my-robo-obssession · 2 years
OH SHOOT I FORGOT THE GLASSES! I'm gonna quickly post this too
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my-robo-obssession · 2 years
Jack-O pose: Throwback style
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Another picture of my favorite boi Throwback! I'm obsessed, sorry not sorry XP
Had a lot of fun makin this pic and got a bit carried away by makin a quick TikTok LOL
Anyways enjoy the pic and Happy Valentine's Day!
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my-robo-obssession · 3 years
It's Thursday and I'm back baby! Woohoo!
I had recently finished College and of course I drew my favourite boi, Throwback!
Been sittin on drawing his new design for AGES and was like "FUNK IT I NEED TO DRAW HIM ONCE IM FINISHED WITH COLLEGE" and here we are.
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GOD it's been WAY TOO LONG since I've uploaded been feeling hella deprived of drawing for so long.
I DO have MANY more drawing I want to draw with him so... I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND THAT @pastelpaperplanes LOL.
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my-robo-obssession · 3 years
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chillin’ together. <3
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my-robo-obssession · 3 years
If you're in Texas and you're trying to stay warm during the power outages, here's some tips from an Illinoisan currently living in Texas. Obviously battery powered heaters or heated blankets can be great, as is a fire in a fireplace. But if those aren't options for you, try:
1. You can use tape around the edges of doors and windows to prevent drafts, or use towels or blankets to stuff around it. We currently have blankets taped up covering our doors and towels taped over most of our windows. Avoid going into rooms with an outside wall or multiple/large windows, they're going to be colder.
2. If you're getting power back every now and then, fill a sock about 2/3 full with rice, lentils, or dry beans, stick it in the microwave for about 30 seconds at a time, checking to see when it's nice and warm. Then put it at your feet under a blanket.
3. If you have a gas stove, boil a pot of water. You can make tea or soup with it, but even just boiling water will help warm and humidify the home a little. Good for avoiding nosebleeds.
4. Set all your faucets to drip. Moving water in the pipes keeps them from freezing, which is good because you don't want them to burst.
5. Got a significant other? Kids? Pets? Cuddle them. Never underestimate how much it helps to have another warm body sharing a blanket with you.
6. Do NOT drink alcohol. Yes, it makes you feel nice and warm. It also causes you to LOSE body heat.
7. Move around! Even just bicycling your legs will get your blood flowing, which will help warm you up. Then you can go right back to bundling up.
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my-robo-obssession · 3 years
I did another pic of Throwback just because.
I love him so much! Ya' ll will definitely see more of him on this page. Thank you @pastelpaperplanes
Also included speedpaint at the bottom too!😉
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
I’d love to see more Jazzmax in your style if possible
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happy belated Jazzmax week!
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
Beach Jazz🌊
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This was originally going to be some anatomy practice but well...
I LOVE me some Jazz💙💙💙
Took me a WHILE but it came out pretty good!
It was also great background practice too. I love sunsets☀
I 100% totally imagine him and Gunmax on the beach lounging together and having fun💚💙
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
Throwback in the nightclub CAGE DANCING!🍑😏👀💖
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I am SOOOO in love with @pastelpaperplanes OC THROWBACK I couldn't not draw him.
I didn't really do that great of a job with the background. I apologise if it seems a bit off.
Please ignore the mess of a person I had to reference(myself)
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
The color... the focus, it's all so BREATHTAKING💗
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春休み ! 🌸
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
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I just want to raise awareness about the Corona Virus (COVID-19)
Please, wash your hands and keep inside
Jazz and Gunmax would like to see humanity live another day. Stay safe everyone!
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
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First Sketch of Sari
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
"The last thing you will ever see... is ME!" -Ricochet
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Non-Splatter version below
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I've been feeling like im dying of stress this week so I drew Rico for my college work suffering.
*Ricochet is not mine he belongs to @kabuki-akuma
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
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Inspirational Jazz
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my-robo-obssession · 4 years
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3 min Jazz Sketch
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my-robo-obssession · 5 years
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You would know EXACTLY why my baby boy Drill Boy is crying if you had seen BPJD ep 23.
This was most DEFINATELY a try at drawing tears. Also I was feeling really crummy today so let me put my feelings out with drawing a little.
I know robots can't cry but let me imagine.
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