my-saved-resources · 8 hours
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my-saved-resources · 9 hours
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my-saved-resources · 10 hours
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i did it
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my-saved-resources · 10 hours
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my-saved-resources · 10 hours
Lissajous curve table
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my-saved-resources · 11 hours
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The earliest depiction of Christ was a shitpost
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my-saved-resources · 12 hours
The world's oldest story? Astronomers say global myths about 'seven sisters' stars may reach back 100,000 years https://phys.org/news/2020-12-world-oldest-story-astronomers-global.html
Holy shit, this is cool!
So many cultures call the Pleiades some variation of the "seven sisters" despite only having six visible stars. There only appear to be six because two of the stars are so close together as to appear as one.
The myths also mention one sister leaving or hiding to explain why there's only six. And based off observations and measurements, those two that are so close together used to be visibly separate. One literally has moved to hide.
And based off the similarities between the more commonly known Greek myth and the Aboriginal Australian myth, plus some other stuff, this myth could possibly even date back to when humanity still all resided in Africa!
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my-saved-resources · 16 hours
you actually don’t have to go on dating apps to find girlfriends. many beautiful women are waiting for you on rocks out at sea
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Rockstar Shimmered Princess
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did you know you can maybe grow tits if you hit yourself hard enough and often enough
Over 70 percent of the German battalion's soldiers have been diagnosed with significant gynecomastia. Military officials have promised to keep an eye on the men's breasts.
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my-saved-resources · 2 days
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my-saved-resources · 2 days
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Now that I have a Lightbox I can take updated photos of Archibald Asparagus Saint Sebastian
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my-saved-resources · 2 days
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inocybe pallidicremea
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my-saved-resources · 2 days
do you guys wanna see the most batshit insane book blurb ive ever come across
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my-saved-resources · 2 days
do you feel the same way about CNC? because that is a similar fantasy and kink to age play (as in its tangentially related to a real life horrible thing), but is incredibly common sexual fantasy that has a decent amount of literature about how its harmless. I genuinely think that it's useful to compare them as a way of teasing out where our opinions, repulsions, and ethics lie.
no I don’t, I’ve been thinking about this and I think the childhood stuff is pretty much a totally unique case in my mind because I don’t see any other situations in which you’re drawing on the culture of a real-life population that is both decidedly damaged by the intrusion of adult sexuality and can’t understand / consent to sexuality. to me it’s a cultural conversation issue, I don’t think childhood sexual roleplay should be a widespread and normalized subculture because the power dynamics in that cultural conversation aren’t equalized. it’s ripping an aesthetic from a powerless population that suffers from sexual predation, appropriating that aesthetic for sex - okay so far this is actually fine I think, that can be neutral, if it’s private and no one knows literally what’s the harm - but then inserting that sexualized aesthetic back into widespread culture to me isn’t okay until we fix the actual underlying issue with real-life childhood sexualization. I think it’s fine to do this stuff silently and privately but I don’t want to condone or participate in the cultural mainstreaming of it, if that makes sense
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my-saved-resources · 3 days
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this post altered my brain so now whenever i have a bowl of any food i think Oh fuck yes it’s a little bowl of seeds for me
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my-saved-resources · 3 days
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