mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
a lot happened in tonight’s stream
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
Rebel and one of her boys, Santiago, were out on patrol. Ever since those other idiots she called friends, at least the ones from HER dimension, looped around and came back, things were getting wild. The fuzz was starting to show up at the most unexpected of places. She and her kiddo were ready to take out any smart-ass with a badge that tried leveling a plasma rifle in their face. Oh yeah, so ready.
Equally, things weren’t looking too hot for Rogue. It was amazing she made it this far without being overwhelmed or the I.D.P.D managing to stop her. Trying to escape and onslaught behind her, she’d attempt to find safety behind one of the cliffsides, hoping it was hidden enough to be enemy-free.
A hope quickly dashed when she slides in and is faced with a couple of bandits. Of course these were the least threatening of the enemies she could have found back here, but it didn’t prevent Rogue from pointing her gun at them. Her only hesitation came from noticing Rebel’s eye, something was wrong here.. a different, unfamiliar enemy? Rogue couldn’t quite pinpoint it. Well, it was either shoot or be shot, so she’d pull the trigger, firing in their direction.
MutinousRogue met mom
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
Last night was strange but, I think we’re going to be fine.
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
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It’s a fucking radioactive dog.
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
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when ur faves the last one u expected
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
Hunter looked at Rouge in the eyes. “W-Will we even b-be able to beat th-them? They’re s-so strong…” he asked.
“I j-just want the voic-ces to s-s-stop…”
He was crying a little less this time. Hunter sort of wrapped his arms around Rouge’s waste, hugging her. He already felt a little less in pain. “Will we be able to m-make them stop…?”
She couldn’t actually look at him for long, not with that look on his face, not with that question. Not exactly a question that could be answered (truthfully). No matter how brave she was, the I.D.P.D. was huge, and strong.
Still.. “..Yes. I believe we can. But we have to work together on this. We know them from the inside and out, we have an advantage over them.” Her own grip would tighten around Hunter, bringing him close as she gently pats his cheek. “Those voices will never bother you again, I promise you.”
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
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Old feelings die hard.
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
“Everything h-hurts… the voices… they w-wouldn’t stop MOCKING me… making me feel weak… but I’m not weak… they d-don’t know anyth-thing…”
Hunter sniffled. He curled up a little more, starting to cry harder.
“I want it all t-to go back… I don’t want this anym-more… I j-just want them to l-leave me alone…”
Rogue’s face would twist from concern to anger. Not at Hunter of course, but at what the I.D.P.D. had done to him. She couldn’t tell if it was a product of the radiation or some sick game the force was pulling on Hunter, but she’d still bring him close, hushing him more.
“It’s true, they don’t know anything. You’re not weak,” she didn’t know what to do about the crying, this was rough. She could only think to take the blanket and dab at his tears. “Maybe.. Maybe it doesn’t have to be this way. You could join me, we could fight them together.”
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
Hunter shifted in the corner, still shivering a little. Despite the run-down environment, it was still less cold than it was outside.
He layed his head against the wall, staring at the other across the room. Why is she helping me? Why does she do this when all I do is try to kill her and her friends…? he thought to himself.
It’s because you’re weak. Another voice inside Hunter’s head said, She sees how pathetic you are and pity’s you. She’s probably only trying to comfort your sorry, fragile soul before she aims a gun to your pathetic head and puts you out of your misery like you deserve.
Hunter shifted in place again, mumbling something.
You have no real strength. All you have is those guns and tech that make you think you’re strong when you’re still weak. Nobody needs you, you pathetic waste of air. Another voice mocked. Just off yourself. Tell the woman to shoot you ‘tween the eyes like you deserve.
The voices only grew more numerous and cruel as Hunter sat there in the corner, clawing his helmet and shutting his eyes tight, grinding his teeth. His head started hurting even more than his body did. They wouldn’t stop. The voices went on and on and on and wouldn’t cease.
“Shut up… SHUT UP!” Hunter screamed, tearing off his helmet and throwing it across the room.
The voices finally stopped, but he was still hurting. He winced more and fell to his side, curling up again and starting to sob.
How unfortunate Rogue was so oblivious to most of this. She had been sorting through the items she had stored here, obviously having been in this building before. She had yanked out a first aid kit from her things, planning on getting a better look at Hunter when she heard him making noises in the corner.
It was just a concerned glance at first, going back to her things until she heard the clang of the helmet nearly hitting her. Rogue jumped to her feet at the ‘assault’ and glared in Hunter’s direction until she realized it wasn’t an actual attack. Oh geez, he wasn’t looking good.
Med kit and blanket in hand, she’d rush over to him again, quickly laying the fabric over him and bundling him up. How strange it was to see him without a helmet, stranger to see him cry like this, a reminder that he was human too.
“Shh sh sh Hunter, it’s ok, it’s going to be ok. You’re crying.. What’s wrong? Is it your head? Is it hurt?” Ah if only she could understand.
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
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godofthegunz principalmaster thevindictiveserpent
unholy trinity of new shape friends
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
Lil Hunter struggled. He obviously wasn’t comfortable with being picked up, but everything hurt too much for him to slip out of Rouge’s hands. All he could do is grunt and just let her take him to wherever they were going.
“I’m no s-soldier… just a runt… an ex-xcuse…”
His voice was tired. He was obviously trying to keep himself awake. He would claw at his helmet from time to time and then let his arm drop down. It was as if every time he moves, he hurts more.
“Please… s-s-stop… I don’t n-need help… I don’t des-serve it-t…”
“Stop moving Hunter, just stay still,” she’d keep her voice quiet, trying to come across as comforting. He obviously needed it, and he wouldn’t stop moving. She wasn’t letting him go though, no escape. Rogue would head off quickly, at least, as quickly as she could while holding someone. She wasn’t weak, but still.
“Don’t say things like that, you’re a good soldier. You do your job, you get things done. Doesn’t mean you can win every battle, you’ll make it through this.” Again, trying her best to seem comforting. Hopefully moving him wasn’t hurting him too bad. She would move inside an abandoned building, it was pretty run down and destroyed, but it would shield them from the cold. Rogue would lay Hunter down in a corner as gentle as she could.
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
The fear and terror in Lil Hunter’s eyes suddenly turned to rage when she moved beside him. He turned himself completely around and shoved Rouge to the floor.
“I said let me DIE!!”
After his burst of rage, Hunter was in even more pain now. He winced and curled up a little more, grasping his stomach. A tear could be seen dripping from Lil Hunter’s helmet.
“…please…” He murmered.
That was shocking and yet not shocking at all, getting shoved and thrown onto her back. Hunter is damn lucky because the action had Rogue’s trigger finger firing off two lasers into the sky (and not into him, wow ‘lucky’ miss.)
Just hold your composure here, Rogue.. You don’t need to shoot him. Just look at him. She sighs, brow furrowing in actual concern, and stands up again. Holstering her gun, she’ll  bend down and pick him up, one arm under the legs, one under back. Whether he likes it or not, she needed to get him out of here.
“I can’t do that, you know that. No soldier left behind. Now let’s get somewhere a little warmer.”
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
The small hunter was covered in snow and ash from some kind of explosion. He was curled up into a little ball, shivering in both fear and from the cold. He was in terrible condition, but he wasn’t bleeding. Not yet, hopefully.
Hunter slowly turned his head at the visitor, staring at her with terrified, scarred eyes. He was obviously in a massive amount of pain, and through that insane amount of pain he was only able to mutter a few words.
“L-Let me d-die…”
Oh geez, this was just sad. Pathetic even. Of course it was enough to tug at Rogue’s heartstrings, of cooourse it would be. This is what you get for having old friends in the I.D.P.D., Rogue. You’re really going to regret this if you go to him, don’t you do it don’t you--
Yep there she goes, practically hurrying herself over to him, falling to her knees at his side so she can actually feel him over and check for any major injuries. No blood, surprising? But he still looked pretty bad. She of course, wouldn’t be putting her gun away, there’s still that chance Hunter could snap and take them both down.
“Shh, you’re not going to die. I’m here now, I’ll get you fixed up. Just tell me where it hurts the most, alright?”
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mutinousrogue-blog · 9 years
Rogue isn’t particularly stupid, she’s been aware of Lil Hunter’s location, watched that Y.V. beat his ass and everything. Of course, if she wasn’t stupid, the smart thing to do would be to use this opportunity to move onto the Labs, but you know.. Human morals.
She would move in on Hunter’s location, being careful to keep herself mostly hidden behind a wall with her gun pointed at him, looking over his condition from a distance. Precaution. She wouldn’t shoot unless she had to.
“Hunter! I’m right here. Can you move at all?”
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