Markku Vuorenmaa
61 posts
A gamer since the 80's and a space nerd. An observer.
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mvuorenmaa · 1 year ago
If you’re a fan of Remedy Entertainment or Alan Wake, you’ll probably find the exact content you’re looking for elsewhere. Therefore I’m sharing here a quick review by a Finnish gaming magazine Pelaaja.
This kinda fits as the game itself has many Finland references. If you can’t understand a word, please enjoy anyway!
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mvuorenmaa · 1 year ago
Alan Wake 2 - Behind The Scenes playlist
Northlight Engine
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law — August 17, 2022 on Disney+
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
The Call of Computational Art Adventure
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So ...
I checked out a software called Fyre, found out that it uses Peter de Jong Map (fairly simple equations) to generate the images, and decided to try out the same in Python. I easily got my code producing roughly the same looking stuff as the computation is simple, with funny results like this one.
This was fun enough that I started looking for more resources to learn about algorithmic, computational, procedural art ... Whatever you like to call it.
The two resources that may come in handy are The Nature of Code book (free reading online) and Learn OpenGL material (also free online).
I also recently came across a Java based language called Processing, which apparently is widely used to generate visual art. This is probably why I started coding in the first place. To be creative. This is forgotten too often in daily work.
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
This photo looked very nice as a Bing wallpaper on the phone. Very simple , almost abstract with few main colors. Linking on Tumblr as an inspiration for myself.
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
Don’t Look Up better be the movie of the century. Our best hope yet for actually tackling the problems we currently have on Earth. And yes, it’s much more than just the climate crisis.
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
Just in case I get bored between Christmas holiday and The New Year.
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
Taming the Mass Effect 1 in the Legendary Edition
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So I started a new full playthrough of Mass Effect series with the Legendary Edition. While I really like the story of the first Mass Effect and remastered visuals are good enough, some problems from the original game still remain. These are my practices and tips to cope with some frustrating parts of the gameplay.
The tips concern only the game mechanics and combat.
Be aware that you can't rely on auto save. A crash, bug or a wrong choice you will regret too much could mean going back several hours of gameplay. Save early, save often still applies very much for Mass Effect 1.
Saving before hacking doors and containers can save your omni-gel if you happen to fail the hack. Do it at least until you feel confident with hacking. Average hacks are significantly harder than easy ones.
If the combat feels too difficult, consider if you have the right balance of skills in your squad. Check also ammo, weapon and armor mods. These things can turn a hard fight into a target practice.
The difficulty level is a tough one to recommend. I chose Veteran, as I'm familiar with the game mechanics. For players new to series I'd recommend the Normal difficulty. If you just came to see the story, consider also Casual. I feel the combat gets easier on higher levels. So far, only one fight has felt too hard with the Veteran difficulty and that is probably just because how early I like to be there. Otherwise I don't rush with the main story and prefer picking side quests first. I feel this also creates stronger bond with characters later in the game.
Remember to check the availability of manufacturer licenses from every shop and buy all of them. You will find them at the very bottom of the list with the default sorting order. With these licenses you are able to buy more items from Normandy. Well, in general there is very little need to buy anything else from shops, unless you really want to maximize the power of your squad. Race specific armors could make an exception.
A little extra exploration with Mako during planet missions on equals easy xp and credits. Mako driving has been improved a bit and the vehicle feels heavier and generally better in combat. Better now, but not great.
Try to avoid the inventory size limit and sell your junk items aggressively. Many decent items will be junk quite quickly as the game progresses. It really spoils the mood to convert your items into omni-gel to make room for the new loot in the middle of a critical mission.
I should go.
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
One problem I have nowadays is getting a glimpse of something interesting in internet, e.g. Youtube and then forgetting to check it properly later. Hence this post to which I can return later.
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
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Because we can!
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
Somehow Youtube suggested me a Jeff Vogel talk from GDC 2018. I used to read Jeff’s blog while he was working on first Avadon game mainly because he seems to be an honest guy not afraid to speak his mind. As you can see from this video.
I have some Spiderweb Software games on my backlog, in case a world economy collapses, I’ll have an empty calendar and the power is still on. They are in good company with other long duration major RPG titles.
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
Clear autumn skies from Pyhäjärvi shore towards Tampere.
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The sun is setting on the backside of the camera. It tends to be cloudy and rainy this late in autumn and this kind of weather is a good one for going outdoors.
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mvuorenmaa · 3 years ago
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I'm a Zorin OS convert now. I know this doesn't make sense and I can't tell what it exactly is, but everything just feels a little bit cooler in it.
The only thing I'll miss from Windows is the OneDrive connection.
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mvuorenmaa · 4 years ago
Max Payne - 20 Year Anniversary
Max Payne just had a 20th anniversary with the above video release.
I remember being hyped by the early videos during development but I only played the demo back in the day. Later I bought all Max Payne titles from online sales and I've planning to start playing for a while. Now thanks to Steam / Proton, the first game is running fine on my Linux. (I had some technical issues when trying on Windows 10 earlier this year and I gave that up. Further details already forgotten.)
I'm mainly interested to see how much story there is, as video games have gone a long way since those days in terms of story-telling.
Do you have some fond memories concerning Max Payne?
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mvuorenmaa · 4 years ago
Kubuntu post-install troubleshooting
Two problems appeared almost immediately when I started using Kubuntu on my oldish PC. The fist one was that the machine didn't recover properly from suspend state. The PC often started with a blank screen and a dead keyboard.
I ended reading quite a lot about similar problems with various reasons. Luckily a very simple solution seemed to solve mine. It's probably an Nvidia specific issue. My GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub is now set to following:
In addition, I kept seeing notifications about "Desktop effects were restarted due to a graphics reset" accompanied by short freezing of the desktop. Again, after some reading from various sources like and, I decided to try and disable compositor in Kubuntu settings (screenshot).
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Error messages disappeared and I was happy with that. Then, some time passed before actually finishing this post and I have just now switched the compositor back on. I didn't notice any issues immediately, but the problem is back again. Maybe not as frequent as earlier. Well it's not unexpected that old hardware comes with some compromises.
Hearing about how gaming has gotten better on Linux was one the reasons I decided to put more focus on Linux this summer. It actually sets me free from constant dual-booting between Windows and Linux.
I have now also xubuntu-desktop installed for the cases when I need to free more resources for game performance. It seems to be a good choice as it at least feels e.g. Elite Dangerous is running with a little better frame rate. More on Linux gaming perhaps later ...
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mvuorenmaa · 4 years ago
I decided my old gaming rig will spend the rest of its days as a secondary PC, running Linux. I’m just too close with this ten year old veteran to let go of it. So, I went on to select a suitable distribution, thinking the hardware should be good enough running Kubuntu.
Before picking a distro, I checked out this Ubuntu related video that provided some useful tips. Some of them are quite relevant also for Kubuntu. I generally have more experience in installing Linux than using it regularly. I want to change that. I’m trying to create a good looking, working system that is still able to run a bit older games.
My picks from the video were:
Add additional software sources
Install Chromium
Install ubuntu-restricted-extras
Install Preload
Install Timeshift and create a backup
Install BleachBit
This is my first actual post about tweaking and tuning a Kubuntu installation on somewhat outdated high performance hardware. Writing down some details will be useful in case I need to repeat this exercise.
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mvuorenmaa · 4 years ago
Hardware clocks and UTC time
Keeping every hardware clock of the world in the same universal time seems like a good idea to me. I think of this every time I perform a dual boot Linux installation and this happened to me once again. When I boot up Windows after using Linux, the clock appears to be in wrong time. Next I go searching for the solution in the Internet.
My solution of choice is to force Windows into UTC time. To do this, I need to add a RealTimeIsUniversal key into Windows registry. Despite doing this a few times, I always forget the dirty details. So now I documented the essentials in this screenshot. When I get myself into this lucky position, clicking OK will finish the job and dual boot configuration won’t mess up the clock again.
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I will be spending some time with a new Kubuntu installation during the summer. Perhaps there will be something more to tell in the near future.
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