mxstudiovi · 6 days
week 8
today's lesson was about feedback. so i had a one-on-one with Layla, and then Punyavee later joined for more feedback. during the feedback key points
figuring out what to do for the next couple of weeks
ideas to make it more digital e.g. digital publication or a pdf with links kind of like a website
AR scan
from the feedback i decide to go with the idea of using AR with the publication as it can showcase the idea of merging traditional and contemporary stronger as i can utilise the 3d models that i have created on blender instead of just printing them out, so i did some testing with Adobe AR (Aero)
i first started off with getting use to software and how it works.
using a basic cone in the software, i added it to a page of my publication draft and then i continued by exporting my 3d models created on blender with an .OBJ file to import it into Aero.
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mxstudiovi · 6 days
this is the second test i did with using my own 3d model and seeing how it would look
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mxstudiovi · 7 days
and this is another trial i did with 2 different models.
now i just need to further develop my publication and 3d models.
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mxstudiovi · 12 days
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MMCA KOREAN ART 1900 - 2020
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was just walking after working at uni and came across this, thought it was cool inspo
week 8.2
for todays lesson we just did another round of feedback for 8.2 and 8.3. got a group feedback with Layla and other students who are doing publication design as she bought in some publications to help us think about different paper stock and how the content inside the publication reflected the way the publication is made. even down to the reason why the publication is a certain size
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these were some of the pages that inspired me and really made me reflect on my own publication and where i can take my publication with the use of the physical copy.
looking at the bottom 5 images, the particular publication used a lot of negative space and was at around A4 size for the images, this publication also had another section where there were showing film photos, they were placed into the publication through inserts instead of a full DPS. which made me think about how i was going to share some of the different ceramics.
an idea that i tested out from the feedback session was to dissemble this page
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as this layout i did couple weeks back, i didn't have much thought about how it would look printed and what it would mean so i edited this page to showcase each image in this layout.
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the way that the layout for this was made shows more weight and the main focus of the DPS is the image of the traditional ceramic. i intend to use this layout so i can then further show the digital/contemporary side to this publication through adding a 3D AR scan ontop of the traditional ceramic image. showing how it is being reinterpreted for a contemporary age.
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also from this feedback session, i realised the importance of the paper size of the publication, as in the past that isn't something that i am really thinking about but it really showed and opened my eyes about how the intended paper size can effect the content and the message that i am wanting to share. since this is more of an art book, originally i was planning on doing an A5 sized publication, however, with some more thought and test printing, it felt too small and couldn't really see the images to a full scale.
so i am testing between an A4 and B5, need to test out the layout of a B5 to see how it the content looks.
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mxstudiovi · 2 months
resources for me
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mxstudiovi · 2 months
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mxstudiovi · 2 months
week 2.2
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mxstudiovi · 2 months
week 1.1
class activity: was to bring a photo from the past and share to class. this is a photo of myself at the first day of kindergarten. the image shows me sitting at a table with a bunny ear headband. this photo reminded me of my childhood animal, a rabbit
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activity 1: annotating the brief
unpacking the brief
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brief seems pretty straight forward - excited to see what i can do with it - seems pretty broad and a lot of freedom to create anything that i want to do.
activity 2: thematics and media
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this is the different thematic & media choices for the assignment. not too sure what i want to do but from this activity, picking my strongest skills/media forms that i am most comfortable would be the ones i circled and crossed out the ones that are definitely not part of the options that i would want to do.
— Why you have chosen this theme i havent picked exactly which theme to do but something to do my culture/heritage of Korea as i want to explore more of the history.
— Your personal connection to this theme
my culture. i want to learn more about the history because i feel like i don't know too much about the history, more of the contemporary/modern things that make me feel connected to Korea like pop culture, new media, music and the language. but looking into more of the older information to expand my knowledge.
— Any previous skills and abilities you have in this area
probably will do media either publication, packaging, 3d animation (blender), 3d modelling and/or branding. these media's are the ones that i have used a lot throughout my different projects so i feel the most comfortable with.
First Moodboard Create a ‘Visual Moodboard’ that showcases up to three images of projects for each chosen medium (9 images in total), including one image related to your selected theme. Group the images according to their respective media. Ensure that these images reflect design projects that meet the professional standards required for this assignment, rather than randomly selected visuals.
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Second Moodboard Develop a mind map exploring potential issues, challenges, and emerging ideas from your selected theme. Include small paragraphs that explain the ramifications of these ideas, departing from the theme. Discuss at least three potential areas or problems of interest, expanding on ideas and elaborating on concepts in as much detail as possible. Use an AI bot for additional support as needed.
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mxstudiovi · 2 months
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mxstudiovi · 3 months
week 1.2
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