mutablerising · 3 years
reminder if you’ve followed me for any of my writing for this was home, please follow my new account @kwritingbooks i post small writings there as well <3
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mutablerising · 3 years
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“We always made sure not to say goodbyes and instead say see you laters. Call it cheesy, sure, but sometimes cheesy was all that kept you sane. It was what our mom did every time she left. She always reminded us she would be back, even pinky swore a few times when we were especially nervous. A promise she never broke, so I'd feel like shit if I was the first one to break it.”
Brinley Meia // Moodboard
This Was Home [h.s.] [CH 1 sneak peek]
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mutablerising · 3 years
i made a side blog for more updates !!! @kwritingbooks
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mutablerising · 3 years
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“Then how come since the moment I’ve met you, you’ve kept this hard front about you. Yet…” he tapped his chin in fake-thought, “the moment I come anywhere near you, your palms sweat. Your heart rate rises. Your eyes dart around the room for something, anything to look at that’s not me?”
“You don’t fool me, Brin. You’re even nervous right now.”
This Was Home [h.s.] + READ MORE
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mutablerising · 3 years
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Harry + Kiera
The Runaways.
Description: Kiera Walker is a nineteen year old girl whose tired of trying to live up to her mom’s strict standards. In a city that never stops, Boston is one of the most prestige cities of business’ with Harvard around the corner. Her parents have always had her plan laid out for her—and that was being a lawyer. After years of torment and abuse, she stands up to her parents and runs away to New York City to be in Cinematic school. She felt like she was destined to be the greatest filmmaker. Although, she did not expect to run into another nineteen year old boy on the greyhound bus had a troubled past and had been homeless for some years. What happens when two runaways decide to ban together to get away from their toxic past?
Content Warning: Alcohol abuse, drug abuse, child abuse, guns, sex, talks about PTSD, panic attacks and anxiety. Physical violence, murder and blood.
Find the full story here.
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mutablerising · 3 years
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— This Was Home ; Harry x Brin
Description: In this apocalyptic world, you can’t go out at night due to Crawlers that lurk in the shadows. But 23 year old Brinley has to set off to get supplies for her younger sister and sick mother. She has everything planned out and knows to stick to what her mother has told her. But what happens when not everything goes to plan? No one warned her about bumping into a snarky, arrogant man who ends up saving her life. So what happens when this forces them into a bond that neither of them asked for? It’s purely for survival, right? At least that’s what they keep telling themselves.
Content warning: mentions of graphic scenes, blood, guns, death/violence
General tags: slow burn, angst, apocalypse, dystopia, smut
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mutablerising · 3 years
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This Was Home // h.s. [ongoing]
— In this dystopian world, Brinley sets off to get supplies for her sick mother and younger sister. She bumps into a snarky, arrogant man who saves her life and somehow this forces them into a bond that neither of them asked for and is purely for survival. At least that’s what they keep telling each other.
Tags and General Warnings: graphic depictions of scenes, slow burn, smut, angst, apocalyptic/dystopian AU *Will update warnings list as needed*
INTRODUCTION / CH 1 / CH 2 / CH 3 / CH 4 / CH 5 / CH 6 / CH 7 / CH 8 / CH 9 / CH 10
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mutablerising · 3 years
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the face™
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mutablerising · 3 years
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Florence at home 🦋🥀💘
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mutablerising · 3 years
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This Was Home // [h.s.]
TLDR; In this dystopian world, Brinley sets off to get supplies for her sick mother and younger sister. She bumps into a snarky, arrogant man who saves her life and somehow this forces them into a bond that neither of them asked for and is purely for survival. At least that’s what they keep telling each other.
Tags and General Warnings: graphic depictions of scenes, slow burn, smut, angst, apocalyptic/dystopian AU
*Will update warnings list as needed*
I wish I could say I woke up gracefully, to the sound of birds chirping their morning songs. Perhaps I could have also woken up to the light breeze of air, tickling the ever-changing leaves in a soft song of their own. Maybe my first inhale of the new-day air could have been filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee with sweet maple undertones.
Unfortunately, this was not one of those mornings. I actually can’t remember the last time I ever experienced a morning so delicate and full of potential.
The reality of the situation is a lot less peaceful and a lot more desperate. You see, ten years ago could have given me a morning like that, but now it just feels like a far away dream. Instead of bedtime stories I originally got to grow up with, I hear the same stories my mom tells me regarding the dangers that lurk outside our home and into the city.
Not that it’s completely safe outside of city limits either, because trust me I hear plenty of those stories too. I vaguely remember bits and pieces of a few run-ins my family had to deal with to get where we are now. It’s just that the city is somewhere to never go if you can help it. Home is safe. Home is secure. Mom has made sure of it.
There are other rules that have been drilled into Alayna and I’s head. Whenever the government does their checkpoint drop-offs every 3 months, only mom is supposed to go. I have to stay back and watch after Alayna. She’s 12 now, so this is pretty much all she’s known. At times I think she’s braver than me because of it. Because she doesn’t have to think about what she’s missed out on or what she will continue to miss out on like I have.
These drop-offs are important because they contain necessary means of survival: food, water, gasoline, and medical supplies. When these government assisted drops first started, people went crazy. Mom gets really sensitive about these stories because of the things she saw. I still don’t even know the full gravity of what they were like.
It probably explains why she’s so hesitant to let me go to this month’s drop-off. That’s how I know she’s desperate; she’s getting weaker as each day passes.
This is also the first drop-off since a rather brutal winter. Technically it was a little over a week ago, but we got snowed in. We’re running out of pretty much everything because of that delay. I had to convince her repeatedly to let me go. She wanted us to eat her share of food for the time being so then maybe by then she’d be healthier and more able to go.
Except the food was already running thin and it was getting too risky. She’s still really reluctant, but it’s what we have to do. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous though.
But, today’s the day. So, wish me luck.
Read CH 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 now uploaded [here]
*Uploads new chapter every 1-3 days*
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mutablerising · 3 years
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THIS WAS HOME // harry styles fic
Brinley has known this way of life since she was 10 years old. Now being 23, it feels like she knows everything and nothing at the same time. Her mother and little sister, Alayna, live in the outskirts of the city, in a home that’s been their refuge from dangers that live outside their walls - particularly once night falls.
Every 3 months there’s a drop off of supplies, which their mom normally takes care of. This time she’s sick, so now it’s Brinley’s turn to take charge. But what happens when things don’t go according to plan? When she meets a certain curly-haired stranger? Her mom never warned her about this. Why does he make her feel terrified but safe at the same time? Who is he?
Well, only one way to find out.
General warnings: graphic depictions of scenes, slow burn, smut, angst, apocalyptic/dystopian AU
*Will update warnings list as needed*
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mutablerising · 4 years
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mutablerising · 4 years
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Poetry by Amrita chakraborty ( @sunrisesongs )
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mutablerising · 4 years
yes EVERY american soldier is an imperialist yes even the female ones yes even the black ones yes even the queer ones yes even the muslim ones. idpol has rotted your brains.
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mutablerising · 4 years
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mutablerising · 4 years
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hello i love u nipple
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mutablerising · 4 years
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The White Room / The Garden Room Pali Hill, Mumbai, India, 2019; images © The White Room.
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