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Teacher Shaved His Beard To Look Like Two Different Dinosaurs
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The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.
George Orwell (via treatmelikethesea)
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you didn’t steal it from anyone neither made it look 99.9% similar to someone to get followers.
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reblog if your URL is an original.
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9 Basic Principles of Biomimicry
Nature runs on sunlight.
Nature uses only the energy it needs.
Nature fits form to function.
Nature recycles everything.
Nature rewards cooperation.
Nature banks on diversity.
Nature demands local expertise.
Nature curbs excesses from within.
Nature taps the power of limits. 
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Got kicked out of Be Here Now twice last wednesday
i put a different shirt on. went back in. the owner of the bar who i thought was a cop who saw me hand a drink to a 20 yr old friend saw me from across the lot and tried to get me to fight him. i was too tired to get angry or shitty with him. i convinced him to let me back in. then there was an after party
that got kicked out by the room mate who had to work the next morning. it was 430 on a wednesday morning when we heard "you can't just bring twenty people to our house and party with them you havent been back here in two months"
it was a memorable night.. i ended up having some fun despite how busy and blah i was before. i gotta go make some things happen world.. i'll get back to you in a few
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Dear Tumblr
i ain't dead yet mofuckas
but i've missed you over the past month or so i've been off the map
but i've been good. still working a shit job at a gas station but its starting to pay the bills
which are coming. 
but i've got someone great now and i'm thrilled to have her in my life
still off speed by three plus months or so i stopped counting days and just will start with months and then so on.. hopefully. had a few bad cravings the other night buuuuut
i have a story to tell.. i'll use my next post as a headline for it cause fuckers don't like to read more than two lines. grow an attention span
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“I just don’t see why anyone needs a semi-automatic machine gun.”
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the class system in america caught in one picture
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know what i mean? peaches n cream
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If you’re at all familiar with mobile processors, you’ve likely heard a lot about 32nm vs. 28nm construction when comparing the current generation of chips from companies like Qualcomm and others. That refers to the size of the processor, where a smaller number is better in terms of power consumption, fitting more transistors in less space for more efficient processing.
Currently, it’s hard to get past around the 20nm when creating individual patterns for data storage on today’s disk drives, which is another area in addition to processors where Moore’s Law applies. Today though, HGST, a Western Digital Company, announced a breakthrough that allows it to produce patterns as small as 10nm, via a process called “nanolithography,” meaning that it can essentially double the current maximum storage capacity possible in hard disk drives, given the same-sized final product.
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~ The Young Housekeeper’s Friend, 1871 via Internet Archive
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