mxmastermikah · 2 years
So been painting mintures for a little while and wanted to share some of my work. This was some train figures I did for someone else. Was a nice change from my normal :).
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mxmastermikah · 2 years
Feel free to follow my new and sfw one.
Just getting my stuff back in order!
Welcome! My name's Mikah, but most people call me Mag.
I paint Battletech, 40k, and boardgame miniatures.
I also do my own conversions and make small dioramas!
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mxmastermikah · 2 years
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Dress for the job you want not the job you have.
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mxmastermikah · 4 years
I just want more beaky bois
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You all know I love the boys in blue, but Primaris from other Chapters give me life.
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mxmastermikah · 4 years
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The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.
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mxmastermikah · 4 years
my bbs
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mxmastermikah · 4 years
Therapist: I see sadness in your eyes
Me: that my sharingan
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mxmastermikah · 4 years
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Today I started on my #50minis challenge. My goal is to have as many done by the end of this month as possible. Today I painted #aximillion from the #elucidianstarstriders kill team list!
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mxmastermikah · 4 years
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Oh hey. It’s been a while. Here’s what I’ve been doing.
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mxmastermikah · 4 years
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Happy pride month!!!
I wanted to paint something that makes me happy for pride, and tiny watercolor octopods do the trick :D
I stuck with the 4 basic groups of LGBT (+ ace, bc I’m ace :>), but I would love to paint more! So if you’d like to see a specific flag painted in octopus, leave me an ask or reblog it with your request and I’ll add on to this post!
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mxmastermikah · 5 years
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mxmastermikah · 5 years
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whats your hoard
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mxmastermikah · 5 years
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Heather Nesheim  -  https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch  -  https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
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mxmastermikah · 6 years
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please excuse me while I openly weep over my precious bb Kiryu
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mxmastermikah · 6 years
50 LGBTQ Characters in the Pathfinder RPG
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Many have heard me and other members of the Paizo crew discuss our constant efforts to make the Pathfinder RPG a welcoming place for gamers of all stripes. Regardless, I’ve never been comfortable with the idea of pointing out places where we get things right (or make an honest attempt to get things right) in a professional venue. To me, that sounds like corporate bragging, and, worse, it sounds like marketing, when really it’s just people trying to be decent to each other.
That being said, I’ve had many readers ask me what Paizo products they can go to if they want to see more LGBTQ characters in Pathfinder. The answer’s a ton of places, literally dozens of adventures, sourcebooks, novels, and more.
So, for my personal reference, for your use (because if you’re here you’re an interested, charming, wonderful person), and for the guidance of those about to ask, I’ve assembled this list of 50 LGBTQ characters from the Pathfinder RPG. These are the first 50 characters who either leapt to mind or were on hand, and as such the sources and dates are skewed toward more recent characters. That also means that this is incredibly far from a comprehensive list. If you’re interested in the particulars of a character’s gender, sexuality, portrayal, role, or other specifics, I encourage you to either check out the PDF of the book in question or ask your fellow gamers on the product discussions linked with each. Additionally, at the end I’ve included a few links to past (and one future) discussions about LGBTQ topics and inclusivity in the Pathfinder RPG and the wider RPG world.
Hopefully these will be helpful next time you have a could-be gamer friend who says “I don’t know if that’s for me.” Turns out, Pathfinder’s for everybody, so come play!
50 LGBTQ Pathfinder RPG Characters
Azaz Arafe & Khelru (2014)
Lovers in the Scorched Hand
Pathfinder Adventure Path #79
  Bors & Roshad (2014)
Married Members of the Iridian Fold
Redemption Engine
  Dredge (2014)
Gender-Fluid Halfling Rogue
Pathfinder Adventure Path #79
  Lady Sophronia (2014)
Gender-Fluid Ghost
Pathfinder Adventure Path #82
  Muminofrah (2014)
Bombastic Noblewoman
Pathfinder Adventure Path #81
  Vera & Xulaine (2014)
Cleric of Cayden Cailean and Sweettalker
Redemption Engine
  Agrit Staginsdar & Sara Morninghawk (2013)
Prominent Couple in Trunau
Towns of the Inner Sea
  Alexius Demetri & Lycio Vallant (2013)
Owners of the Heldren Sawmill
Pathfinder Adventure Path #67
  Aron Kir & Sosiel Vaenic (2013)
Heroic Lovers from Kenabres
Pathfinder Adventure Path #74
  Arshea (2013)
Empyreal Lord of Freedom, Physical Beauty, and Sexuality
Pathfinder Adventure Path #2, Inner Sea World Guide, Chronicle of the Righteous
  Bella Belvorica & Solveig Ayrdahl (2013)
Duty-Parted Lovers in Whitethrone
Pathfinder Adventure Path #68
  Cesseer of Ning (2013)
An Ukara or “battleflower” from the Suzerainty of Ning on Triaxus (Ukara renounce all outward expressions of gender and are sought after as consorts regardless of gender or sexuality)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #70
  Irabeth & Anevia (2013)
Married Heroes of the Worldwound
Pathfinder Adventure Path #73, Online Discussion
  Lona Orames & Duranna Alnurris (2013)
Cloud Giant Lovers
Castles of the Inner Sea
Half-Elf Magus in Artrosa (2013)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #69
  Porfirio & Dragomir (2013)
Crusader Lovers
King of Chaos
  Princess Cassisoche & Lady Ilya (2013)
Princess of Irrisen and Proprietress of the Frosthall Theater in Whitethrone
Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter
  Esmerelda Darkshadow (2012)
Tragic Eldritch Knight
NPC Codex
  Filario Grantsliem (2012)
Desperate Member of the Gray Maidens
Pathfinder Adventure Path #62
  Herifax & Kanya (2012)
Harpy and Catfolk Lovers
Pathfinder Adventure Path #63
  Mother Lanani Shabu (2012)
Halfling Tribe Leader
NPC Codex
  Salty Chuzek & Dagoros Wildrum (2012)
Monster Hunters in Myscurial
Isles of the Shackles
  Variel (2012)
Adventurer Father of Varian Jeggare
Queen of Thorns
  Vonran Vilk (2012)
Former Pathfinder Society Master of Blades
Pathfinder Society Scenario 3-16: The Midnight Mauler
  Aaqir al'Hakam & Emir Thalzar Gaatan (2011)
Qadira Faction Head, Raising Three Adopted Daughters with Husband
Pathfinder Society
  Molly & Marzalee the Weaver (2011)
Dwarf and Ant Queen Partners
The Harrowing
  Sonnorae (2011)
Creator of the Harrow
The Harrowing, Occult Mysteries, Online Discussion
  Vitta (2011)
Master Thief and Lock-Breaker
Worldwound Gambit
  Elias Sayer and the Tallow Boys (2010)
Head of an Organization of Gay Information Brokers
City of Strangers
  Queen Illeosa & Sabina Merrin (2008)
Ruler of Korvosa and Bodyguard
Pathfinder Adventure Path #7
  Cyrdark Drokkus & Sir Jasper Korvaski (2007)
Prominent Couple in Sandpoint
Pathfinder Adventure Path #1
  Kyra & Merisiel (2006, 2013)
Pathfinder Iconic Characters
Pathfinder Comic, Volume 5
  Inclusivity and Diversity in RPGs
Besides the characters noted above, the following includes just a few of the articles, interviews, seminars, and ongoing discussions that touch on GLTBQ topics and inclusivity in the Pathfinder RPG.
Diversity in Gaming (Upcoming; Gen Con 2014)
Paizocon: Diversity in Gaming (2014)
The Inclusive Fantasy World of Pathfinder (2013)
Know Direction: Homosexuality in Golarion Podcast (2013)
Podcast, Transgender Characters Note
Gen Con 2012: Queer as a Three-Sided Die Panel (2012)
Joe Carriker, Jeremy Crawford, Steve Kenson, and Wes Schneider
Part 1, Part 2
Homosexuality in Golarion, Paizo Messageboards (2008)
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mxmastermikah · 6 years
i had a thought today like man, my ancestors would probably not approve very much of me being such an extravagant glutton, but then i was like wtf are u kidding. those dumbasses didn’t live on a fuckin potato ass diet for no minimalism. they didn’t do what they did, whatever the fuck it was, for me NOT to fucking eat my bodyweight in sashimi!!! they would be fucking ecstatic to see me making the most of my opportunities for plenty. they would be fucking cheering me on. every lice-covered cossack and illiterate serf and three-toothed yak herder in my lineage is with me in this restaurant, and they are going absolutely apeshit watching me try to fit an entire samosa in my mouth
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mxmastermikah · 6 years
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Ancient Egyptian gods by Yliade.
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