mxesntity · 2 years
'Who would've guessed we'd end up like this?' || Sun/Moon x Reader
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this is the first time i'm posting an actual fic on tumblr, but for now, it's only a oneshot, although i'd love to make a longer version! i'm only posting this here first to see if anyone would be interested in it! if that's the case, i'd totally continue it on ao3 ^^ anyways, enjoy!
sfw, he/him for reader, no glitchtrap au
"I'm 19... do I really have to go?"
You looked up at the big, colorful painting above the red doors which said "Superstar Daycare Pick-Up"
"It's just for an hour, sweetheart, and you know how much your sister wants to see it!"
You sighed, thinking that the hour spent in a daycare with kids no older than 10 years old could be spent in a much better in a place than this. You didn't even get the chance to see the Glamrocks face-to-face yet!
"It's the closest attraction, let's get it done first and we'll go check out all the other places after, hm?"
As much as you still weren't into the idea, you didn't have the heart to say no to your dad. An hour can't last that long, right?
You opened the previously mentioned red doors, admiring how beautiful the hallway looked. Wow, they really put effort into everything. There was a big fountain in the middle of it, the colorful lights were slightly dimmed here, and the starry ceiling gave it all an even nicer touch.
The silly daycare music started hitting your ears better the more you were moving through the hallway. It was the one part of the Pizzaplex that seemed to have less people in it compared to the others, but it made sense. There were plenty of things to see, and the main focus was always on the Glamrocks, that's what people came here for. Technically, you did too.
But you'd lie if you said Fazbear Ent. didn't put an amazing job into the daycare animatronics, too. You haven't seen them for yourself just yet, but the countless posters already showed you enough. You appreciated the celestial designs, it was a fun concept for sure.
Your dad checked you two in, although you didn't really need it, seeing as you were an adult. You were there to simply keep an eye on your sister while your dad went to get some gifts for you from the shop that was just next to the big, wooden door.
Right, you forgot to mention it, did you? It was your birthday!
The very reason you were here today, was to celebrate your birthday. That's exactly why you also warned your dad not too see too many attractions around the Pizzaplex on his own while you were occupied, as you wanted to experience it together.
It was a dream come true, really. It didn't matter what ages did this place focus on, it didn't matter that you were grown by now - you always wanted to come here, and your 19th birthday finally gave you a chance.
Such fun attractions come with big prices, obviously. Your dad couldn't really afford it before, trying to tie the ends together, and you understood. You waited patiently, even got a job once you could to save up for the trip! And finally, here it was.
"Well, we're here. You two have fun! I'll go pick out the first few gifts for you."
"Being here is a gift itself, dad. Don't waste too much, I have money of my own, too."
At that, he only swatted you and your sister away with a smile, seeming to not pay too much attention to your words. You sighed playfully, watching him get away in the small crowd. Your dad was a good man, you appreciated him for all the times he put you and your sibling first, even despite how harshly life has treated him.
"You ready?"
You looked down at your sister, and seeing her nod excitedly, you got a bit more enthusiastic, too. You pushed the wooden door, your eyes hit with all the bright, random colors and especially the neons on the walls and the ceiling.
There were maybe three kids sitting at a small table next to one of the play structures, lost in their little world of scribbling on paper and drawing whatever little kids usually draw. But so far, no sign of the animatronics.
Well... until.
You jumped at the sudden loud voice so close to you, and soon enough, you saw the source of it, right in front of you.
A tall animatronic with the design and color palette resembling the sun, with a wide smile from one cheek to another, and bright blue eyes.
Very, very tall.
Your sister reacted faster than you, clapping and giggling upon seeing him. Seems like she found her favourite.
"Oh my... uhm, hello."
You placed your hand on your chest, calming your heartbeat down. You'd lie if you said it wasn't extremely easy to spook you.
Once the animatronic saw how excited your little sister was upon seeing him, he grabbed her so high that she was now facing him. She loved it, and immediately reached out to grab the sunrays sticking to his faceplate.
"Oh, Laurey, no! You might damage him!"
You were prone to overreacting. But most of all, you really didn't want your family to suffer from any... accidental damage any of you might cause to Fazbear Ent. and their star attractions. You knew nothing about how they actually worked, so even if this bot is made for kids, maybe some of his parts are more fragile than the others?
But the animatronic didn't seem to care. In fact, he started giggling right back at your sister, acting like he's being tickled.
"My friend, that's no issue at all! I absolutely LOVE kiddos who are curious about my design! So, your name's Laurey, little star? How beautiful!"
Okay, you could see just how well he was programmed. The wording he used, the tone, it was perfect for kids, and left a teeny tiny effect on you too. It was definitely admirable.
"I'm so so SO happy to welcome two new friends into our little daycare! What's your name?"
His eyes were on you now, still smiling as widely as ever. It looked like he could change his expressions freely, but he didn't lose the smile once.
"Oh, me? I'm Y/N, I'm just here to keep an eye on Laurey. But, uh, I'm happy to meet you too!"
His eyes lit up at your words, grabbing your wrist softly with his free hand, and leading you both further into the daycare.
"I'm SO excited! We'll have tons of fun! We have all kinds of toys here, and we constantly make up new games to play! Oh, oh, and I just LOVE arts and crafts with the littles, especially with glitter glue and googly eyes! We also do puppet shows!"
His mouth didn't close for a long time. Normally, you'd be annoyed, but something about his voice, as jumpy and loud as it was, comforted you.
"Hey there, my little stars! Please welcome our new friends!"
The three kids who were still sitting at the table turned your eyes to you all, Sun's excitement clearly rubbing off on them. They immediately stood up and welcomed you and your sister, especially her. Once Sun put her down, she seemed to fit right in, and they seemed like kids who were sweet enough not to do anything hurtful in case you turned your head away for once.
The animatronic observed them with a proud smile before turning to you. "I've actually never had a guest this big before! You're a special one!"
You perked up at his words, not able to hide that being called special made you happy, even if it came from a robot. It was always nice to be appreciated regardless.
"Ah, yeah, I can imagine... my sister really wanted to come here once we arrived. It's actually my birthday today, but-"
Your eyes widened once Sun's voice got 3 times louder. He seemed shocked, but excited as well.
"My oh my, why did you not say so right away?! That's a serious celebration! I have to make this occasion meaningful, unforgettable! Yes, yes, right away!"
You tried to stop him, saying that it's not that big of a deal, not being used to someone being so into celebrating your birthday besides your closest family, but he insisted.
He called on the children, who immediately turned their eyes to him.
"I'll need to talk with y'all privately! No Y/N's allowed for now!"
You chuckled, assuming that this "private talk" was regarding the surprise he wants to give you. Seeing as there was no stopping Sun's plans, you decided to play along, trying to spy on their conversation a little bit, quickly getting swatted away by Sun. It was quite endearing. You definitely weren't disappointed by coming here anymore, and not even 10 minutes passed yet.
Being an ex-theatre kid payed off with how well you could pull off dramatic and over exaggerated reactions for the kids and Sun's enjoyment. You acted deeply hurt by the fact that they wouldn't fill you in on their little conversation, and with a very big, sad expression, you went to drown yourself in the ball pit. You heard the others giggling, and you quickly realized just how fun this short stay can be.
"Yes, yes, that's a brilliant idea! Let's get to work, my little stars!"
You peeked out of the ball pit when the kids started running around, looking like they were on a search for specific things Sun told them to find. But before you could see what they were looking for, someone's figure blocked your view.
"Nuh-uh, no peeking! That's against the rules! You're not a rule breaker, are you?"
You chuckled, looking up at the animatronic. His height did make your neck cramp, though.
"You don't have to do all this for me, y'know. I mean, I appreciate it, but I don't think it's really worth..."
He didn't let you finish your sentence, and soon enough, he picked you up like a cat.
"OF COURSE it's worth it! It doesn't matter if you're an old friend, a new friend, or for how much you'll be staying here! Every single one of my friends deserves a fitting birthday present! Birthdays are SO important!"
Even if you wanted to, you couldn't stop smiling. It seemed to make Sun happy - as expected from a daycare bot, making his guests have a great time in his little lane was the main objective.
"I'm gonna need you to stay somewhere you can't see our progress, friend! It's a surprise for a reason!"
You tried persuading him into staying, but no could do. That's how you found yourself on one of the castle towers in the ball pit, with a bunch of toys and plushies around you. It's not like any of these really interested you, you weren't a child, but once again, you decided to play into it, getting a playful warning from Sun earlier that even one peek will put you in a time-out.
You'd lie if you said you didn't find that huge sun-themed bot adorable. Fazbear Ent. was good at making people fall in love with their attractions, that's for sure.
You looked over the toys, and saw two that caught your attention - plushies resembling the two attendants. You grabbed them and realized that you haven't had the chance to meet the other, moon-themed one yet. Maybe he wasn't currently in the daycare? Maybe he only appeared after a certain time?
You hoped that the hour spent here will be enough to meet him too.
While in your thoughts, you haven't even realized that more than 15 minutes passed now, and the kids, along with Sun, seemed to be done with your little gift. You knew that, because all of a sudden, someone jumped behind your back and covered your eyes with his hands.
It was really easy to guess who did it, of course.
"We're all done, friend! Allow me to take you there!"
Before you could question what he meant, you were lifted up and held close to his chest with one arm, the other still covering your eyes. The kids started giggling once they saw it, which made you really curious about how you two must've looked like right now.
But most importantly - in that very short moment you realized just how warm Sun was. You'd assume he'd be cold because, well, he's a robot, but his chest radiated this comforting heat, and you wouldn't mind staying in that position for longer.
He was swift and fast, but also careful. You were held like some sort of princess, which surprised you, because who would be able to hold you with one arm, cover your eyes with the other, and navigate his body safely with only legs? You knew he was a machine, but damn, that was impressive.
Soon enough, you were sat down on the soft floor, and you finally regained your vision. In front of you was a tiny scene which looked like something made specifically for puppet shows. It was decorated with a bunch of led lights, and there was a small banner on the top that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" drawn with crayons. You couldn't help but smile at how cute everything looked. You were surrounded with a bunch of plushies resembling all the star attractions of the Pizzaplex, including the daycare attendants. You grabbed the Sun one, positioning it as if it was about to watch the show with you. You looked up at Sun, who seemed enamored with the sight, but quickly looked away, regaining his confident and energetic self.
"Me and my little stars prepared a SPECIAL, one of a kind puppet show for you! I came up with the scenario! We're so excited to present it to you, right, kiddos?!"
All four of the kids cheered, causing you to chuckle quietly. Their excitement rubbed of on you really quickly.
"Oh my, I wanna see it already!"
That single sentence worked wonders on Sun, who quickly disappeared behind the little stage. Well, not exactly disappeared, seeing as he was twice the size of it, but he tried his best to hide his faceplate, at least.
Then the show began, firstly showcasing only a little Sun puppet, walking around the imaginary daycare. Even as an adult, you had to say, you enjoyed things like these. Silly and cute.
Soon enough, another puppet jumped out, and this one resembled... you! You gasped, wondering how was that puppet so similar to you? Was it simply a coincidence, or could it be that Sun made the puppet just for you? No, surely, that'd be too much work spent on someone that he knew for less than an hour... but what if?
The more you watched, the more you realized this little show was just a replay of how you and your sister got into the daycare, how you met Sun, the other kids (they had their own puppets as well) and also a little made-up addition, which was the dolls playing various games or drawing with each other, generally doing things you usually do in the daycare.
It was so damn cute.
At the end of the show, the Sun puppet went out of it's way to lock you in a big hug, and the kids soon joined. The last scene consisted of all the puppets holding a little toy cake for you, screaming a "Happy Birthday!". The curtain rolled down, and you started clapping as soon as it did. You had a big smile on your face, which the animatronic immediately picked up on.
"Did ya like it, friend? Did ya, did ya?!"
You stood up with his help, not letting go of his hand for a few more seconds.
"Of course I did, you guys were amazing! This is one of the best birthday gifts I've ever gotten!"
Your compliment seemed to make Sun really happy, because his rays started spinning. You adored that! It reminded you of a puppy wagging its tail from excitement.
"Thank you so much, Sunny, and you too, kiddos!"
Your sister ran up to you, hugging your leg, at which you quickly patted her head.
Although when your eyes went back to Sun, he was standing still, looking straight at you.
"Is something wrong?"
At that, he almost immediately pulled you into a big hug, which you didn't expect, but also didn't mind. It did shook you a little, though.
"You gave me a nickname! How sweet! You're the sweetest ever! I must give you a nickname too!"
You had no idea that a little nickname would make him so happy. It wasn't even really on purpose, either, you kinda said it without thinking because it sounded cute. But if he liked it, then it made you happy, too.
"Hmm, a nickname for me? What would that be?"
He pulled away a bit, posing as if he was thinking really hard.
"Well, since I'm Sunny... and you're a guest at my daycare... I suppose calling you sunshine fits just right!"
You didn't wanna admit it, but being called 'sunshine' made you blush. Just a little bit.
"I think that's a sweet nickname, Sunny. I love it!"
He jumped in excitement, and you chuckled. All of what just happened made you completely lose your sense of time. You hadn't realized that an hour passed exactly now.
Your sister tugged on your sleeve, and you turned to her, and then to the daycare doors she was pointing at. Your father was standing there, waving at you both with a smile.
Aw, already?
"It seems like we have to go for now, Sunny."
His smile suddenly dropped, just a bit, but enough for you to catch it.
"Hey, don't be sad! I promise, we'll come back! Do you want to walk us out?"
He quickly nodded, and turned around to the children, telling them to behave for that quick moment in which he'll go sign you two out.
"Hey, sweethearts! Had a fun time?"
Your sister ran up to your dad, hugging him immediately. She was all jumpy, and he could tell that her answer to his question would be positive. He brushed her hair with his hand, and then looked over to you.
"A lot of fun! We wanna come back here again one day, don't we, Laurey?"
She nodded happily, and your dad was clearly a bit thrown off, but glad nonetheless.
"Well that's just great! Is this the daycare attendant over here?"
His eyes switched to Sun, and he perked up, smiling widely, just like when he saw you two for the first time.
"Correct, sir! Your kiddos are absolute angels!"
"Hah, I'm glad they didn't give ya too much trouble. Are ya'll ready to go?"
You two nodded, but before Sun could check your sister out, you turned to him, grabbing his hands softly.
"I'm sorry we couldn't stay over for naptime, I assume that's when Moon comes out, right? I'd love to meet him, but maybe another time! Either way, thank you for that gift, Sunny, it was lovely."
If robots could blush, Sun would be furiously red by now. But they can't, so his fans kicked in, and he now sounded like one of those old computers when you tried to run a heavier game on them.
"O-Oh, yes, yes! It's a shame you didn't get to meet Moon, but if you come back again, make sure to stay just long enough for naptime! I'll put in a good word about you and your sister!"
You laughed, thanking him in advance, and saying your final goodbyes. Soon enough, the three of you were on your way to another attraction.
"So, the daycare wasn't so bad after all, huh?"
"Not at all. Can you believe that he and the other kids prepared a special puppet show for me once I told him it's my birthday? He's so cool!"
Your sister joined your rambling about how nice and kind Mr. Sun was as well, and your dad listened to all of it, honestly surprised at how well the stay went.
"Oh, I almost forgot! I picked up a plushie of that favourite Glamrock of yours while I was gone. Besides that, I only got coffee, I didn't see anything by myself, don't worry!"
Your dad handed you the cutest Monty plush, and you immediately thanked him. Soon, you were all in the elevator going up, finally arriving in the main spot of the Pizzaplex.
On the side, you wondered... would they be interested in hiring a human to help?
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mxesntity · 2 years
mobile tumblr is killing me with not letting me change my header
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mxesntity · 2 years
Because I got positively surprised by the engagement on my first post,
Pre-engine Richard Trager dating headcanons!
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• The only way I can think of getting closer to Trager is through work, or eventually, meeting him in a bar when you're out for drinks. Discussing those two further: if you were to meet through Murkoff, I imagine someone assigning you to him as a.. trainee under his wings. An assistant, maybe. Simple things like running tests with him and bringing him coffee, but you don't really mind it. In fact, Rick has such a way with words that even the smallest and most unimportant bit of work becomes enjoyable.
• What about the drinks? Well, I imagine the man hangs out in various bars quite often - sometimes he drags his grumpy corpo friend along too, but most of the times, he's alone. A perfect way to meet your future soulmate in the form of a rich middle aged man that has too much time on his hands.
• Back to the assistant scenario, Trager is one teasy fucker. He starts off slowly, throwing in small compliments here and there, and it ends up in occasional hand holding, brushing arms, etc. How it evolves further i'll leave up to your imagination.
• Rick, though, has little to no care for others emotions and feelings, which soon becomes obvious. His romantic interest is sparked more by his want to study you. Experiment on you, even. But here's the thing - if you turn out to be a perfect subject, he's gonna become awfully overprotective, jealous. No other doctors can touch you, and the guards get death stares from him whenever they're caught talking to you. He's scared they'll ruin you. Charming, isn't he?
• Rick, as mentioned, has far too much free time on his hands. He gets caught up in his work sometimes, but he's fast, and decides to spend his remaining time of the day bothering you. In a cute way, though! Well, he always jumps from around your shoulder when you least expect it, asking if you'd like to run an experiment or two with him. Nothing that could kill you - he wouldn't dare to really harm his perfect test subject, that's out of bounds.
• And you'd think that after you two get some more serious business going on, he's going to help you get a higher status as an employee and mention a promotion here and there to Jeremy, right? Well, no. He's going to do everything to keep you as his little assistant forever. Always dependant on him, can't do a thing without his permission. He finds it quite amusing whenever you two have some petty fights, but at the end of the day, you have to go back to him. It's a rather enjoyable look.
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mxesntity · 2 years
Reblog if your tumblr icon is quite literally your gender.
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mxesntity · 2 years
guess what guys...
pre-engine Chris Walker dating headcanons!
-my first post due to my friend asking for some<3-
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• Chris is a soldier, so he's away from home a lot, but he always, and i mean *always* sends you gifts, letters, and calls EVERY DAY, no matter how tired he is.
• When he is home though, he's gonna wanna spend as much quality time as possible and god, this man loves cuddles. Like a lot. And he's built perfectly for them too, once you hug him you really don't wanna let go. but other than that he plans movie marathons, reading books together, and of course, encourages you to show him things you personally are interested in.
• On the topic of that, he's an amazing listener. He always asks you to infodump him about the things you like as an excuse to listen to your voice, that's how in love he is.
• He's quite slow when it comes to catching up on your intentions or even, at first, on the fact that you like him, but he has a romantic soul. Paired with his slightly childish personality, he makes the softest and most adorable partner.
• He loves animals, like, loves them, so you gotta be careful when mentioning "oh, i want [specific animal]" because you *will* see him in the door with that exact animal in his hands the next day.
• He's good with computers, but has no idea how to play video games, so here goes another excuse for quality time! He always asks you to teach him how to play certain games
• He's sweet and kind, but won't hesitate to turn intimidating and protective the second something or someone threatens or bothers you.
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