mychores-blog1 · 5 years
Best Ways to Recognize a Good Housemaid
Once you hire a good housemaid, it can change your life completely. All the piled up things in your sofa will find the right place to fit in. People who are too busy to attend to household chores, having a maid can keep their house clean and well organized.
Are you one of them who hardly get any time to do the smallest tidying up chores at home? Do you often struggle to do laundry, clean kitchen countertops and oven or scrub the floors? If yes, then you will obviously want somebody to get you through this without spending too much. Keeping this in mind, some reputed domestic help services in Mumbai are offering housemaids online. You can choose and try their services during a certain trial period. Once you hire someone, you will be charged only the essential amount.
Now, if you are hiring a maid for the first time from an agency, here are some of the ways you should follow to find the right person for the position.
Personal qualities
Honest and caring
Sometimes you may have to leave home when your housemaid comes. So the most important quality in a housemaid should be loyalty and professional commitment. It is obvious that you cannot trust a person whom you meet for the first time. So get in touch with a company that offers house maid services in Mumbai on a 2-day trial term. During that time, you can check and see if your maid is trustworthy enough to leave your house to him/her.
Committed to the job
If you find it too tiresome and difficult to clean the dirty oven or scrub the floors, then your objective of hiring a maid must be to get a clean and organized house. So the second most important quality that you must find in full time maid in Mumbai is hardworking nature. The person should be well aware of his/her duty and be always dedicated to the work given. Make sure that he/she puts in enough time and energy required for a polished and cleaned home.
Regular and flexible at work
The most common problem with housemaids is their irregularity at work. They often make excuses to take leave. Sometimes, they can come to work so late that you cannot leave for office on time. But the worst happens when they do not come at all for days without any prior notice. Now to get rid of these problems some professional maid services providers are providing replacement in such situations. So get in touch with them, and make your home cleaner and your life easier.
Previous working experience
People with good working experience in the past may certainly know the housecleaning tasks better than the novice. Even though new people come with fresh energy, those who have been long in the business can do the same amount of work in lesser time. Now to know better about your cleaner, ask him/her to give reference names of the last employer. If he/she is unable to do so, consider it as a red flag. You do not obviously need to call them, as they will say good things in general. But this will help you to know that your maid has impressed people with whom they have worked with.
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
Top 4 Things to Keep in Mind While Hiring a Cook Online
Sun’s out, guns out. Well, not literally! But summer’s here already and who likes to sweat in the kitchen after a hectic day at office? That’s why there are professionals for the kitchen work. Now in this digital era finding a cook is not a big deal anymore, but what we often forget to check are certain qualities and some information about the cook that can make a big impact later. So read below to know what essential things to remember while selecting a cook for home.
Hygiene comes first!
The food becomes healthy when hygiene is maintained. So you must ensure that your domestic cook maintains hygiene in the kitchen and always keeps hands clean. This you can come to know while talking to the person before hiring. Today most of the online agencies offer their clients a chance to talk to the potential candidate face-to-face. If it feels awkward to ask directly about it, you may judge by the way of his/her dressing and body language. A clean dress and a good attitude might be green signals for you. Also ensure if the person is medically fit to perform all duties. For example, if a big get-together is arranged, he/she will be able to cook for such a huge number of people or not.
Do you understand what he/she speaks?
This is easy to know. If you both understand each other’s language during the interview, then there’s no problem in it. Even if you have cultural differences and his mother tongue is different, he must know a language that you both understand. But this is not all. You must make sure that the cook is smart enough to follow your instructions properly. For example, if you ask him to cook for a certain number of people, he should prepare dishes accordingly, not more, not less.
Prior work experience matters
If you are hiring a maid for cooking, you should try to know about the experience of your selected person. For that you can ask a few questions about his/her past employments. Collect information about how many years of experience he has and what he has cooked so far. This will also give you picture about how prompt and skilled he is in his job. At the same time you must also ask if he can cook the dishes that you may him to do. This will allow you to understand how flexible he is or whether you shies away from trying out new items.
Honesty goes a long way!
There are hundreds of agencies in town that offer home cooking services. And all these agencies will provide you with a large database of people who are ready to cook at your home within your budget. But are they all reliable? We are always ready to spend a few bucks more to hire an honest person. So when you will sit face-to-face with a candidate, you must judge his nature and his attitude to understand whether he is speaking honestly about himself. If you think he is trying to hide something, think about a second option. But do not compromise on honesty for a few bucks.
It is not always possible to judge a person’s nature from a small interview. So some agencies are offering trial cooking services. So contact such agencies and get a chance to find out about good qualities and other important information about your cook during a trial working period.
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
How to clean kitchen furniture like professional cleaners
Do you want to clean kitchen furniture like a professional kitchen cleaning servic? We will show you how.
Without a doubt, the kitchen is one part of the house most susceptible to stains. We spend a large part of our time in the kitchen. When cooking, it is normal for grease stains to accumulate, debris and all kinds of dirt difficult to remove. That is why it is so important to know how to clean kitchen furniture.
If you do not know how to clean kitchen furniture correctly, stains can accumulate and reach a point that is truly difficult to remove them. For reasons of hygiene, it is important to clean kitchen furniture very often. The image of your house can be affected by a dirty kitchen. Also, since we are going to have to spend much time in it, we better have it in the best possible conditions.
The result may be worse if you use wrong techniques while cleaning kitchen furniture. We can spread the grease stains, leave traces and spoil the finished surfaces of the kitchen furniture.
Do not miss a single detail and you will learn how to clean kitchen furniture like a true professional.
What parts of the kitchen should I clean?
The kitchen has areas especially prone to accumulate dirt. It is precisely in these areas that we have to pay more attention when cleaning kitchen furniture. You have to keep in mind, that the best solution when cleaning kitchen furniture and maintaining them, is to clean a little every day. After cooking, it is important to leave everything collected and clean. This way you will prevent the dirt from accumulating and sticking to your furniture.
Despite these precautions, the kitchen will also get dirty and a more thorough cleaning will be necessary. It will be more complicated since accumulated grease and dirt are harder to remove. But with patience and desire nothing is impossible!
In this thorough cleaning you should pay special attention to these parts:
Extractor hood
Gas burner
These areas of the kitchen are more exposed to dirt and we must pay special attention and care when cleaning.
How to clean wooden kitchen furniture like kitchen cleaning services?
How to clean the extractor hood?
It is one of the areas that needs a deep cleaning, and at the same time one of the most difficult to clean. Since we do not pay so much attention to it every day, it is important that when you do a deep cleaning, you do it with care.
To clean this part of the house you can use gin or vodka. These two alcoholic drinks are perfect to completely disinfect this area of ​​the house. This trick is especially useful if your extractor hood is made of steel. You will get rid of all the accumulated fat and dirt, and it will shine like it did on the first day.
Clean the countertop correctly
We need to clean the countertops every day after cooking. Although they may seem clean for this reason, it is one of the areas in the kitchen where more bacteria accumulate.
The good part is that it is one of the areas in the kitchen that can be cleaned more easily. In a couple of minutes you can leave it as new. You will not need to spend money on a specific product; it will be enough to use soap and water. If you want to add a fresher and citrus smell, just add a few drops of lemon juice.
The first thing before cleaning the countertop, is to empty it completely. Wipe down any remaining crumbs or food that may have remained. With the mixture you have previously made of soap and water, spray the entire worktop in abundance. Spread it with a damp sponge. Once finished, try to dry it correctly. Otherwise, the soap stains may leave a mark. If there is dirt on the countertop joints that you have not been able to clean properly, you can help with a toothbrush.
It will be shiny as new!
Clean utensils and cutlery
From the use and constant washing, it is normal that our utensils and cutlery lose their shine and rust. To recover its original brightness, you will only need to use half an onion. If you rub hard you will see how little they recover the shine again. To finish, wash them to remove the smell that the onion can leave. With this trick you will see that they recover their original brightness and you will be preventing oxidation.
How to clean kitchen furniture with grease
The Gas burner
To keep them working properly, it is important that they remain perfectly clean. When cooking, any carelessness can cause them to stain. Some sauce that spills, a piece of vegetable that falls. No doubt when cleaning kitchen furniture you should pay special attention to this area.
If something is spilled on top of the burners, you may clog the holes. This will cause the flame does not come out with such intensity and bother you at the time of cooking. To clean it you will only need a metal bristle brush. But if you're looking to clean the burners in depth, we have the solution. You put vinegar and very hot water in equal parts. You deposit your burners in the container, and leave them to soak for an hour or so. You will see that all the dirt disappears right away.
Final word:
Now you have learned how to clean kitchen furniture like professional kitchen cleaning services. The most important thing is to be consistent in cleaning it. This way, when it came time to do the deep cleaning, it will be cleaner. The grease and dirt that accumulate in the kitchen are very difficult to remove if we leave it too long. They can stick and we will need specific chemical products to be able to eliminate them.
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
4 Most Essential Qualities of a Good Driver
Whether you are looking for a driver for your personal car or professional purpose, you must always remember the most essential qualities of a driver. A good driver never makes any compromise with the passenger’s safety. He drives carefully while obeying traffic rules and keeps the car in good condition. There are more such qualities that a professional driver possesses. Here’s a detailed insight into them.
1. Takes care of passenger safety
Generally a driver has an in-depth understanding about how to operate every vehicle. This is to ensure maximum comfort and safety for passengers. Be it a long route or a shorter one, the person whom you select from a driver agency in Mumbai must be always careful about safety. He should follow the traffic rules and park the vehicle at the right spot. As for a corporate driver, he knows the best routes to your destinations and drives you comfortably on time.
2. Never forgets courtesy
From opening the door for you to bidding good morning a professional driver maintains courtesy and makes the passenger feel good with his driver services. Now if you are asking your driver to pick or drop your clients, he will treat them with courtesy and respect. Your clients can enjoy additional pampering of getting the driver to take care to open and close door for them. When you can’t pick your clients from the airport, the driver will be there to help them unload the luggage easily.
3. Responds in a friendly manner
The most amiable feature of a good driver is that he always responds in a friendly manner. In fact, if you send your driver to drive your family members or even your clients, he knows how to behave with clients. Polite greeting and friendly tone of talking will help set the tone for a trip. When it comes to a business trip, this will also make your clients feel comfortable and welcome, leaving a positive impact on your interaction with them. This adds to professional mannerism where friendliness combines well with formal and respectful approach.
4. Always punctual to work
A person who has been in this job of driver services in Mumbai for a long time knows the value of punctuality. He will arrive on time when he has to pick a client from a meeting or the airport. He makes sure that the car is waiting at the spot when you or your client is ready to go. So, the best thing about hiring a professional and well-experienced driver is that he is very punctual and always comes at the picking spot a few minutes before the time given.
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
15 Tricks to keep your house always clean and tidy
House cleaning is a daunting task if it has a lot of mess and it requires tough cleaning. Most of the work can go easy if you know the right tricks and tips that will help you save time and effort. If your house seems messy but you lack time, with these routines you will manage to keep the chaos at bay. MyChores a professional maid service provides the following advice tips that will make your house cleaning efforts fruitful without tiring you out.
Never leave home in the morning without making the bed
When you make your bed in the morning you will get a clean and cozy bedroom even if you arrive late and from work. Being ahead of time always pays.
Empty the dishwasher while making coffee
During the minutes that the teapot takes to boil or the coffee warmer is heated, make use of the precious time to remove the things from the dishwasher or to scrub a pan by hand.
Make a list of everything you have to buy while you are away
Use the journey from work to home to buy cleaning products, some extra ingredient for dinners or going to the cleaners. This way you will gain leisure time to use during the weekend.
Get rid of all the papers you do not use
Take advantage while having breakfast to pick up and throw papers, newspapers or old magazines, advertising. It will come with you doing one day a week.
Order the cables
A bundle of unordered cables will cause the space to be disorganized. The solution to this? As soon as you sit down at the desk, take the opportunity to store cables and chargers in a drawer.
Set aside a specific place to store your electronic devices
Photo camera, tablet, or laptop all electronics placed in a drawer or on a tray, you will make your work place at home look more organized.
And when you get home, everything in its place
Do not leave your bag or clothes anywhere-on the bed, on the sofa, or hanging on the kitchen chairs. Sooner or later, you will have to pick it up, so it is best to put it in its place when you get home from work. The space will be ordered and you will get rid of the task.
Spend a few minutes between homework and homework to brush up dust on surfaces
While the iron is heating up or you wait for the movie or your favorite series to start, you can go over some shelves or the envelope on the table.
Use baskets to organize
Distribute baskets and boxes decorated throughout the house to hide objects that cause disorder. One day a week, review them and get rid of what you do not need or are going to use.
Clean and order while cooking
Try to clean and organize at the same time you cook. Start by saving what you no longer need, just after you have used it - the cutting board, spices, and the squeegee. The objective of this? A more open and clean kitchen and no need to clean it later.
Order food in the refrigerator and pantry
Vegetables with vegetables preserved on the one hand; oils and sauces, on the other. In this way, you will always know what is there and what is missing to make the purchase. You will save time and money with an organized refrigerator.
Take the opportunity to clean the inside of the bathtub while you shower
We do not expect you to stop enjoying your moments of pleasure; simply, clean over hard-to-reach corners and you'll get to keep the bathroom shining longer.
Always hang towels
After drying, get used to leaving them in the right place- hanging on the hanger or on the towel rack, a very simple gesture that will make the bathroom always look more organized.
Organize your beauty products before going to bed
Take advantage of the beauty routine at night to organize containers and bathroom products, leaving by hand those that are finished. This will help you avoid the accumulator of empty tubes and boxes in the bottom of the drawer or the closet. The mess will not let you realize that you actually have some of the products and you will end up buying more and unnecessarily filling the bathroom with more and more things!
Choose your clothes and those of the children for the next day, before going to sleep
You will avoid morning discussions and the mess of the closet looking for some concrete garment that, with the rush of the morning will rile you up.
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
Everything you should know about cleaning washrooms and toilets
The cleaning of the toilets is fundamental for the hygiene of those who use them. The bathrooms of the home, those of the office or public toilets are the elements that can concentrate a greater amount of dirt and are a breeding ground for the proliferation of organisms harmful to health. The concentration of humidity, the excess of lime and a continuous and frequent use make the cleaning special. Cleaning is essential in these areas. With patience and willing to work hard it is possible for you to thoroughly clean the bathroom but good cleaning is always credited to professional bathroom cleaning services providers.
The pillars of sanitation cleaning are
The first thing to do is to make good ventilation in the bathrooms. The window opening or aeration of the room will prevent excess moisture. Ventilation will help dissipate the concentrated malodor that is generated by use. Poor ventilation is also responsible for the appearance of mold. He is responsible for those unsightly black spots that are usually located in the joints of surfaces, sanitary appliances, tiles and screens.
The action of cleaning or washing the different surfaces with the right products and in the order required is essential to eliminate visible dirt.
Cleaning with soap and water does not necessarily mean disinfecting surfaces. The toilets require a cleaning that guarantees a disinfection of the appliances and the floors of the bathrooms. For this, it is necessary to have disinfectant procedures and products that end up with microorganisms harmful to our health.
Steps for a public bathroom cleaning
The cleaning of the toilets of offices, shopping centers and public places requires expert personnel in this type of cleaning, although normally bathroom cleaning services providers are responsible for training and qualifying their staff, here we leave the steps to be performed leaving the toilets clean and disinfected.
Place the danger markers.
Change bins, cleaning them and placing new garbage bags.
Pull the chain and spray the toilets with the descaling product, let it act.
Replace consumables, soap, towels and toilet paper.
Start cleaning the upper area, removing all types of debris or stains from tiles and doors.
Clean mirror and sinks with disinfectant products. Drying them well with a clean cloth. (use different wipes for mirrors and glass and another for toilets, never mix)
Scrub the inside of the toilet vigorously with the brush and pull the chain.
Clean on the outside, starting with the seat and going down to the floor, with disinfectant.
Remove the danger sign and clean the utensils you have used.
5 practical tricks to clean washrooms and toilets
Although they are not usually harmful, it is always convenient that, when we use any of these remedies to clean the toilet, we put on both gloves and face masks to avoid irritations.
The toilet is one of the elements of the home that we use the most every day. For this reason and for hygiene and maintenance, it is essential to clean and disinfect it recurrently. It is recommended that you have a clean and odor free appearance, as this harmonizes the entire bathroom and allows us to relax more easily at the time of use.
However, due to the accumulation of germs, moisture and other substances that make contact with its surface, it is common to have tartar spots that are very difficult to remove. This problem, characterized by a yellowish or brown coloration, is usually generated by the accumulation of calcium and other minerals present in the water supply.
Although the industry offers a wide variety of chemical products to minimize their appearance, many discourage their use because of the environmental impact they imply. The good news is that there are ecological solutions that, made with natural ingredients, help to remove it without affecting the environment or health.
Ingredients Steps:
White vinegar and lemon
The combination of white vinegar and lemon is a natural disinfectant par excellence that, for decades, has represented an ecological way to keep many surfaces clean.
In this special case it is quite useful. The natural acids of both ingredients easily decompose the tartar deposits of the bath. Its application significantly reduces stains and, in passing, removes microorganisms that cause bad odors.
½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
One lemon's juice
Add the juice of a lemon in half a cup of white vinegar and rub the mixture vigorously over the areas you want to clean.
Depending on the type of stain, you can use an abrasive sponge or sandpaper to facilitate the task.
Cola and bicarbonate soft drink
It is very likely that you have ever seen a video of the cola stunt as an option to unclog the toilets and drains. What you may not have known is that their compounds can be combined with other products to remove tartar and stains that form on the surface of the toilet.
1 can of cola (330 ml)
1 cup of white vinegar (250 ml)
3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
On the clean toilet, pour the glue making sure to cover the areas where the tartar is concentrated.
Let it act for 30 minutes and brush it.
Then, add the white vinegar and baking soda to obtain an effervescent effect.
Wait for another 15 minutes to act, rub them with a brush and rinse.
Considered as an excellent cleaning agent, borax is a useful substance to disinfect and bleach the toilet in the home. Although it is a little more aggressive than the previous ingredients, it does not cause strong impacts on the environment or leave volatile compounds harmful to health.
1 can of cola (330 ml)
4 spoons of borax powder (40 g)
1 liter of hot water
Spray the white vinegar on the surface of the bath and let it act 20 minutes.
Rub it with a brush and then add the tablespoons of borax powder.
Make sure you wear gloves and a mask or face mask when handling these ingredients to avoid accidents.
After another 15 minutes, add a liter of hot water and remove the impurities with the help of a sponge.
Sodium bicarbonate with hydrogen peroxide
A paste made with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can be very useful to make this task easier.
Both ingredients offer a natural rinse of the surfaces and, by the way, provide disinfecting effects for a complete cleaning.
½ cup of baking soda (100 g)
2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (20 ml)
The juice of a lemon (optional)
Moisten the sodium bicarbonate with the oxygenated water and use the paste obtained to clean the stains of the toilet.
Rub it with a cloth or abrasive sponge, and allow it to act 20 minutes before rinsing it.
Optionally you can add the juice of a lemon to achieve a more powerful whitening effect.
If you have not yet eliminated the scale of your toilet, choose any of these methods and follow the instructions to end this problem. If you accompany it with a good bathroom freshener, the results will surprise you even more! Always wear gloves and a mask in your mouth to avoid possible irritation. If you don’t want to take the hassle yourself it is always best to contact bathroom cleaning services and get quality cleaning done from them.
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
A plan to de-stress your home after a long time
If you want to refine and clean the house so that it will look like new after the holidays, the first thing you have to do is get rid of all those things that "poison" your home. Not in the literary sense but from the point of view of dust and dirt.
A house is a house for many things. Literally thousands and thousands of things and the very basic instinct of a human being is that it loves his things and never wants to throw things away.  Over years we being fond of many things some of which are important and some of them are absolutely necessary. It is not about accumulation of the necessary things. It is about accumulation of excess things that we only use once or twice or to our surprise never! Despite that it is commonly seen that the drawers and the closets are filled with all sorts of unimportant and outdated things that they almost resemble to crap.
Give your home a new look
The return to routine is a good time to give a new look to your home. The first step to doing it is to get rid of what you do not need. Put aside sentimentality and start throwing things! You can clean the house yourself but if you want to get help from deep cleaning services providers you can get a good cleaning from MyChores, an online domestic workers hiring platform.
Mess in the kitchen
Banish everything you do not use: old mugs and cups, plastic and paper bags (instead of accumulating them, use them to carry things to be recycled) and do not leave even a box or a vessel that does not have a lid.
Refrigerator and freezer
The ideal thing is to clean the refrigerator and freezer when they are almost empty, so the previous days cook with what you have in them. Fill the gaps with ice packs to avoid spending too much energy. And when there are few foods left, put them in a picnic fridge and clean the interior well.
Dispose waste food in time
All those foods that you have accumulated in vessels for an eternity and that are already mummified. Expired foods, the ketchup or soy envelopes that you are accumulating, sauces that you rarely use. These foods are potent in inviting insects and harboring disease causing microbes.  
The mighty bathroom
If you're not going to go back to the beach or the pool, throw away the sunscreens. Dispose the creams, manicure items, makeup items that are no longer needed.  Also throw the cans of soaps and cosmetics that you have not used for a long time and all those samples that you accumulate without end.
The important first aid kit
The first-aid kit is one of the forgotten ones. Check the expiration dates of the medications, and those that are already past take them to a collection point. Although first aid box always has less dirt but it is a wise thing to take a look at the old items because anyways they are going to invite spillage, dust and dirt.
Check your case
You can also take the opportunity to give a good review of your make-up bag and get rid of everything that is out of date or no longer used.
Goodbye to summer clothes
And to all that you do not wear! Take advantage of the wardrobe change to donate or throw away what you have not put on this summer. To facilitate the task you can do 3 heaps: throw, save and fix.
Throw the towels and old sheets that you collect without realizing it. Having a pair, off and on is enough.
Clear the work area
The more ordered and clear this area is, the greater your concentration (and the match that you can take).
Previous study material
Review it with your children and keep only what is useful for the new course. Also throw out the pens and markers that do not paint the notebooks that are finished.
Drawings and crafts
Make a selection to save the drawings and crafts of your children and the rest throw them or hang them on the wall, give them to relatives.
Check the toys
Donate those that no longer fit with the age of your children or with those who do not play, and throw those that are broken or missing a piece.
Final word:
This way you can categorize different things in your home and get rid of the unwanted things systematically without having to create mess. Not that those household things are unimportant but the habit of keeping each and every item safely without wanting to lose it is a bad thing for cleanliness.Deep cleaning services providers always advice people to keep minimum things at home as possible.  
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
Childcare: How to choose the best childcare person?
Private caregivers of children – The need for Family Assistance
The definitive inclusion of women in the labor market, the time away from home, and the difficulty of reconciliation in our country mean that, once the maternity and paternity leave ends, many parents consider the best way to educate their children is someone reliable and trustworthy to look after their children. MyChores is a professional domestic workers hiring platform that provides professionals for child care in Mumbai.
Advantages of individual caregivers of children
One of the most valued options is to entrust the care of children to grandparents. Without a doubt, this is a good alternative since grandparents are great caregivers; the child stays within the family nucleus and a familiar environment. However, the postponement of motherhood has the consequence of increasing the age of grandparents, who often no longer have the conditions or enough energy to care for their grandchildren. Therefore, when the time comes, families consider the choice between a day care center or a city or children. In the case of caregivers, the child remains in their environment and adapts to the schedules of the parents without them having to modify their routines at all. On the other hand, nurseries are subject to certain times to which parents must adapt.
The nursery advocates argue that children are there with other children, so their socialization is encouraged. The detractors, on the other hand, assure that a minor does not begin to awaken his social interest for other children until he is 3 years old, so in the previous period it does not make sense to take him to a nursery for this purpose.
We believe that, if a child caretaker is chosen is chosen, specialized professionals should be consulted, since the care of a child requires a series of knowledge, skills and experience that needs some professionalization. What should not be forgotten is that the first years of children's lives are of vital importance for their emotional and social development, so the most important thing is that the treatment the child receives is the most appropriate. In day care or at home, a good caregiver must be empathetic, positive, kind, affectionate and able to establish an emotional bond with the child so that he feels comfortable and does not value the absence of his parents as something negative.
Requirements that a caregiver should meet
Multitasking capacity
Caring for a child involves multiple tasks such as playing with him, helping him to do homework, feeding him, taking him to his extracurricular activities, changing diapers, making bottles, sleeping and basic health and hygiene care. So a good caregiver should be able to carry out all these tasks without problems, and many times, at the same time. They should like the children, be decisive and organized.
Ability to work independently
The education of a child is a great responsibility that, of course, rests with his parents, but during the hours that the caregiver spends with him he will have to make decisions that concern this education. Thus, you must be able to take them independently and, above all, have common sense.
Although the caregiver has to resolve conflicts and mark the guidelines, the educational decisions of the child are made by the parents, so even though in some cases, the caregiver does not agree with the parents' way of proceeding, they must adapt to this that, otherwise, the child will receive opposite stimuli and will feel confused.
Sense of humor
This quality must go hand in hand with patience; taking care of a child is not an easy task. Reasoning with them can become very complicated, so being patient, tolerant and with a sense of humor will help the child's attention to be much better.
Communicative skills
Making oneself understood and convincing the child of what is best for him without impositions is another of the needs of a caregiver. If he cannot empathize with the child, he will hardly be able to take care of his caregiver, because he will not take him seriously.
If you are looking for a care taker for your child, contact Mychores for an efficient and verified child caretaker. We have a team of experienced professionals who will help you choose a suitable person for child care in Mumbai.
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
Why do you need a maid? Let's find out!
Finding it difficult to clean your house daily? Not getting enough time to spend with your closed ones? Tackling work and home at the same time is getting stressful? Tensed about the comfort and safety of your newborn?Are these thoughts rushing in your mind and hampering your health? If yes, then you’re in the right place! My chores believe that every home is unique and personal. Every family has different needs, various priorities, and individual routines. That is why we help you get the right assistance as per your needs.
The thought of spending the entire day vacuuming, dusting, scouring bathrooms, and scrubbing floors will make you feel dread inside. Between work, school, kid’s activities and family commitments this chore usually falls to the bottom of the list. That is when professional maid services come in handy. These services are a boon of modern-day civilization and hiring a
professional maid service
has its very own unique advantages. And, surprisingly, it is more affordable than you think.
Here are several reasons why you should appoint a housekeeper or housemaid:
To have a better social life:In this tedious working environment, it is very difficult to have an active social life. But what makes it more difficult is an unwelcoming place. Nobody would like to visit a place with dust and dirt all around. In this case, you need a maid who will assist you and will definitely prove to be beneficial.
More Family time:This is perhaps one of the biggest advantages of having a maid. After a long day at work, it is good to know that there is someone to take care of the dishes and cleaning up while you spend some quality time with your family in the lounge. Having someone to do the housework for you means you have more time to spare and this time can be utilized with your family to make some wonderful memories.
A helping hand:Most people choose to look for maid services so that they have someone to help them with almost anything around the house. While certain people do leave everything to the maid, some still like to do the housework themselves. Having a full-time maid looking after your house is a blessing in disguise when you have guests coming or you have a big party or event. You don’t have to worry about anything as you can efficiently get done with things quickly when you have a maid for cooking , cleaning, dusting and many more.
Regular cleaning :Without a housekeeper, it’s hard to figure out when you’ll have enough time to do a thorough clean up of your home. For days your bathrooms may be left dirty, furniture caked with dust and floors stained and dirty. Moreover, many areas in your home require regular cleaning to prolong their lifespan. In such a case, you need a full-time maid who can manage all your work right from cleaning to cooking, laundry to caretaking.
Enjoy the Me-time:Owing to your busy work life, you might be finding it difficult to pursue your hobbies such as reading your favorite book or travelling to a new place which will help you to relax your mind and keeps you away from the daily stress. In such a scenario you need a maid that gives you the chance to go out and live a little!
Healthier home:After a tedious day at work, no one wants to come home to a mess. The first thing you want to do when you walk into your home is kick back and relax, but it’s hard to relax when the place looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in days. By hiring a maid agency you never have to worry about that and you can happily walk in and unwind from a long, hard day.
For a stress-free and easy life:Taking care of the household is definitely a stressful responsibility. Every member of the family wants their clothes laundered on time, clean dishes to use, and access to a sanitary bathroom. All of this falls on your shoulders and cuts into the time you need to devote to your work or other responsibilities. When such a situation arises, you need maid for house who can take care of all the work and help you live a stress-free life.
Time-saving and Professional results:Professional cleaning service staff are trained to be polite, honest, presentable and efficient. They are trained to use the right cleaning supplies and to handover your house in a pristine condition. They possess the skills and know how to do the cleaning in a more practical and efficient way. Therefore, even if you had the time to do home chores without any professional assistance, chances are you’ll be spending thrice the amount of time to achieve a spick and span home.
An upgraded standard of living:Having a maid in Mumbai is a lot more than just comfort and convenience nowadays, it has become a factor of judging your standard of living. A maid helps you in every work be it small or big which in turn gives you the liberty to live your life the way you want.
Take care of your newborn:Having a newborn is a very challenging time for most parents. Not only does it mean less sleep and less time for yourself, but having a new baby in the house also translates to lots of extra cleaning and laundry, both of which are too much for exhausted new parents. Hiring a maid for baby care helps reduce some of the housework off your shoulders.
Cost-effective:Everybody has a misconception that hiring a maid can mend a hole in your pocket. But nowadays with so many maid services in Mumbai its easy to get an affordable and good housekeeper. A superior cleaning routine like this leaves a great impression every single time.
To Maintain a Work-Life Balance:In this hectic, work-oriented world of today, maintaining work-life balance can be a tough job. Most parents miss out on their kids growing up, most of the young generation miss out on what life has to offer, and all because they are struggling to keep both work and home clean and organized. Hiring a maid near me service can offer a quick, easy, one-stop solution to this problem.
Now that you know why you should hire a housekeeper, look no further! My Chores offers an excellent, experienced and trustworthy maid in Mumbai that will knock your socks off. What’s more, our cleaning services are affordable, so you are sure to find the perfect housekeeper to suit your budget and schedule! `
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
Is hiring a pet caretaker worth it?
Having second thoughts about hiring a pet caretaker in Mumbai due to many reasons?Fret not! You are now with us on the journey of finding out what is best for your pet. After reading this article we are sure you will find a positive and correct answer.If you're a pet owner you pretty well know the chores that comes with your sweet little pet. So, whether you are a traveller, office person or just busy with some or the other work all the time, arranging care for your pet while you're away can feel like an overwhelming decision.More than nine in 10 pet owners consider their pet to be a member of the family, which means you're probably looking for pet caretaker near me who will not only provide for basic needs like food and water, but also companionship, reassurance and playtime while you're away. In such a scenario, hiring MyChores a pet caretaker in Mumbai will definitely give you a sigh of relief.
Let’s face it, none of us really like to leave our pets at home when we are going out of town, but situations can arise where taking your pet along is impossible. In these cases, hiring a pet caretaker may be your best option.There are many options for pet caretaker in Mumbai, of course, but the key is finding the right option for you (and your pet). From continuing education, to best care for all your pets to minimize the stress your absence creates, professional pet care services in Thane are worth their weight in gold.Leaving your pet and your home in the hands of someone you who is less than reliable could not only be dangerous for your pet, it can leave your house vulnerable to all sorts of accidents. Below you’ll find reasons how hiring a professional pet caretaker near me is worth it and it's the way to go:
Services Tailored for Your Needs:Each pet and each home is unique. With MyChores you receive individualized care geared towards you and your pet’s needs. Our pet caretaker in Mumbai will deliver the suited services for your pet’s personal needs. We can combine any services to meet your needs and our pet sitters follow your specific home and pet care instructions.
Professional Service:No one can take better care of your pet than us. All our caretakers are certified and experienced to handle your pet and its needs. They are experienced in dealing with all types of pet personalities and will be knowledgeable in helping your pet feel relaxed and happy in your absence.
Does more than just Feeding:A professional pet sitter does more than feed your animal. He or she will make sure it gets the exercise it needs on a daily basis. They also are skilled to give your pet any medication if needed. They make sure your pet follows his/her correct diet as it's a matter of the health and safety of your pet. Our pet care services in Thane act us a helping hand to you.
More time to yourself:Some pets just don’t do well left alone for long periods at a time. If you have a demanding job that requires you to work well into the evening, then hiring professional pet care services in Thane will ensure your pet gets the exercise and attention it needs.
Convenience:When you hire a pet caretaker near me you never have to deal with transporting your pet. With the combination of home care and pet sitting services in one, you take care of two big chores at the same time when you choose us. Two things less to worry about.
Safety at its best:This is the biggest concern for every pet owner and we understand that! You want to be sure your loved one will be kept safe. Hence we only take people with good track record on board with us as we want to deliver only the best to you. If, by chance, your pet falls ill or meets an accident, our pet sitter will do the right thing to ensure your little one’s safety.
Quality, Personal Care:Just like people, pets get lonely. A good pet caretaker near me comes in and actually pays attention to your animal. That’s what they are paid for! You’ll come home to a happier animal which makes you feel like you never left!
Your pet’s health is not compromised:Pets that are left in a boarding facility are more likely to get sick due to exposure to other dogs who may be infected. Hence hiring a pet caretaker in Mumbai eliminates exposure to illnesses from other animals
Familiar environment for your pet:Sleeping in a strange place, in a new bed or cage can be stressful for an animal. In such a case, hiring pet care services in Thane ensures your pet’s routine remains nearly the same. It gets to stay in the home it knows and loves.
Your pet will no longer be a burden for your friends:Even the best of friends get tired of looking after your animal each time you leave town. And the more you ask, the more irritating it becomes. After awhile they won’t be putting much effort into the task. Hence its best to leave the job to the professionals. Go for our pet care services in Thane that ensures your needs are heard.
You get better peace of Mind:When you have a vacation plan you want to enjoy your vacation and not worry about the safety of your pet or if your house has been broken into. A pet caretaker near me will collect your mail, change the lights, and make the place look lived in. At MyChores our staff follows your specific house and pet care instructions. You come back to a home that appears to be lived while you were away.
Now that you know why you should hire a pet caretaker, look no further! My Chores offers excellent, experienced and trustworthy pet caretaker in Mumbai that will knock your socks off. So taking the time to find trustworthy
pet care services in Thane
will do more than keep your pet and home safe, it will give you peace of mind so you can enjoy your time away.If you work long hours or just take an occasional vacation, then choosing MyChores pet care services in Thane ensures you return home to a healthy and happy pet.Bingo!! Our professional pet care services suit your budget and schedule!
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
What makes MyChores different
After a long day at work, coming home to piles of tiresome chores and housework is bound to induce a splitting headache. Not to mention if you have children pulling and tugging at you to satisfy their whims and fancies. In such a situation when feeling strained from juggling multiple household chores every single day, hiring an extra pair of hands to do the work seems like an attractive option.
Taking the decision on whether to hire a maid near me can be a tough one. There are many maid services in Navi mumbai which you can go through but we suggest to go for the best. Maids are now becoming a crucial part of families. From cleaning duties to raising the kids of the house, maids are responsible for the well-being of a household.
Maids are considered the backbone of households since they are the ones who ensure the smooth running of the family. Hence hiring the best maid agency in mumbai is very necessary.
So it's always best to look for the perfect domestic helper to look after your household while you are busy at work. Engaging someone to be responsible for your home may be intimidating and daunting, but fear not! MyChores is a domestic maid agency in Thane and it is the best choice you can make.
We, at MyChores provide seamless maid services in Navi mumbai which are highly trustworthy and professional work ethics.
When you hire our maid near me for your housecleaning needs, you know you’re getting all the benefits of professional home care while still getting a plan to fit your individual home.
We strictly adhere to our principles to ensure we remain the best maid agency in Mumbai.
Being a domestic maid agency in Thane, we adhere to certain principles which consist of three parts. Firstly, we understand your needs and requirements. Secondly, we thoroughly screen the candidates to ensure we only provide you with the best maid. Lastly, we find the perfect match for you.
Our maid services in Navi mumbai not only clean your house faster, but also give you the leisure time you need to focus on the stuff you truly care about. Our home care services are different from others. To know how, read the points given below:
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Yes! Your safety and satisfaction is our top priority. When we work with you we ensure your satisfaction the most. If we sense a slight hint of dissatisfaction, our team will be on their toes finding a satisfactory solution for you! Being the best maid agency in Mumbai isn't a small talk hence we take everything seriously.
Excellence in every step:
We serve excellence in every step. We believe in ' Attention to details' and this is what makes us different from others. Our obsessive attention to detail means you can expect perfection and excellence, every time.
Professional cleaning:
Cleaning is one thing that you can tick off from your to do list when you have our maid services in Navi Mumbai. We clean your home with eco-friendly cleaning agents and ensure that every unattended corner of your home is shining. All of our professional cleaning experts and maid near me undergo training to ensure they’re prepared and professional when they come to your home.
Our experience in domestic cleaning services as a domestic maid agency in Thane has taught us that every home is as unique as the people living there. Our trained staff offers the very highest standards of service, leaving you with a fresh smelling and beautifully clean home every time.
Whatever service you require, Our maid near me will be happy to assist you. To make hiring the best maid agency in Mumbai an affordable task we provide pocket friendly and cost effective home care services.
We make you meet your selected professional in person:
Trust is what is the backbone of everything. So, to ensure that you are satisfied and able to trust our cleaning experts, we organize in person meetings if requested. You get to know the person better and can ask him/her whatever doubt you have. Getting a helper with experiences in previous similar households can serve as a helpful guide for future circumstances.
An established name
Unlike other home cleaning providers, MyChores is an established domestic maid agency in Thane that you already know, and you can trust us with the place where you live, eat, and play. With our maid services in Navi Mumbai you always get the best treatment for you and your home.
We believe that our success is best reflected through your comfort and trust in us. Hence to maintain and increase that trust we are constantly updating our services and providing you with only the best services, which suits your needs. Our trustworthy services are now at your fingertips. Choose what's best for you and your home.
Complete Privacy:
This is the biggest concern for a lot of homeowners when it comes to hiring maid services in Navi mumbai. But this will no longer be a reason for you holding back from living a peaceful life when you have MyChores by your side. Our experts do not invade your privacy and allow you to live a worry-free life without any interference.
Verified professionals at your doorstep:
Before taking anyone on board, we conduct criminal background checks on every prospective employee, we verify job history, and conduct employment verification's. We ensure extreme caution while empanelling any person on our list. Each person has to abide by a set of standards before being empanelled on our list. Hence, quality is not a concern if you hire MyChores - the best maid agency in Mumbai. We rank your safety and security at the top of our business priorities.
Mission: To become a one-stop-shop for all household requirements - ranging from hiring domestic help to upkeep and maintenance of the house.
Employing a domestic maid near me may seem intimidating and worrisome, however, having a maid around has its own perks and benefits. Engaging with the right domestic maid agency in Thane for your domestic helper needs can aid in relieving your headaches and hesitations when it comes to hiring the perfect maid for your household.
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mychores-blog1 · 5 years
How to care for a chronically ill person at home
Caregivers often adopt a key role in the lives of the elderly with chronic diseases. Their main tasks are: improve your health level, detect your needs, promote self-care to prevent complications of chronic disease, give psychological support and collaborate with doctors and social workers to ensure that our work walks in the same direction; the care of the chronically ill .
In most cases, the chronic disease produces an irreversible dependence that increases gradually, so that the patient never returns to being a healthy subject. Thus, beyond the problems derived from the disease, the patient also goes through a loss of their social role, which can lead to emotional conflicts. At this point the caregivers, in addition to treating the disease, we must help them in social interaction.
As we see, the care of a chronic patient is a process of attention, and not only of medication, since we do not only focus on solving the disease, but we also focus on the subject that is going through it. Thus, we pay attention to the chronic disease but also to the suffering of the patient. We at Mychores provide experienced and verified professionals for patient care in Mumbai.
Care of the disease:
It is about solving the needs and problems of the disease itself. We must understand perfectly what is happening to him and in what stage of the disease he is. In addition, we will try to alleviate the inconvenience suffered, or at least diminish them as far as possible by taking the relevant decisions to do so.
We will also be in charge of ensuring that the patient complies with the prescriptions of the doctor. Making sure that you take the right amount of medication at the right time, in addition to your life habits adjust to the treatment. We will accompany you to the consultation whenever necessary and we can also seek second opinions and consult with other experts if we want to make sure that we are following the correct path.
Care at the home:
We must also get an adequate context where our patient can live and we can perform the rest of the care tasks. To do this we will adapt your home with the relevant spatial and furniture arrangements, establishing schedules and creating a good social environment. For this we must take care of domestic tasks ensuring a good state of the home, the furniture and the utensils of the patient. At the same time, in cases where the disease requires it, we must adopt actions that replace the bodily functions of the patient. Such as eating, dressing, showering, moving from one room to another, and so on.
Psychological care:
Last but not least, we will work on all the points destined to reconstruct the identity of the patient. After the effects of the disease and the loss of the social role the elder needs to reconstruct the perception of him. You must learn to interact with your environment again, integrating the disease naturally into your life. Often these tasks are usually the least visible from the outside but are crucial to take care of the emotional dimension of the patient. To achieve this we will support your decisions, we will give you comfort and we will always respect your autonomy. In addition, we will avoid social isolation by helping you maintain your social contacts when you can no longer do it on your own and taking it to social and recreational meetings whenever possible.
And finally we must remember the importance of the relationship that we establish between us (caregivers) and our patients. You should also value this quality in a caregiver as a provider patient care in Mumbai. We will become your confidants, being the person closest to the patient since we share your illness with him on a daily basis. We will empathize with him and accompany the patient in the changes he or she is experiencing, both physically and emotionally. The satisfaction of well-taken care will be our greatest reward.
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