mydramatv-blog · 9 years
What happened to Us (Ep. 3)
Jessi: I cant belive we are here, in korea im so exicted 
Amber: Jessi calm down please we did this for Hope not for you 
Jessi: i know but we all had are reasons to come here mine is for the underground rapping sence 
Amber’s reasons was for her fashion blog, Matt’s was for a good paying job, Patrick and Andrew both got jobs as producers Andrew in fliming and Patrick’s in music and they both got a job at a music company called SM Entertainment and Hope, well she had 2 reasons one for school and the second one was for baekhyun 
* the next day (with Patrick and Andrew)
in the studio with Patrick he was working with a group called EXO and he was almost done with recording all the voice the last one was up and when Patrick looked up and heard his voice he almost screamed 
Patrick: BAKEHYUN!!!!!!!!!!! 
Baekhyun looked up to see Patrick his eyes looked so shocked to see him here and once he did he ran striaght out of the recoreding booth and nearly knocked over Patrick suprising almost everyone in the room
Chanyeol: yo chill Baek you almost knocked him over 
Baekhyun: oh Chan shut it this is one of the friends i had back in the states 
everyone look up almost instanly with a knowing look in their eyes 
just after that incounter Patrick excused himself out of the room and called Matt and Jessi 
Patrick: Matt do you know who i just ran into? 
Matt: no, because I’m not there with you, who? 
Jessi: yeah who did you run into 
Patrick: Baekhyun 
matt and jessi just froze and patrick could tell by the way the we’rent talking, but the jessi started to talk again
Jessi: we can NOT i repeat can NOT tell Hope and you cant tell Baek what happened to her while he was gone it will break his heart do you hear me Patrick 
* see’s Baekhyun walking to him 
Baekhyun: hey Patrick who you talking to?
Patrick: just Matt and Jessi, you know me and jessi started dating 
* Jessi face palms over the phone*
* later that night while Hope was sleeping* 
Parick: Andrew you will see EXO tomorrow because they have a fliming with you, but dont tell them anything about Hope okay
Andrew: i cant belive it, i...i..i just cant belive it out of all the places WHY THERE 
Amber: yah dumbass keep it down Hope is sleeping 
Andrew: sorry forgot but sill after what happened i just cant she like my.. our little sister and her own brother HOW THE HELL CAN YOU REMAN CALM 
Amber: fine just wake up the one we are trying to protect and have her find out
Hope: what are you guys talking about protecting me and having me find out?
Matt: Patrick saw Baekhyun today in the studio and Andrew will see him tomorrow, we didnt what you find out because we didnt what you to-
Hope: really you guys saw BAekhyun?
Jessi: you cant see him and if he wants to see you he cant we fobide it 
Hope: you cant do that is not fair 
Andrew: yes it is its for your sanitiy 
hope ran back to her room crying and locking her self in again just like 2 years ago when it all happened 
A/N: sorry for spelling mistakes and gammer erroes but next time i write i will be on my phone because im at someone else house to writing this so better spelling but hands will hurt more and the next part will be a flashback 
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mydramatv-blog · 9 years
What happened to Us (Ep. 2)
Once everyone went home, Hope went straight to her room and locked herself in
Matt: Hope come on out Amber and Jessi what to talk to you come on out, please hope we miss you 
hope got up and opened her door once it was open everyone started to fill in, including Baekhyun
Amber: What the hell is wrong with you locking yourself in your room, let me see your arm!
Hope: i didnt cut myself you know i hate self harm any way so why would i do it to myself? 
Jessi: guys can you get out we need some girl time alone please 
* Matt, Andrew, Patrick and Baekhyun pretend to past out from hearing jessi say please*
Jessi: OH JUST GET OUT before i start  hurting you!
*  Matt, Andrew, Patrick and Baekhyun start running out of the room*
Jessi: what happened what did Baek say to you 
Hope: he said hes moving to korea and that he got accepted into the company he additioned for
Amber and Jessi just staring at Hope like shes crazy
*all the boys start running in to Hopes room*
Baekhyun: what d you what? 
Jessi and Amber: Why the didnt you tell us that your MOVING TO KOREA?
Matt Andrew and Patrick just looking at him like hes fresh prey and they are all going to attack him any second 
Matt: why didnt you tell us Baek 
Baekhyun: i was going to, but I’m leaving in a month 
Hope: then we need to spend as much time as we can with you 
everyone else: yah!
Andrew: okay but lets start tomorrow i have stuff to do today 
everyone laughed at Andrews comment for then next month everyone was hang out with each other day by day 
*One month later* 
they were all at the airport saying there goodbyes and farwells 
Hope: bye Baek dont forget us, Okay?
Baekhyun: I wouldnt okay ill talk to you guys when i can 
Speaker: flight C-2 now borading 
Baekhyun: oh thats my flight i have to go now bye 
everyone: BYE BAEK 
*5 years later*
 Hope: well we’re here 
all of them were looking up at theyre new apartment in seoul korea
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mydramatv-blog · 9 years
What happened to Us (Ep.1)
It was a warm summer day 2000, all the while 7 little kids were sitting under a tree 
Hope: hey baekhyun what to play some more 
Baekhyun: Yeah sure, you guys what to join us? 
Matt, Patrick, and Andrew: Nah we’re good we’ll play in a bit 
Amber: You guys are to hyper let us rest 
Jessi: I’ll join when the guys do just go run of and play we’ll find you 
Hope and Baekhyun: Okay see you guys later 
after that Hope and Baek went of to play and with it being summer it was really not outside 
Baekhyun: So what do you what to play Hope? 
Hope: * tags Baekhyun* TAG YOUR IT!
*Back to where the others are*
Andrew: Why didnt you girls what to go? *he said while pointing at them*
Amber: Because Hope like Baek so we what her to tell her feeling to Baek-*Jessi interups Amber* 
Jessi: And any way Baek likes Hope to so it doesnt matter you tells first it only matters that they get together
Amber, Andrew, Matt, and Patrick: WHAT?!?!?!
Jessi: Yeah you didnt know? * with a surprised look on her face* 
Matt: He propably didnt tell us because we would have made fun of him for liking my little sister!
Andrew and Patrick: Yeah propably * they said while nodding in agreement*
meanwhile Hope and Baekhyun are on your way to get ice cream 
Hope: I dont what school to start!
Baekhyun: i have something to tell you 
Hope: yes, what is it you can tell me anything Baek
Baekhyun: I’m moving 
Hope: What??? 
Baekhyun: i am moving to korea 
Hope: why Baek why 
Baekhyun: i got accepted into the company i audition for * he said with a huge smile on his face*
Hope: thats wonderful Baek 
inside of hope she felt her heart breaking one little piece at a time
A/N : I hoped you liked it, its the first episode  more to come 
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mydramatv-blog · 9 years
Cast relationships
•Hope and Matt are siblings •Amber and Andrew are cousins •Jessi and Patrick are dating •Patrick, Matt, Baekhyun, and Andrew are best friends •Amber, Hope, and Jessica are best friends
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mydramatv-blog · 9 years
This the made up cast
This is the fake cast
-Hope. Green -Baekhyun. Park -Matt. Green -Patrick. Droup -Andrew. Kim -Amber. Seal -Jessi. Heart
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