mxcxiong · 2 years
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baked mems of intern year. 🥰 &that beauuuut of a fresh fruit cream cake from Rach. 😍
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mxcxiong · 2 years
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first time home in a long time. 🥲
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mxcxiong · 3 years
“Sometimes closure arrives years later. Long after you stopped searching for it. You’re just sitting there, laughing this laugh that is unapologetically yours. As it trails off, the corners of your mouth hug your face and it hits you, ‘I’m happy.’ It’s just like that. With no fanfare or epiphany. Suddenly, you are grateful for goodbyes that carried you to this moment; to the space you are now holding.“”
— wordhoney
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mxcxiong · 4 years
“Always be kinder than you feel.”
— Unknown
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mxcxiong · 4 years
“A year from now you will wish you had started today.”
— Karen Lamb
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mxcxiong · 4 years
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5am sunrises en route to the hospital 🌞
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mxcxiong · 4 years
Attending: You’re the best medical student, MS3 or MS4, that I’ve had in the past five years, and I can’t really remember anyone before that. You absolutely crushed your sub-I.
Attending: You think about the next step during procedures, you know your patients well, you ask thoughtful questions, your technical skills are far beyond your peers. All these things are not typical — they’re very abnormal for a medical student so early in your training.
Me: [trying to keep it together] wow
Attending: If you ever decide you want to change fields, give me a call and I will find you a spot anywhere. I will make it happen.
Me: [having serious trouble keeping it together]
Attending: I just ask that you continue to do amazing things during training, soak up everything there is to learn, and then go out there and change the world like I know you will. If I can say I had any tiny little part in making that happen, I would be very happy.
I can’t put into words how much having an attending — one who has been in practice 20+ years, is well-known and respected across the nation, and has taught numerous trainees — say this meant. Medical school is so hard sometimes, mentally and emotionally, and having someone I respect and look up to voice their belief in me is something I won’t ever forget. Part of me feels like I don’t deserve this high praise, but it makes me want to strive to be better and better in the future.
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mxcxiong · 5 years
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mxcxiong · 5 years
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through thick &thin. 🥳
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mxcxiong · 5 years
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mxcxiong · 5 years
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🌮 crawl
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mxcxiong · 5 years
is this.. arizona?! 😧
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mxcxiong · 5 years
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missed these dumdums. 🥰
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mxcxiong · 5 years
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mxcxiong · 5 years
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Moniker SD. 😎
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mxcxiong · 5 years
Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be.
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mxcxiong · 5 years
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