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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm J.Marcella https://www.wattpad.com/JMarcellaPen?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile I am a young writer, who has loved books her whole life.I didn't have very many friends growing up because my nose was always buried in a book. I loved the way the story I was reading always affected how I would feel and act. When i think of how lonely i was as a child, I always remember that the...
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Long time no see
oh my gosh guys im so sorry for like bailing on you. how is everybody with COVID-19? i hope none of you have it. my school was cancelled yesterday, im rewriting my books out of boredom and because i needed to do that. umm anyways, soccer has been over for a while.... srry about that, and now im in track!...was in track they cancelled the season for now because of the virus, church is cancelled and everyone i dont get along with is all in the same house....its torture. i will probably be posting more now that i have the time, and stuff. so ill see you guys once im done with school-at-home BYYYYEEEE
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So as I said in my last post. I’m on winter break. Which means... Finals are OVER! Whooooo
It was ridiculous how difficult they were. My spanish final had things we haven’t even learned. And coding was petty difficult as well.
The rest of them were difficult but not as bad as Spanish and Coding. Any tips on how I can study better for my next finals?
Anyways again Happy holidays! ⛄️ 🎄
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hi guys so we won 3 out of the 4 games we played in the tournament. i meant to tell you guys sooner but i have been so busy with league games. so far in the actual league we are undefeated. i don’t usually get to play a lot but in our last game i played for the whole second half. YAY! lol im so weird. anyways im super happy that i got a lot of playing time. and i cant wait for the next game coming up in a couple of weeks. we are off on winter break right now, and i have practice the day after Christmas. how cruel can our coaches be? lol, anyways. Happy Holidays! 
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Hey guys I joined my school’s girls soccer team! 😑. Deffinantly wasnt planning on it but I did it anyways. We are on our way to a tournament rn. We won our game with our city rival 8-0. And we won our game yesterday 12-0. My mom used to four weeks me to play soccer since I was like 4. She allowed me to stop once I turned 12. So I stopped playing community soccer. But then I was really bored so I joined my middle school team. The next year I continues to not play community soccer and this time I didn’t play for my school. Anyways now I’m too old for community soccer and I decided to play for my school. Well wish me luck in our tournament! ❤️⚽️ also happy holidays ☃️
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Well you wanted me.
Friend 1 to friend 2&3: hey your adopted
Friend 2: well you WANTED me.
Friend 3: wha-what?! I’m done.
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ive been obsessed with Beetlejuice lately... I don't know why, but this is one of my favorite songs from the musical
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weird moments with my friend in English honors (pt 1)
A book we are reading as partners: he occasionally likes to go on long walks...
my friend reading it aloud to me: on the beach holding my hand at sunset.
Me: *dies laughing*
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Relationship ruiner
I was gonna ask my friend to a home football game(the same guy from before) and I was asking him and waiting for his response and my other friend comes up behind me and says “but this time she wants it to be a date” I told him she was lying, and that I just want to be friends but he didn't believe me and he responded with sorry I don't do dates and walked off. I turned to my friend who was smiling behind me and wanted to yell but since I didn't want people to stare I didn't. I just glared at her and rushily walked past her. I sat down at our table in the quad and wanted to cry, but I didn't. then a couple of days later I was talking to his mom(the friend I asked to the football game) and she said that he was really comfortable in the friend zone. I told her that I didn't want anything more than the friendzone. she said she would talk to my friend about it. anyways as for my other friend who made things awkward for me and my friend of many years, I told her off about personal options. if I wanted to tell my friend that I like him and ask him on a date then it would be my decision NOT hers. I also told her that just because I like him it doesn't mean I want a romantic relationship with him. I just want to stay friends, I don't want to ruin a friendship because I feel comfortable with him beside the feeling I have towards him. while I wish we were closer to where we hung out in school and not just in the summer where we aren't seen together. I'm okay with what we have now. given that might change sooner than I thought as I am moving to the next town over and will not be his neighbor anymore, though I will finish the school year at my same school. now I am asking for your advice. should I tell him that I like him before we are not neighbors anymore even though we will still attend the same school for a while? or should I make the most of what time we will have together?
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First Date? continued
ok so i still don’t know if he thought it was a date or not in HIS head because some younger kids asked if we were boyfriend and girlfriend and we both said no but he said ew(only because he is still very immature in school and out but when it comes to his younger sisters he is really protective. it is so cute<3) anyways we each brought our own money to pay for ourselves but he wouldn't let me pay for anything! he bought my ticket into the game and he bought my food. I just don't know because after the game I was talking to a family friend who taught at the opposing team and told him that my friend didn't let me pay for anything. he replied by saying “isnt that like a date?” I started freaking out in my head thinking it was but I still don't know. anyways if anything changes with the relationship I’ll let you guys know. Promise!
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First Date?
ok so I just asked my crush to the first school football game of the season! He said YES! idfhgvuifdsvbuj I'm so freaking excited! <3. I can’t wait to see how it goes! I don't know if he thinks of me that way as we have been friends for a long time so I also don't know if he thinks this is a date or not. but I still can’t wait to hang out together! i’ll let you guys know more later
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ok, so I got a call last Saturday night from one of my best friends. she was crying so much I couldn't understand what she was saying. I asked her what was wrong and she said she couldn't tell me. I asked her if her stepdad had hit her( he has threatened to do that in the past) and she said yes. so I asked what happened and she told me that she got pushed up against her bed and was getting choked  and hit in the butt(like spankings but even worse like when your mom used to threaten to make your butt bleed when you were little)  she was still telling me when her mom called her back into the other room and she had to silently hang up so her mom wouldn't know she called me. her mom had already known tho so she took the phone and took the batteries out of it so she couldn't anyone anymore. today at school she showed me the bruises on her neck, waist, and thighs. I made her talk to the counselor and by that time the bell rang so I went to class and left her there. in the end, the school called the authorities and took pictures of the bruises and took her to a cps building and told them the situation. the cps people told them that she wasn’t abused enough form them to do anything.  the police, cps, and my school were involved. nothing happened to make sure this wouldn't occur again. when someone is being abused, doesn’t matter how much or how little, they need to be helped, not told that in order for them to be taken out of the situation they would need to be abused more, like WTF!  I hate the position I am in where I can't do a single thing to help my friend. I can only hope the best will happen and pray. (her mom was in the room as well and witnessed every bit of it. in the end her mom just said that she deserved it)
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First day of seminary!
Hi, guys, it’s boring old me again, anyways high school has been great! Ok so I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints and we have this thing called seminary (i don't know if other churches have it or not) anyways it was my first day today and it was cool waking up before the sun and going to seminary before school started. my seminary is in the next town over so we carpool( we take my car) we take another freshman and two seniors. I can't wait till summer. but I'll have to live through all the high school troubles until then. 
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First Day of high school
Tomorrow is my first day of high school. I'm really nervous. I'm scarred for what the year is going to bring me. Relationships? Broken friendships? I just don't know. If I could have some advise? I've never had a relationship before and already I've been asked out by someone that I've known less than a week. Talked to them once, the next thing I know he said he wants to date me. I told him that I want to be to know him better, but I think I want to wait a bit before having a relationship. I just want to get through the first couple months of school before I have to worry about stuff like a relationship.
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