my AU thoughts
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
You know, when I started this blog, I was 100% intending to have multiple types of AUs on it. Instead, it seems to be turning into just a daemon AU blog, which I'm fine with.
Not that anyone follows me or looks at my posts anyway, but that's fine lmao. I'm having fun with it.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Deena's daemon is named Bartholomew, because she and Josh strike me as the kind of family to have 'normal', if a bit old-fashioned, names for their daemons instead of anything more abstract.
Josh's daemon is named Edith, for the same reason as above.
Sam's daemon is named Apollon, after the Greek god Apollo, god of music, medicine, prophecy, and the sun (among other things).
Fear Street daemon au
Deena's daemon would be a brown bear. I think that fits into her powerful, brash, and bold personality type nicely, and the vibes just make sense.
Josh's daemon would be a leopard gecko. They're nocturnal, which works for someone who likely stays up late on chat rooms and playing video games all night, and I like the contrast of his sister having a huge, physically imposing daemon and Josh having a cute lizard. Beyond that, it's just based on vibes.
Sam's daemon would be an english springer spaniel. Does that make any sense with her personality? No. Do I have an actual reason for this choice beyond "I'm vibing with it"? No. Do I care? Also no.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Fear Street daemon au
Deena's daemon would be a brown bear. I think that fits into her powerful, brash, and bold personality type nicely, and the vibes just make sense.
Josh's daemon would be a leopard gecko. They're nocturnal, which works for someone who likely stays up late on chat rooms and playing video games all night, and I like the contrast of his sister having a huge, physically imposing daemon and Josh having a cute lizard. Beyond that, it's just based on vibes.
Sam's daemon would be an english springer spaniel. Does that make any sense with her personality? No. Do I have an actual reason for this choice beyond "I'm vibing with it"? No. Do I care? Also no.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Jervis' daemon's name is Nesmisel, which is (according to Google Translate) the Slovenian word for "nonsense."
Alice's daemon's name is Modra, which is (according to Google Translate) the Slovenian word for "blue."
Scarecrow's daemon's name is Stosci, which I got from a daemon name generator.
Gotham daemon au (part 8)
Jervis Tetch's daemon is a peacock (green peafowl), because they're considered to be vain, self-centered, and show-offs, which suits the dramatic Tetch very well. Peacocks can also be very aggressive, suiting his sadist tendencies. Because his daemon is female, she won't have quite the level of dramatic tail as a male peacock.
Alice Tetch's daemon is a cottontail rabbit, a prey animal that can symbolize innocence and timidity. Alice was very much a victim of her brother, so a timid animal makes sense for her. This also plays into the Alice in Wonderland theme.
Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow's daemon is, perhaps a bit predictably, an american crow. He was unsettled for a long time, perhaps due to the trauma of having to help his murderous father, and his daemon didn't actually settle until he became the Scarecrow.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Sofia's daemon's name is Quistelli, after Italian Renaissance painter Lucrezia Quistelli della Mirandola.
The Pyg's daemon, of course, doesn't have a known name.
Gotham daemon au (part 7)
Sofia Falcone's daemon is a pearl kite. They're small raptors that perch high up, then dive down to catch unsuspecting prey. Considering the way Sofia manipulated both Oswald and Gordon, pretending not to be a threat until the moment she was ready to strike, ambush hunting seems like a good fit for her. As bird of prey, the pearl kite could be easily mistaken for a falcon by an uninformed observer, which I imagine would really piss Sofia off. She doesn't quite match her father, which plays into her constant need to prove herself to him, right up until she decides it isn't worth it anymore and kills him.
No one knows what Lazlo Valentin (Professor Pyg)'s daemon is. He's never seen with one at all. Some people theorize that he's so literally soulless that he doesn't have a daemon; the far more likely explanation, and the one that most people agree on, is that they're simply separated. Pyg didn't bring his daemon into Gotham when he showed up to do Sofia's bidding.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Gotham daemon au (part 8)
Jervis Tetch's daemon is a peacock (green peafowl), because they're considered to be vain, self-centered, and show-offs, which suits the dramatic Tetch very well. Peacocks can also be very aggressive, suiting his sadist tendencies. Because his daemon is female, she won't have quite the level of dramatic tail as a male peacock.
Alice Tetch's daemon is a cottontail rabbit, a prey animal that can symbolize innocence and timidity. Alice was very much a victim of her brother, so a timid animal makes sense for her. This also plays into the Alice in Wonderland theme.
Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow's daemon is, perhaps a bit predictably, an american crow. He was unsettled for a long time, perhaps due to the trauma of having to help his murderous father, and his daemon didn't actually settle until he became the Scarecrow.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Gotham daemon au (part 7)
Sofia Falcone's daemon is a pearl kite. They're small raptors that perch high up, then dive down to catch unsuspecting prey. Considering the way Sofia manipulated both Oswald and Gordon, pretending not to be a threat until the moment she was ready to strike, ambush hunting seems like a good fit for her. As bird of prey, the pearl kite could be easily mistaken for a falcon by an uninformed observer, which I imagine would really piss Sofia off. She doesn't quite match her father, which plays into her constant need to prove herself to him, right up until she decides it isn't worth it anymore and kills him.
No one knows what Lazlo Valentin (Professor Pyg)'s daemon is. He's never seen with one at all. Some people theorize that he's so literally soulless that he doesn't have a daemon; the far more likely explanation, and the one that most people agree on, is that they're simply separated. Pyg didn't bring his daemon into Gotham when he showed up to do Sofia's bidding.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Falcone's daemon is named Corregia, after the Italian Rennaissance painter Corregio.
Fish's daemon is named Nentelang. There is no reasoning behind this one whatsoever; I couldn't think of a good name, so I used a daemon name generator.
Liza's daemon is named M枚rker, which is (according to Google translate) the Swedish word for "darkness."
Gotham daemon au (part 6?) (surprisingly literal edition)
Carmine Falcone's daemon is a sooty falcon. I'll admit that I haven't rewatched season 1 in a long time, so there might be things I'm forgetting about his character, but the main thing I remember is that he was a genuinely well-respected mob boss, so much so that Zsasz was still loyal to him three years after Falcone's retirement. Sooty falcons, unlike some other birds of prey, live in colonies and often hunt in groups; in other words, they are social animals, which reflects Falcone's personality in that regard. And, well, it matches his name.
Fish Mooney's daemon is a Siamese Fighting Fish, more commonly known as a Betta Fish. They're beautiful, flashy, and very prone to aggression. They're also more intelligent than you might expect. A fish, especially one this size, might not seem intimidating when compared to the daemons of other villains... but Fish and her daemon can and will fight to the death to increase their position in the pecking order. Also, it gives an actual explanation for the nickname "Fish."
Liza's daemon is a stag beetle. They're small and not overtly threatening, allowing Liza to go undercover with Falcone without too much suspicion, but are still odd enough to hint at her darker nature. According to Wiki, there also used to be a superstition that stag beetles were sent by the devil to do harm to crops, which has some fun parallels with Liza being sent by a greater evil (Fish) to do her bidding.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Gotham daemon au (part 6?) (surprisingly literal edition)
Carmine Falcone's daemon is a sooty falcon. I'll admit that I haven't rewatched season 1 in a long time, so there might be things I'm forgetting about his character, but the main thing I remember is that he was a genuinely well-respected mob boss, so much so that Zsasz was still loyal to him three years after Falcone's retirement. Sooty falcons, unlike some other birds of prey, live in colonies and often hunt in groups; in other words, they are social animals, which reflects Falcone's personality in that regard. And, well, it matches his name.
Fish Mooney's daemon is a Siamese Fighting Fish, more commonly known as a Betta Fish. They're beautiful, flashy, and very prone to aggression. They're also more intelligent than you might expect. A fish, especially one this size, might not seem intimidating when compared to the daemons of other villains... but Fish and her daemon can and will fight to the death to increase their position in the pecking order. Also, it gives an actual explanation for the nickname "Fish."
Liza's daemon is a stag beetle. They're small and not overtly threatening, allowing Liza to go undercover with Falcone without too much suspicion, but are still odd enough to hint at her darker nature. According to Wiki, there also used to be a superstition that stag beetles were sent by the devil to do harm to crops, which has some fun parallels with Liza being sent by a greater evil (Fish) to do her bidding.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
A little something that I actually thought of when I was doing this last night, but apparently forgot to mention in the post:
Jerome and Harley have no separation distance to speak of. They're always in contact with one another. I doubt they could even move two or three feet apart without being miserable. They cannot, and will not, separate.
Jeremiah and Quinzel separated a long time ago. They probably did it as soon as they settled. Jeremiah is very much the opposite of his brother in this way.
Gotham daemon au (pt 2)
Jerome. Just, Jerome. What the hell would his daemon even be? I'm extremely tempted to say that she doesn't settle at all (because I read Effulgence at a formative age, and Jokers' daemons not settling is a pretty big part of that) but nah. This isn't Effulgence, and even if it was, Jerome is far enough away from that version of the Joker that I don't think the same rules apply.
As fun as a piranha would be, I can't imagine him with anything water-based. It has to be something reasonably sized (no insects or critters you can fit in your pocket) and scary, but not obviously evil in a way that would make the events of season 1 not make sense. With all that in mind, there is one perfect answer for the shape of Jerome's daemon: a yellow anaconda.
They're big (upwards of ten feet long!) and are specifically noted for having a reputation of being dangerous and unpredictable. And, bonus, they're nonvenomous and kill prey by constriction- which means I have the perfect opportunity to make Jeremiah's daemon a much smaller, perhaps less scary-looking, but incredibly venomous snake to match.
Jeremiah's would be a Guatemalan palm viper, because not only are they venomous but they're also a perfect shade of Joker green.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Galavan's daemon is named Minerva, after the Roman goddess of wisdom, justice, and strategic war. I think that suits his characterization fairly well.
Silver's daemon is named Lovelace. Presumably her parents named him after the mathematician Ada Lovelace, but I chose the name because it just feels right. And having a delicate, somewhat feminine-sounding name for her daemon would also help Silver with her manipulation of Bruce.
I don't expect that the name of the Electrocutioner's daemon would ever actually be mentioned, because he's just not an important enough character for that, and quite honestly I just don't feel the need to name her.
Gotham daemon au (pt 4)
Theo Galavan's daemon would be a spider. Specifically, a tarantula. They're generally considered "creepy" which fits with Galavan's off-putting demeanor, and they're an ambush predator. That works very well with Galavan's strategy of pretending to be the perfect citizen to lure people in, then striking when they least expect. (It's been a long time since I've rewatched season 2, so if my memory isn't quite accurate, I apologize! This is definitely how I remember him acting, though, especially in regards to Bruce.)
Silver St Cloud's daemon would be a luna moth. They're delicate and beautiful creatures, which of course fits Silver pretty well. They represent love, but also death- perfect for the girl who manipulated Bruce on behalf of the villains, all while acting as a potential love interest!
The Electrocutioner (Jack Buchinsky/Gruber) would, for obvious reasons, have an electric eel. I can't imagine he'd stay near the ocean at all times (that just wouldn't make sense) so instead he'd have a big saltwater tank on wheels that he has to inconveniently wheel around with him.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Gotham daemon au (pt 4)
Theo Galavan's daemon would be a spider. Specifically, a tarantula. They're generally considered "creepy" which fits with Galavan's off-putting demeanor, and they're an ambush predator. That works very well with Galavan's strategy of pretending to be the perfect citizen to lure people in, then striking when they least expect. (It's been a long time since I've rewatched season 2, so if my memory isn't quite accurate, I apologize! This is definitely how I remember him acting, though, especially in regards to Bruce.)
Silver St Cloud's daemon would be a luna moth. They're delicate and beautiful creatures, which of course fits Silver pretty well. They represent love, but also death- perfect for the girl who manipulated Bruce on behalf of the villains, all while acting as a potential love interest!
The Electrocutioner (Jack Buchinsky/Gruber) would, for obvious reasons, have an electric eel. I can't imagine he'd stay near the ocean at all times (that just wouldn't make sense) so instead he'd have a big saltwater tank on wheels that he has to inconveniently wheel around with him.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Tab's daemon's name is Lucifer. If anyone could get away with having their daemon named after the literal devil himself, it would be Tabitha.
Bab's daemon's name is Typhon, the Greek storm monster, because I think the idea of having such a small lil rat demon with an incredibly badass name is both hilarious and very Barbara.
Butch's daemon is named Lilian, because he is 100% the kind of guy to have a daemon with a perfectly normal human name.
Gotham daemon au (because I am on a fucking roll)
Tabitha's daemon would be a tiger, because we all know her character was meant to be the Tigress, even though I don't think they ever said the word out loud. Besides, a tiger just really suits her personality.
Barbara's daemon is a little trickier. He has to be something that could fit with her season 1 personality (before she goes all knife-happy) but also fit with her as a mob boss and Demon's Head. While I could say that the events at the end of season 1 destabilize her daemon somehow and he changes forms, I don't like that answer for Barbara, so I need to find something that works for both. With that in mind, I'm going to assign her the daemon of a fancy rat. I know this is probably a controversial choice, but rats are actually considered to be very intelligent animals, they are much cleaner than their reputation would suggest, but they can also be very territorial and bite when stressed. That seems to suit Barbara pretty well to me. It might not be as outwardly impressive as certain other daemons, but considering how much she's constantly underestimated in the series just for being a woman, I don't think that having an underestimated daemon would change much.
Butch's daemon would be an english mastiff. I know I've done a lot of dog daemons recently, but I just can't imagine him as anything else. They're powerful, but gentle and very very loyal, which I think fits Butch to a tee.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Gotham daemon au (because I am on a fucking roll)
Tabitha's daemon would be a tiger, because we all know her character was meant to be the Tigress, even though I don't think they ever said the word out loud. Besides, a tiger just really suits her personality.
Barbara's daemon is a little trickier. He has to be something that could fit with her season 1 personality (before she goes all knife-happy) but also fit with her as a mob boss and Demon's Head. While I could say that the events at the end of season 1 destabilize her daemon somehow and he changes forms, I don't like that answer for Barbara, so I need to find something that works for both. With that in mind, I'm going to assign her the daemon of a fancy rat. I know this is probably a controversial choice, but rats are actually considered to be very intelligent animals, they are much cleaner than their reputation would suggest, but they can also be very territorial and bite when stressed. That seems to suit Barbara pretty well to me. It might not be as outwardly impressive as certain other daemons, but considering how much she's constantly underestimated in the series just for being a woman, I don't think that having an underestimated daemon would change much.
Butch's daemon would be an english mastiff. I know I've done a lot of dog daemons recently, but I just can't imagine him as anything else. They're powerful, but gentle and very very loyal, which I think fits Butch to a tee.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Gotham daemon au MASTERPOST
Alice Tetch - cottontail rabbit, Modra
Barbara Kean - fancy rat, Typhon
Bruce Wayne - lioness, Meena
Butch Gilzean - english mastiff, Lilian
Carmine Falcone - sooty falcon, Corregia
Fish Mooney - siamese fighting fish, Nentelang
Harvey Bullock - bulldog, Alphonsa
Ivy Pepper - paper wasp, Valerius
Jack Buchinsky/Gruber / The Electrocutioner - electric eel, name unknown
Jeremiah Valeska - Guatemalan palm viper, Quinzel
Jerome Valeska - yellow anaconda, Harleen / Harley
Jervis Tetch - green peafowl, Nesmisel
Jim Gordon - wolfdog/terrier mix, Herais
Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow - american crow, Stosci
Lazlo Valentin / Pyg - unknown
Liza - stag beetle, M枚rker
Selina Kyle - black cat, Nechtan
Silver St. Cloud - luna moth, Lovelace
Sofia Falcone - pearl kestrel, Quistelli
Tabitha Galavan - tiger, Lucifer
Theo Galavan - tarantula, Minerva
Vanessa Harper - sparkling violetear hummingbird, Kiko
Links to original posts:
Selina, Bruce, Ivy
Jerome, Jeremiah
Gordon, Bullock, Harper
Tabitha, Barbara, Butch
Galavan, Silver, Electrocutioner
Falcone, Fish, Liza
Sofia, Pyg
Jervis, Alice, Scarecrow
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Gordon's daemon is named Herais, an ancient Greek name derived from the goddess Hera.
Bullock's daemon is named Alphonsa, the female form of Alphonsus/Alphonso which means "noble and ready."
Harper's daemon is named Kiko, a diminutive of some male names.
I have no particular reasons for any of these, the meanings don't necessarily relate back to the characters in any particular way, I just chose names that seemed like they might fit.
Gotham daemon au (cop edition)
Jim Gordon might be (ostensibly) the main character of the show, but that doesn't mean I have much to say about him. I'm going to tentatively say that his daemon is some type of dog- perhaps a mix between a terrier and a wolfhound.
Bullock's daemon would be a bulldog. I can't even consider other options for him, he has to be a bulldog. I bet he settled super early as a kid. Bulldogs all the way.
Detective Harper would be a hummingbird. I don't know why, I'm just vibing with it. We'll go ahead and say the sparkling violetear species, specifically.
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Maybe giving dog daemons to the cops is a bit cliche, but hey, at least I didn't give either of them a german shepherd. I'm still not super happy with Gordon's, but it's the best I could come up with. Bullock's and Harper's I'm very happy with.
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myauthoughts 1 year ago
Gotham daemon au (cop edition)
Jim Gordon might be (ostensibly) the main character of the show, but that doesn't mean I have much to say about him. I'm going to tentatively say that his daemon is some type of dog- perhaps a mix between a terrier and a wolfhound.
Bullock's daemon would be a bulldog. I can't even consider other options for him, he has to be a bulldog. I bet he settled super early as a kid. Bulldogs all the way.
Detective Harper would be a hummingbird. I don't know why, I'm just vibing with it. We'll go ahead and say the sparkling violetear species, specifically.
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Maybe giving dog daemons to the cops is a bit cliche, but hey, at least I didn't give either of them a german shepherd. I'm still not super happy with Gordon's, but it's the best I could come up with. Bullock's and Harper's I'm very happy with.
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