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I’m honestly working the story and my Oc’s background information, because this is an old idea and an old story so please bare with some of the cringe! And I’m really jumping right into the story and I’ll upload her info once I get it finished! Thank yall for your patience!
    I walked onto the boardwalk, trying to find a tent to slip into to leave the crowd. I sighed as I pushed my way through the other teenagers  that were there. They were so annoying,  like most people my age but the surfers on the other hand were beyond aggravating and a hard to stomach at times. I don’t know how else to describe them besides that and that they are such arrogant dicks, and how most people really can’t stand them either. I  just try to steer clear of them, and don't fool with anyone affiliated with them because  nine times out of ten they’re insufferable too. I slipped into a tent with comic books, somewhat intrigued I begin to look around. Barely touching one comic before, "If your looking for the frozen yogurt bar, it closed down last summer." a voice rang out. I jumped slightly not expecting it but I turned towards the direction the voice was coming from, "Trust me I'm not. I also know it did. Seeing as I worked there last summer." I responded taking in the boy across for me appearance. He was average height with brown hair and a red bandanna draped across his forehead. 
    He raises an eyebrow at me, and looks off to the side. I turn my head to see another guy just standing there. He was a bit taller with lighter hair, i tilt my head slightly, "Yes?" I say. "Nothing. Just thinking." He replies and he looks away from me and back to what I’m assuming is his brother . I shrug and turn back to the first guy as well. After another moment of silence I open my mouth again to introduce myself. " Maiara. Its nice to meet you." I say. "Edgar Frog,and that's my brother Alan." Edgar says introducing himself and his brother with a jerk of his thumb. "Nice to meet you as well." Alan says dully. I brush it off with a smile.
"I honestly didn't know what this had turned into. I just wanted to get off the boardwalk. This setup is pretty nice though." I say. "Thanks. We run it for our parents." Edgar says.Something about the tone of his voice let me  know he was holding out on something with that statement,but I didn't say anything about it.I started looking around again for a little while answering a couple of questions Jerry and them and asking some in return. These two were quite the characters, I soon discovered. “ Hey Mar, I have another question for you.” Edgar says as he walks up to me once again, “Shoot.” I responded, not really thinking twice about my new nickname. “How do you feel about vampires?”  And I  can’t help but give him my full attention, I guess it was the sound of his voice that let me know it’s was a serious question. But I really didn’t have an answer, vampires weren’t something I thought about a lot. In a fictional or non fictional sense, “I can’t really say. I don’t think about them a lot to really form an opinion on them.” The brothers both stepped a little closer and something told me I wasn’t going to like what got said next, and I wanted an out. “Well we have something to change your mind-.” Edgar starts but I cut him off with a poorly timed excuse , "Thats  sounds cool but the crowd has settled a bit and I have to get back up the place I’m staying before it gets too dark!  See you later. Edgar and Alan." I say in a rush. "Later Maiara." They both say as i head out the tent. I know in hindsight i should have stayed to hear what he said but I don’t need any supernatural adventures to put on my plate. 
As I walk a little ways down from the tent and to the center of the boardwalk,   I stumbled onto a scuffle of sorts. An officer is choking a guy with his baton. I shake my head at the scene, lagging behind to see what happens, the cops says something to the blonde on his grasp and then o lets go of him. Saying something else that  I couldn't quite make out from where I was standing. I shift back a little bit more so I could   watch as they walked away without being spotted. They all seem to be collected despite being roughed up by the cop. And just when I think I’m home free I catch one of their eyes. My eyes widen and I hurried to look away from them. I couldn't  moved away fast enough from the carousel.  I wasn't meaning to attract attention to myself. 
   One I got past all of the attractions,  I hurried to my car, I struggled to get my keys out of my pocket. In the midst of me looking for my let’s, I felt someone watching me and a chill ran down my spine, hurrying my moments because I didn’t want to end up  on the back of a milk carton. With that thought I finally find my keys and leap into my car, shove the key into the ignition starting it, I got in and drove away from the boardwalk and to "Grandpa"  Emerson's house. I sped up  in part because I was on edge and slid because I already knew  that nobody was coming up or down the road. I got  there in one piece and got out of the car,and after making sure I locked my car doors,  I started walking up to the door with my key in hand, the feeling of being watching never once went away even as I drove so, as I turned the key I felt my heart beating even faster, like. I was on the verge of a panic attack. I breathed a sigh relief when I got in and locked the door. "Back late again I see. What's got you so shaken up this time?" "Grandpa" Emerson asks. "Nothing really. Just paranoid a little but I'm fine." I reply. "Okay. Well its time to hit the hay." He says. I chuckle at his words nodding my head. "Yeah sure." I say.  We both head up the stairs at our own pace and head our separate ways.  
   I watched her walk into the house with a smirk on my face. Her paranoia was radiating off of her in pools. The other boys were shifting in the trees and I began to chuckle. I heard the door lock click and I burst into laughter.  "Looks like sweet cheeks doesn't want to let us in any time soon. "  That makes the others howl with laughter. "Lets go. We have an annoying guard to deal with." I say. "He always spoils our fun." "And our  little fights." I just scoff as we take off. We get back to the boardwalk just in time to see him heading to his car. Too bad he'll never make it back home. We soop down on him just to scare him a little bit.
   He instantly begins to struggle to hurry himself up. He struggles to open his car door now that he has it unlocked. 'Pathetic.' I think. 'All bark yet no bite.' 'Lets kill him now.' 'Can we?' The boys look at me. 'Go for it.'  They instantly attack his car. Ripping of the roof and dragging him out. The guard kicking and screaming as they fly off with him. He's going to be so much fun to drain. I know that much, I turn my head to see golden rays peep out. Thats how i know its time to head back in. Time flies by fast when you're raising hell, don't it? 
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