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Technical terms to know before Geology Interview
Only a person who is extremely passionate about Geology can know how amazing it feels to delve deeper into all the terms and practical aspects associated with it. In order to serve as a refresher for all those enthusiasts of Geological sciences, here is a quick overview of the typical terms that one ought to know before appearing for an interview on the same:
Alteration: It is the change in the meteorological or even the chemical composition of a rock. These can be due to a plethora of reasons, the most common being due to the passing of hydrothermal fluids or even weathering or the process of metamorphism.
Alteration Zone: It is described as an area which has been altered to the so called secondary minerals which are many a times associated with the process of mineralization caused by fluids which are essentially hydrothermal fluids. A common example is Pyrophyllite. The minerals which are mostly alteration are commonly non-economic in nature and they are called as Gangue. There is no pre specified width of the alteration zones, as these can range from mm scale to as huge as a km scale.
Amygdule: It is usually defined as a cavity which is present in a rock which is volcanic in nature which is usually created when the gas or the bubbles of vapour are trapped inside the lava, this gas most of the times escapes and in its place many secondary minerals like quartz, chlorite, or hematite are filled and the cavity is preserved.
Amphibolite: It is a rock which is not only metamorphic in nature but is also dark coloured consisting mainly of minerals like plagioclase.
Amygdaloidal: It is a term which is used to denote volcanic rocks which are also known to contain certain amygdules, which might vary in number from case to case.
Aphanitic: It usually refers to an extremely fine grained texture in a rock which is igneous in nature and most of the crystals are too minute that these cannot be seen many a times with a naked eye.
Assay: It is defined as an analysis mostly involving chemical reagents which is commonly used for determining the amount of a particular element which is present in a sample of rock or soil. The concentration of different metals are represented in various forms depending on the inherent nature of the metal, as it is different for precious metals as opposed to other metals.
Appalachians: It is described to be a mountainous belt along the eastern side of North America, wherein the rocks are affected by certain pulses of Paleozoic deformation as well as metamorphism and most of them contain four important geological divisions, namely the Dunnage zone, the Gander zone, the Humber zone and the Avalon zone.
Asbestos: These are generally green to white fibrous form of a mineral, which is popularly called the serpentine, which is many a times used in applications for heat resistance and also for the retardation of fire. However it is of utmost importance to note that in case of inhaling the dust, on ought to seek medical help immediately as it is toxic and hazardous in nature.
Area of Influence: It is defined as the additional area which surrounds the original claims for the purpose of benefit of the prospector under question.
Arkose: It is basically a sedimentary rock which is known to be formed by the process of cementation of fine grains of sand as well as the grains of quartz and feldspar. These are found to occur many a times in the Avalon Zone.
Amphibole: These are a very crucial type of minerals of silicate which usually contain calcium, magnesium, iron which are usually found to be dark in colour.
Banded Iron formation: It is popularly also called as BIF which is essentially a rock which is said to be composed of iron residues which also has the property of being inter-layered with silica rich material and is also light in colour. These are the rocks which have been deposited by the means of sea water as a chemical sediment in basins of seas about two million years ago. These are locally deposited with gold in certain ponds.
Base metal: It is used to generally denote all the commercial, common metals, like lead, copper, zinc and not the more precious metals like silver and gold.
Basalt: It is a dark coloured fine grained rock which has volcanic roots and is also mainly composed of plagioclase. It is one of the most abundant rocks which is present on the crust of the Earth and some of them can also have the property of being amygdaloidal in nature.
Barite: The colour of this ranges from pink to white and it has the property of being mostly pink in colour and it is the heavy mineral which is also said to be the ore of Barium and its deposits are mainly found on the Avalon Peninsula and it is chiefly used in paints and also in the TV screens.
Bed: It is the process of occurrence of certain layers in volcanic as well as sedimentary rocks, and most of these layers have the intrinsic property of being distinguished from each other by certain characteristics, the most common of them being grain size, its composition as well as its colour. Most of the times, it is defined by its colour.
Bedrock: It is popularly used to describe a mass of solid rock which has the property of being able to make up the crust of the Earth. It is now exposed to the atmosphere of the Earth and this is also called an exposure. Most of it, approximately 95% is covered by forest or even bog and other glacial deposits, like sand or till or gravel, while the remaining 5% is subjected to exposure. It has been noted that in many cases the bedrock has been split apart by many cycles of freeze thaw and over a thousand years and it has also been subjected to harsh and stressful conditions. This process produces what is most commonly called sub crops and it takes on the shape of angular boulders that have the property of only being displaced by the original bedrock position by as less as a few centimeters. Erratics, can, on the other hand, be as large as a few meters and can be buried partially in a bog and sometimes, it can also happen that they are not able to be distinguished from the bedrocks.
Biotite: It is a variety of a group of minerals which contain aluminum, iron, magnesium and potassium, which are also belonging to a set of mica group of minerals.
Biogenic chemical sediment: These are the sedimentary rocks which have the property of being associated with living organisms and are mostly found in only select regions, and contain coal and limestones.
Besshi Type Deposit: It is essentially made up of deposits of many layered pyrite marine basalts that are mostly formed in oceanic environments and many of them can be monitored and altered and they are primarily composed of quartz, calcite, pyrite, and other deposits. Many certain places are known to be enriched in these de
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