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mycazus-blog · 6 years ago
'Beautiful' Syria, could it be your next tourist destination
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Although for most of us Syria would not be the top our list.
But despite the civil war which has ravaged the country over the last five years, the Syrian tourism board wants to attract people to its beaches.
The Syrian Ministry of Tourism, part of the regime led by Bashar al-Assad, has released a video showcasing the country's Mediterranean coast.
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Using the slogan "always beautiful" the video features aerial views of parasols laid out on a beach, crowds of swimmers and people on jet skis.
The Ministry's other videos aimed at enticing visitors include one called "Syria from the sky" which shows the ancient Roman city of Palmyra, recently recaptured from the Islamic State group.
So-called ISIS fighters destroyed parts of the city including temples and an arch dating back nearly 2,000 years during their occupation.
The UN believes that more than 250,000 people have been killed in the conflict, while over 4 million Syrians have fled the country.
The 120 mile long coastline has remained under the control of the Assad regime for the entirety of the conflict.
In May, the relative peace of the coastal towns of Tartous and Jableh was broken by a series of bombings in public places in which at least 78 people died. Responsibility for the blasts was claimed by the group ISIS.
The UK Foreign Office currently advises against all travel to all parts of the country due to the "extremely volatile and dangerous" situation there.
The Assad regime has been accused of committing "unthinkable atrocities" and war crimes by human rights group Amnesty.
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mycazus-blog · 6 years ago
Importance of Hydration
To avoid becoming dehydrated when you exercise, you need both water and electrolytes.
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Here, we take a look at why hydration is so important when you exercise.
When you’re exercising, you can lose up to 2L of sweat every hour
Sweating is a very natural and common by-product of exercise. Whether you love it or hate it, sweat is part of a healthy lifestyle. But losing too much sweat can lead to dehydration – unless you do something about it.
Sweat contains two key elements that our bodies need for normal functioning: water and electrolytes. When you’re exercising, you can lose up to 2L of sweat every hour, although this can depend on the intensity of your session – a HIIT session may have you dripping in sweat while a brisk walk around the park may not. An average person can lose between 0.8L – 1.4L of sweat per hour of exercise.
If you lose too much water and electrolytes through your sweat, then you may become dehydrated. Knowing what to look for, and how to manage dehydration, is an important part of being a responsible gym junkie or exercise aficionado.
What is hydration (and its nemesis, dehydration)?
Hydration is the process of maintaining the right volume of water and electrolytes in your body. It’s all about striking the balance between fluids in and fluids out.
Your body relies on water and electrolytes for a number of reasons. Water plays a key role in maintaining body temperature, assisting with digestion and lubricating your tissues and joints. Electrolytes help your body to retain fluid and are essential for nerve and muscle function. When you’re an active participant in sport, you rely on your muscles and joints to perform well. Keeping them well hydrated is pretty important.
Dehydration occurs when too much fluid – which includes water and electrolytes – is lost through sweat, saliva, urine and other bodily processes. In fact, you only have to lose as little as 2% of your body weight for signs of dehydration to show.
These signs can include a dry mouth, increased thirst, muscle cramping, fatigue and a lack of concentration. You may also have decreased urine output, which is a lot darker in colour than usual.
When you’re exercising, dehydration can cause cramps, increased heart rate, fatigue, impaired concentration and nausea. Not ideal when you’re trying to do your best gym session or play your best game of sport.
How can you stay hydrated?
To avoid dehydration, you need to make sure you’re getting enough fluids and electrolytes before, during and after exercise. Hydralyte Sports contains the right balance of essential electrolytes and minerals your body needs – particularly if sweating has depleted your electrolyte levels.
Rapid and effective rehydration depends on activation of the sodium glucose co-transport pump within the intestinal lumen. Hydralyte Sports contains the correct balance of glucose and sodium to activate this pump, enabling the rapid influx of sodium, glucose, water (by osmosis) and other electrolytes.
Formulated to help prevent and treat dehydration associated with sport and exercise, Hydralyte Sports is a great addition to your sports bag.
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mycazus-blog · 6 years ago
Between Science and Religion:The Illegal Trade of Black Magic
Everyone always has something they want
Love, wealth, health, you name it. And it’s true that, at the end of the day, all we can really do is rely on ourselves to get what we want. But what if there’s something more? What if we could get extra help from The Great Beyond?
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A Place Of Mystery
Turning to the heavens and consulting the stars has often been our go-to approach when we are in need of some otherworldly guidance; just think of all the people who still casually check their horoscope advice regularly.
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Still A Business… Sorta
Contrary to the scepticism surrounding fortune-telling or amulet-renting businesses, Siam Arts keeps up with the times with their website and clearly categorised online store. Visitors can even make appointments with resident astrologer, Master Tham, online.
Talking to Master Tham only reinforced this image of modern mysticism. With a dark blazer over a t-shirt, the fengshui consultant looked slightly out of place amongst the occult trinkets and symbols.
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The Agonising Aftermath
You know how in horror films, after a spooky encounter, the protagonist always has a lingering sense of unease that kick-starts the whole chain of events? That was me.
Picture this: 1am, me, and my glowing laptop screen. The Siam Arts website. And a slow, growing case of the creeps as I read the ingredients list for the recommended Archan Odd See Pueng Mae Namfon Cream. Cue frantic Googling to find out what the %$@! “prai oil” is.
Followed by the instant recoil of terror upon the realisation that it is oil extracted from corpses. A thorough description of this oil can be found here
GONG TAU OIL(降头油) – Corpse Oil
This Oil is collected by using the fire of a candle to burn the skin of the chin of a dead woman. The oil collected is known as Gong Tau Oil. It is mainly used to make someone fall in love or lust. Women usually use Gong Tau Oil for relationship matter and Men usually used it to make girls/women want to have sex with him.Today it is comes mainly in the form of Nam Man Prai Oil (Thai) or “Minyak Dagu” as it is known in Malay. This falls under the providence of Thai magic. Nam Man Prai Oil can also be purchased from on the net. The price of this oil ranges from USD200~USD1200. Much info can be found on the Practice here :
There are also many Facebook profiles that serve to promote these practises. One that I have come across is this:
Menstrual Blood Gong Tau (经血降)
Menstrual Blood of a Girl/Woman is added to the food and consumed by the intended Victim. The intention of Menstrual Blood Magic is often to tie or bind a lover or sexual attraction. It is also often used by Maids from South East Asia to make the employers nicer or even listen to them. This makes the perfect taglock, or magical link.
In hoodoo and some folk magic customs, a woman’s menstrual blood is considered vital to some types of magic. Jim Haskins says in his book Voodoo and Hoodoo that “to keep a man crazy about her and uninterested in wandering, a woman simply has to mix some of her menstrual blood into his food or drink.”
The first kind of magical oil is the oil made from dead body such as singe magical oil from the chin or the hairs of woman corpse that died while pregnancy. We call the magical oil which is made from woman corpse is “Namman Prai”.
“Namman Prai” has great supernatural power about love, sex appeal and charm. Especially, use this magical oil about love. 
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Whoever wants to worship and use magical oil, should know the right way to worship and use because the magical oil has advantages and disadvantages in itself. If you anoint “Namman Prai” on  someone who you fancy, It will make that someone be crazy about you. You should think twice before using the magical oil and should not use with a woman or man, who has a couple or family as it can break their relationship.
Moreover, don’t forget the spirit who lives in the magical oil, you should offer offerings and make merit to the spirit. If you don’t or abandon the spirit, your spell will break and it can reverse the situation. The spirit will instead bring bad things and problems to the worshipper. On the other hand, if you offer the offerings and make merit to the spirit, The spirit will fulfill and help you with everything.  
Educated & religious people don't believe in Black Magic .
Religious people are immune or so what they might believe and when they are attacked by Black Magic or as known in Chinese community as Gong Tau (降头), their own father / pastor cannot cure them and yet the Christian victims still cannot seek help from a Spirit Medium practitioner, due to their pride and also their churches , fathers / pastors do not allow their Christians members to approach other religions for help.
Most Traditionalist Witchcraft or Black Magic of different Cultures East and West look almost the same, but the rules are different and must be followed for the best results. They are just called by different names and different rituals are performed due to their unique religious influence, and yet, the land knows the rituals that have been worked upon it, and by working with the spirits of the land, you can learn much.
GONG TAU is often executed for the purpose of revenge or relationship matters and money issues.
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Yet some things, once learned, cannot be unlearned. And I suspect my knowledge of what exactly goes into these mystical remedies will haunt my thoughts, figuratively. Hopefully, it fades as soon as I get the lingering scent of incense and ointment out of my hair – perhaps in a few days’ time.
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