18 posts
don't fashion me into a knight that needs saving from a dragon —i am the dragon, and i will swallow you whole.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
a nearby voice was reassuring — albeit the voice was muffled and rippled as it transversed the water between them. yifan grumbled, but he managed to halt his movements. the ropes were not seeming to loosen anyway. similarly, the thudding in his chest wouldn’t cease. he could breathe. it was both tremendous and terrifying, but the air in his lungs didn’t erase the feeling that he was suffocating. he was afraid to speak.
through the murkiness, he could discern the struggling figures of other captives. for a moment, he wondered why he was doomed to be attached to this weakling. he was unable to crane his neck enough to see her, but he could assume she would be useless. she was whimpering at some string against her skin. he almost rolled his eyes.
next, some fish entered the room. there were few things on earth that yifan hated more than humans, and merfolk were somewhere on that list. the ocean was number one. 
he thought of himself as all high and mighty in his head, but the monarch was instilling a great fear in yifan. down here, he was powerless and lost. ever since he could remember, this terror of deep waters followed him. now, he was as deep as he could imagine. 
the flames that flared around them caused him to flinch only slightly. initially, he tried to propel the heat away from them but to no avail. it was fake — which he should have known since they were underwater. it was messing with his head, and it might explain why merfolk were so dimwitted. at least the ropes melted around them. nonetheless, he stayed close to his newfound companion. 
the speech went in one ear and out the other. he was preoccupied with scanning the perimeter, searching for an exit point. next thing he knew, there was quite the commotion. a thick blood spread at the far end of the room, and yifan saw death in the center of it. behind his eyes, there was a flash back to his life on land. it was seventy years ago when he first saw the face of death, and the world was no different today.
automatically, he gripped onto the wrist of the girl beside him — maybe too tightly. he spotted the ones that slaughtered the king moving towards the left, and he tugged on the stranger. “come with me,” he urged, looking back. his goal was to appear as a leader, confident and sure, but he knew she could see the truth in his features. his composure had abandoned him, and he was reduced to an unnerved and frightened man. 
— inhale, exhale
when her eyes snapped open seoyoung’s reality is a nightmare in itself. she wants to scream, to struggle, but she finds herself weak and in disbelief when she’s dragged away by the merfolk who somehow managed to find her in the forest. maybe–she prays, honestly–if she complies without fighting back they’ll leave the rest of her family alone, and soon enough she closes her eyes. somewhat hoping that she’ll wake again in her bed and that it was all but a distant world her mind had created while asleep. 
her hopes and optimism fall upon deaf ears.
maybe it’s the anxiety or her unwillingness to believe everything that was happening, but surprisingly enough seoyoung doesn’t wake the first few moments the man struggles against the ropes. she opens her eyes slowly, the underwater world slowly piecing itself together in her perspective–wait, what.. underwater? they’re underwater!? 
by instinct she breathes in deep, holding her breath, but in the few seconds she nearly drowns herself does she realize that she just breathed in. the faun pauses, breathes in again for confirmation, and when she feels her lungs filling with oxygen she doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. she quickly decides on the latter, her throat tightening up immediately when she realizes she’s still alive. it’s only in her small moment of joy that she finally acknowledges the presence of the unfamiliar being tied to her.
“wait–,” breathing underwater was odd, but talking was even more strange, “don’t move around so much, the ropes are digging in.. i-it hurts.” she tries to stay calm despite her own concerns, especially with how frightened her (unfortunate) partner seems to be. she can’t blame him, but if both of them are in a panic it would make the whole situation ten times worse.
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
though junmyeon’s attention is divided, he’s made significantly more aware by the sudden light being shined on him again, and he cringes before scowling at yifan, stepping away from the light (in what he hopes is a discreet manner, but his movements are a little jerky given the increased tension in his body.)
“what-” he starts, eyes narrowing at the taller man. “are you really that pissed that i’m not giving you my one-hundred-percent attention? please,” he scoffs. “you’re obnoxious.” the fact that yifan’s literally standing there glaring at him for not giving him a prpper answer reminds junmyeon of the moody teenagers he works with when they don’t get enough attention. it makes him want to roll his eyes into another dimension.
nonetheless, he does feel a twinge of paranoia at the way he’s looking at him– like he knows something is wrong. relax, junmyeon, it’s not like he’ll figure out you’re a werewolf just because you’re being spacey. he probably doesn’t even know werewolves are a thing.
“i’ve got a headache,” he answers lamely, giving his best ‘you’re overreacting’ expression as he moves to pull the curtains shut again (risking a pissed-off yifan, of course, but when is he not pissed at junmyeon?) once more, they’re cast in shadow – junmyeon feels like he can breathe again, though he still feels as if his skin is crawling and he just wants to move. he walks away from the window, rubbing at his left arm a little – he can’t help fidgeting. “keep them closed. it��s too bright out- it’s making my head hurt more." 
"and what’s with you? you’re even pissier than usual,” he says as he turns back to yifan, hoping to deflect the conversation back on him – because the more he asks about junmyeon, the harder it’ll be to pretend like everything is fine. yifan is smart… sometimes.
it wasn’t possible for the two to be in the same room without spewing insults at each other. really, it was sad — but it was easy. junmyeon was easy to hate. from his short strides to his irritated huffs, everything annoyed yifan to no end. nevermind how he remembered every twitch and movement of the other. he was an observant person, and that was it. 
so, he continued to stare. nothing was wrong, but something wasn’t quite right. “headache, my ass,” yifan muttered in response, appraising the man with more scrutiny — but not for long. again, darkness curled around them, and he couldn’t see a goddamn thing. yifan bit his tongue. he could snap and shout and treat his temper, but red was not his color. all it would earn him is a door slammed in his face. honestly, he would prefer slamming junmyeon into a door.
call it instinct, but a whisper of werewolf ghosted through his thoughts. he quirked his head at himself, all as he watched the other stalk off. he wanted to laugh, but his brain was connecting the dots for him. yifan wasn’t an idiot. even if he didn’t track the full moon on his calendar, junmyeon had the talent of disappearing when that orb was full and glowing. 
another thing: the fucking moon wasn’t bright, especially for a teacher that paced underneath fluorescents all day.
he wanted to be wrong. for once, he wanted to be mistaken. he barely heard the effort to veer the subject as his fingers found the edge of the curtain, smoothing it between his digits. “i just don’t like being lied to,” he replied curtly before peeling the shade away, a gap of moonlight falling on the man across the room.
wyf&kjm ; secrets
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
— inhale, exhale
he thought it was a dream. everyone knew water was wet, but yifan’s morning routine would not be described as sopping. it surrounded him. the moisture clung onto every inch of him, and it nested itself in his clothing. when he opened his eyes, he didn’t believe it. he was wrong. this wasn’t a dream, it was a nightmare. his heart pounded into his throat, and the panic strangled his airway. what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck. there was a reason yifan didn’t mingle with merfolk — and it was more than them being a bunch of lunatics. he should have offed himself when he heard about the commotion down by the sea. alas, he was here to perish instead. he was thrilled — sarcasm noted.
he tried not to think about it. he was fretting about suffocation. oxygen was flowing into his lungs, but he couldn’t understand it. soon enough, he noticed the weight against him that was more than the heaps of water. it was full. yifan then found the ropes pressed into his flesh. there was another mantra of what the actual fuck that coursed through his head. further observation told him that these ropes were attaching him to a person — a stranger. momentarily, it distracted him. it calmed him a little. there was nothing more terrifying him than being stranded alone underwater. hell, he couldn’t even stand still and look at the ocean’s surface. 
all of this happened in a matter of a few seconds. in the next, he was jostling to wake the girl. he reminded himself to breathe slowly and evenly once he considered she may be dead. he was a tad jealous at the thought. each inhale was staggered, for he feared it could be his last. his teeth were digging into his cheek so hard that he tasted iron, but it was becoming increasingly impossible to keep his cool. he needed to know what was going on, and he needed these answers now. he was not someone that belonged down here. 
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
— americano
today’s weather was like satan’s oven. any vampire would be shriveled up on the ground like a dried up slug. even yifan thought he was baking as he strolled to the nearby starbucks. normally, he preferred something homemade — aka something that allowed him to remain confined in his stuffy apartment. however, he owed jeonghan a visit. he didn’t know it himself, but he missed the little guy and his company. it was worth a trip through this soggy air.
the aroma of coffee beans greeted him as he entered the joint. thankfully, air conditioning was there to save him. he didn’t smile when he spotted jeonghan, but he didn’t look irked either. it was a step in the right direction. who knew yifan would consider entering a starbucks as a success. there were few drinks that he liked here, but the boy always managed to accommodate his flat tastes. 
after making eye contact with the younger, he quirked his head towards an open table, sending the mental message of “i’ll be right there. come over when you’re done.” another thing, yifan hated waiting in lines. he assumed he had treated the other to enough meals to deserve a free drink here and there. so, he settled down in a chair, leaning back and waiting for his favorite dragon.
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
— call of duty
blind dates were not his style — then again, he wasn’t walking into this blind. nonetheless, the preconceptions of this meeting were known by both parties, and it made yifan feel senseless. newborn dragons were rare between their kind. the primary progression in the mountains was aging — a whole lot of it. everyone knew this. still, it didn’t curb his surprise when he was chosen as a candidate to balance these shortcomings. it was fair to say he was appalled, but that was an understatement when he was matched with bae joohyun.
with his upperhand in years, he had practically watched joohyun grow up. now, here he was, straightening his tie as a bead of self-conscious sweat dribbled down his nape. he was waiting. the atmosphere of this restaurant would be nice, romantic even, in another situation. before him, the flame of a single candle flared about, complimenting the dim lighting overhead. it did nothing to qualm his nerves. compared to other dragons, he was still young — much too young to be considering children.
additionally, the shame would be unbearable if he were to decline this request, yifan knew he had a duty to his clan. whether that was to aid or protect his kin, so be it. this is what he told himself. like most times, his head and his heart were not in agreement. so, even while the thought tasted godawful and bitter, he pretended like it didn’t make him nauseous. he was not prepared for this crater of shit he had just stumbled into.
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
“are you lost? i can help you find your way back!”
askbox meme ➫ sentence starters
yifan sized up the boy. top to bottom, the newcomer was devoid of anything impressive. he was insulted.
“do i look like i’m lost?” he countered with a tinge of offense. whether he was in the forest or the mountains or the city, he knew his way around. there was a century’s worth of exploration under his belt, and he had a mental map imprinted into his memory — whereas this individual was small in every form.
maybe it was a little juvenile to pick on this one. 
“thanks, but no thanks.”
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
"You're nothing to me."
askbox meme ➫ sentence starters
it didn’t sound like an insult. it sounded like a challenge.
also, it was a blatant lie, and yifan was going to prove that.
“is that so?” he was too smug. it practically dripped from his voice, and it was stamped across his face in the form of a smile. closer, he leaned into junmyeon. previously, the werewolf forged some distance between them. the two were a never-ending cycle — on a repeat of fighting, fighting, and more fighting. 
personally, he preferred it this way. he liked to feel the other against him. he liked to read the uncertainty in junmyeon’s eyes whenever he spouted this nonsense. he liked to watch his fight and resolve deflate, all before he flattened back into his arms. 
yifan liked junmyeon with him — plain and simple.
“i think you’re wrong. i think i’m everything to you.” maybe he was over-confident, but that didn’t mean he was wrong. 
junmyeon’s shirt was wrinkled, and his hair was disheveled. he was the definition of a hot mess. even if they weren’t fooling around minutes beforehand, the alpha had the tendency to get all rumpled when he was being defiant. it would be cute if he weren’t shouting in yifan’s face. 
“i guess that would be easier,” he started, much quieter. his hands smoothed down the front of the man’s shirt, slowly fixing his collar and righting him. next, his fingers slotted through junmyeon’s tousled hair, fondness in his eyes as he restored the wolf to the leader of his pack. “you hate me, and i hate you. it’s easy.” 
his arms dropped to his sides. “but is it working?” 
yifan didn’t feel good. this hatred was festering into something ugly and sinister within him. the problem was that it didn’t feel like an airy contempt in his chest. no, it felt much heavier. it wasn’t hatred at all.
“how long can we keep pretending?”
the scene evaporated.
these were the words he wanted to say to junmyeon. every time a bicker sprouted between them, he wanted to confront the other. he wanted to shake the goddamn idiot and convince him that he didn’t have to put up a front with him. he wanted junmyeon to know that he wouldn’t hurt him on his own accord. he wanted so much, but he knew he wanted more than either could offer.
yifan was fearless — yet, here, he was afraid. 
so, instead, he stared back. the scornful echo of “you’re nothing to me” simmered in his head. as always, he gave the same response.
“get the fuck over yourself.” he raised his voice, too. yifan shoved the fire behind his eyes, and it died in his heart. “i’m tired of this bullshit, junmyeon. if you hate me so much, leave.”
he knew junmyeon would leave. 
he also knew junmyeon would come back.
yifan wondered if he would ever have the courage to tell him to stay.
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
— echoes
yifan remembers some of it — but only bits and fragments. each shred seems meaningless. it was almost like piecing together all the vowels to formulate a word. in the end, it was garbled nonsense. maybe if he laid it out, the wrinkles would soften into something comprehensible. 
there was a girl. now, the details were smeared chalk. it would be grainy if it were in his fingertips and bleary behind his eyelids. even if her face wasn’t stamped in his memory, she must have been beautiful. yifan sought after what was visually appealing. seeing as he brought her home and she was now clothed in his bedsheets, she must be stunning. 
rays of sunshine filtered through his drawn curtains. it was enough to wake the man. altogether, he felt like shit. he was mildly sweaty and braving an awful headache — very attractive. he was well prepared to roll over and resume his suffering, but the gentle shift of another person grazed against his skin. then, it clicked. 
he would politely rouse the stranger and dismiss her. all as usual. so, he sat up, the thin sheet sliding down his naked chest. yifan was two inches from leaning over to nudge her, but his stare caught her face.
what the fuck. he shoved her.
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
“Can we not talk about magic and powers?”
askbox meme ➫ sentence starters
now, this was rich.
“are you sure?” yifan clarified. the glass bottles clinked together as he twisted one around to read the label. these reminded him of chemistry class, and his nose crinkled at the terrible memory. 
then, he took a look around the store. it was exaggerated, and it was overkill. “you seem pretty obsessed with magic and shit.” 
honestly, he was no expert. this realm spooked him out. the shopkeeper was no ray of sunshine either. hey, someone must be out of their mind to dabble in spells and sorcery — willingly, at that. he knew he was being a hypocrite. 
“fair enough. you mind your own business, and i’ll mind mine.”
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
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❐ wu yifan & kim junmyeon ⋆͛*͛ lunar eclipse 
“alpha.” yifan almost laughed at the word — it sounded ludicrous on the werewolf’s tongue. “you should keep more practical things in your mouth. like my dick.” 
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
— thawed
fridays were the grain of sugar in a mound of salt — but today was tuesday. here he was, walking into the semi-slow bar on a fucking tuesday. yifan convinced himself he was celebrating the end of the week. hey, he was forty percent done with this bullshit, and tomorrow would mark sixty. eventually, he would be done. 
this eventually was taking its sweet time. there was nothing like the devil’s water to sedate his qualms. if he were being truthful, the boulder on his back wasn’t his job. yifan wasn’t very honest, though. every time he reserved a moment to think, he wound up a drunken slob. tonight was similar. it was two hours after cooping himself up in his apartment that he snapped. jessica’s shift was almost over. 
the best remedy was a good drink and a pretty girl. the man reached the counter and shifted onto a stool. “something strong, please.” he smiled at her. it made him feel less shitty whenever she paid him mind. this was his favorite establishment, mostly because the bartender knew what he liked — and this was more than the burn down his throat. 
often, he was shitfaced before she joined him. jessica probably could write up a novel of blackmail to wreck his reputation. meanwhile, he never remembered anything she leaked through the blears and blurs. he checked his watch. hopefully she would accompany him soon, because his baggage was overflowing.  
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
— bedsheets
yifan stirred his coffee. the spoon tapped its confines with ceremonious clinks, and the dark liquid curled around its stem. nights with yixing called for a heap of caffeine. he himself was on his feet all day, smothering whatever flaring flames flooded the city. it was tiresome, and it knotted the muscles in his back. at the same time, it was a chore that brought him here — with yixing, together, in the lightest sense of the word. 
from here, he could see the man’s black hair. it blended into the darkness of the room, like ink crawling over paper. yifan loved to thread his pale fingers through it, and he thought it was something like artwork. then again, everything about yixing was beautiful. he mused at the idea, sipping at his coffee to hide his smile — but it wasn’t a straight shot at delight. he knew the other wouldn’t react well if he ever said anything like this. 
the vampire’s face was glowing from the cast of the television. normally, yifan hated company. perhaps this was because he hated people, and admittedly, he didn’t hate this shadow of a person. sometimes he wishes he did. 
he crossed over the hardwood floors, and his eyes adjusted as he neared the only source of light in the space. he looked at yixing for a moment — just looked. he was afraid he would sound too invested if he watched him. “it’s getting late.” yifan didn’t have much patience, so he grabbed the remote and switched off the screen. again, his eyes dilated. 
the floorboards creaked when a shifted his weight, moving towards the bedroom door. “come on,” he added over his shoulder before he disappeared into the room.
it wasn’t late. it was only ten o’clock. 
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
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introduction – !
Hello, hello! It’s time for our very first meme– this time, we’re doing sentence starters, as something to help you with all your starters and first interactions. You can reblog and participate in this meme whenever you want– it’s a huge masterlist, meaning you have tons of possibilities! We also regularly add to it, meaning that it’s constantly evolving and changing, so check back often! That being said, make sure to send this out to others! It’s no fun if you get five memes while none of the people who sent them to you get nothing back. Make sure to keep the meme going! And finally: No one-liners! Try to be as creative as possible, and don’t be afraid to let your imagination go wild– as long as it’s reasonable, of course.
Keep reading
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
tonight wrought the nightmares of hell. yifan ducked his head, peering through his curtains. indeed, the moon was full. it illuminated the streets below, and it surely grazed those monstrous mongrels that were shapeshifting in the twilight. he sneered, smoke curling from his parted lips before he puffed the remainder out into the air. the windowpane vibrated, and he presumed it was from the chorus of far-off howls. his movements were dismissive as he flicked the cigarette butt outside, forgotten in the shadows.
finally, he turned to junmyeon. as per usual, the moron was distant and distracted. often, his head was over the clouds, closer to outer space than earth. slivers of time were saved for yifan to ponder what went on in that man’s mind. it was perplexing. yet, those curiosities melted into junmyeon’s nighttime whines and whimpers, and it was all he remembered when all was said and done.
this time was different. “what’s on your mind?” yifan voiced from across the room, more than meters and untried furniture marking the distance between them. even when they were together, connected and current, the two were never a unit. 
idly, he shrugged off his coat. junmyeon was spellbound for another second. then, he snapped out of it. yifan didn’t answer immediately. instead, he watched. their features became obscure as the curtains were drawn, and he sensed there was a disagreement. he was as stubborn as a bull, and the rings on which the drape hung shackled as he restored the light, bathing them and the room in moonshine. “i said,” the man started, glowering at the spacey individual. his voice was dripping a dissatisfaction. “what the hell is on your mind?”
wyf&kjm ; secrets
wu yifan. it’s a name junmyeon has come to hate so much that even just thinking his name brings the taste of venom to his tongue. yet its a name he’s found himself repeating in the most vulnerable of situations – when he has no choice – and one that pops up in his mind way too often. considering that they only seem to get along in the sheets, you’d think junmyeon would be tired of answering yifan’s late-night calls.
well, he clearly isn’t. 
he still finds himself here, in yifan’s living room, arms folded across his chest as he tries his best not to keep staring out of the window. he winds up staying, even though the full moon is hanging bright and yellow and by all means junmyeon should be out there in the light of it; supervising the younger members of his pack, making sure they don’t do anything stupid.
he feels the pull, it only gets stronger whenever he sees the moon– he’s strong enough to resist the urge to run outside, yes, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly uncomfortable trying to ignore it.
at some point he hears yifan’s voice in the back of his mind, but he’s not listening at all. (he’s probably saying something annoying anyway, no need to listen attentively.) “what?” he says as he brings his gaze back to the taller male, struggling to keep his focus. he heads to the window, pulling the curtains closed before turning around. a little better…  "repeat that? i didn’t hear.“ he adds, a distracted look on his face as he frowns.
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
intro — !
hello hello hellfjdsaorjf i almost crashed my car getting here in time for opening but i made it 
hello i’m kiara and this is yifan (kinda an asshole but what do u expect)
here are plots and my twitter - both are kinda messy so forgive me. my aim is also i.nfierno if ur more into that ;-)
i want to plot with everyone so i’ll shut up and attack ya’ll in im but if i miss u then pelapsepelepaleaplplease shoot me a message :-)
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
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mxyifan-blog · 9 years ago
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