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my-de-barros-universe · 3 hours ago
yall i'm sorry i said they fucked nasty. this was a joke. i repeat. this was a joke. the kcd knights don't fuck nasty, they tenderly make love to each other while holding each other protectively and gazing into each other's eyes etc, and yes it's all 100% a result of the gradual evolution of their relationship dynamics, it is character-arc-forwarding, and every move is deliberately composed. the choreography of this scene is particularly important as summary of hans capon's character development, given his canonical sexual history and in-world (as well as in-fandom) reputation as a weird philanderer whose mercurial attention and fraternity with sex workers gets him in trouble
warhorse gave us the mythical plot-relevant gay sex scene of tumblr lore and i will be laughing hideously about it until kcd3
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my-de-barros-universe · 1 day ago
I was thinking this is so very in character for them do make a tradition of
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drunken fun in the baths
reference was used for this piece:
I'm trying to improve my anatomy, shape language and facial expressions
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my-de-barros-universe · 1 day ago
One understated part of the Henry/Hans dynamic I love is how INSOLENT Henry is with Hans.
Calling him a brat, the voice dripping with sarcasm 70% of the time, just his usual sardonic self, up to the point of getting into a FISTFIGHT with him.
But pretty much no other lord in the time period would accept anything even close to that.
But Hans does. He is spoiled and a brat, but he actually gets along better with commoners than most lords, because he doesnt hold a grudge and he solves whatever offense he feels using his FISTS (like a commoner would) and not by weilding his power to put the offender in the pillory.
And thats I think one of the reasons why Henry befriends Capon to start, because despite being an asshole, so is Henry, and they can be assholes to each without it becoming drama, just friendly banter.
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my-de-barros-universe · 2 days ago
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my-de-barros-universe · 2 days ago
And just like that... I have officially finished Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
And a big hole has opened where it used to be. God what a fantastic game. 10/10.
The thing I loved most are the characters. Janosh, Adder, Zizka, Sam.
And of course, the stars of the show, our two favorite boys, Henry and Hans❤
God I love these two. And I dont mean just the romance, I love every moment they are together on the screen.
But their romance is probably my favorite of every romance I've experienced in fiction, though granted I only end up liking very few canon romances.
Its just such a novel thing for me to see in a videogame: a story where both characters have distinctive character growth. Where their friendship is not just a subplot, but something that directly ties to the main plot. Their character growth reflects the steps they take in that story, and their friendship also subtly changes with those character growth.
And the romance itself is best because its not tagged on top on the story, but it adds one more layer to that story: it could have only happened BECAUSE they went on this journey together, and each of them changed and grew separatly, and wouldnt have happened in any other cirscunstance.
Its not a coincidence that most of the moments where the actual romantic exchanges between the two happen are right before or right after a life and death situation. Because the understanding of mortality has a way to make give people realizations.
Of course this isnt the first time fiction writes two male main characters whose incredibly compeling relationship is the center of the story.
But ngl, this is one of the first stories to have the balls to actually take the plunge and say "You know what, why dont we take this to its logical conclusion? YOLO"
Because its the cherry on top. Its the little teaspon of cinnamon that turns a good cake into a GREAT cake and the story from a great story to an UNFORGETABLE ONE.
And the irony that it came precisely from what is the least openly progressive studios is delciously funny to me, because its not like they came into this with the desire to make a fantastic gay romance, they just wrote all this incredibly homoerotic dialogue and, unlike every other queerbaity title out there, went "Fuck it, why not? Make them full gay". And for some reason, that is REALLY funny to me.
So, in conclusion, god I fucking loved this game, and it has probably ruined me for lesser quality gay romance now. Makes me wanna write my own story. Well played Warhorse, I didnt think you had it in you, but you have properly bamboozed me and I welcome it.
Praise Hansry, the best couple in gaming, and please more wacky adventures with these two bisexual disasters.
Cant fucking wait for KCD3.
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my-de-barros-universe · 2 days ago
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Hans and Henry || Kingdom Come Deliverance
Amor vincit omnia 💞
Buy a print
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my-de-barros-universe · 2 days ago
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my-de-barros-universe · 2 days ago
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sooo ive been playing KCD2....
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my-de-barros-universe · 2 days ago
You know what really got me thinking: that last conversation that Henry has with Von Aulitz.
Because its the ultimate stone on Henry's simple worldview of good vs evil. He knows now that he is surrounded by snakes.
How will that knowledge change him.
(And how will he protect his beloved lord from the shadows that gather in the horizon?)
I have high expectations for KC3
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my-de-barros-universe · 2 days ago
I'm still not over the fact that they had the most stereotypical homoerotic tension between their protagonists and they really just gave you an option to make it romantic. They really just did that.
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my-de-barros-universe · 3 days ago
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I hit my brain with hyperfixation to ease myself from another... that's how I live my life
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my-de-barros-universe · 3 days ago
There is just something to the Hans/Henry dynamic of:
Peasant blacksmiths boy who is meant for nothing special but is naturally gifted at almost everything
Noble born who is meant for greatness but is kind-of-a-fuck-up at most things
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my-de-barros-universe · 3 days ago
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as i mentioned before, i'm riding the KCD rollercoaster and i refuse to get out. i ordered a linocut kit and i want to give printing a try with these, hence the limited colour palette. also i was trying my hand at some hippy font combo, but it went all black metal in five layers oops.
these are the reason i'm back here at tumblr. IG has the worst resolution ever, it just makes my posts look all sad and crunchy.
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my-de-barros-universe · 3 days ago
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A quick doodle of hans going through it
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my-de-barros-universe · 4 days ago
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some comfort at the end of the day
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my-de-barros-universe · 5 days ago
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- Are you f*cking trying to eat me? ... Please don't say that
- I feel quite hungry
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my-de-barros-universe · 5 days ago
It is funny to me that Henry/Hans is one of the few ships where Henry and Hans + Reader fics would be fully in-character. They totally would spit-roast the reader.
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