University
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Special Agent Jack Rockwell of the FBI, undercover operative.
Name: Jack William Rockwell Age: 35 Sex: Male Height: 5'9 Weight: 165 lbs Hair: Brown Eye: Grey Nationality: Dual American/British Ethnicity: Caucasian Date of birth: September 15, 1979 IQ: 124 Spoken languages: English, Russian, Italian Aliases: Yuri Ivanov Education: Bishop Gorman High School Diploma, Ph.D in Criminology and Criminal Justice; University of Nevada
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myfunkyself · 10 years
Why I love Tom Hardy.
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myfunkyself · 10 years
Love this song! Potential track for the new Lexwyn playlist?
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myfunkyself · 10 years
Take me to Church RP Player survey!
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE ON THIS SITE?: Friendly admins, interesting subplots, perhaps a spot where players can sign up and have an admin pair their character up with another they wouldn't normally RP with and getting them started an ice-breaker post; a wheel of roulette if you will...
FAVORITE PLOTS: Spy VS Spy and undercover, crime plots, trials an tribulations, action (pulp, 80's style action movies), romance
FAVORITE FACES TO USE: Theo Rossi, Tom Hardy
ANYTHING ELSE: I am totally psyched to jump into this!!
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