A recipe for disaster
38 posts
I have a lot of cookbooks and a trip to the local bookstore more often than not adds to the collection. That's why I decided to start actually cooking from them as well. I took a foodmagazine i'm subscribed to and tried to cook as many recipes as possible. Now that I'm almost through the magazine, I'm kinda sad that I didn't really document the journey, so here we are. This blog will consist of mostly recipes from the belgian magazine 'Libelle lekker', that I try to make at home with my honest thoughts about it.
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Raspberry- matcha cake with raspberry sorbet
I love cake. there's warmth en fond memories in it's simplicity. When I was a kid, there grew raspberry and blackberry bushes in the neighbourhood. My mon and I would pick berries and then she would bake cakes from the fruits.
This cake is raspberries with matcha added to the mixture. The cake was served with raspberry sorbet and frsh raspberries.
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Beetroot-mashed potatoes with chicken drumsticks
I never ate beetroot before, so I didn't really know what to expect. It was okay but not a new favourite or anything. My husband didn't like this at all but he's a picky eater so not the best reference.
The chicken could be more crispy but the seasoning was good. My cats loved the leftovers!
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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lemon-meringuepie with coconut (my picture)
My husband's favourite pie. It's a bit of work, but is does pay off. The recipe uses premade shortcrust but I decided to make the dough myself. I also used my own recipe for the lemoncurd cause it's foolproof and I can make it in my sleep by now. The only part where I actually followed the recipe, was the meringue. It tasted just as good as it looks on the picture. Just a small warning, if you put the pie in the oven to brown the meringue, you really have to stay next to it. It want from white to brown in 5 seconds!
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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White-chocolate cheesecake (my picture)
I made this cake for new years eve and I was very worried that it wouldn't turn out wel. The cake barely rose in the fridge and seemed very flat. Boy, was I wrong. It's a heavy cheesecake but really good. We celebrated only with 3 people, but we finished the entire thing!
The blueberry compote on top adds a nice tanginess to the very sweet white chocolate. We all added a lot more compote after taking the picture since it was that good!
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Onionsoup (not my picture)
The first real kitchen disaster. Everything else still worked kind of, wether I enjoyed it or not, but this one I really fucked up. I didn't caramelize the onions in a thick-bottomed pan which gave my onions a really awefull burned taste. This went straight in the garbage bin and I will have to try again later. My collegue actually laughed when I told her and pointed out where I went wrong. Know your kitchen materials, I guess :').
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Pumpkins with pheasant, lentils and bloodsausage (not my picture)
I didn't really enjoy this too much? It went a bit dry and the pheasant was a bit on the older side. It was a lot of work as well, and I had a lot of cleaning to do afterwards.
It's a pumpkin stuffed with a mix of lentils, pheasant and blood sausage. Blood sausage is a bit of an aquired taste, but I do really like it, especially with bread and applesauce (that's a killer combination as well!) The thing I liked the least was the pheasant, but that could be blamed on the lower quality of the meat. However, it's a lot of work, a lot of cleaning and not that great a result.
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Shakshuka with mushrooms and sausage (not my picture)
I made this shakshuka for my husband birthday as breakfast to kick off his special day. It's a heavy breakfast so you definetly won't get hungry again. I did however really enjoy it (and so did the birthday-boy)
You basically grill onions, mushrooms and sausage and make three holes to add the sunny-side-up- eggs to. that's all there really is to this magnificent breakfast!
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Chocolate- salted caramel and rosemary pie (not my picture)
This pie is absolutely amazing! It's the best thing I made since starting this 'challenge'. The combination is absolutely delicious. One of my collegues even paid me to make this cake for her.
It's a shortcrust pastry with dried rosemary. Then you add salted caramel and chocolate filling. The chocolate is also infused with rosemary.
It's one of those cakes that I'll definetly remake for a party or celebration. It's an absolute showstopper which everyone will enjoy!
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Pumpkinpie with Biscoff-crumble (not my picture)
I made this by for work to celebrate the graduation of my class, but unfortunatly it wasn't very popular. The people that tried it all liked it, but a lot of collegues didn't even bother trying. (I train new collegues around labor and unemployement laws) Pumpkin Pie isn't really known where I live, so most of them just thought it was weird.
I thought it was a great pie though! It was sweet but not overly so and it had the typical autumn spice mix and Biscoff! Who doesn't like biscoff??
I was raised pretty stern, especially around food. I had to eat whatever dinner was that day, wether I liked it or not. Because of this I'm a pretty easy eater, and i'm always willing to at least try. Needless to say I was a bit dissapointed in my collegues for not even trying a bite. So go ahead and try it, and let me know what you think!
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Frangipane cake with pear compote (not my picture)
Frangipane is a typical snack in Belgium. Most of the we eat the premade little cakes with abricot from Lotus. Frangipane is a soft batter based on almonds, butter, sugar and flour. It has a very typical almondy flavour unlike any other.
I'm not the biggest fan of frangipane but my husband absolutely loves it, especially the standard version with abricot. I did make two versions of this, one like the recipe with pear and one for my husband with abricot. They both came out great but the abricot definetly took the cake ;) . Pear has a rather subtle taste so it got overwhelmed by the almond flavours. It wasn't bad, but it didn't add much.
for the abricotversion I substituted with premade abricotcompote from the store.
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Spiced apple pie (not my picture)
I love baking. I could bake before I could cook. It's something that just makes sense to me. Apple pie is one of the first things I learned how to make too. Normally I make the dough myself, but the recipe called for pre-made puff pastry and I already had a very busy week at work, so why not?
It's a pretty easy recipe and it is a good apple pie. It's not better than the pies I normally would make, but as a quick alternative, it certainly does the job. The spices are your typical autumn spices: nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon and cardemon.
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Haddock with Matchafoam (not my picture)
This is a very light dish, perfect for lunch or as an entree. It looks impressive but isn't all that difficult to make. it's basicaly steamed beans and poached Haddock. You poach the haddock in almondmilk. When it's done, you add matcha to the milk and mix it so it creates a foam. To top it off, you add some fresh chervil. Et voila, you have a light, healthy lunch!
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Caramelmilkshake (not my picture)
it's a vanilla milkshake with a caramel sauce on top. Sweet, with a hint of salt (I'm addicted to salted caramel so I used salted caramel instead of normal caramel). I love milkshakes and this just hits the spot.
Make the caramelsauce. Add 200 gr sugar to 75ml water in a saucepan and slowely bring to a boil till it has a nice light goldenbrown color.
Add 125 ml. cream (30% fat) to the caramel. Be very cautious because the caramel will start to foam and rise up!
Take it off the heat and let it cool down a bit. Add 50g if butter in small cubes. Add seasalt if you like salted caramel
Make the milkshake: mix 250 ml of milk with 350 ml vanilla ice cream, a pinch of salt en 2 spoons of caramel.
Top the milkshake off with the remaining caramelsauce.
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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pancakes with lemon and coconutflakes- my picture
Who doesn't like pancakes? These small tangy and sweet pancakes were a great way to start the day. They were very easy to make and didn't have that many ingredients. The only thing I didn't particulary enjoyed were the coconutflakes. I didn't think they added much either flavour or texture and it's a pretty expensive item too. Just the lemonpancakes are more than enough for me.
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Citrus-salad (not my picture)
A simple breakfast, just some citrusfruits with sugarwater and cardamom. I didn't dislike it but the cardamom was a bit too overwhelming for my taste. I would like it more as a snack than as breakfast. You'll be hungry in an hour if you don't add yoghurt to it.
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Bagels with salmon, vegetables and cottage cheese
I did make my collegues jealous when I brought these bagels to lunch. A simple dish you can easily make the day before and it will give you energy throughout the day. No afternoondip after this lunch!
There were a lot of veggies added to the bagel: asperges, beetroot, carrot, spinach, cherrytomatoes. That was a little bit too much for me, it could do without the spinach or asperges. I'm mostly thinking budgetwise here since you do have to buy a lot of veggies for 1 or 2 bagels. You can ofcourse use the veggies you have at home instead.
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my-recipe-for-disaster · 1 month ago
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Huevos Rancheros (not my picture)
A very solid breakfast, I didn't even need to think about lunch. I cooked this for my husband, who really liked it as well. The spice was just right and the mango added a sweet and sour touch. This is a luxurious breakfast and it does take some time to make it, but it was definetly worth it.
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