myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Difference between best omega 3 fish oil pills and plant based omega fatty acids
In current times most people are aware of the benefits and necessity of Omega 3 fatty acids. They are not only good for health, but also enhance the beauty and health of skin and hair. They are critical to cell health and prevent stroke and heart disease, arthritis, cancer and memory loss. They also alleviate depression and reduce post traumatic stress according to recent research.
However, our body does not produce omega 3 fatty acids and they have to be consumed in the food we intake. You can derive omega 3 fatty acids from fatty fish and plant based foods like flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and leafy vegetables like spinach. Here we need to see which is the best method to include omega 3 fatty acids in your diet?
Marine based omega 3 fatty acids vs. plant based foods
best omega 3 fish oil pills contain DHA and EPA which are long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids which are really beneficial for the health of the cells. On the other hand plant based omega 3 fatty acids do not contain DHA and EPA. They have ALA which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid with a shorter chain. ALA is not as effective in aiding cell growth as DHA and EPA.
An enzyme can convert the ALA into long chain fatty acids EPA but less than 1 percent of ALA gets converted to EPA. According to studies the ALA does not provide the benefit that DHA and EPA provide to the body.
If you want help with medical conditions like arthritis, triglycerides, allergies autoimmune disorders or depression then it is necessary to take fish oil based fatty acids. One of the best fish oil pills available in the market is ChicNutrix Mighty Omega and this pill provides the body with the best results of the benefits of DHA and EPA. Of course there is an algae sourced DHA, but this is much more complicated to manufacture and hence is very expensive. On the other hand this algae extract does not contain EPA. This is the reason that best omega 3 fish oil pills are the best way to get your dosage of Omega 3 fatty acids, because they are cost effective and easy to use.
Which fish contain more omega 3 fatty acids?
Fatty fish like Salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, lake trout and mackerel are some of the fish which are rich sources of both DHA and EPA. This is the reason that you should opt for best omega 3 fish oil pills like Chicnutrix Mighty Omega if you want to derive the maximum benefits of the omega 3 fatty acids. We have discussed the benefits of the fatty acids for the overall health. At the same time, these fatty acids nourishes your skin and hair from within and prevents dryness. it reduces breakouts due to dryness, flaky scalp and dandruff issues.They make you look more youthful which is why you should include fish oil supplements in your regime of skin and hair care.  
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Give a boost to your health and aesthetic beauty with Omega 3 Fatty Acid Capsules
Fish oil is loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for health. You could of course get the fish oil by eating a lot of oily fish, but it is difficult to consume the required amount of Omega 3 in this way and this is where Omega 3 Fatty Acid Capsules come into the picture. If you want to know which is one of the best Omega 3 supplements available in the market then try Chicnutrix Mighty Omega.
Keeps the heart healthy
Omega 3 controls the level of cholesterol in such a way that the good cholesterol increases in the body. It also lowers the amount of triglyceride by around 15% to 30%. If you have high blood pressure then Omega 3 is known to reduce the blood pressure by a small but significant amount. It also prevents the formation of plaque that causes the heart arteries to harden and become blocked.
Makes the brain function better
The human brain is 60% fat and most of this fat is omega 3 fatty acids. Hence you can say that omega 3 is necessary for normal brain function. In fact according to some studies people with some mental disorders have low omega 3 blood levels. In fact Omega 3 supplements can actually prevent the onset or lower the intensity of some symptoms of mental disorders.
Can help in weight loss
If we are talking about the aesthetic effects of taking omega 3 fish oil supplements then this is one of the effects. Obesity is becoming quite common now especially in high income countries like the USA. Obesity can cause you to suffer from serious ailments like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even cancer. Fish oil supplements help in improving the composition of the body and risk factors for heart disease in obese people.
Beauty enhancement of skin
Omega 3 fatty acids protect the skin against sun damage, reduce acne, guard the skin against redness, dryness or itching. It also reduces the hair dryness, flaky scalp and dandruff issues.In fact Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is mainly meant for the enhancement of skin and hair health and beauty. Few supplements will provide so many additional health benefits that omega 3 is actually providing apart from the beauty benefits that they are supposed to provide.
The omega 3 capsules will make sure that your skin is naturally moisturized and supple. Don’t forget however, that you should drink a lot of water in order for the omega 3 supplements to work properly in hydrating the skin. Apart from the benefits mentioned above, omega 3 also reduces fine line and wrinkles and being an antioxidant it prevents premature aging of the skin
Beauty enhancement of hair
It also reduces the hair loss and boosts the growth of hair. This is because omega 3 provides nourishment to the hair follicles. It also soothes dry flaky scalp which can be detrimental for the growth and health of the hair. In fact some studies have proved that omega 3 supplements can actually reverse hair loss and make your hair grow longer and thicker. This is the reason that if you take Omega 3 Fatty Acid Capsules then you will have a mane that you will be proud of.
 The best part of taking Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is to understand that this supplement is totally safe and does not contain any heavy metals like
and lead. At the same time it is taken from ocean fish. The best part is that this supplement does not just target hair and skin but provides health benefits to the whole body.
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
You should know your hair growth tablets
The most needed vitamins for hair growth are vitamin A, H, B12, C, E and D. Then again nutrients like zinc, selenium calcium, omega 3 fatty acids are also essential. The best hair supplements available in the market contain some of these vitamins and minerals. This is the reason that you should be aware of the inferior products. These inferior products simply load your body with vitamins unnecessarily and do nothing for the hair. The good supplements on the other hand may not contain all the vitamins and nutrients mentioned above and only few, but they are targeted at the growth and health of hair. Hence they contain only the most important nutrients meant for hair beauty and growth.
Check the label
The fact is that you should check the label of everything that you buy, but this is easier said than done. It is necessary to check the label of any hair growth tabletsbounce that you buy from the market. This is because these products are sold over the counter and you need to understand what they contain. It is necessary for the hair growth supplements to contain, Biotin (vitamin H), selenium and amino acid. Make sure that they don’t contain anything that you are allergic to. One of the best hair growth supplement found in the market today is Chicnutrix Bounce which contains biotin, selenium and amino acids. It is made from natural source and they don’t contain anything that is chemically produced.
Talk to your doctor
Some common nutritional deficiencies include iron, vitamin A, B12, B7 (vitamin H), magnesium etc. It is a good idea to get a test done to understand what deficiency you have. You can also discuss with the doctor the supplement that you are planning to buy. The doctor will be able to help you with information about the right supplement that will benefit your hair. This way you will not be dumping extra vitamins into your system which can sometimes be harmful. For instance, Vitamin A is an oil and hence it does not easily get flushed out of the system. This means that if you already have sufficient vitamin A in your body if you take extra amount then it will accumulate in the body and cause harm to your health. On the other hand B7 also known as vitamin H is water soluble and gets flushed out of the body if in excess. This is also the reason that you need to replenish the amount of vitamin B7.
Check on other things
Here you need to bear in mind that just because your hair growth tablets are highly priced it does not mean that they are good. Hence it is necessary to make your own research on the matter and choose a hair growth supplement that is actually good for your hair. In order to understand how good a hair growth supplement is for you, it is best advised to read the reviews written by the people who have used the supplement earlier. Choose the supplement that has the maximum positive reviews.
One of the best hair growth supplements available in the market currently is Chicnutrix Bounce. This supplement contains the 3 most important nutrients for your hair that are biotin, selenium, and amino acids. Hence it does not have any other vitamins or nutrients which are not the most essential for this purpose. The best part is that even if you intake more of these nutrients and they become excess in your body, they will get flushed out in urine or stools. This means that Chicnutrix Bounce is not only effective in hair growth but also safe for you.
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Best Omega-3 Fish Oil products Online
Omega-3 Fish Oil products have been quite a hit due to their multiple health benefits. A long list of omega 3 fish oil products are available in the market. With most of these Omega 3 fish oil products, the problem is they give fishy aftertaste and burps. But, don’t worry, there is one exception to that, which is, Chicnutrix Mighty Omega.
Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is a high quality fish oil product made from pure ocean fish oil, which is Mercury free, heavy metal free, burp less and the best part, has no fishy after taste. Formulated with 1250mg Omega-3 which has 625 mg EPA, DHA, a perfect balance of ingredients which improves overall skin and hair health.
Omega-3 fish oil with EPA, DHA to support even skin tone, prevent skin and hair dryness, flaky scalp, redness and unpleasant breakouts. Omega-3 fish oil products are known to provide benefits to the entire body. They nourish your skin along with your scalp which helps to benefit the health of your hair to prevent flakes or dry hair. It boosts hydration, nourishes skin with increased moisture. Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties hence, fish oil helps in opening up the hair follicles and promoting hair growth, thereby making up for daily hair loss.
Omega-3 fatty acids fish oil contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) which has many health benefits and also skin & hair benefits. Omega-3 fats are essentials nutrients that are body needs to lower the blood pressure and also preventing and managing heart disease. EPA and DHA acts as a source of energy, prevents the body from heat loss, and helps maintain healthy function of the brain and eyes.
Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is dermatologist approved, gentle on stomach and has no side effects. The ingredients are clinically proven to show effective results.
Available in a jar of 60 chocolate flavoured capsules. 1-2 soft gel capsules can be consumed daily, anytime of the day for all skin and hair benefits.
The need for Omega-3 is essential as our body cannot produce and hence it is important to supplement it externally. The vegetarian source of Omega-3 does not contain EPA which is an important component.
People do not like to consume the Omega-3 fish oil products due to the fishy after taste they get along with the burps. But with Chicnutrix Mighty Omega that isn’t the case, since the capsule is in delicious chocolate flavour.
  According to me, it is definitely a must buy product. Get yours now from: https://www.chicnutrix.com/product/chicnutrix-mighty-omega/
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Best Omega-3 Fish Oil products Online in India
Omega-3 Fish Oil products have been quite a hit due to their multiple health benefits. A long list of omega 3 fish oil products are available in the market. With most of these Omega 3 fish oil products in India, the problem is they give fishy aftertaste and burps. But, don’t worry, there is one exception to that, which is, Chicnutrix Mighty Omega.
Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is a high quality fish oil product made from pure ocean fish oil, which is Mercury free, heavy metal free, burp less and the best part, has no fishy after taste. Formulated with 1250mg Omega-3 which has 625 mg EPA, DHA, a perfect balance of ingredients which improves overall skin and hair health.
Omega-3 fish oil with EPA, DHA to support even skin tone, prevent skin and hair dryness, flaky scalp, redness and unpleasant breakouts. Omega-3 fish oil products are known to provide benefits to the entire body. They nourish your skin along with your scalp which helps to benefit the health of your hair to prevent flakes or dry hair. It boosts hydration, nourishes skin with increased moisture. Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties hence, fish oil helps in opening up the hair follicles and promoting hair growth, thereby making up for daily hair loss.
Omega-3 fatty acids fish oil contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) which has many health benefits and also skin & hair benefits. Omega-3 fats are essentials nutrients that are body needs to lower the blood pressure and also preventing and managing heart disease. EPA and DHA acts as a source of energy, prevents the body from heat loss, and helps maintain healthy function of the brain and eyes.
Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is dermatologist approved, gentle on stomach and has no side effects. The ingredients are clinically proven to show effective results.
Available in a jar of 60 chocolate flavoured capsules. 1-2 soft gel capsules can be consumed daily, anytime of the day for all skin and hair benefits.
The need for Omega-3 is essential as our body cannot produce and hence it is important to supplement it externally. The vegetarian source of Omega-3 does not contain EPA which is an important component.
People do not like to consume the Omega-3 fish oil products due to the fishy after taste they get along with the burps. But with Chicnutrix Mighty Omega that isn’t the case, since the capsule is in delicious chocolate flavour.
  According to me, it is definitely a must buy product. Get yours now from: https://www.chicnutrix.com/product/chicnutrix-mighty-omega/
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Do hair growth pills in India really work?
Hair loss in both men and women is caused due to a combination of hormonal and genetic factors. Apart from these they can also be due to intake of some medications including steroids, pregnancy or illness like stress, auto-immune disorders thyroid problems. If the hair-loss is due to some ailment or medication, you should first consult your doctor. If the health issue or medication is resolved the hair will slowly get back to normal. Then again there are environmental problems like pollution and UV rays of the sun. You need to protect yourself from the harmful effects of environmental pollution. If environmental pollution, UV rays, poor diet or nutritional deficiency is the cause of the problem then hair growth pills in India can resolve it.
The different types of hair growth supplements
The market is full of vitamins, plant extracts, and herbal supplements that claim to help the growth of hair. These supplements usually work only if you actually have a vitamin deficiency. However, considering the lifestyles of today, vitamin deficiency is very common and there are more chances that you do lack the vitamins that are needed for healthy hair growth. Vitamins and minerals related to hair growth include biotin, selenium, vitamins A, B, D and E, amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids.
Out of the above mentioned nutrients, biotin, selenium, and amino acids are the most important. You can overcome any deficiency in these by taking supplements in the form of Chicnutrix Bounce. It contains biotin, selenium and amino acids. Let us see how these three nutrients work to give you healthy and fast growing hair.
Biotin is a water soluble vitamin which is part of the vitamin B family. It plays a vital role in the health of the hair, skin and nails apart from helping in the conversion of some nutrients into energy in the body. Biotin improves the keratin infrastructure of the body and as you may know the hair is basically made of keratin which is a protein that makes nails and skin as well. In many studies the intake of biotin reduced the hair fall and encouraged hair growth. This is the reason that if you are planning to take hair growth pills in India then you should take ones which have biotin in them.
Selenium is a micro nutrient which is necessary for the health of the whole body. However, it is even more important for the health of the hair. Selenium is also found in plant based foods and although the requirement of the mineral in the body is very low usually people do not even take this small amount in their food, due to which selenium supplements become necessary.
Amino acids
Amino acids help in the synthesis of keratin which is the protein that makes up the hair. This is the reason that amino acids are essential if you wish to have healthy hair. Amino acids are found in protein rich foods like meat, eggs and dairy. Here you need to understand that if you are a vegetarian or vegan then amino acid supplements like Chicnutrix Bounce become necessary.
Hence you can see that when it comes to hair loss and lack luster hair which is the result of vitamin and mineral deficiency then hair growth pills in India actually work. Here you should bear in mind that nothing can take the place of a balanced and healthy diet and lifestyle. Hence along with taking supplements you also need to correct these.
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Omega 3 fish oil tablets in India for hair and skin
Omega 3 are the healthy fats which you can find in abundance in sea fish. They also occur in plant foods like flax seeds, walnuts, chia seeds, and hemp seeds. They have many health benefits like keeping the heart and other organs of the body healthy. At the same time they benefit the hair and skin making them healthy and youthful. They boost the resistance of the skin to sunburns, reduce the occurrence of acne and protect the skin from becoming red, dry and itchy.
Omega 3 protects against sun damage
The combination of DHA and EPA in the omega 3 fatty acids reduce the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays. According to some studies it has been proved that consuming 4 grams of EPA for 3 months increases the resistance to sunburn by 136%. The DHA of Omega 3 is available in algae and very few other plant sources.Omega 3 fatty acids also reduce the symptoms of some photosensitivity disorders and reduce the occurrence of skin rashes and blisters after exposure to the sun UV rays.
Reduces acne
Omega 3 fatty acids can actually prevent acne or reduce its severity. These healthy fats reduce inflammation and acne is primarily caused by inflammation in most cases. In a few studies it has been proved that acne lesions decrease when the patient took Omega 3 Fish Oil tablets in India as supplements either alone or along with other nutrients. These supplements also reduce the side effect of isotretinoin which is a drug used to treat acne commonly. The effects of omega 3 supplements vary with different people, but the overall reduction of acne is proved.
Can prevent dry red and itchy skin
Omega 3 improves the skin barrier function and this causes the moisture to be sealed inside the skin and keep out the irritants. According to studies there is an increase of 39% in skin hydration taking for 12 weeks a teaspoon of flaxseed oil which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. The skin also became smoother and less sensitive. Higher consumption of omega 3 also causes lower risk of atopic dermatitis in infants and improvement in symptoms of psoriasis in adults.
Other benefits for skin and hair
Can accelerate the healing of wounds, this has been proved in animals. The omega 3 either injected intravenously or applied topically makes the wound healing fast, but the effect is still to be studied in humans.
Reduces the risk of skin cancer
Here again there is evidence to prove this only by testing on animals and it has not been tested on humans.
Reduces flaky scalp and dandruff
It provides the scalp the hydration it needs, maintains the scalp healthy by reducing flaky scalp and dandruff issues.
Omega 3 will definitely make the skin more supple and youthful. You can easily get your dosage of Omega 3 fatty acids in
ChicNutrix Mighty Omega
which is a fish oil supplement. This supplement is easily available over the counter and is a powerful supplement for omega 3 at any age.
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
The Best skin whitening drink you will ever find!
Are you someone that is looking for a skin whitening drink? A magic potion that will not only give you healthy clear skin but also will make it radiant and glowing? Then you are at the right place.
If you are facing skin issues such as dullness, dark spots, pigmentation and melanin production, then Chicnutrix Glow is the perfect solution for you.
Made with Swiss Effervescent Technology and formulated with Japanese Glutathione and Vitamin C, Chicnutrix Glow is one of the best supplements for skin glow and radiance.
If you are looking for something that will help you reduce the acne breakouts, boost the collagen production and give you healthy clear skin, then Chicnutrix Super C must become your go to product.
Made with Swiss Effervescent Technology and formulated with Natural Amla Extracts rich in Vitamin C and Zinc for acne-free, clear skin.
In the form of effervescence, these skin whitening drinks are fast acting, gentle on stomach, 100% Vegan, dermatologist approved and made with clinically proven ingredients.
I have tried both these products as my skin is prone to acne which tends to leave dark spots as they say goodbye. They have worked wonders on my skin. Chicnutrix Super C has reduced my acne breakouts and Chicnutrix Glow has made those spots fade away. Overall, I feel my skin has never looked healthier, glowing and radiant ever before.
How do they work?
Chicnutrix Glow is a beauty nutrition with the combination of glutathione and vitamin C which works wonders on your skin. It reduces production of melanin which causes dark spots, boosts collagen, brightens and gives you a glowing skin.  Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant which prevents oxidative stress to the cells caused by free radical damage, stress and pollution. Vitamin C works in synergy and helps the body in absorption of Glutathione.
Chicnutrix Super C is a natural Vitamin C supplement which boosts the collagen production. It also prevents premature aging and fine lines, and gives added sun protection. Zinc helps in reducing inflammation and acne breakouts. It also strengthens your immunity.
How to use it?
Just drop one tablet into a glass of 250ml water (approx.), wait for it to fizz and dissolve and then drink it to get your beautiful skin.
 Both these skin whitening drinks is available in yummylicious flavors. Chicnutrix Glow is available in strawberry-lemon flavor and Chicnutrix Super C is in orange flavor.
These skin whitening drinks have been a miracle for my skin and I recommend you try it too, to get that clear, radiant skin. It is an absolute must have products.
You can buy them here-
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Do hair growth pills in India really work?
Hair loss in both men and women is caused due to a combination of hormonal and genetic factors. Apart from these they can also be due to intake of some medications including steroids, pregnancy or illness like stress, auto-immune disorders thyroid problems. If the hair-loss is due to some ailment or medication, you should first consult your doctor. If the health issue or medication is resolved the hair will slowly get back to normal. Then again there are environmental problems like pollution and UV rays of the sun. You need to protect yourself from the harmful effects of environmental pollution. If environmental pollution, UV rays, poor diet or nutritional deficiency is the cause of the problem then hair growth pills in India can resolve it.
The different types of hair growth supplements
The market is full of vitamins, plant extracts, and herbal supplements that claim to help the growth of hair. These supplements usually work only if you actually have a vitamin deficiency. However, considering the lifestyles of today, vitamin deficiency is very common and there are more chances that you do lack the vitamins that are needed for healthy hair growth. Vitamins and minerals related to hair growth include biotin, selenium, vitamins A, B, D and E, amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids.
Out of the above mentioned nutrients, biotin, selenium, and amino acids are the most important. You can overcome any deficiency in these by taking supplements in the form of Chicnutrix Bounce. It contains biotin, selenium and amino acids. Let us see how these three nutrients work to give you healthy and fast growing hair.
Biotin is a water soluble vitamin which is part of the vitamin B family. It plays a vital role in the health of the hair, skin and nails apart from helping in the conversion of some nutrients into energy in the body. Biotin improves the keratin infrastructure of the body and as you may know the hair is basically made of keratin which is a protein that makes nails and skin as well. In many studies the intake of biotin reduced the hair fall and encouraged hair growth. This is the reason that if you are planning to take hair growth pills in India then you should take ones which have biotin in them.
Selenium is a micro nutrient which is necessary for the health of the whole body. However, it is even more important for the health of the hair. Selenium is also found in plant based foods and although the requirement of the mineral in the body is very low usually people do not even take this small amount in their food, due to which selenium supplements become necessary.
Amino acids
Amino acids help in the synthesis of keratin which is the protein that makes up the hair. This is the reason that amino acids are essential if you wish to have healthy hair. Amino acids are found in protein rich foods like meat, eggs and dairy. Here you need to understand that if you are a vegetarian or vegan then amino acid supplements like Chicnutrix Bounce become necessary.
Hence you can see that when it comes to hair loss and lack luster hair which is the result of vitamin and mineral deficiency then hair growth pills in India actually work. Here you should bear in mind that nothing can take the place of a balanced and healthy diet and lifestyle. Hence along with taking supplements you also need to correct these.
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Give a boost to your health and aesthetic beauty with Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules in India
Fish oil is loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for health. You could of course get the fish oil by eating a lot of oily fish, but it is difficult to consume the required amount of Omega 3 in this way and this is where Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules in India come into the picture. If you want to know which is one of the best Omega 3 supplements available in the market then try Chicnutrix Mighty Omega.
Keeps the heart healthy
Omega 3 controls the level of cholesterol in such a way that the good cholesterol increases in the body. It also lowers the amount of triglyceride by around 15% to 30%. If you have high blood pressure then Omega 3 is known to reduce the blood pressure by a small but significant amount. It also prevents the formation of plaque that causes the heart arteries to harden and become blocked.
Makes the brain function better
The human brain is 60% fat and most of this fat is omega 3 fatty acids. Hence you can say that omega 3 is necessary for normal brain function. In fact according to some studies people with some mental disorders have low omega 3 blood levels. In fact Omega 3 supplements can actually prevent the onset or lower the intensity of some symptoms of mental disorders.
Can help in weight loss
If we are talking about the aesthetic effects of taking omega 3 fish oil supplements then this is one of the effects. Obesity is becoming quite common now especially in high income countries like the USA. Obesity can cause you to suffer from serious ailments like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even cancer. Fish oil supplements help in improving the composition of the body and risk factors for heart disease in obese people.
Beauty enhancement of skin
Omega 3 fatty acids protect the skin against sun damage, reduce acne, guard the skin against redness, dryness or itching. It also reduces the hair dryness, flaky scalp and dandruff issues.In fact Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is mainly meant for the enhancement of skin and hair health and beauty. Few supplements will provide so many additional health benefits that omega 3 is actually providing apart from the beauty benefits that they are supposed to provide.
The omega 3 capsules will make sure that your skin is naturally moisturized and supple. Don’t forget however, that you should drink a lot of water in order for the omega 3 supplements to work properly in hydrating the skin. Apart from the benefits mentioned above, omega 3 also reduces fine line and wrinkles and being an antioxidant it prevents premature aging of the skin
Beauty enhancement of hair
It also reduces the hair loss and boosts the growth of hair. This is because omega 3 provides nourishment to the hair follicles. It also soothes dry flaky scalp which can be detrimental for the growth and health of the hair. In fact some studies have proved that omega 3 supplements can actually reverse hair loss and make your hair grow longer and thicker. This is the reason that if you take Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules in India then you will have a mane that you will be proud of.
 The best part of taking Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is to understand that this supplement is totally safe and does not contain any heavy metals like
and lead. At the same time it is taken from ocean fish. The best part is that this supplement does not just target hair and skin but provides health benefits to the whole body.
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Best Supplements for Glowing Skin, reduce and get rid of acne
Best Supplements for glowing skin have taken over the beauty world. Along with serums, face masks, cleansers, supplements have become an important aspect of your beauty regime. But with multiple products in the market, it might become confusing has to which one to pick over the ever growing market. So, today, I will tell you about skin supplements duo that would enhance your skin health, make it clear, glowing and radiant.
Chicnutrix Glow and Chicnutrix Super C are a skin supplements that will give you radiant and clear skin. So if you are facing acne and pimples, or just want to enhance skin health that consider Chicnutrix Super C has your best option.
Made with Japanese Glutathione and Vitamin C, Chicnutrix Glow is known to boost skin radiance and glow. It helps the skin by removing sun tan, dark spots, reducing melanin production and even tones the skin. It also reduces pigmentation. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that boosts radiance, it also protects your immune cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Vitamin C works in synergy with Glutathione and provides a powerful boost. It also helps the body in absorption of Glutathione.
These well balanced combination of ingredients give your skin the natural boost, enhancing its glow and radiance. Just drop one Glow tablet into a glass of water, wait for it to fizz and dissolve and drink this yummylicious strawberry-lemon flavour.
Chicnutrix Super C is formulated with Natural Amla Extracts rich in Vitamin C and Zinc for skin health and protection. Vitamin C provides added sun protection. It also boosts collagen which will prevent premature aging, fine lines and wrinkles. Zinc helps reduce redness, inflammation and acne breakouts. Vitamin C and Zinc together helps boost the immunity.
  These supplements are made with clinically proven ingredients and is dermatologist approved. It is gentle on stomach, absorbs easily.
Glowing and healthy skin has become easy to achieve with these best Vitamin C supplements.
These supplements are easier to carry too. You can consume this tablets at any time of the day, together or individually as per your desire. I generally prefer drinking it together as a mock tail every day after breakfast.
After using it for months, I absolutely recommend these products to everyone who wants their skin to be clear, glowing and radiant.
If you want to try these products out, you can buy them here: - https://www.chicnutrix.com/product/chic-super-glow-bundle/
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Best skin whitening pills in India
Skin whitening pills in India are widely popular in India and the most popular skin whitening ingredient is glutathione and Vitamin C. People are popping all types of skin whitening and skin bleaching tablets in search for fairer, brighter and glowing complexion. But which skin whitening pill is best and seems to be actually working is a wonder.
You can let the search halt here, because well I have found the best Glutathione and Vitamin C supplement that will make your skin glowing and radiant.
Chicnutrix Glow formulated with clinically proven Japanese Glutathione and Vitamin C helps in giving you brighter, lighter, radiant and glowing complexion.
Glutathione has antioxidant properties and it is also known as “Mother of antioxidants”. It reduces the melanin production which is the pigment that gives your skin its colour. Glutathione removes all the toxins from your body and also reduces the pigmentation and reduces dark spots. It also has powerful antioxidant properties that fights against free radicals and damage caused by pollution, UV rays and other chemicals.
Vitamin C helps the body in absorption of Glutathione and it works in synergy with Glutathione giving it a powerful boost. The combination of glutathione and vitamin C works wonders, making it the best skin care supplement in India.
If you are one of those people, who are facing acne prone skin issues like mine, than the best supplement would be Chicnutrix Super C.
It is Skin Shero, made with natural Amla Extracts rich in Vitamin C and Zinc. Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant, it also helps boost collagen which prevents premature aging, fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps provides added sun protection. Zinc helps reduce inflammation, redness and acne breakouts. Vitamin C and Zinc both help boost the immunity.
Chicnutrix Glow and Chicnutrix Super C are made with Swiss Effervescent technology and are available in the form of effervescent tablet which helps in faster absorption. It also makes it more effective as it absorbs easily. It is gentle on stomach and has no side effects.
They are 100% vegan, clinically proven and is dermatologist approved.
  Chicnutrix Glow is available in yummylicious Strawberry-lemon flavour and Chicnutrix Super C has tangy orange flavor.
All you need to do is add one tablet into a glass of water and wait for it to fizz and dissolve, it takes up to a minute or two to dissolve. Drink this yummylicious flavoured drink for glowing and radiant skin.
I would definitely recommend this amazing tablets for overall skin health.
You can buy them here: - https://www.chicnutrix.com/product/chic-super-glow-bundle/
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
You should choose your Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements in India carefully
Fish oil supplements are among the most popular supplements that people take all over the world. This is because Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements in India are very beneficial not just for your overall health, but also for the beauty and health of your skin and hair. Now that you have decided to take fish oil supplements there are many things to consider before you choose the right one for yourself. One of the best fish oil supplements available in the market is ChicNutrix Mighty Omega. Let us look at what you should bear in mind before buying a supplement.
You need to understand that fish oil is available both in natural as well as processed form. The processing can have an impact on how well and early the omega 3 gets absorbed in your body. Let us look at the sources of the omega 3:
Fish – in whole fish omega 3 fatty acids are available as free fatty acids, triglycerides and phospholipids. 
Fish oil – in usually available fish oils these fatty acids are available in the form of triglycerides
Processed fish oil – if the fish oils are refined then it is quite likely that the triglycerides are converted to ethyl esters which allows the manufacturers to adjust the concentration of EPA and DHA.
Reformed triglycerides – this is a product obtained after converting the ethyl esters in processed fish oils into triglycerides once again. This is the reason that they are known as reformed triglycerides. 
Necessity to know the product
All these forms of omega 3 available in different sources have their own health benefits. However, according to some studies the absorption of omega 3 from ethyl esters is not so good. The other forms of omega 3 are better when it comes to absorption in the body. Hence this is the first thing that you should look for in the fish oil supplement that you are buying. Usually the label has such information and if it doesn’t then you should look for another one that does. Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is made in such a way that it guarantees fast absorption in the body and fast action as well.  
The other thing that you can do is search the internet for the information about the Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements in India that you have in mind. You should read the reviews of the customers who have bought the product earlier. These reviews usually tell a lot of things like the aftertaste, its impact on digestion etc. Chicnutrix Mighty Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements in India do not give you a fishy aftertaste and they are light on the stomach. This is the reason that these supplements are burp less. It is also remarkable that Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is free from mercury and other heavy metals which are found in fatty fish due to pollution of the sea waters. However, during the production of the Chicnutrix Mighty Omega the heavy metals present in the fish are removed. Once you are armed with this information you should go ahead and make the informed choice and buy the fish oil supplement that you like the most.
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
The Hair growth Supplements that works wonders
Are you tired of seeing your fallen hair everywhere? Finally tired of hair loss, rough, dry and brittle hair? Looking for a magic solution that will stop your hair fall and help the hair growth? Look no further, we have a solution for you right here. The best hair growth supplements for healthy, thicker hair. 
Yes, I have found the best supplement that actually does what it says. Chicnutrix Bounce is the best hair growth supplement which helps prevent hair fall too.  Chicnutrix Bounce is a 100% Vegan formulation containing Biotin, Selenium and vital amino acids in hair recovery complex, an ideal hair health supplement to repair and recover hair health. There are some preliminary studies also, that shows that biotin, and selenium and amino acids supplements improve hair loss, dry, rough hair, thinning or splitting of brittle hair.
If you are wondering how that works? I will break it down for you. 
Biotin stimulates hair growth cycle. It provides hair with the necessary nourishment to strengthen, thicken and appear more bouncy and lustrous. It also helps the body in production of amino acids which are building blocks of protein called keratin, which makes up the hair. A long term deficiency of vital vitamin like biotin causes hair loss and might lead to thin, brittle hair with split ends. Biotin hair growth supplements improve the hair growth and bounce by strengthening the structure of hair.
As I have already explained our hair is made up of keratin which is made up of amino acids, hence supplementation of Amino acids strengthens the hair structure and improves the hair texture which will make it appear more shiny and healthy. Selenium is a trace mineral that helps protect scalp health and prevent hair fall.
Due to pollution, UV rays, harmful chemicals and heat styling tools, our hair goes through a lot and hence becomes damaged. Insufficient diet is also a cause for that damage, hence hair growth supplements become an essential part of our diet.
Chicnutrix Bounce has better absorption and hence leads to faster onset of action. It is also in the form of effervescent tablets which allows a large dose of ingredients to be taken in a single serving in liquid form. They are delivered to stomach at a pH that is just right for absorption and therefore, has no side effects.
It is 100% vegetarian with no added sugar, great taste and dermatologically approved. 
How to use: 
  Drop 1 Effervescent tablet in 250ml of water. Wait for the tablet to fizz and dissolve completely (1-2 mins) and Drink.
So, if you are noticing excessive hair loss, hair thinning, increased split ends or poor hair density, I urge you to get Chicnutrix Bounce which is available in delicious raspberry flavour, is a perfect hair supplement for you that supports healthy hair growth.
You can get Chicnutrix Bounce here- 
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
Omega 3 fish oil tablets in India for hair and skin
Omega 3 are the healthy fats which you can find in abundance in sea fish. They also occur in plant foods like flax seeds, walnuts, chia seeds, and hemp seeds. They have many health benefits like keeping the heart and other organs of the body healthy. At the same time they benefit the hair and skin making them healthy and youthful. They boost the resistance of the skin to sunburns, reduce the occurrence of acne and protect the skin from becoming red, dry and itchy. 
Omega 3 protects against sun damage
The combination of DHA and EPA in the omega 3 fatty acids reduce the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays. According to some studies it has been proved that consuming 4 grams of EPA for 3 months increases the resistance to sunburn by 136%. The DHA of Omega 3 is available in algae and very few other plant sources.Omega 3 fatty acids also reduce the symptoms of some photosensitivity disorders and reduce the occurrence of skin rashes and blisters after exposure to the sun UV rays.
Reduces acne
Omega 3 fatty acids can actually prevent acne or reduce its severity. These healthy fats reduce inflammation and acne is primarily caused by inflammation in most cases. In a few studies it has been proved that acne lesions decrease when the patient took Omega 3 Fish Oil tablets in India as supplements either alone or along with other nutrients. These supplements also reduce the side effect of isotretinoin which is a drug used to treat acne commonly. The effects of omega 3 supplements vary with different people, but the overall reduction of acne is proved.
Can prevent dry red and itchy skin
Omega 3 improves the skin barrier function and this causes the moisture to be sealed inside the skin and keep out the irritants. According to studies there is an increase of 39% in skin hydration taking for 12 weeks a teaspoon of flaxseed oil which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. The skin also became smoother and less sensitive. Higher consumption of omega 3 also causes lower risk of atopic dermatitis in infants and improvement in symptoms of psoriasis in adults. 
Other benefits for skin and hair
Can accelerate the healing of wounds, this has been proved in animals. The omega 3 either injected intravenously or applied topically makes the wound healing fast, but the effect is still to be studied in humans. 
Reduces the risk of skin cancer
Here again there is evidence to prove this only by testing on animals and it has not been tested on humans. 
Reduces flaky scalp and dandruff
It provides the scalp the hydration it needs, maintains the scalp healthy by reducing flaky scalp and dandruff issues.
Omega 3 will definitely make the skin more supple and youthful. You can easily get your dosage of Omega 3 fatty acids in 
ChicNutrix Mighty Omega
which is a fish oil supplement. This supplement is easily available over the counter and is a powerful supplement for omega 3 at any age.
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
The Best skin whitening drink you will ever find!
Are you someone that is looking for a skin whitening drink? A magic potion that will not only give you healthy clear skin but also will make it radiant and glowing? Then you are at the right place.
If you are facing skin issues such as dullness, dark spots, pigmentation and melanin production, then Chicnutrix Glow is the perfect solution for you.
Made with Swiss Effervescent Technology and formulated with Japanese Glutathione and Vitamin C, Chicnutrix Glow is one of the best supplements for skin glow and radiance.
If you are looking for something that will help you reduce the acne breakouts, boost the collagen production and give you healthy clear skin, then Chicnutrix Super C must become your go to product.
Made with Swiss Effervescent Technology and formulated with Natural Amla Extracts rich in Vitamin C and Zinc for acne-free, clear skin.
In the form of effervescence, these skin whitening drinks are fast acting, gentle on stomach, 100% Vegan, dermatologist approved and made with clinically proven ingredients.
I have tried both these products as my skin is prone to acne which tends to leave dark spots as they say goodbye. They have worked wonders on my skin. Chicnutrix Super C has reduced my acne breakouts and Chicnutrix Glow has made those spots fade away. Overall, I feel my skin has never looked healthier, glowing and radiant ever before.
How do they work?
Chicnutrix Glow is a beauty nutrition with the combination of glutathione and vitamin C which works wonders on your skin. It reduces production of melanin which causes dark spots, boosts collagen, brightens and gives you a glowing skin.  Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant which prevents oxidative stress to the cells caused by free radical damage, stress and pollution. Vitamin C works in synergy and helps the body in absorption of Glutathione.
Chicnutrix Super C is a natural Vitamin C supplement which boosts the collagen production. It also prevents premature aging and fine lines, and gives added sun protection. Zinc helps in reducing inflammation and acne breakouts. It also strengthens your immunity.
How to use it?
Just drop one tablet into a glass of 250ml water (approx.), wait for it to fizz and dissolve and then drink it to get your beautiful skin.
 Both these skin whitening drinks is available in yummylicious flavors. Chicnutrix Glow is available in strawberry-lemon flavor and Chicnutrix Super C is in orange flavor.
These skin whitening drinks have been a miracle for my skin and I recommend you try it too, to get that clear, radiant skin. It is an absolute must have products.
You can buy them here- https://www.chicnutrix.com/product/chic-super-glow-bundle/
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myaravinda-blog · 4 years
The best type of hair growth products in India to stop hair fall and enhance growth
More than 50 million people in the USA alone are suffering from hair loss. The worst part of hair loss is that it does not go away over time like cold or toothache. If the hair fall is not treated with proper hair growth products in India then it will not stop till most or all of your hair is gone. This is the reason that men and women both look for products that stop hair fall and promote hair growth. 
There are many hair growth products in India available in the market, but before you opt for any one of them it is necessary to consider the reasons for your hair loss. Here you need to understand that there are many factors that cause hair loss and some of them may not be your fault. The good thing about hair loss products is that they reverse these causes and arrest the hair fall. Not only this they also enhance the growth of hair again. Let us look at the causes of hair loss.
This cause cannot be helped and in this case you may have to look for surgical methods like hair transplant. Here you need to look at your earlier generations and if your grand father or father went bald at an early age then chances are that you too will. Of course with the help of hair growth enhancing products like shampoos, conditioners etc. you can delay the balding, but it cannot be stopped completely. In this case it is a good idea to opt for oral supplements meant for hair growth. 
This again is a factor that you cannot control completely. Again like in the case of genetic causes of hair loss, the products like shampoos, conditioners, hair growth serums etc. can help along with hair growth oral supplements. However, in the long run your hair is likely to become thin and you will suffer from hair loss. 
Other factors
Apart from the above mentioned causes there are other causes like stress, pollution poor diet etc. These are the causes that you can help with. In such cases the anti-hair fall shampoos and other products are very helpful. These are also the causes in which oral supplements like Chicnutrix Bounce will be extremely helpful. 
Anti-hair fall products
First thing you need to do is look at the shampoo and conditioner that you are using. Choose the ones that are actually meant for hair fall. The good quality anti-hair fall shampoos and conditioners will do half the job and the remaining can be covered with hair serums and oral hair growth supplements. As mentioned above ChicnutrixBounce is a hair growth supplement that stops hair fall and promotes hair growth. This is because it contains biotin, selenium and amino acids which are essential for the health and growth of the hair. 
If you look at the reviews and testimonials written by people who have used Chicnutrix Bounce for hair growth, you will understand that this supplement is actually very beneficial in hair growth. Many people have benefitted from them and they are superior to other hair growth pills and capsules because they are made with the effervescent technology and can be dissolved in water before consuming. This means that they will be easily absorbed in the body and help in hair growth. 
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