myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 35: Guess what time did I got woken up for a shitty day? Yes 8am because my family decided this day will be three best day to pray for my late great grandpa but because its a shitty day to me so I decided not to go and woken myself up officially one hour later but still staying in bed doing nothing like a useless shit so after that , late afternoon my parents came home with some of my aunts and slowly I went back to sleep again and woke up for dinner like I did yesterday and went back to sleep few hours later
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 34: Finally its Friday 馃構today me and my friend went to eat fried chicken for lunch 馃帀 so after that went home do absolutely nothing and went for a afternoon nap 馃槀 so I woke up ate dinner and went to my computer played some games, watched some shows and back to sleep 馃挙
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 33: Today is just a day nearer to the weekends 鉂わ笍and today was a longer and more tiring day because I got more things to do while in school and having much lesser money will start saving real soon 馃槀 anyways have to lose weight soon too because I feel super fat 馃槫 I targeted before my next birthday I will be 50kg 馃檹馃徎
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 32: Its February! Finally the second month of 2017 is here and back to school 馃槶 same shit different day is back again so I am also getting used to my boyfriend being in the army 馃構 and well to say everything has been going quite well so far nothing much happened so its just a short day for me 馃榿
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 31: Funniest day ever . My boyfriend is enlisting 馃槤 means he will be bald ~ so I woke up early to go to his "ceremony" (basically you just sit there and they talk shit to you) so it ended at 1+ reaching 2 .. I was considering if I want to go school but ended up .. NAH I shall just take an MC stay home 馃槢 so I went to take an MC went home talk on the phone for awhile to know what happened in school and fell asleep . After that woke up , ate dinner talked to my angry boyfriend a little , pressed my phone a little and went back to sleep 馃槀 best day ever ~ it's the end of January 馃帀 Hopefully February will be a much better month 鉂わ笍
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 30: Today is a mix good and bad day . His eldest aunt helped me celebrate my belated birthday by bringing me to the movies . Then having to hear Starbucks 1-1 so we went down and grab ours while i grab my complimentary upgrade (it ends tomorrow) then we went to temple to pray Gods for peace and safety because it's bad year that I will harm some Gods (or to say they will avoid me) so I have to pray but didn't have enough money (it was $24 OMG) so it's fine I will do it after the Lunar New Year and received news that my father's father youngest sister fell down so (she is a little bit of intellectually disabled and has hit her head) so I cried because she is still my grandaunt after all . Then we went home ate dinner and it's time for my boyfriend to go because he is enlisting tomorrow . So it's a happy but not so happy day .
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 29: Today is go out and more red packet again 馃槀 this time is going to my boyfriend's family ~ first is his mother 鉂わ笍 second is his father's side grandparents 馃槢 lastly is his mother's side grandmother 馃槢 came home with a big surprise of belated birthday celebration with fam 馃槝 A very happy to receive birthday wishes and belated birthday wishes from all friends and fam 馃槤love you all 鉂わ笍
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 28: Today is the first day of CNY and my 20th birthday 馃槢 it's go out and take red packet day 馃帀 I went to my mother's side grandmother house and my father's side aunty house for today but lots of people and lots of red packets 馃憤馃徎today is a rainy day but it's okay 馃槢 happy birthday to me crazy woman who lived for 20 years 馃槀
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 27: This is the eve of lunar new year 馃帀 cleared shit that are suppose to be cleared 馃槶 ate dinner and guess what ? Quarrel time 馃様 as shitty as I can feel for today and how much he doesn't need me in his life or even me having a place in my heart doesn't seems weird anymore . I don't think he loves me anymore just saying marriage like it just a promise . He will leave me sooner or later anyway 馃槉
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 26: It's the last continuous assessment for this whole semester or should I say the last days of my ITE life .. done with presentation .. fucked it all up 馃槶 there we go . I let everyone down 馃様 so now all I have to do is to be prepared for the final exam that is coming up soon 馃槾
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 25: Mother and sister not working it's 3 days left to lunar new year 馃槾 I'm so tired of all this 馃槾馃槾 so today is just the same old shit . Go school , deal with shit , go home , deal with more shit 馃槶 I just want this to end as soon as it can end already 馃槶馃槶
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 24: Why is it raining again ? 馃檮today is a same shit different day day .. 馃槹 what do we have today ? I left my portable with a sister of mine and my jacket 馃槀 so today I play league and tried to bigo live while league-ing it was hard I swear never easy 馃槀 so that's all I ever done 馃槄 you wake up , eat , play game , go school , come home , play more games 馃槀
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 23: Monday and heavy rain always makes everything worse but today school ended 4 hours early thanks to people who have tests and cost accounting trip 馃槤 boyfriend took off on this day and came back to school 鈽猴笍 we ate lunch together but he can't stay whole day with me because he has to meet his friend 馃様it's okay 馃槤 we spent time together that's enough 鉂わ笍 so today we had a little fun and it got a little overboard which will lead to more responsibilities in future but let's hope that overboard did not bring us major consequences 鈽猴笍
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 22: Its the last day of the week ! Again .. 馃檮So today I decided it will be a good day to on my computer play some games and watch some videos (while my family is not around for that day 馃帀) but i was soon met with my boyfriend coming over angry because I have not got anything done 馃檮 my grandpa was at home what do you expect to get done 馃檮 my dad suddenly went home (more rolled eyes here) so I ended up doing my chores at 3+ 4 . Facing a angry boyfriend I was more irritated . 馃檮 So i do my chores while he fall asleep on my bed 馃槖 then I was done vacuuming and boiling some water I went in to the room expecting some cuddles (he cuddled me at the wrong timing when I was playing game 馃檮) so he got angry and I felt super distant and awkward . Like those we are just friends but I like you feeling came out 馃様 then when he went out of my room to smoke i sat and face the wall and cried because the 2 years relationship feeling was not to get more distant .. but it got a little distant . He came back I faster wiped my tears away and well do what I always do .. Pretend I'm fine and I guess he found out something was wrong .. he hugged me . It felt like the first time we cuddled on bed . Listen to his heartbeat and still I cried silently 馃槉 then he went out to help me mop the floor while I continue crying on the bed . Guess he can't stand knowing something is wrong 馃槉 he came for kisses asking me what's wrong and still I said nothing . So he mopped finish the floor and call me to get up to wash my tear-filled face I refused . He angrily covered me with the blanket . I never hated myself so much . All my thoughts was how am I not good enough , hateful comments , all the past negative comments came to me . I locked the door cried on my own . Then I found a poloroid of myself . All I wanted to do was to cut it (that's how much I hated myself) then I went out he saw me tears-filled cut poloroid of myself dumped to the bin . Went to the toilet and cried a few more mins came out and all he did was ask again is everything okay ? And I did not reply he just hugged me told me to change , went in the room with me to make sure I did not self-harm before he went out to make sure my parents don't misunderstand when they came back . We went to eat and walk around before going home . He told me his brother and mother accepted me into this family and I was the first that was actually accepted . 鈽猴笍 nagged how stupid I was and sent me home . He went home on his own later on 鈽猴笍
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 21: It sad day 馃様 as usual cinderella stays at home clean the windows and stuff while step mother and step sister goes out (it's actually not so bad) after cleaning up . I washed my hair (I was not suppose to) it was so itchy and oily that I can't stand it anymore 馃槶 I was fired back with why didn't you clean this and that 馃檮 HELLO NOT EVERY THING IS MY JOB FOR THE LOVE OF ALL HUMAN KIND 馃檮馃檮馃檮馃檮 so suddenly it was night I was fed up . My dad say all you do is stay in the room , next week is new year etc (typical asian parents) so what can I do after he leaves ? Roll eye complain to others 馃槀 I packed my snacks cupboard and greeted with the "oh you cleaned something , finally" 馃檮 quarrelled with boyfriend again 馃様 don't ask why . Just not a good day today 馃様
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 20: It is a holiday ? People are having test while I finished the test for that module so .. I rest for that day 馃槤 so I went up to his house thinking that he only had like half day of work ? (He claimed so) I was on my way when he said oh sorry it's full day . I.F.K.R 馃檮 Nevermind I went up with all the heavy things in my hand and I actually brought my laptop up 馃拃 Yeap it was heavy as hell 馃槶 ended up he came home at 4 instead because I was angry and maybe nagging .. I had a great time with his mom 馃槀 we were talking , laughing , gossiping like any girl will do 馃槀 I actually reached home at 10+ don't ask how 馃槀
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myear2017-blog 7 years
Day 19: Terrible day 馃様 totally no mood for anything 馃様 although it's the last day of test days for the week but still quarrelled with boyfriend , straightened my hair and also planning to fail my test for today . No mood at all today 馃様 boyfriend last minute cancelled tomorrows' meeting because someone don't know how to plan their work shift properly 馃檮 boyfriend finds me annoying anyway . So I shall not annoy him anymore 馃槉 I don't feel like I fit in anywhere , no friends that truly fit , no family that is truly close 馃槉 I feel I am always alone 馃槉 no one close , no one to link to either 馃槉
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