Evanesce - 02
“Diluar Jendela, salju turun. Entah kenapa aku merasa sedih tanpa bisa menghibur diri pada malam tanpa tidur ini. Aku tersesat, mengembara pada mimpi-mimpi yang tak pernah ku alami..” - Lee Jina
“Setelah semuanya, dia menghilang dan hanya meninggalkan memori menyakitkan. Ingatan itu begitu luas seperti samudera. Aku tersesat didalamnya tanpa bisa menemukan akhir dari perjalanan ini.” - Na Jaemin
Find the full story in https://www.wattpad.com/story/226754503-evanesce
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No matter how far i reach you, it's just an empty dream. No matter how crazy i run, i remain on the same place. This is crazy-fool love running.
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Evanesce - 01
“Before i meet you, i don’t know wich world that i walk on. Among the darkness, i can only see you. The God still gave me a chance to fix anything in my life. It’s a bullshit if i say that i’m not tired. It’s not easy, but i have you. Na Jaemin~ i wish i can call your name, even i'm faded with the darkness...” — Lee Jina
“You’re too precious to wrecked. I won’t let you faded with the darkness. This world may not be so much fun, but i would show you how beautiful if you feel it from another side. Lee Jina, let’s meet as ordinary perspn. Let’s enjoy the world and grow old with me..” — Na Jaemin
Based on my story, Evanesce in wattpad.
It’s tells about a girl who suddenly woke up as a ghost without knowing what was happen with her. She, Lee Jina met Na Jaemin who’s the only one who can see her and help her to solve a whole mistery in her life.
I took a hiatus for a while and it’s till going on. So i’m gonna post a bit spin off here.
Here’s the trailer, https://youtu.be/u9dTn_8T51w enjoy~
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03:30 - Renjun
Hey, dengar! Ini adalah kisah tragisku. Sebuah serpihan hatiku yang sudah hancur.
Aku masih belum dapat menghapusnya. Aku masih memikirkannya— dan merindukannya.
Sambil berjalan dengan menggesekkan tongkat kayu pada dinding terowongan, aku melamun memikirkan mimpi-mimpiku yang selalu datang berulang pada malam-malamku.
Dengan jari telunjuk, aku memainkan toots piano pada ruang terbuka di tengah musim gugur. Aku bukanlah seorang pianist profesional, tapi itu terdengar tidak buruk.
“Huang Renjun!”
Tanganku terhenti, aku menoleh dan mendapati sesosok gadis berjalan menghampiriku. Entah dari mana.
Aku kenal dia. Lee Jina, si balerina dari kelas sebelah.
Tanpa merasa canggung, gadis itu duduk disampingku, membagi senyuman indahnya denganku.
Well, dia sangat percaya diri. Padahal kami tidak dekat.
“Biar kutunjukkan bagaimana cara memainkannya.”
Jari-jari lentiknya menekan toots pada piano itu hingga menghasilkan melodi yang begitu indah untuk di dengar. Sangat berbeda dengan amatir sepertiku.
Passing By.
Aku instrumen itu tidak terdengar asing bagiku. Ibuku sangat menyukainya.
Bukannya memperhatikan bagaimana dia memainkan piano itu, aku justru terpaku pada wajah cantiknya hingga melodi itu selesai dimainkan.
Jina tersenyum, namun terdapat guratan kesedihan pada wajahnya.
Gadis itu menatapku dengan matanya yang berubah menjadi sendu. Lalu semuanya memudar dan aku terbangun.
Tepat pukul 03.30.
Aku berlari menuju sebuah kedai kopi yang tak jauh dari terowongan dan mengamati langit yang begitu gelap. Sialnya aku meninggalkan payung di ruang taekwondo tadi siang.
Mungkin seseorang sudah mengambilnya.
“Oh fuck!”
Sambil menepuk almamaternya yang setengah basah, sesosok gadis bergabung denganku untuk berteduh disana.
Sepertinya dia sadar bahwa aku sedang memperhatikannya. Dia terlihat sedikit canggung karena tidak sengaja mengumpat didepan orang asing sepertiku.
“Um— maaf..”
Aku hanya tersenyum mendengarnya.
Rambut panjangnya yang dibiarkan tergerai benar-benar nampak basah kuyup. Aku dapat menyimpulkan dia baru saja berlari dari tempat yang lebih jauh dariku.
Karena kasihan, aku menyodorkan handuk kecil yang baru kudapat dari pelatihku tadi siang, “Bersih kok..”
Dia hanya memandangku, lalu tersenyum lebar. “Terima kasih..”
Gadis itu memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Lee Jina dari kelas 1-1. Jina bilang, sebagai rasa terimakasih, dia ingin mentraktir segelas coklat panas karena kebetulan kami berdua berada di depan sebuah kedai kopi.
Itulah pertemuan pertamaku dengannya setahun silam.
Aku masih ingat saat itu kita membicarakan hal-hal umum dan menertawakan lelucon-lelucon yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu lucu,
Aku ingat bagaimana suara hujan yang mengetuk jendela dan aku menggambar sebuah tanda hati pada kaca yang mengembun.
Tanpa sadar, aku telah menyalakan api cinta ini.
Aku semakin menyadari bahwa aku hanyalah seorang pengecut yang tidak memiliki keberanian untuk menyatakan perasaan padanya.
Hingga pada akhirnya, setelah cukup lama aku mengumpulkan keberanian untuk mengatakan semuanya pada Lee Jina, aku harus dihadapkan pada fakta bahwa dia telah pergi.
Tanpa mengatakan sepatah katapun.
Perlahan aku menjadi gila saat aku mendengar bahwa gadis itu telah meninggalkan planet ini karena menjadi korban tabrak lari di sebuah terowongan.
Itu terjadi tepat pukul 03:30
Based on UKISS - 03.30 MV.
It doesn’t has a complicated plot bcs it’s just a song fiction. I made it after inspired by 03:30 MV.
But fyi, i have a story that relate with it. If you wan’t to read it, go check my wattpad and click my Evanesce overthere, then you will find that ‘she’ has another side over there.
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Solidaritas, Apa Itu?
Sosiologi— merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan timbal balik antar manusia. Sebagai makhluk sosial yang sangat membutuhkan orang lain di sekitarnya, setiap manusia rasanya wajib mempelajari sosiologi untuk berinteraksi dan mengetahui karakter-karakter sosial yang ada di masyarakat.
Dalam sebuah masyarakat atau kelompok sosial pastinya diperlukan sebuah solidaritas. Lalu apa maksud dari solidaritas itu sendiri?
Solidaritas merupakan rasa kesatuan, rasa simpati dan persahabatan serta rasa saling percaya yang muncul akibat tanggung jawab dan kepentingan bersama para anggotanya.
Di Indonesia sendiri, terdapat multicultural dan begitu banyak keberagaman pada masyarakatnya. Tentunya itu membuat solidaritas harus lebih ditekankan pada setiap kelompok masyarakat yang ada didalamnya.
Emile Durkheim, seorang sosiolog terkenal memperjelas makna dari solidaritas itu sendiri. Menurutnya, jika orang saling percaya, maka akan terbentuklah sebuah persahabatan dan saling menghormarti satu sama lain serta memperhatikan kepentingan bersama.
Keakraban hubungan ini bukan hanya alat untuk mewujudkan cita-cita suatu individu semata. Namun juga merupakan salah satu dari tujuan utama untuk mengokohkan dan menimbulkan rasa saling memiliki sehingga menguatkan emosional antar satu sama lain.
Durkheim membagi tipe solidaritas menjadi dua, yaitu bentuk solidaritas mekanis atau mechanical solidarity dan solidaritas organis atau organical solidarity.
Solidaritas mekanis, merupakan tipe solidaritas yang didasarkan pada suatu kesadaran kolektif yang menunjuk pada totalitas kepercayaan yang ada pada masyarakat dengan pekerjaan, pengalaman dan cara hidup yang sama satu sama lain sehingga banyak norma yang dianut bersama.
Masyarakat dengan solidaritas mekanis bersifat paguyuban, atau sering berkumpul satu sama lain dan kohesi sosialnya tinggi. Hubungan antar masyarakatnya juga bersifat informal serta terdapat ikatan batin yang kuat antar anggota. Mereka saling berhubungan satu sama lain dengan didasarkan pada asas kebersamaan ataupun ikatan moral dan mematuhi norma-norma yang berlaku di lingkungan mereka.Hukum yang ada pada masyarakat ini biasanya bersifat represif, mereka cenderung menyelesaikan masalah dengan kekerasan atau balas dendam.
Contohnya di Dusun Gerdu, Desa Tambak Rejo, Kabupaten Probolinggo terjadi kasus pencurian sepeda motor yang sempat meresahkan penduduk. Pelaku, berinisial A berusia 44 tahun dan MB berusia 47 tahun kedapatan mencuri sepeda motor Honda Beat milik salah seorang warga yang terparkir di halaman masjid. Saksi yang tidak sengaja melihat pelaku tengah melancarkan aksinya, meneriaku pelaku dengan sebutan maling hingga menyita perhatian dari warga sekitar. Masyarakat yang ada disekitar lokasi kejadian sontak mengejar kedua pelaku yang hendak melarikan diri dengan barang curian kemudian menghakimi pelaku hingga babak belur dan motor yang digunakan belaku pun ringsek dibakar oleh warga.
Hukum seperti ini biasa muncul pada kalangan masyarakat dengan solidaritas mekanis karena sebagian besar dari mereka masih mudah di picu dan kurang mengerti akan hukum yuridis yang berlaku di Indonesia.
Tipe masyarakat dengan solidaritas mekanis biasanya adalah masyarakat pedesaan yang masih sering bersosialisasi satu sama lain. Dan contoh solidaritas mekanis yang dapat kita jumpai dalam masyarakat sehari-hari adalah, ketika salah satu anggota masyarakat mendapat musibah atau kesusahan, maka seluruh masyarakat yang berada dalam kawasan yang sama akan sukarela membantu memberikan pertolongan.
Lalu yang kedua adalah masyarakat dengan tipe solidaritas organis. Solidaritas organis merupakan solidaritas yang berkembang dan biasa ada pada kelompok masyarakat yang kompleks, misalnya masyarakat yang ada di kawasan perkotaan dimana anggotanya disatukan oleh rasa saling membutuhkan untuk kepentingan bersama.
Masyarakat dengan solidaritas organis lebih memiliki sifat patembayan dimana anggotanya jarang berkumpul satu sama lain dan memiliki ikatan untuk jangka waktu yang pendek. Mereka juga memiliki orientasi ekonomi dan lebih didasarkan pada kenyataan sosial. Misalnya hubungan antara pedagang ataupun organisasi dalam industri. Hubungan yang ada diantara mereka didasari karena rasa saling membutuhkan untuk kepentingan masing-masing. Bukan karena asas kebersamaan dan ikatan moral seperti masyarakat mekanik.
Penyelesaian hukum yang biasa dilakukan oleh masyarakat dengan solidaritas organis bersifat restitutif, tidak menyakitkan dan berfokus pada pemulihan keadaan menjadi seperti semula.
Contoh penyelesaian hukum oleh masyarakat organis yang akhir-akhir ini kerap kali kita temui salah satunya adalah kasus pencemaran nama baik. Karena masyarakat organis lebih bersifat formal satu sama lain, mereka cenderung sensitif dengan perkataan-perkataan yang dapat membuat mereka tersinggung.
Jika masyarakat mekanik mungkin menyelesaikan masalah seperti itu dengan cek-cok atau hal-hal yang menyakitkan, maka masyarakat organis biasanya cenderung menyelesaikanya dengan jalur hukum sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku karena masyarakat seperti ini kebanyakan sadar akan hukum dan menghindari hal-hal yang dapat membuat kegaduhan.
Terlepas dari jenis-jenis solidaritas, manusia semestinya harus tetap menjaga hubungan baik satu sama lain agar tercipta kehidupan yang damai dan harmonis. Dengan begitu, tidak akan terjadi hal-hal yang kurang menyenangkan yang dapat menimbulkan perpecahan antar masyarakat.
Article by Muttia K
Picture by Framingham Public School
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All I Wanna Do
People said that the most pathetic concert is Therefore Concert. And i think-- YES. Why?
I’ve join some big fandom since i’m in elementary school, and i was being an Wannable within it. I started watch the first season of Produce 101 bcs i love Jeon Somi. I was being so addicted to IOI and when the 2nd season aired in Korea a year after it, i was being more addicted of it.
Lee Daehwi is my first bias when Pick Me released bcs he’s the centre of this season. And when the first episode broadcasted, i started to stan Ong Seongwoo from Fantagio. I watched it every weeks tho i don’t really like towatch on going shows.
I was exciting of their debut although Samuel and Jonghyun fail to be the final line up of it. And it’s the first time i follow a boy group since debut till disband. I was put a lot of things just for collecting their albums, photocards and posters. Hahaha. Even i looking for their official lightstick bcs i was too loved them.
And i know, ecessive something is never good. I was so anxious when the ending’s come.
They hold a concert in Jakarta and my friends enticed me to watch it together. But at that time, i was in my exam and my finance is not too good so i can’t go with’em.
My friends told me that it was so lit and ppl scream with them. They even made a video call with me and literally i was crying. Alot.
Till the final concert, last day in Korea. I got a illegal link wich my friend sent to me, i don’t expect that it was so pathetic. One by one left the stage and crying. I can hear everyone scream with a sad voice. And i cried with them.
Tbh it maybe not a big deal to everyone, but for me who had followed them from the start, Therefore Concert is no joke.
I was a bit depressed for 3 month long and i keep think of them.
One of my biggest regret is, why i didn’t come to their concert?
My friends told me, at least our high school era was so delight bcs of them. I know that. We spend many times for talks about them and we grateful that we had some fun memories with them, grow with their songs and spend the day with their works.
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A Little Story
Someone sent me a dm and ask about my story. I joined a event that i should finish my story for about 20 days. I was so confident that i can finish it before the deadline~
Sadly, there are so much things that i’ve never thought before and ya~ it got really messy and i should unpublish it bcs i made a wrong intro.
I think i will start it again and fix anything including the plot. I really want to write it sooner but my life won’t lemme do it ppffhh!
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Wanna make something like this but have no time~ anyway i’ve took a hiatus for a while of my wattpad. And some of my reader ask me when will i comeback.
Well, tbh i want to make a comeback sooner but somehow i’m too busy doing many things.
Dear GOD, i hope i get more free time.
Highschool!AU Renjun
find college!nct (here) & hs!haechan (here) | hs!jeno (here) | hs!jisung (here)
favorite subject: foreign language & gym
least favorite subject: world history
voted most likely: to guest on a cooking show
if you ask people in school, renjun is unanimously known as being nice
he’s helpful, always energetic, and seems to be the only sensible on his group of friends
the role of keeping the younger ones under control falls to him after mark leaves for college
and,,,,,,renjun honestly fits the role well
he can be silly, crack jokes and play pranks with haechan and chenle - but he also knows when to be there for his friends
to listen to their hardships and hope he can be there for them through all the ups and downs of being teenagers
“you’re ,,,,, the mom friend” jisung reckons and renjun just shrugs, to be honest he doesn’t mind that - moms are cool
people in school are weirdly obsessed with understanding where renjun is from and renjun is just like “how about you guys study for your classes instead?” when people start taking smack
haechan: usually you’re lame,,,but that was cool
renjun: thank- wait did you just call me lame
he loves foreign language, so he takes two classes - advanced chinese but then also french because like ??? why not??
also,,,,his nice personality doesn’t undermine his comeptitivness
and his love to like,,,win
in gym???? he takes kickball to heart.
when he loses anything,,,,he’s sore about it for the next period and haechan is like how are you,,,,,older than me and hold grudges like a baby
and renjun is like it’s not a gRUDGE,,,,,,,but im pretty sure we would have won if chenle just tried to kick the ball harder
chenle: how is everything my fault
jeno: life is like that, chenle is to blame for everything
but no,,,he really is a sweet person and has the cutest hobbies
like he loves to read cooking books and make crafts and he does this thing where he hums happily when he’s studying - usually to his favorite songs
fun fact: he has a pic of zhang yixing in his locker and everyone is like why and renjun is like why? why not
bUT ,,,, you’re actually in another school and you don’t know anything about renjun and the nct dream kid shenanigans
you actually first meet renjun because he’s your co-worker at a part-time job in a popular cafe
you actually get the job first,,,working a couple of months before your boss finally decides you need someone to help you run the register - seriously,,,,,the place is booming after 4pm and you’ve been dying doing everything yourself
and that’s when renjun is hired,,,,,and you meet him - looking excited and happy about this hellish job
that hwen you hand him a mop and go “coffee spilled at table three and seven”
his smile just falls
and you’re like yep - welcome to actual hell
but renjun,,,,manages it well - he’s fast and organized and really really really good at making pasterie and coffee
you notice,,,,about a week into working with him that people are spending more time at the counter, pretending to look at the menu but atually looking at renjun
who always looks so soft in his work uniform, his bangs pushed back under the dumb beret you have to both wear - round glasses perched on his nose as he makes latte art
“do you really need those”
you ask once, pointing to the glasses and he shakes his head “no, they’re just cute.”
and it doesn’t take long for the dream kids to find out about renjun’s part time job
coming in and chuckling, calling renjun a “little paris boy” and asking if there is anything on the menu they can get for cheap since their friends works there
one day, jisung leans his elbows on the register and looks at you curiously
you look back, waiting to see if he’ll order or not
“you and renjun have been working together for a while, what do you think of him?”
renjun is busy with coffee orders and haechan trying to distract him that he doesn’t notice jisung up to no good
you shrug,,,,,,,you haven’t thought anything interesting of him yet - he’s just,,,,
“he’s nice.”
jisung lets out a sigh, “no no - i mean do you think he’s cuuuuute?”
you blink,,,opening your mouth but nothing comes out
before you can think it over, jeno appears and pulls jisung away with a roll of his eyes and an apology to you about jisung’s questions
but,,,,,the question lingers in your mind
and when you and renjun are closing up that evening, you steal a glance at him and realized
oh god,,,,,,,,he is super cute
changed out of his work uniform, he’s wearing what all other high schoolers have to - a button down and the slacks in the color of the school’s choice
but somehow,,,he makes it,,,,cuter
his hair falls softly over his forehead in bangs, his serious face while he works putting away trash and whatnot is different than the usual smile you see on his face when he talks to customers
he’s young, but there is something strong in his jaw and his eyes are a pretty dark brown,,,like freshly ground coffee
his lips part slightly in concentration and when he looks over at you, you have to pretend to be gazing at the register in front of you as to not come off ,,,, weird
“christmas is coming, i think we’re going to be seriously overworked.” he says as you throw your bag over your shoulder
“that’s true,,,the boss said something about us having to make mint hot chocolate and butterscotch latte’s for the season.”
renjun crinkles his nose
“mint hot chocolate sounds weird,,,”
you laugh a little and agree
“it sucks i think we have to come in on sunday to learn how to do it too,,,,” he groans and holds the door of the cafe open for you as you both step out into the evening air
“see you sunday!” he cheerfully waves, heading in the opposite direction to catch his bus
you want to say it back but your voice dies in your throat,,,you’re suddenly nervous about saying it,,,about saying something to renjun
don’t get a crush - don’t get a crush
you chant to yourself as a reminder as you make you way home too but,,,,,,,as usual,,,,,,,that’s exactly what happens
sunday morning you and renjun are both not happy about being at work. your boss isn’t even there, he just leaves a stack of instructions on how to make the holiday drinks and a note that says - learn to make these the right way kids!
you and renjun both sneer at the word ‘kids’,,,,but get to work regardless
renjun,,,,,,,as per usual gets it perfect with one try. each of his drinks tastes delicious and he can take measurements of sugar and milk by hand,,,
you,,,,,,,not so much
you get whipped cream every, the mint tea almost spills on you at some point and you’re bad at opening the hot chocolate packs - at one point you try to rip one open with your teeth and renjun has to stop you because he’s sure that’s a healthcode violation
“here, let me help you.”
he smiles,,,,,,,,and you remember telling jisung about renjun - that he’s just,,,,,,,so nice
he takes your hands and shows you how to get just the right amount of coco into the cup
you feel him leaning over your shoulder, asking against your ear if you see what he did
you don’t want to acknowledge the shiver down your back - the increase of your heart
so you’re thankful,,,,,but also upset when renjun let’s you go to work on his own drinks
it takes you a while, but with renjun’s help everything turns out well and you both are happy - until you realize your shift lasts till five today
a couple of days pass and people are really feeling the christmas drinks - the cafe is crammed everytime you show up after school for work
and renjun greets you with a sad smile
“guess what, this all gets worse.”
“what could you mean-”
you and renjun stand side by side, unimpressed at the register wearing matching santa claus hats (that almost makes haechan pass out from laughter when he sees you both)
the days just get worse and worse, there’s too many orders and too many dumb mint hot chocolates to make
and finally,,,,you don’t think you can keep up - you end up in the back of the kitchen trying not to cry your eyes out and quitting this job,,,half because you need the money but half because you don’t want to leave renjun out to dry
“are you ok?”
renjun’s voice comes from your side and you choke back the tears,,,not wanting him to see
but renjun’s hand is warm on your shoulder, and you don’t know what to do but to turn and hide in his open arms
renjun is a bit shocked by your sudden embrace,,,but he holds you close regardless
“i know it’s hard,,,,,,,,” he mumbles
and you feel him stroke your hair, let your tears stain the front of his shirt but doesn’t mind at all
you hear the impatient people out at the front, asking where someone is to take their order and renjun goes out first to let you clean yourself up before you join him
the hard day comes to a close and as usual you expect to part ways with renjun,,,,but he is walking in the same direction as you
“i know,,,,,it’s a lot these days, but im really happy we get to work together.”
renjun starts, his voice sounds just a little hesitant - like he’s not sure if he should say what he’s about to say
“and i hope you don’t,,,,,quit.”
you stop walking and renjun stops to,,,,,brown eyes fleeting from you to the ground
you shake your head, “i wont,,, i like you too.”
you don’t realize what you say till it’s out,,,,and then your face is turning three hundreds shades of red because no no you meant to say i like working with you too
but renjun looks,,,,,happy
his smile is shy, but it’s there and you don’t know if you should try and say something
but you don’t have to because renjun reaches out and takes your hand,,,,
holding it and nothing feelings more normal than that moment
no more words are needed as renjun walks you all the way home and when you say you’ll see him at work
he’s about to turn around before he stops himself and clears his throat
“so,,,,,,after our shift tomorrow - would you like to go on a date?”
your first date is ,,,,,,, sweet
you and renjun walk among the holiday inspired store windows, christmas lights and fake snowmen are everywhere
and you and renjun get called ‘adorable’ by at least three santa’s
which makes renjun all flustered and confused,,,,,,a purehearted boy whose like do they think we’re???? dating
and you’re like WELL,,,,isn’t this a date???
and he almost hiccups but it’s true - it is a date oh my god he’s on a date
you talk mostly about how school is, how work is the worst and your boss is a stingy old man
but it’s ,,,,,, a new feeling
it’s like the world is muffled when you’re with renjun, all you can focus on is him
and the way he laughs, cutely covering his mouth with the back of his hand
the way he embarrassingly admits having his mom on speed dial
the sore loser face he makes when you beat him at rock paper scissors when you two are trying to pick a snack to go eat
how he tries to sneak a bite of your food when you’re not looking as revenge
you both have school tomorrow so you can’t stay out late - but renjun makes sure that he walks you to your train first - waving until you’re safely inside the station
and you don’t see it, but he’s grinning like a goofball to himself all the way home
it’s actually jeno who figures out you two are a thing when they all stop by at the cafe
he sees renjun’s hand brush yours over the counter and the two of you kind of look at one and other
and he’s just like,,,,,,,,,,,,oh
he doesn’t say anything - but then haechan sees and well he tells EVERYONE
people in renjun’s class who don’t even know you are like oh,,,,your s/o?????
and he’s like oh my god - oh my god haechan whaT DID YOU SAY
but haechan even seems to have connections in your school?????? people are like whose renjun and you’re like uh
dating him,,,,,,,,is honestly the cutest though
you guys watch his favorite cooking shows and he tells you what he likes making at home in his spare time
you’ve never seen someone so excited about food - it’s cute
also?? you guys get into this little like ritual of going out for snacks after your weekend shifts
and renjun is ???? a god at making 7/11 ramen?????
you’ve never loved it as much as before - renjun just gets blushy when you compliment him
(mostly because the clerk is looking at you two like at or get out LOL)
but you also just enjoy each others company at work even more because you guys work like a team
and you need teamwork in dating too,,,understanding each other without words and just being the support the other person needs
renjun practices the phrases he learns in french on you and you’re like,,,,,that’s amazing what does it mean
renjun: calls you the most beautiful person he knows
renjun: oh it,,,it just means i like your eyes
mark comes by to visit the cafe during winter break and he’s like “how are the kids?” and you’re like kids????
the kids are the rest of nct dream
mark sympathetically shakes his head at you like “seems ryou haven’t seen them at their worst yet.”
their worst is having a sleepover with renjun and you getting 42 calls and voicemails of haechan doing karaoke and jisung imitating kissing noises as renjun tells him to stop
like,,,they’re not middle schoolers - but sometimes they act like it ,,,,,,,
but they all really welcome you into their friendship, because as jeno says if you’re special to renjun you’re special to them
you know renjun’s round glasses???? that aren’t real glasses but he wears them a lot
he gets you a pair and you guys are the specs couple (thanks to chenle for that nickname)
ok but imagine you’re on your break with him and he takes his glasses off shyly and that means he is thinking about kissing you but he’s like,,,,,,,,too shy to say it
so you do it instead and he just,,,,bursts with love and giddyness
to be honest,,,,you probably have to initiate pda because renjun wants to keep it mannered and pure but when you press your lips against his neck he just !!!!!!!!! with hearts around his head
the amount of times haechan pretends that renjun has a mark on his neck drives renjun up a wall with worry until jeno is like chill bro there’s nothing there
writes your name in chinese characters in his phone with a little green heart emoji
favorite kisses tho? forehead kisses after work
picks you up from school and gets flocked down by like 324323 girls and he escapes only when he sees you and he’s like please,,,,lets go before i disappear and you never see me again
jokes jokes,,,,,,,but i mean he is a visual
shopping for gifts together for friends,,,,,but also you know renjun would obssess over getting you something sentimental
and he does,,,,,a small puppy charm that you clip to the front of your uniform at work
and someone asks why you have it - do you like dogs
and you just think back to a red-faced renjun giving it to you and going,,,,doesn’t it look like me? you can have me near you all the time,,,,,,
you: we work together though
renjun: you’re right, but if im on one side of the cafe and you’re at the other - it’ll be like im still close by,,,,near your heart,,,,this is corny please tell me to stop
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Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas

Perkenalkan, nama saya Muttia. Pada postingan ini, saya akan sedikit menjelaskan pelanggaran yang kerap kali kita temui di jalanan umum. Yakni pelanggaran knalpot motor yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan yang ditetapkan.
Tak jarang, kita menemui beberapa pengendara yang memasang knalpot racing pada kendaraan mereka. Tentu ini sangat bertentangan dengan aturan yang tertulis pada Pasal 285 Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintasa dan Angkutan Jalan atau UU Lalu Lintas.
“Setiap orang yang mengemudikan Sepeda Motor di Jalan yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan teknis dan laik jalan yang meliputi kaca spion, klakson, lampu utama, lampu rem, lampu penunjuk arah, alat pemantul cahaya, alat pengukur kecepatan, knalpot, dan kedalaman alur ban sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 106 ayat (3) juncto Pasal 48 ayat (2) dan ayat (3) dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 (satu) bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp250.000,00 (dua ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah).”
Dalam pasal tersebut dijelaskan bahwa pengendara motor yang membawa kendaraan bermotor yang tidak memenuhi syarat teknis dan layak jalan akan ditindak dengan hukuman yang telah ditentukan.
Selain ditinjau dari segi hukum, sebenarnya jenis knalpot semacam ini juga sangat mengganggu masyarakat banyak. Selain menimbulkan polusi, juga menimbulkan kebisingan.
Sumber gambar: Fokus Metro Sulbar
Pasal di kutip dari hukumonline.com
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Sebuah bunga es putih yang mekar, menampakkan wajahnya dalam angin yang menyambut. Menitihkan air mata atas masa lalu. Dan tanpa kata, aku memanggilmu dalam hatiku. - muttiaahfdz, in wattpad
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Sosiologi Hukum
Nama: Muttia K
Kelas: HTN 3C - 12103193095
Halo semua! Nama saya Muttia. Sejak kecil, saya biasa dipanggil dengan sebutan Tia. Namun entah mengapa lama-kelamaan orang-orang memanggil saya dengan sebutan Mut saja. Hehe, nggak masalah sebenernya.
Saya lahir di Kabupaten Tulungagung pada hari Senin, tanggal 9 Juli tahun 2001. Sebelum sampai di tahap sekarang, saya menempuh pendidikan di TK Islam An-Nuur, kemudian melanjutkan di yayasan yang sama yakni SD Islam An-Nuur, SMP Negeri 1 Karangrejo dan SMK NU Tulungagung.
Setelah lulus dari SMK, saya mencoba mendaftar ke beberapa universitas negeri yang ada di jawa timur, namun sayangnya gagal. Tetapi untungnya setelah mengikuti UMPTKIN, saya diterima di IAIN Tulungagung dengan program studi Hukum Tata Negara.
Awalnya, saya ingin mengambil pendidikan sastra di kampus lain karena saya suka mempelajari Bahasa dan budaya baru. Tapi setelah saya pikir-pikir jurusan hukum lebih luas dan saya rasa saya dapat mempelajari itu di dalamnya.
Saat SMP, saya 3 kali menjadi perwakilan sekolah dalam lomba English Speech Contest, OSN IPS dan OSN Bahasa Inggris. Meskipun gagal mendapat juara pertama, saya tetap bersyukur karena saya mendapat pengalaman berharga yang menjadi awal pemikiran baru dalam hidup saya.
Saya suka mendengarkan musik. Menurut saya musik dapat menyimpan memori seseorang. Begitu saya memutar lagu yang pernah menjadi favorit saya, saya langsung dapat mengingat suasana dan keadaan saat saya masih sering mendengarkannya.
Hobi yang sering saya lakukan belakangan ini adalah menulis. Setiap minggunya, saya mempublish satu chapter pada cerita yang saya tulis di sebuah platform online. Meskipun tidak terlalu penting bagi pendidikan saya, saya pikir menulis dapat mengisi waktu kosong dengan lebih bermanfaat. Dari sana, saya belajar banyak diksi, Bahasa dan kadang melakukan reset kecil untuk karangan fiksi saya.
Saya pernah membaca kutipan dari sebuah novel yang pernah saya baca “Tanpa pendidikan, kamu tidak akan mengetahui seberapa besarnya dunia ini.” Saya selalu mengingat kata-kata itu karena semakin tinggi jenjang pendidikan saya, semakin saya menyadari bahwa saya masih berada di lingkungan yang tidak begitu besar.
Dan salah satu hal yang menjadi harapan saya pada semester tiga ini, semoga pandemi segera berakhir sehingga kita semua dapat mengoptimlakan pendidikan dan kembali belajar hal-hal baru di dunia yang luas ini.
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Last year i went to yogyakarta with my cousin. We’re in the same age and we were 17 when we did this ‘vacation’.
Tbh it’s our first time going somewhere without our parents and visit a strange places with a limited budget. It’s places 125 miles from our home town and we went by a train. A cheap train wich gave us a bone pain 😂
At the first, we decided to celebrate our graduation by going to far places. But after i arived in Yogyakarta, i think you don’t need any reasons to go to this place. I swear it’s a wonderful place to visit and i saw a lot of interesting things over there.
you don’t need to have a plan what kind of places you want to go bcs everywhere in Yogyakarta was a destination. You gonna find intersting things by strolling around

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i write story in my wattpad. i need to finish it 20 days later but my problem is--
i think my story is too cringe when i read it:(
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The New Semester
It’s been 3 semesters since i became a law student. Tbh at the first, i thought that i’m gonna be smarter and more dilligent. But the fact i’m still fangirling’s break that mind.
So here’s 19 years old talentless me. 90% Jaemin’s lover and 10% law student.
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TRAYVON MARTIN (Walking home with iced tea and Skittles. Shot by George Zimmerman, who was found NOT GUILTY)
KEITH SCOTT (Sitting in car, reading. Shot by police officer, who was NOT CHARGED)
ATATIANA JEFFERSON (Looking out her window, shot by police officer, who is STILL UNDER INDICTMENT for murder)
JONATHAN FERRELL (Asking for help after auto accident. Shot twelve times by police, case ended in MISTRIAL)
JORDAN EDWARDS (Riding in a car. Shot in the back of the head by police officer, who was found GUILTY of murder ⭐)
STEPHON CLARK (Holdng a cel phone. Shot 8 times, 6 in the back. Officers NOT CHARGED)
AMADOU DIALLO (While taking out wallet, officers fired 41 shots by four officers, who were all ACQUITTED)
RENISHA MCBRIDE (Auto accident, knocked on door for help. Homeowner was found GUILTY of second-degree murder ⭐)
TAMIR RICE (Playing with toy gun, shot by police officer arriving on scene. Officer was NOT CHARGED)
SEAN BELL (Hosting a bachelor party, 50 rounds fired by police officers, who were found NOT GUILTY of charges)
WALTER SCOTT (Pulled over for brake light, shot in the back by police officer, who pleaded GUILTY to CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS *NOT* MURDER)
PHILANDO CASTILE (Pulled over in car, told officer he had a legally registered weapon in car. Officer ACQUITTED of all charges)
AIYANA JONES (Sleeping, accidentally shot by officer in a raid on wrong apartment. Officer CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES)
TERRENCE CRUTCHER (Disabled vehicle, shot by police officer, who was found NOT GUILTY of manslaughter.)
ALTON STERLING (Selling CDs, shot at close range while being arrested. NO CHARGES FILED)
FREDDIE GRAY (Beaten to death by officers while being transported in police van. All officers involved were ACQUITTED)
JOHN CRAWFORD (Shopping at WalMart, holding a BB gun on sale, police officer was NOT CHARGED)
MICHAEL BROWN (Shot by twelve times by officer, including in the back. NO CHARGES FILED)
JORDAN DAVIS (Killed because he was playing loud music. Shooter found GUILTY of first-degree murder ⭐)
SANDRA BLAND (Pulled over for traffic ticket, tasered and arrested. SUSPICIOUS SUICIDE while in jail. NO CHARGES)
AHMAUD AUBREY (Jogging, shot by two men who claimed they suspected him of burglaries. Both men charged with murder and aggravated assault ⭐)
BOTHAM JEAN (Shot at home, which police officer mistook for her own. Officer found GUILTY of murder ⭐)
OSCAR GRANT (Handcuffed and face-down, officer shot him in the back. Officer found GUILTY of involuntary manslaughter ⭐)
COREY JONES (Waiting by his disabled vehicle, was shot three times by police officer, who was found GUILTY of murder ⭐)

Remember them all. ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
Also note, these are only the stories caught by the media and/or on video.
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What’s on my brain
March is almost end. but this fucking corona don’t lost yet. it’s feels like waiting for my turn to get it. feels like waiting my turn to die bcs of it. oh suck
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