my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
Yes, sniper DOES indeed gay.
I've infested his mind with gay thoughts
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
Beep boop hello beep boop Did you know that the TF2 Sniper is gay?
does sniper is gay?
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
If requests are still open may I ask for Headcanons with some of the mercs were they are invited to their s/o family Christmas ball but their family is just pure chaos?
Requests are very open!! Thank you for the ask!! I wrote this with the thought of like an almost playful good chaos in mind but if you want one where the mercs have to deal with their s/o havin a not-so-good chaotic family I’d be up for writing that as well! >:)
Also appologies if when you said ball you were referencing towards like the dance balls, I thought of it more like a christmas party and didn’t realize till I was about halfway through-
You didn’t specify which mercs but I’m currently bored and don’t got a lot of asks so I’m doing it for all of them ajdnsksnd
He would be between joining and not joining
Is very used to chaos cause well.. his family wasn’t really tame either so he seems to have some instinctual reaction towards how to handle it
He watches from the sidelines and will start to match your family’s energy. I mean, he has to be likeable to them, right?
If you want him to dial it back a bit he will
The chaos doesn’t get to him too much, almost smiles at it cause it reminds him of how how his family is
“Hey, watch this” *proceeds to do stupid thing to show off his coolness skills to your family and gives you some stupid grin afterwards*
You’ll have to stop him from roughhousing especially if theres people around his age or younger
He’s either going to meet their level of chaos or try and act like he’s too good for chaotic
If he does start doing stupid stuff he’ll keep glancing at you with a “is this okay/can I do this?” Kinda glance
Probably forgets it’s even supposed to be a Christmas ball and thinks its just some really weird family party
Probably stands really close to you with his arms crossed and hovers you the whole time
Not in a disappointed way but he’s “surveying the battlegrounds”
If you’re family is very religious during Christmas he will join in even if his stories are a little inaccurate
Is there food? He will need to taste test the food for poisoning
If your family is the very loud type that is good because he is also loud. He’ll probably occasionally blindly agree with whatever they are talking about
He’s very involved and the chaos doesn’t bother him either
Will probably comment on the lack of flags and offer some to your family members
Be prepared to be the center of attention at some point because he will start bragging to your family about how great you are
Pyro is immune to it and doesn’t even notice your family’s chaos for a while
Pyro really enjoys the decorations that are hanging around
Will probably try to talk with your family but there might be a bit of a communication error
Pyro is mostly in Pryo’s own world, really likes lookin around
Probably watches from a distance what chaos might ensue
Can and will wonder off. Will go and explore and look around and might unintentionally get a little too nosey about things so will have to hunt down or keep an eye on Pyro a majority of the time
Likes witnessing the chaos like it’s a movie watching. Might go and join in as well cause it looks entertaining
Careful if its an outdoor ball or if part of it takes place outdoors because some fire things may or may not take place and Pyro may or may not attempt getting your family to join in on the fire
He doesn’t really know what to do at first but he quickly warms up
Is one of the mercs that will go up and try interacting with your family and you can trust that it most likely won’t go downhill
Will try lovingly embarrassing you infront of your family with an overdose of displays of affection
He will also brag about how great you are to your own family
He enjoys the holiday stuff and will probably help out with decorations or setting up Christmas theme stuff if they haven’t already been done
He won’t get completely drunk infront of your family but he might dip into the “tipsy but can still function like normal” territory
He could add to the chaos but he’s one of the few mercs that can show a bit of self restraint
He’ll try making a good impression with your family and will probably laugh off their chaos and trouble
Asides from talking and helping out he’s a little lost on what to do so you’ll have to help him out with that
He wasn’t expecting it but he’s not entirely surprised either
He’ll probably come off as a bit reserved but it’s just because he wants to be polite and respectful and he’s not sure how your family would really react to him
He’ll stick close to you most the time and follow your lead in what happens
Family is a really important thing to him and even if yours is..hectic if its people you care about then its people he wants to get on their good side
If there are any food or drinks there he’ll get some to eat since in some places eating your s/os family food can be a gesture of respect
Very observant. Picks up a lot of details about your family just from watching and seeing how they are
He’s mostly just going to tag along in what you do so have fun
He can be trusted to be left alone but he’s not going to be very talkative if someone comes up to hin
Acts a bit similar to how Heavy would. Is a bit reserved but more open to talking
He would enjoy and probably would go around and share some stories with them, probably pass around a few tall-tales like he would with Pyro or Scout
Very respectful with manners and on his best behavior. A lot of “sir” and “ma’am” and somehow a formal version of “pardner”
He will want to talk about you because he enjoys bragging about you
He would probably sneak in a mistletoe so he could give you smooches
Will stick around you a majority of the time and see how you get along with others. He might wander off a bit every now and then
I feel like he would be lowkey devious. Like he does a lot of gestures while talking but he would be holding your hand while he does it
He is unfazed by the chaos but depending on what happens he might shoot you a few eyebrow raises
He likes the holidays and is very happy that he got to tag along on a family grouping like that
He would want to make sure the chaos doesn’t get too much for you and if it does he would tug you off to the side lines so you could cool down a bit
He can be left alone for the first 3-5 minutes but after that you will have to keep an eye on him
No one knows what he’s going to end up doing. He is unpredictable and will range from “behaving and you can let him be on his own” to “Medic lets NOT find out if a human body could handle an artificial digestive track with my family”
He has nothing against your family, its no hard feelings, it’s just his natural thought process
He’s trying his best for you though
There will be at least one bird with him. Maybe snacks for bird too
He will probably come off a bit quiet because he doesn’t want some nonsense to slip out
He finds the chaos entertaining to watch and lets it unfold
Probably forgets that its christmas themed even if you remind him but he’ll still want to have something for the holidays so he’ll probably have a pin on his outfit representing some sort of christmas theme
Man is stiff as a board
He doesn’t know how to interact well so he will be glued to you and you will be doin most of the talking as well
Very quiet and to himself, he’ll probably get mistaken for a Christmas tree a few times
He won’t know what to do if a kid or someone very hyper comes up to interact with him, he’ll freeze up
Will probably give you a few “what do I say/do?” Panicked glances
He’ll be as distanced as he can from the main chaos or crowded areas. If you want him to interact with someone or something you will have to direct him like he’s a sims character
If theres food he probably won’t eat anything but if he ends up with a drink you’ll probably see him swish it around a bunch and it magically empties but you never see him take a sip from it
If you like your family he will try and get along with them too but this man’s social battery is basically non-existent and he’ll need to recharge afterwards even if y’all were only there for a moment
Hmm..this feels…familiar to him
Probably from his experience with the team and nothing elseee..
He knows how to handle a chaotic family surprisingly well and he’s oddly calm about it too
He’ll make small talk when prompted but he won’t be having any in depth conversations
He knows how to make oddly boring topics seem interesting, but I suppose he would need to since he has to keep other things close to his chest
Other than that he won’t be directly involved in anything if he can avoid it. If you ask/want him to do something you’ll probably get a few grumbles and complaints but he can be persuaded into it if it’s you
He will avoid the food and drinks and will try to avoid touching things that aren’t you
One of the few mercs that can be trusted on his own
He will be mostly sticking with you asides from the rare occasion where he will intentionally interact with someone else
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
My personal pride headcanons!
Happy pride month! these are my own pride headcanons [aka what I headcanon their sexuality and gender]
TW: ask to tag
Pansexual and Cisgender, but he's experimenting with his gender - He/him
Grey Aromantic and masc leaning Agender - He/they
Bisexual and Nonbinary - He/she
Unlabeled and Cisgender but openly queer - He/him
Gay and Demiboy - He/they
Queer and Transgender - He/him
Demiromantic and Transgender - He/they
Questioning, hes not sure of anything but theres no way hes straight - He/him
Genderfluid and Abrosexual - He/they
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
Hey guys! really sorry for no posts or even updates lately. I've been super busy with life and this blog isnt my top priority. but I promise I havent abandoned this blog and I'll try to write some stuff!
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
that moment when your mom is giving birth in like 4 days and your friend just told you that their parents are getting a divorce.
and the way their mom told them about the divorce? THE DIVORCE PAPERS FROM THE BINDING OF ISSAC
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
just finished rewatching hlvrai and now I'm sobbing over the post credit dr coomer speech
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
Can you write how the mercs are when they are under the mistletoe with their s/o (crush shhhhh) Love your work!!!
The mercs getting caught under the mistletoe with their crush
ooooo I'm excited to write this one! and sorry for taking so long I'm trying to teach myself not to force myself to write daily so I dont get burnt out
plus this is under the assumption you dont notice the mistletoe
TW: Ask to tag
He'd be very flustered, but hes not one to be a pussy chicken out. You first notice his extremely red face before he gives you a quick peck on the cheek. He puffs out his chest all proud that he did that, glad you didn't see the mistletoe at first. Once you figured out why he suddenly kissed you, you gave him a taste of his own medicine by giving him a smooch on the cheek. That fueled his ego by a metric shit ton.
Oh boy. He's all about being over the top. So when the both of you were standing in the doorway with the mistletoe and he seen it, there was no hesitation. He grabbed you by the shoulders [gently], turned you a bit to the side, and gave you a big kiss on the side of your face. Not necessarily your cheek, just the whole side of your face. Then he gave you a big smile and went back to the conversation you were having.
They're normally very affectionate, so when they gave you a kiss on your forehead it wasn't that much of a surprise. When I say kiss they kinda bonked you on the forehead with the bottom part of their mask. You got the idea thought. It was a sweet gesture but you were confused as to why until they pointed upwards. You felt you face heat up a bit but returned the favor by giving him a forehead smooch.
Assuming you're taller, he would always be looking up whenever hes talking to you so he would notice the mistletoe immediately. He would get a little red but his pride would encourage him to give you a kiss. He would kiss your chin because his brain would skip a beat. But assuming you're shorter he would still notice the mistletoe before you.
This man would be smooth as all hell. He would find out about the mistletoe before you two even got to the doorway, and a small but mischievous idea would pop into his brain as soon as he seen it. He would trick you into looking up and then give you a kiss on the tip of your nose. He would laugh then ask, in a not so subtle way, for a kiss in return.
He would practically run into the damn thing hes so tall. He would want to follow tradition and give you a kiss but at the same time he wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. So he would point it out so you would see and wait for what you would do. And you being you, you followed tradition by standing on your tiptoes to give him a kiss.
It was just a normal day, you were talking with Medic while he was doing something else. Suddenly a certain dove flew between the two of you with a bunch of mistletoe. Conveniently you didn't notice. Medic wanted to shoo the dove away but he had a better idea. He let the dove land on his finger then placed it on his head. He sat in front of you, head in his hand with the most smug grin on his face. When you noticed him being very smug with a dove on his head who was holding mistletoe, you leaned over to give him a kiss of the cheek.
He invited you over to his camper van for a few drinks and to just chat. As he was unlocking the front door he noticed a bundle of mistletoe taped to the door. He immediately knew who did it but he was more focused on what the hell to do. Neither of you have stepped through the doorway, hell you weren't even on the steps. You noticed that he hadn't opened the door yet and that his face was slowly turning more and more red. Then you noticed the sloppily taped mistletoe on his door. You had an idea. You shuffled up the small stairs so now you were higher up and he was on the ground. You grabbed the mistletoe, held it between your heads and kissed the top of his head.
This man is so suave he would probably set up the mistletoe trap himself. He planned out how it would all go so it would be perfect. He It was all going to plan but you just didn't seem to notice it. So he had to improvise. He decided to just go for it. You were just talking, kinda wondering why he was so silent, when he kissed your cheek. Well that was unexpected.
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
TF2 laughter headcanons!
Laughs at slapstick humor. Someone falls down the stairs and he EXPLODES.
Can't laugh normally, has to make weird sounds that range in pitch and in timing. When people type "huehuehue" and "lfsjflsklajflskfsljafsf" - that's Scout.
Laughs at things so random nobody can figure the pattern. Saw a particularly shaped old bench once and wheezed for half an hour, then two days later for another half an hour as he was remembering it and telling Demo about it.
Has that loud, raspy kind of laugh that ends in a half-cough or something alike. Sometimes snorts and gets a confused "Bless you?" for a response.
Giggly boy, laughs when someone else laughs, or when he's happy, or just in a good mood. It doesn't take a lot to get him to snicker like an eight-grader.
Laughs with his mouth closed. It's a bit odd initially, like an ominous "mmmhmhmhmhm" from inside the gas mask. But once you get used to it, it's music to the ears.
Laughs at well-told jokes and carefully crafted puns. Has a wide arsenal of those.
His laugh is as loud as it is contagious. People hear it from two rooms across and can't help laughing along. You can't have serious arguments with this man, he'll make a good cheeky argument, laugh at his own genius, and suddenly you're both laughing, and what was the argument about, even?
Laughs at his own jokes. Laughs at others' jokes, but is always to get them the last because of the language barrier. So they sit around a table sharing a laugh, then go quiet for a minute or two, and then Heavy "oooOOOOOAJKJHAJHSJDKKASJHDJKASHDA I GET JOKE NOW"
Laughs in bold caps. Loud, booming, somewhat scary for those not used to it. Scout used to get spooked initially, but later found it endearing in a weird way.
Politely laughs at tasteful jokes as much as at the raunchiest anecdotes that make everyone else blush like nuns of a first date.
Has two kinds of laugh. The first one is polite, charismatic even, the kind of laugh he can end at the end of sentences for extra friendliness, people mean it when they write "haha". The second one is just a "pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft" of embarrassment mixed with amusement, and he better not be drinking anything at that moment.
Laughs a lot. At his own stories, at others' stories, or just out of pure excitement. Loves a good joke, a pun, a silly little wordplay. Thinks swapping the first letters of words is peak comedy ("ceak pomedy" kicher)
Has that Mad Scientist™ laugh on main. A loud "MWAHAHA" for celebratory occasions, a sinister "mwahaha" for a more professionally intimidating effect. Kind of likes his own laugh, actually, so it's there pretty much all the time, in-between words and at the end of sentences.
Laughs at the dumbest shit. Post-ironic deep-fried picture of a snail. Scout woke up in the middle of the night once, wandered into the kitchen, saw him making coffee, said "mmm, eggs" for literally no reason, and Sniper laughed so hard his soul left his body.
It's pretty hard to make him laugh out loud. Has that short, odd kind of cackle (think Victoria from Heathers The Musical), just "BAHAHA" once and the next second he's :| again. For a week. Until the next surrealistic nonsensical bullshit cracks him up.
Spy doesn't laugh. He grins. He smirks triumphantly as he adds another note to his "team cringe compilation" folder.
Has that Hollywood villain kind of laugh, actually. Throws his head back. Has that pronounced "hahaha!" sound to the voice. Everyone thinks it's kinda hot handsome, but nobody tells him.
That's it! Hope you enjoyed! I know we kind of hear their laughter in canon, in-game, but I chose to ignore that because I am Like That :))
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
Can you do Sniper HCs with a sweet S/o who always showers him with Compliments, Love and affection? Like, His S/o always checks up on him
—sniper with a sweet s/o hcs
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It’s exactly what he deserves.
But he doesn’t trust it at first.
It has nothing to do with you personally — his profession has made him slightly paranoid and suspicious of everyone he meets, made worse by his anxious nature. And he doesn’t have a high opinion of himself to begin with. He can hardly believe someone like you would want to be with him, much less be as kind and loving as you are.
It’ll take time and trust, but he’ll start to relax and just enjoy being doted on without wondering when the other shoe’s gonna drop.
Sniper doesn’t know what to do with himself when you fuss over him when he comes back from a job.
You love every part of him. No one’s ever done that before.
He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you, but now he’s never letting you go.
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
Sweet dreams
A Tommy Coolatta x reader! My first Hlvrai fanfic and I'm not super proud of it but eh idc
TW: None
You wanted to sleep so badly. Everytime you closed your eyes the ending fight with Benrey kept playing in your mind. You could practically feel the colorful yet fizzy bubbles wrap around you and encasing you in a horrifying cocoon. Watching the undead dance around you was enough to scar you for life. As if watching your coworkers get slaughtered by the military and aliens didn't.  But watching the person you thought was with you guys to help turn out to be the thing keeping you from leaving hit you harder than it should have. It didn't need to be that deep. You guys defeated him in the end and went to Chuck E Cheese's to celebrate Tommy's birthday.
You should be fine now, laying in bed a few weeks later in a spare room that Tommy let you use. You should be back to normal and looking for a job so you could at least help pay rent. But you weren't. Accepting you couldn't sleep you sat up and felt all your bones creak. Even after all your wounds healed you could feel the invisible scars underneath your skin. You looked around the darkness honestly expecting something to pop out of the shadow and get you. Nothing came. The silence only added to your paranoia, so you decided to get a cup of water to help calm your nerves.
Everytime the floor boards creaked underneath your weight you cringed. You just hoped you didn't wake up Tommy. What kind of house guest would rudely wake up their host? Then again what kind of house guest lives in the host's house without helping with the bills. You were to focused on not waking up Tommy you ended up accidentally bumping into him with a glass of water himself. Shrieking like a banshee you asked him what he was doing up. "Well I heard you tossing and turning so I, uh, wanted to see what was wrong," he looked down at you with kind eyes. He was to sweet for his own good. "Thank you Tommy, I really appreciate it. And no need to worry, I just couldn't sleep," you reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a smile. "Were you thinking of Black Mesa again?" the question caught you off guard. You stuttered trying to come up with an excuse or dismiss it, but you quickly gave up and gave a small nod.
You heard a sigh before you felt a hand on your upper arm. You looked up at him and seen a sad smile. He lead you back to your room, placing the glass of water on your nightstand. He sat down and patted to the space next to him, signaling for you to sit next to him. You couldn't fight the urge to be comforted so you sat next to him. Leaning against him you sighed and slowly explained that you still felt the survivor's guilt that came after escaping Black Mesa, "I wanted to save them. I really did. But I had to save myself." Tommy listened, never looking away or getting distracted. The feeling of your tears pricked your eyes threatening to spill. You tried to blink them away only for them to betray you. "I'm sorry, I should just go to bed," you sniffled wiping away your tears. "There's nothing to be sorry for. It's alright to cry." Tommy gave you a side hug, gently rubbing small circles on your arm.
You couldn't fight your sadness anymore. You hugged him back, nesting your face in his chest, and sobbing. He rubbed slow circles on your back and whispered sweet reassuring things. "Y-you know, when Sunkist was kidnapped and trapped in a circle of turrets, I was terrified. Even thought I made her immortal, I still thought she was going to die." You put a pause on your sobs, looking up at the tall man comforting you. A look of sadness was on his face. You knew that Tommy had to deal with some demons as well but you never knew about that. Why did this ray of sunshine have to deal with all of that? "I'm so sorry Tommy, none of that should have ever happen," you pulled away from his hug so you could hold his face. He looked tired.
You remembered that is was in the middle of the night and that you were also tired. "It's getting late, w-we should probably get back to bed," he held your wrists and pulled them away from his face. Despite you telling yourself to stop him you just sat there watching him walk out. "Wait," you snapped out of your fight with your mind, "Umm." Now you were embarrassed just thinking of your request. Tommy looked confused. "Can you umm... Stay? I don't feel comfortable sleeping alone tonight." Oh god you could feel your face heat up. This was a dumb decision you should have just toughed it out and- Your thoughts were interrupted when Tommy hugged you. It was a weird hug considering you were still sitting down and he was standing. The force from the hug knocked you down, causing you to accidentally drag him down with you. Honestly the pressure of him being on top of you was really comforting.
He climbed off of you trying to avoid knee-ing your face. It was honestly pretty humorous. You scrambled to find a comfortable position while Tommy pulled the blanket out from under the both of you. After a few minutes of struggling, you were finally laying down comfortably. That was a lie. It was difficult trying not to touch Tommy and make him uncomfortable. The bed was obviously made for one person, and trying to fit a 6'5 man on it as well as you was more than a challenge. Tommy didn't really seem to care, he was already asleep. You decided to just suck it up and sleep. Turning to fact the opposite way you tried your best to sleep. Which was surprisingly easy.
---cheesy timeskip cuz I cant think of what to write---
You awoke from something. You weren't sure what woke you up but that wasnt on your mind. What caught your attention immediately was the fact Tommy was snuggled into your back with his arms wrapped around you. Ok you were tired and your brain was fried so maybe it was that but you decided to turn around to face him. He looked so content sleeping. He was super warm too. Almost like a space heater. You felt him pull you closer. This man was not letting you escape his sleepy grasp. Might as well accept and embrace it. You wrapped an arm around him, hugging him lightly and fell back asleep.
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
I will now be taking requests for Half Life and Portal! Follow the same rules as always and I will write any requests as soon as possible :]
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
What if I expanded my writing to different valve games? By that I mean Half Life and Portal because I haven't played any other games they made
This includes fan made series like hlvrai and pvrai (Portal VR but the ai is self aware) but those wont be the main focus of this blog
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
Hello! <3
Hope you’re doing great today (although you have Covid :( ) I am doing fine. Recovering from the language rot. And that lead me to request!
Mercs with S/O who speaks like 3 languages in a day?
For example (from my own experience): I used Czech with friends, family. English on the internet + English lessons in school and Russian to talk to my new classmates and when someone approached (because I don’t know Ukrainian)
Hi!! I’m doing a lot better, thanks!
Also this is a shorter one bc I’m very tired rn, sorry
Mercs with a trilingual s/o
Damn that’s so cool I only know one language: scout, pyro, sniper
Oh wow that’s cool! Can you teach me a language?: sniper, spy, engie, demo
Tries to learn your language by themself to impress/be able to talk to you: scout, heavy, sniper, spy
Speaks like five different languages with you: spy, heavy, medic
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
Craving affection
wooooo a post! just some classic scout x reader that I finished writing last night. and it's already an established relationship cuz I'm lazy
A small ray of sunshine peeked through your blinds and landed directly on your eyes. You, much to your sleepy demise, opened your eyes to see nothing more than blinding light.
Groaning you sat up. A dream lurked at the edge of your mind, something interesting that you wished you could remember so you could write it down. An arm wrapped around your waist tried to pull you back down into bed but you didn't feel like burning your retinas today.
"Lemme get up," you smirked trying to get your boyfriend's arm of your mid section. He seemed persistent in keeping you in bed though. All you got from him though was a muffled grumble. You again tried to get up only for him to pull you back down to lay on top of him. Before you could even react he rolled over, dragging you with him. Honestly you were impressed with how strong he is considering how skinny he looks. You could really feel his muscles in his arm gently squeezing you closer to him.
"Scout, come on man I gotta get up," you tried to squirm out of his grasp. He simply ignored you. Ok now he was just being a dick. You managed to roll around so you faced his "sleeping" face. A mischievous idea popped into your head. You pulled your arms from your sides and cupped the sides of his face. You quickly gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose, then his forehead, then both sides of his cheeks. Soon you were peppering his whole face in small kisses. He let out a small giggle, scrunching up his face. You moved down to kissing his neck, then just trying to tickle him with your kisses. He let out a loud laugh, you could feel his neck vibrate. "Babe you're gonna kill me!" he joked trying to push your face away from his neck.
"You wouldn't let me get up so now I'm returning the favor!" you simply replied. You continued to smooch his neck. He quickly grabbed you by the shoulders to drag you up so you were eye level again. He quickly gave you a quick kiss before getting up. Sure he might have cheated by distracting you but you didn't really care. Now you get an eyeful of your handsome boyfriend. How you got lucky enough to date him was a mystery, but you aren't complaining
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
Can I request how They confess/hint from the link with the Mercs or who ever you want!
He's always a show off, but it becomes pretty obvious that he's mostly trying to impress you specifically. He spends more time around you and is more interested in showing off for you instead of for the other mercs.
It takes him a little while to work up the courage for it, but eventually he starts asking you out.
It’s. Just as bad as Expiration Date lmao
He’s very awkward about it, and he’s clearly nervous about it, stumbling over his words and losing his train of thought.
Here’s the thing about Soldier. He doesn’t drop hints
If he likes you, he is going to very loudly let you know, and ask you to go on a date with him in Teufort.
Will definitely offer you a raccoon or something weird like that.
Also not the type to leave hints, and will let you know.
They literally just give you crude crayon drawings of you and them holding hands with hearts scribbled all over lmao
The hint that he’s attracted to you is that he becomes a little softer around you.
He will eventually just outright tell you that he likes you and wants to go on a date, but until he’s able to, he kinda just pines after you lmao
He’s more gentle with you, lowering his voice a little, not giving slaps on the back when he says hello, etc.
Also, he becomes more attentive. It seems like he always knows what you need, and is always willing to give it to you. He’s pretty sweet about it too.
Probably the most subtle when it comes to any kind of hint. You can’t really tell there are any signs unless you are consciously looking for them.
He seems to watch over you more, especially if you’re a woman. He checks up on you every once in a while, and keeps an eye on you when you’re in his vicinity. If you’re a merc, he’ll be nearby on the battlefield a little more.
Also, he’s usually the “doesn’t speak unless spoken to” type, but not with you. He’s more likely to approach you, want to know how you’re doing, talk about your or his interests, etc.
He’s not the type to hide his attraction from you, he doesn’t see any point in hiding it. He also doesn’t really need to work up the courage for it, so he’ll ask you out pretty early on.
Before he does ask you out though, there are a lot of little hints that can tell you that he’s attracted.
The biggest one is that he wants to spend more time with you. He strikes up more conversations with you, and he’s clearly pretty happy whenever he gets a chance to speak to you.
Surprisingly, he actually gets kind of awkward about it before you two start dating. It’s because he gets in this “I can’t let my feelings get in the way of my work” mindset, but he honestly can’t help himself.
He’ll start to get a little nervous around you; He’ll get flustered easily, often averting eye contact, chuckling nervously, and changing the subject to his work from time to time. It’s cause he honestly doesn’t know what to do, it’s the first time he doesn’t have 100% confidence about something.
Kinda like Medic, he gets kinda anxious and pretty awkward about it. He’s probably not the type to admit he’s into you until it’s been a long while and he just can’t keep it in anymore lmao
The biggest clue is that he gets a little flustered and awkward around you. It’s not very obvious, but he stumbles over his words from time to time, and blushes if you sit next to him n stuff.
The thing about Spy is that he has never had a relationship that wasn’t mostly or entirely physical, so the fact that he’s legitimately fallen for someone in a way that isn’t just physical makes him nervous. He KNOWS he’s not supposed to fall for you, but he just can’t help it, and that scares him.
He tries to keep his attraction a secret, but the few hints he leaves make it pretty obvious. He often will secretly leave presents for you, and it’s obvious to you because- who else around base would give their love interest a $13,000 dollar outfit, and know exactly what their fashion sense is?
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