my-little-guys · 8 hours
One day we need to have a conversation about how the majority of HR professionals are white women and how they operate as the single largest barrier to entry for non white people in corporate.
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my-little-guys · 19 hours
this October lets give it up for abortions, gross transgender sex, and problematic women
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my-little-guys · 20 hours
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Has this been done yet
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my-little-guys · 20 hours
Love love love the trope where Harry is so tired of being a celebrity and praised and doted on, so when Draco comes around like the cunt he is and unashamedly roasts the hell out of him, Harry is like actually please do that again
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my-little-guys · 21 hours
Love love love the trope where Harry is so tired of being a celebrity and praised and doted on, so when Draco comes around like the cunt he is and unashamedly roasts the hell out of him, Harry is like actually please do that again
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my-little-guys · 21 hours
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he’s feeling very normal about this
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my-little-guys · 1 day
The Secret pt. 2
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Coming full circle!
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my-little-guys · 2 days
hey a quick shout out to transmascs who want to get a phalloplasty. mfs are so toxic to you for wanting a dick which imo is stupid as shit. live ur life!! u deserve your dick!!!! don’t let mfs who don’t understand judge u for vibing!!!!!! I hope your current or future healing goes well and it makes you love yourself even more than you currently do
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my-little-guys · 2 days
I think there is A LOT in the fact that Crowley chooses to kiss Aziraphale.
Gabriel and Beelzebub have chosen each other, yet the show is very careful in not having them kiss or even hug romantically; they are Superior Beings, not humans, so they don't conform to humans' way of performing, showing, or possibly even feeling love. If they were humans, I'm sure they would have happily kissed before disappearing into their happy ever after, because that's what (most) humans want to do in such circumstances, and also because it's a fast and sure way to clarify the feelings to the audience.
This is in contrast with the kiss Crowley chooses to give -a very rushed, passionate, not though through, human kiss. He had already talked about his feeling (as Nina suggested), he had already made a confession, no one at that point was in doubt about where he stands for Aziraphale. So why the kiss? It wasn't necessary to clarify his feelings...or was it? I think is was necessary to further clarify them. To me Crowley is not saying just "I love you" with that kiss, he is also saying "I love you in a human way, I love us not the Angels we could be Up There, I love us here on Earth".
He does not want to be back in Heaven, not even with Aziraphale; he's been there, he's been there in a very high rank, he knows that it is not a nice place. He wants to stay on Earth with Aziraphale and that's what he's trying to tell him by choosing to show love in a human way.
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my-little-guys · 2 days
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❤️💜💛 you can take me hot to go!
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my-little-guys · 2 days
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The Pink Poodle
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my-little-guys · 3 days
yes my favorite type of fanfiction consists of characters getting tenderly cared for and comforted after a lifetime of being forced to suffer alone in silence, no this doesn't say anything about me
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my-little-guys · 4 days
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Acting legend Dame Maggie Smith passed away at 89.
Rest in peace ♥ let's raise our wands! /*
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my-little-guys · 4 days
Emma Watson reacts to the tragic passing of Maggie Smith.
“When I was younger I had no idea of Maggie’s legend – the woman I was fortunate enough to share space with. It is only as I’ve become an adult that I’ve come to appreciate that I shared the screen with a true definition of greatness.
She was real, honest, funny and self-honouring. Maggie, there were a lot fo male professors and by God you held your own. Thank you for all of your kindness. I’ll miss you.”
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my-little-guys · 4 days
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Thank you, professor.
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my-little-guys · 4 days
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#rest in peace, Dame Maggie Smith
Maggie Smith as Professor Minerva McGonagall HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE 2001 | dir. Chris Columbus
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my-little-guys · 6 days
reasons to write fanfiction (I'll start):
share a cool scene that popped into your head
evoke a particular emotion the canon makes you feel
song made you think of a character or idea from canon
make people feel the same way about a character you do
make dolls kiss for fun
explore ideas the canon hints at but doesn't do anything with
traumatize characters and make them suffer
coddle characters and let them rest
had an insane idea for a crack ship and now everyone needs to know
the author of the canon was wrong and must be fixed
use familiar characters to explore your own ideas and plotlines
canon is too short and you need to wallow in the universe of the story
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