myemye · 2 years
Noise Complaint (nanami kento x afab reader)
summary: nanami kento smut with a reader with afab genitalia (no pronouns used)
contains: kissing, mentions of a vagina and cliterus, vaginal fingering, mentions of masturbation.
word count: 495
a/n: hey y’all, it’s been like 8 months since i last posted [sorry about that] i haven’t done smut before (and actually posted it) so please enjoy it. please let me know if you want more content, whether more nanami, more shoji, more smut, or more fluff. also the formatting may be weird bc i typed this in my notes app at 12:45 a.m. (and i don’t proofread, sorry) okay sorry for the long intro, thanks!
“i’m so sweaty…” you smirk, as you whisper that phrase into his ear.
what could that mean? you tried to leave it up to interpretation, but your meaning to this phrase was very lewd. definitely not because you dive your fingers into your wet cunt almost every night just to the thought of his scent. intoxicating is the best word to describe it.
“…and my cunt is so wet, kento” you finish your phrase.
nanami goes absolutely feral to say the least. turning to face you and grabbing your face without hesitation as his lips make intense contact with yours. his hand trails down your entire torso, stopping at your underwear. his hand makes its way underneath your soaked panties. his long, hard fingers run across the outside of your vagina, with one stopping at your clit. “nanami-“ you moan. he takes this as his cue to continue, stroking said finger back and forth across your clit. he’s so agressive with his motions and hits your lips with his finger in every stroke.
the warmth building up from your core is now more intense as you keep trying and failing to communicate with him. no one has touched you like this in so long. you’re starting to not be able to keep this feeling suppressed.
nanami keeps stroking and his other finger makes its way to your hole. “is this okay?” he seductively whispers. you can only manage to nod ‘yes.’ “use your words, sweetheart,” he says with a smirk on his chiseled face “i can’t help you if i don’t know what you want.” you just barely manage to let a “yes” out of your lips before you moan again. “yes, what?” he asks. “yes, please. it is more than okay” you say, moaning between words, as nanami is stroking harder and faster than before.
his finger begins to penetrate you, just up to the fingernail at first. he pushed his finger in further to your wet, loose hole, eager to please you. his finger outside of your vagina is joined by another; as he strokes your clit more and more, harder and harder, faster and faster.
you can’t take it anymore. your feeling of heat needs to be let out. “nanami-“ you say out of breath, “i’m going to-“ “i know, i know.” he says smiling at you. “cum” you say. letting the feeling wash over you, cumming all over his hand, out of breath. you begin to try to regain a steady breath, inhaling and exhaling your full lung capacity.
“wow…just wow,” you say to him, “that was amazing.”
“thank you darling,” nanami says to you, “i’m glad you enjoyed my effor-“
you cut him off with a long, deep kiss as a repayment. hopefully your passion is enough to satisfy his, now growing, hunger.
nanami may have barged into your room with his ‘noise complaint’ earlier but he got so much more than just voicing his pent-up frustration. so much more.
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myemye · 3 years
hey y’all i have not posted in a while, so this is me telling all of u that i will try to post before the end of the month
thanks !!
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myemye · 3 years
as your boyfriend
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characters: ushijima wakatoshi x gn!reader
eris’ notes: i kinda want a muffin rn
warnings: none
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ushijima is a quiet lover
not inherently quiet in the sense that he doesn’t talk a lot or doesn’t prefer to verbally communicate (though that can be found true also, most of the time)
but more so quiet in the sense that he would rather sit and listen to you rant about your day than talk about his own, would rather place a hand to the small of your back as he walks past you in a small show of affection, would rather put a blanket over you when you’ve fallen asleep on the couch instead of waking you up
he’s deeply passionate about what he does, even if it doesn’t show on his face. whether that be volleyball or being in a relationship with you or helping his friends
much to your surprise, he asks you to move in with him pretty early on in your relationship
but instead of his reasons being something sweet like how much he misses you and loves you and adores you, it’s literally just “it would save me time to not have to travel the extra five miles.”
and he’s not even joking so you feel a little bad when you laugh when he says it and he tips his head ever so slightly like he always does when he’s confused (but you agree, nevertheless)
as far as affection goes, it took a little bit for him to get used to such a thing
the first time you hugged him he was so stiff and just patted your back awkwardly, and you really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry
but once you started showing your affection more, showing him that it was okay to act that way with someone; to kiss, and hold hands, and lean into each other on the couch—it was like a switch flipped
now, wakatoshi does not know he’s touched starved, you’re not even sure he knows what that phrase even means, but he is. he so so so is.
it’s like he naturally gravitates towards you. he immediately reaches for your hand while walking down the sidewalk. instantly purses his lips for a kiss when he brushes past you in the mornings. wraps his arms around you as soon as you come into his line of sight.
and don’t even get me started on cuddles. the mans is so obsessed with them.
his favorite way to cuddle with you is to lay on top of you, cheek pressed to your stomach, one arm wrapped under your waist and the other under the tops of your thighs. he falls asleep like that a lot. especially if you play with his hair.
he completely adores you playing with his hair.
the first time you ever did it, just ran your hand through mindlessly once, his eyelids fluttered. no one had ever done that before and he liked it. silently picked your hand back up and placed it on his head again. now it’s like routine to do it before bed
which leads me to the fact that when you two shower together, you are in charge of washing his hair.
he blatantly refuses to do it, you tried to get him to do it once because you were both running late and—“no. only you. you do it better.”—it was an immediate shutdown.
the sight of this big bulky man stooping down so you can lather shampoo into his hair and scrub at his scalp for him is nearly comical but way way too cute for his own good.
(he doesn’t really understand why you always pull him in for a kiss after you get done rinsing it, but he isn’t complaining)
he absolutely will not under any circumstances cancel plans with you
this one time, practice was running late (not even just a few minutes, it was a few hours) and instead of ushi calling to cancel your dinner reservations for the night he said you could eat somewhere else.
the somewhere else ended up being takeout in your apartment living room snuggled up in blankets while you watched a movie.
technically this is what cancelled plans looked like. but ushi prefers to call them “altered occurrences”
the first time ushi sees you in one of his hoodies, he makes you take it off.
he doesn’t even ask, he literally just walks up to you and pulls it right off of you. you’re totally caught of guard because like? you live together? surely you are past the point of asking to share clothes by now? and you were cold so like what the hell, babe?
but then you get a good look at him and poor baby’s face is so so red and he’s holding the hoodie close to his chest and avoiding eye contact with you at all costs. he was just flustered is all.
now he practically makes you wear one of his hoodies/shirts/etc every time you go out. you just look so cute, you know.
he. spoils. you. rotten.
every week, no matter the occasion, no matter if there isn’t an occasion, you get a new gift. a bracelet, a necklace with his name on it, new piercings, new clothes, shoes, bags, your favorite band on vinyl, a box in bulk of that favorite candy you like.
you come back home and it’s always sitting on the kitchen table, without fail. and when you look to your husband for an answer he always just shrugs, glancing at you before going back to what he was doing, and supplies a lax “thought of you when i saw it.”
really really really likes it when you hold onto his arm while you’re in public.
like seriously, he adores it so much and finds it so cute. plus it makes him feel good, knowing you’re right beside him, like he can keep you safe in case anything we’re to happen.
(and one time you let go in the mall to venture off to a window of a store and he had an inner mini heart attack when he lost you in all the sea of people. when he finally found you he gripped onto your hand and would not let go until you got back into the car)
looks to the stands before every one of his games he knows you’re coming to so he can see where you’re sitting and if you made it safely.
always always always gives a small smile and raises his hand in greeting when he meets your eye (and the press always have a field day over it)
totally doesn’t—yes he does—blush when he sees you wearing a replica jersey with his name on the back and screaming for him from the crowd. he can always pick your voice out through the thousands, and it pushes him to do his best.
let’s you walk him back to the locker rooms after the match is over and bends for a quick peck to his cheek before he goes inside to change.
likes hearing you say he did good.
but loves hearing you say i love you.
he isn’t particularly fond of staying up late at night, he says it messes up his playing the next day and you know that’s most likely true. but he likes staying up late enough that the traffic outside your apartment thins out a little bit and gets quieter, to where he can hear your breathing and heartbeat without straining his ears.
it’s then that he curls around you more, presses his face into the crook of your neck. “i love you.”
and you smile as soon as he says it because you know what it does to him when you say it back. sometimes, you wait a few seconds, watch as he gets a little restless on you until his head slowly peeks back up.
you smooth out the furrow in his brow with a kiss and a “i love you more,” and a smile of his own plays at his lips as he burrows down again.
“no” is all he says, and you can never find it within yourself to argue.
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reblogs appreciated!
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myemye · 3 years
Playlist [Shoji Mezo x gn! Reader]
Summary: You and Shoji are studying in your dorm and he asks to put on some music. You hand him your phone and a speaker and he sees the playlists you have. [i’m shit at writing summaries]
[fluff; suggestive attitude; mostly Shoji pining over reader]
a/n: this is a new work and was not requested. Please feel free to ask me for requests bc I need inspo for things to write [unless y’all are fine with me looking through my playlists and finding songs to base scenarios on.]
Also in this work, the reader and Shoji are in an established relationship already.
Song: “Sex on fire” - Kings of Leon
Word Count: 0.8k
You’ve been sitting on your bed sitting with Shoji for hours today. You had suggested to go on dates with Shoji every weekend, and he complied, but he wanted to make sure you’d actually study too. Leading you two to be in this little predicament. Studying on Saturdays and doing date activities on Sundays.
Every. Weekend.
You two started studying at around 7 a.m. this morning. It seems early, but you’d get up at 6 a.m. every other day and start class at 7 a.m. so it wasn’t that big of a deal. It is now 11 a.m. and you decide that you need to use the restroom. Was it because you needed a small escape from textbooks and assignments? Maybe?
“Y/n wait,” Shoji says before you leave the room.
“Wow Shoji, needy aren’t we?” You sarcastically state.
“Well uhm not exactly,” Shoji responds with a slight pinkish blush on his face, “Can I play some music in here?”
“Oh yea for sure,” You say a little hurriedly because it turns out that you actually DO need to use the restroom.
You hand your boyfriend your phone and open Spotify and grab your speaker from a drawer.
The door shuts as you are now booking it to the bathroom before you piss yourself.
“UGH SERIOUSLY Y/N!” You scream to yourself as you just barely made it to the bathroom, “WHY DID I DRINK SO MUCH WATER?!?”
Shoji now sits alone on your bed skimming through the, what seems to be, hundreds, if not thousands of playlists stopping at the ones with intriguing names.
“Songs that remind me of Mezo” is what one says, with Shoji slightly flustered.
“They never use my first name,” Shoji thinks to himself, mind racing a million miles a minute.
“Songs to dance in the rain”
He lets out a small smile at the thought of you dancing.
“Songs that will never be overplayed”
This time Shoji lets out an actual laugh while he looks through this playlist. Its full of cheesy love songs and 2000’s electropop. “What a strange mixture of songs,” He thinks to himself.
“Songs to make out to”
Shoji’s eyes go wide and his jaw almost drops to the floor. You two are rather inexperienced when it comes to relationships, not to mention you two are in a fairly new relationship. You two have made out once, and it seems to be that this playlist was made at the beginning of your relationship.
“Did they want to make out this whole time?,” Shoji starts thinking, again at a million miles a minute, “Could I have been making out with them this whole time?!”
Shoji’s thoughts are abruptly put to a halt as you open and walk through the door.
“Hey babe, are you ready to keep studying?,” You ask.
“Uhm yes, I am,” Shoji responds with his small smile and pink tint.
“Oh wait, did you choose the music?,” You question.
“Uh yea I totally did,” Shoji responds nervously.
Shoji clicks on a random playlist, and you don’t question it.
“Uhm, Shoji darling?,” You call out to your boyfriend.
“Yes y/n,” Shoji responds to you.
“I think it's cool that you like early 2000’s pop punk too, but I don’t think it’s ideal for studying to,” You tell Shoji.
“Oh well uhhh,” He starts.
You cut him off, “Are you okay? Your face is very very red,” You inquire.
“Y/n, may I be honest with you?,” He asks you.
“Of course,” You respond back.
“Well I didn’t really look at the playlist I chose,” He says looking embarrassed.
“Then may I ask why, Shoji?,” You say with a comforting smile on your face.
“I saw a playlist on there that surprised me,” He tells you genuinely.
“Oh?,” You say, confused.
“It was actually this one,” Shoji says as he shows you the “make out playlist.”
“I-,” you start, becoming noticeably redder, “I wanted to make that for when we would need it. Kind of as a precautionary measure.”
“Oh,” He says, becoming more comfortable, and less embarrassed.
“You know we could use that playlist if you want,” You say avoiding eye contact.
“I mean… I wouldn’t be opposed,” He says back gazing deep into your eyes.
You both grab your things and gently setting them on the floor.
You scoot closer to your boyfriend, as he uses one of his many tentacles to press “play” on the playlist. You seemed to be the one to initiate the kiss, but if anybody asks it was a mutual thing. At first it was rough, and unorganized. After a little while, you both relaxed and began to feel out a rhythm of sorts. It wasn’t a perfect make out session, but it seemed to be pretty close. After a little while, Shoji actually tried to be bold and use tongue. It was by no means good, but hey, you have plenty of time to practice.
“Hey, i'm glad you saw this playlist and not the other one,” You say almost chuckling.
“What other one?,” Your boyfriend says quizzically.
“Oh it’s nothing,” You said as a small smirk crept its way across your face.
songs to f*ck to
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myemye · 3 years
“Why can’t you want me like the other boys do…” [Shoji Mezo x gn! Reader]
Summary: You and Shoji are decently good friends and one day he decides to ask you for advice with a crush while studying.
a/n: I wrote this like 6 months ago and I swear I don’t write like this anymore. Also i’m not 100% sure how to set up a tumblr page so I may not do a request box thing or write anymore. It really just depends on how this is received and my motivation to write. And I wrote this piece based off of me, so it has feminine aspects [makeup, skirt part of uniform, etc]
Also, I kinda used the song “Crave You” by the flight facilities as inspo.
Sorry for the long intro and hopefully you enjoy whatever this is lmao.
Word Count: 1.7k
You open your eyes and a soft glow illuminates your dorm. Your dorm: it's simple, but it really fits your personality. A small bookshelf, a record player [and some vinyl records,] fairy lights, and some band posters.
After ten or fifteen groggy minutes of contemplating whether or not to get up, you decide that it would be harder for you to wake up at this point so you decide to get up. You grab your phone and put on some slippers as your barely conscious body drags you over to Mina’s room.
Describing your relationship with Mina is kind of difficult; “best friends” is probably a term that would describe it well. I mean, you guys can go to each other about pretty much anything.
Without hesitation, you open her door and jump into her pink-and-black polka dotted bed. You know that she’s a light sleeper, so the noise of the door creaking open was enough to wake her up.
When you fall into her bed, you roll over and let out a giggle. Mina is very much awake and very much not happy about your decision to wake her up in such a way.
“What do you want y/n?” Mina discontentedly asks.
“I just missed you.” You whine.
Mina is the type of person that when they wake up, they are up, and like today, usually unpleasant about the fact that they cannot go back to bed.
“Do you wanna go and get changed?” Your best friend asks.
“I might as well,” You say back. “I’ll meet you down at breakfast, right?” You question.
“Of course,” Mina said with a smile on her face.
You wave goodbye and smile as you walk out her door, phone in hand.
You walk to your dorm and stumble inside.
“What to wear?” You ask yourself aloud as you look inside your dresser.
“Oh shit, its Friday!” You respond to yourself and run to your closet almost tripping over your feet.
You quickly do your makeup. It is pretty simple, just eyebrows, eyeliner, and mascara. The basics, in your opinion, to accentuate your facial features, and you put on your uniform.
You look in the mirror and mess with your hair a little bit, ultimately deciding that what it looks like now will have to do, and you go down to breakfast.
In the cafeteria, you get some rice and coffee. You’re not really a breakfast person, so you usually have a small appetite in the morning.
You go over and sit with Mina and the rest of the 1-A girls as you all eat.
As you all eat and talk, you see a tall figure walk past you.
“SHIT SHIT SHIT!” You think.
Shoji Mezo. You’ve been quite casual friends with him for the last couple months if you can recall correctly, but in reality you’ve had a crush on him since the first day. He was so polite, and you’ve always had a think for the quiet and stoic type. It also doesn’t hurt that he is hot. Like ridiculously hot. Just wow.
“Ahem.” Mina cleared her throat.
Oh no.
“I was staring, wasn’t I? You say nervously.
“Hey, at least you’re aware,” Momo replied.
“Do you like him?” Hagakure asks.
“I think so,” You say hesitantly.
“Why?” All of the girls at the table say in unison.
“I…I don’t really know,” You answer honestly. “He’s always nice to me and he has really good manners. Ooooh remember that time he totally dissed Mineta for trying to look up our skirts? That was so funny and charming.” You say almost getting lost behind the words. “Also he’s very hot,” You say under your breath.
Their eyes lit up.
“Damn, they’re crushing hard,” Jirou states.
“Seems like it,” Uraraka replies.
“You should go for it y/n!” Mina says almost yelling for the whole cafeteria to hear.
“Uhm no,” You blatantly say. “I doubt he even likes me back.”
“Totally off-the-record, but when you talk to him, his heart rate increases” Jirou says lifting your spirits.
“Wait… really?” You ask.
“Yeah,” Jirou responds.
“Why were you listening *ribbit*?” Tsu asks.
“I get bored sometimes, ya know?” Jirou said.
As the two of them were arguing back and forth whether its “an invasion of privacy to listen to people’s heart rates.” All you could think about was if he could like you. “Shoji Mezo, liking me, y/n l/n?” You whisper to yourself.
We all clean up from breakfast and start walking to Aizawa-Sensei’s classroom. To my surprise, I see Shoji sitting in his seat and no one else was in the room.
“Guys, I can’t go in there,” You say.
“Oh really?” Mina says as she smirks.
“Yea-,” You start to say as you’re cut off by the girls pushing you into the room.
You walk to your seat and sit down. Oh, and did I mention that you and Shoji sit next to each other?!?
You look up from your seat and see the girls smiling and giving you thumbs up.
“Hello Shoji,” You say.
His eyes widened, almost as if he didn’t expect for you to talk to him.
“Hi y/n,” He says back to you.
You two sit in silence for what seems like forever, but was probably only a minute or two. And he finally gets the courage to talk to you.
“Uhmm, so y/n?” He asks.
“Yea Shoji?” You blurt out almost immediately.
“I know that you have good grades, and you’re really smart,” he says, “Sodoyoumaybewannastudytogethersometime?”
“Yea,” You reply smiling, “I’ve been needing a study partner for a while now.”
“Cool,” He says with what seems to be a blush on his face, but you can’t tell because of his mask.
“Here, text me,” You say as you write your phone number on one of his many tentacles in sharpie.
The five minute bell rings and the girls walk into the room. You start to feel your face grow red.
“Oh no. Why did I do that?” You think to yourself.
Mina looks at you, smiles, and puts her thumbs up. You proceed with an awkward smile back at her, and start to die of embarrassment. [figuratively, of course]
Classes for the day wrap up and you head to your dorm.
You grab a bean bag chair from your closet, and put a decorative pillow on the circle chair that’s in your room. You take out your speaker from your drawer, and turn your studying playlist on relatively low volume.
“Perfect,” You think.
You hear a knock at the door and all of your calm thoughts disappear.
“Oh no,” You think as you start to freak out.
You open the door to your dorm nonetheless.
“Hi Shoji,” You mutter.
“Hello y/n, may I come in?” Shoji asks.
“He’s so polite,” You think as you almost swoon.
“Of course!” You say, now wondering how long its been since he asked to come in.
He walks into your dorm.
“Take a seat anywhere,” You say.
Shoji proceeds to set down his bag and sits on your bed.
“Okay,” you think to yourself, “this is happening.”
You gently pick up and toss the pillow that you had just placed on your circle chair and sit down on there.
“What subject shall we start with?” You ask.
“I think we should start with math,” He says confidently [which is out-of-the-ordinary for Shoji]
“I’m fine with that,” You say.
You both study for about an hour
“Do you want to take a break?” Shoji asks.
“Sure, I could go for a break,” You say tiredly from the studying, “What do you want to do?”
“We can just talk if that is fine by you,” He responds back to you.
You think you can start to see his face grow a blush and turn red under his mask.
You set your things down on your chair and sit on your bed next to Shoji.
“Yea, we can totally talk!” You say. “Is there anything particular that you want to talk about?”
“Actually, yea,” he says as he gets more flustered, “I was wondering if I could as for some advice… about a crush.”
“What would you like to know,” You respond seemingly as chipper as ever.
“Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. He likes another person. What am I gonna do?” You think to yourself.
“So… uhm I like this person and I don’t know if they like me back. What should I do?” He asks nervously.
“Well, personally I think if you like someone, you should make a move. People like confidence,” You tell him.
“Ugh, seriously y/n. Take your own advice. Be honest with yourself!” You think to yourself.
“Uhmmm… Well in that case....,” Shoji starts even more nervously than before, “I should be honest then…”
Your eyes widen as a look of confusion sweeps over your face.
“I think I like you, like a lot. I don’t know if you like me back but-” He says before you cut him off.
“Shoji, I like you too. I’ve had a crush on you since the first day I saw you,” You said while deeply blushing.
His eyes widen and the red on his face darkens even more, to the point you didn’t know if his face could darken that much.
“Y/n, may I kiss you?” He asks abruptly.
Now a blush comes across your face almost as deep and beet-red as his.
“Please,” You whisper.
He starts leaning in and you close your eyes and lean in as well.
You soon feel a pair of lips on yours, but you are too focused on the kiss to realize that the pair of lips on yours, are his lips. It is amazing. You are engulfed in the kiss and it felt like hours even though it was only a matter of seconds. Before you knew it the kiss was over and you felt his mask be lifted back onto his face. You open your eyes, just to admire him and his pretty face.
“Shoji, would you like to go on a date with me?” You ask almost out of nowhere.
He leans in and kisses you on the forehead on his mask and says “I would love nothing more than that, y/n”
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myemye · 3 years
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☾ haikyuu boys when they realise how much they love you 
☾ haikyuu boys reaction to you calling them ‘pretty boy’
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you teasingly call them pretty boy 
☾ haikyuu boys when you fall asleep in the passenger seat during a long drive
☾ haikyuu boys who would follow you into the bathroom 
☾ haikyuu boys when you stop cuddling them 
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when they get asked if you’re single during a q&a live
☾ haikyuu boys drunk confessions
☾ sleepy kisses with haikyuu boys 
☾ haikyuu boys when they’re craving cuddles
☾ haikyuu boys and the first time you say “i love you”
☾ haikyuu boys when they think you’re asleep
☾ how haikyuu boys act when they first meet you
☾ telling haikyuu boys you dont want kisses
☾ trying to get haikyuu boys to dance with you at a family event 
☾ tall haikyuu boys and tiny cars 
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when they notice you’re cold in the middle of the night
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when someone asks “when’s the wedding?”
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you dont have them saved under a cute contact name 
☾ dancing in the kitchen with haikyuu boys at midnight 
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when you steal a kiss
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when they kick you off the bed in their sleep
☾ waking up haikyuu boys to tell them you love them
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when you sit on their lap infront of their friends
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when you tell them “we need to talk”
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you tell them to shutup without realising 
☾ things haikyuu boys do when they like you 
☾ waking up haikyuu boys in the middle of the night because you “heard noises”
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when you tell them they’re your favourite boyfriend
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you crawl in their sweatshirt with them 
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when you scoot away during cuddles 
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when they find you up late 
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you hug them and dont let go 
☾ picking up haikyuu boys from the club when they’re drunk
☾ haikyuu boys picking you up from the club when you’re drunk
☾ telling haikyuu boys to ask you for the sugar before peppering their face with kisses 
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you accidentally knee them in the crotch when play fighting 
☾ haikyuu boys being clingy when you’re mad at them
☾ haikyuu boys who give the best slow and deep kisses
☾ haikyuu boys when you play with their hair 
☾ haikyuu boys blurting out that they’ll marry you one day 
☾ haikyuu boys when they catch you staring at them 
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you stop kissing them to check your phone 
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you grab their shirt in your sleep
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you come home early to spend time with them
☾ haikyuu boys when they return home to you sleeping with a pillow in their place 
☾ haikyuu boys when you pinch their cheeks 
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when you jump into their arms randomly 
☾ haikyuu boys reactions when you dress up to go out 
☾ haikyuu boys reactions to you being clingy when you’re sleepy 
☾ sleepy haikyuu boys being clingy 
☾ haikyuu boys running to you after they win a game 
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when you reach for their hand while asleep 
☾ haikyuu boys reaction to you being catcalled 
☾ haikyuu boys reactions to you buying matching pyjamas
☾ haikyuu boys cuddle positions
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when their crush kisses their cheek 
☾ telling haikyuu boys they feel like home 
☾ haikyuu boys and things they keep for their s/o 
☾ haikyuu boys confessing to their crush on white day 
☾ whispered sweet nothings with haikyuu boys in the morning 
☾ reuniting with haikyuu boys at the airport after they’ve been playing overseas 
☾ haikyuu boys reaction when their crush’s shirt rides up when taking off their sweater
☾ haikyuu boys tying your hair 
☾ peppering kisses all over haikyuu boys faces 
☾ haikyuu boys with a clingy s/o after they’ve been away from home 
☾ styling haikyuu boys hair 
☾ haikyuu boys sleeping habits 
☾ how haikyuu boys greet you 
☾ haikyuu boys dealing with bugs 
☾ doing your night time skin routine with haikyuu boys 
☾ haikyuu boys when you tell them you’re leaving to go home 
☾ doing haikyuu boys makeup 
☾ getting stuck in the rain with haikyuu boys 
☾ haikyuu boys proposing to you 
☾ haikyuu boys teaching their crush who’s their best friend how to kiss
☾ haikyuu boys when you kiss their hands/fingers before a game for good luck
☾ haikyuu boys getting their wisdom teeth out 
☾ haikyuu boys annoying but cute habits
☾ haikyuu boys being clingy 
☾ haikyuu boys when they come home to you hugging a pillow with their shirt on it 
☾ how the haikyuu captains hug 
☾ giving haikyuu boys forehead kisses
☾ haikyuu boys reactions the first time you called them by their first name 
☾ haikyuu boys when you surprise them with a kiss before running off
☾ tickling haikyuu boys
☾ haikyuu boys reaction to you showering with the water super hot
☾ haikyuu boys cheering on their s/o at a sports event
☾ haikyuu boys when you steal their clothes while they’re away
☾ haikyuu boys who would pull you into their lap when you walk by
☾ haikyuu boys when your shirt rides up while you’re sleeping - pt2
☾ stupid things the haikyuu boys do to try and get their crush’s attention
☾ waking up haikyuu boys at 2am to go get food
☾ haikyuu boys reaction to you calling them bro
☾ haikyuu boys giving you their clothes when you’re cold
☾ slow mornings with haikyuu boys
☾ haikyuu boys carrying you to bed when you fall asleep
☾ how haikyuu boys hype you up in the comments
☾ haikyuu boys reactions to you touching their butt
☾ haikyuu boys when they see your boy bestfriend giving you a piggyback ride
☾ haikyuu boys when you’re crushing on an anime character
☾ haikyuu boys getting jealous when you play otome games
☾ haikyuu boys who’d shut you up with a kiss v who you shut up with a kiss
☾ first kisses with haikyuu boys
☾ sleepy cuddles with haikyuu boys - pt2
☾ waking up with haikyuu boys - pt2, pt3
☾ what it’s like sharing a bed with haikyuu boys
☾ teaching haikyuu boys how to skateboard 
☾ haikyuu boys with kids from best to worst
☾ haikyuu boys with a cat who favours their s/o
☾ haikyuu boys when it’s their s/o’s birthday
☾ haikyuu boys with a s/o who collect stickers
☾ haikyuu boys who would fall for someone with dimples
☾ haikyuu boys who’d fall for the ‘chill & cool’ type - pt2
☾ haikyuu boys who’d love a bookworm s/o
☾ haikyuu boys who would be an excellent handyman at home
☾ haikyuu boys with tattoos/jewellery dedicated to their s/o - pt2 
☾ haikyuu boys helping you carry your bag
☾ haikyuu boys who would spoil their s/o
☾ haikyuu boys dealing with a creep on the subway
☾ haikyuu boys when their s/o has super cold hands
☾ haikyuu boys seeing you in their clothes for the first time
☾ haikyuu boys with a s/o who is injury prone
☾ haikyuu boys with a short s/o who climbs things to reach higher
☾ haikyuu boys who would walk you home
☾ haikyuu boys and pda
☾ haikyuu boys who wouldnt mind being little spoon
☾ haikyuu boys and their favourite dates
☾ haikyuu boys who would sing your favourite songs with you
☾ haikyuu boys with a s/o who studies a lot 
☾ haikyuu boys who would like a dancer s/o
☾ haikyuu boys meeting your family for the first time
☾ haikyuu boys and tinder dates
☾ haikyuu boys reacting to you getting excited
☾ haikyuu boys with a s/o who has chubby cheeks
☾ haikyuu boys when you get an injury
☾ haikyuu boys when they’re caught simping for their s/o - pt2
☾ haikyuu boys dancing from best to worst
☾ haikyuu boys with a short s/o
☾ haikyuu boys who’d fall for someone who isn’t afraid to call them out
☾ haikyuu boys taking care of you when you’re drunk
☾ haikyuu boys when their s/o gets talked over
☾ haikyuu boys with a s/o who loves leaving them notes
☾ haikyuu boys when they get locked in a storage closet w their crush
☾ haikyuu boys who wouldn’t mind a s/o who swears a lot 
☾ mattsun as your boyfriend 
☾ sakusa as your boyfriend 
☾ atsumu as your boyfriend
☾ osamu as your boyfriend 
☾ suna as your boyfriend 
☾ kita as your boyfriend 
☾ bokuto as your boyfriend 
☾ akaashi as your boyfriend 
☾ kuroo as your boyfriend
☾ iwaizumi as your boyfriend 
☾ oikawa as your boyfriend 
☾ kuroo and bokuto with a famous gamer youtuber s/o
☾ atsumu and kageyama taking their children to training
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