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Name: Morgana Rose Dillinger Age/DOB: January 22 (Appears 30-40)
FC:  Emmy Rossum Gender: Female Species: Human  Features: Pale skin, thin build, wild/curly hair, amber eyes Sexuality: Demisexual (leaning towards men) Ethnicity: English/Grecian
Mother: Amelia Dillinger Father: Unkown (biological father), Hades (adopted) Siblings: Isabelle Purefoy (adoptive sister)
Likes: Alcohol, pub atmosphere, generous bartenders and flirty boys who buy her drinks Dislikes: Being overshadowed, killjoys, Isabelle Purefoy Pets: None at present Tattoos: None at present
Morgana Dillinger is best described as a college girl who loves going to parties instead of studying. Though she’s intelligent enough to pass all her classes with decent grades, she would rather spend her time around people that share the same hobbies as her. 
She’s often an extrovert, attempting to be more of a people person than most of her adoptive siblings. She tries to keep a playful and light demeanor but can be testy at times.
Morgana was born to Amelia Dillinger nine months after a one night stand. Amelia was a devout follower of Hades as well as some other Greek gods and had been praying for the chance to be a mother after countless attempts with her ex-husband for a child. The pressure of not being able to hold a viable pregnancy, among other things, tore the couple apart and they divorced after three years of marriage. 
Amelia did her best to raise Morgana in the trailer home that she rented. She worked day and night as an ER nurse to make sure that her child was taken care of and that there was food on the table. One night, an emergency gunshot wound victim was brought in. What no one knew was that the assailant was not too far behind the ambulance and had every intention of finishing the job and taking out whoever tried to stop him. 
Morgana was home alone, wrapped up snuggly in her bed waiting for her mother to come back from the night shift. But the next morning when she woke, the eight-year-old didn’t find Amelia anywhere. No one was aware that Amelia didn’t have anyone watching Morgana and without a home phone, no one had called the house to check. Police were sent out early that morning but by the time they arrived the girl was gone.
Instead of being taken into Child Services, a tall man dressed in fine dark threads had taken her through a portal to the Underworld. Hades had seen the child was in distress and had been moved to adopt her due to her mother’s patronage. 
Morgana was raised as a child of Hades and was later blessed with a couple of mortal siblings. It wasn’t until much later that she met one of them and quickly realized that a younger sister had developed powers far beyond what she could comprehend. Despite being the older one, Morgana was shown up multiple times by Isabelle who didn’t seem to care much one way or the other about anything or anyone. 
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Name: Peter Issac Fraire Age/DOB: 22 (Oct 16)
FC:  Jordan Gavaris Gender: Male Species: Warlock/Demigod Features: Pale skin, average build, raven hair, hazel eyes Sexuality: Demisexual (leaning towards men) Ethnicity: English/Grecian
Mother: Alison Porter (nee Fraire) Father: Hermes (biological father), William Porter (step-father, not adopted) Siblings: None maternal, undetermined paternal
Likes: Books, alcohol, tea, pub atmosphere, generous bartenders and patrons Dislikes: Overly abrasive people, disloyal people, frauds, monsters Pets: None at present Tattoos: A small raven on the inside of his left wrist
Peter Fraire, for the most part, minds his own business but isn’t one to shy away from a good party or an entertaining fight. He has been known to make both friends and enemies easily. But for the most part, he doesn’t have much of either.
He is infamous for sticking close to his cousin Isabelle’s side, assisting and defending her when requested or needed. The son of Hermes is a very strong-willed and loyal person. Once bonded to someone, he is there for them until the end no matter what.
Born on October 16 shortly after 8 in the evening, the son of Hermes was swaddled in a blanket after being cleaned up and having his vitals taken. He was then handed over to his beautiful and kind-hearted mother Alison Fraire. 
Like most mortal women, Alison delivered her half-god offspring alone. There was no father named on the birth certificate as Hermes had disappeared and his alias often changed. It was not that he wished to abandon Alison and their child, but that shortly after the 30th week of the pregnancy Hermes was recalled to Olympus to resume his duties and was no longer allowed to visit his mortal lover. 
For years, Alison raised Peter alone. She was mostly successful financially but they were often living paycheck to paycheck, living in a very small one bedroom flat. 
When Peter turned ten, his mother married a car salesman by the name of William Porter. Thankfully, William was more than decent at his job and commissioned plenty of income to move the family into a small two bedroom home. 
It wasn’t until after his step-father got comfortable that problems arose. The couple often went out to office parties and bar crawls. At first, it was only a few times every couple of weeks... Then, the two were getting drunk almost every other night, regardless of whether or not either of them worked the next day. 
It also turned out that William was not a very tolerable drunk. He often pressured Alison into doing things both sexual and non-sexual in nature. He would also come home late from work or the bar, most times drunk and would stagger into Peter’s room to beat him.
As the years passed, Alison grew very pale and weak. She was plagued with many illnesses including, but not limited to, acute liver failure, addiction to alcohol and narcotics, anxiety, and depression. She died sometime around Peter’s sixteenth birthday. 
The soil wasn’t even settled on poor Alison’s grave before William remarried and stuck Peter on a plane to the United States where he was taken into children services after another relative passed six months later. 
Shortly after running away from one of his fosters, he met Isabelle. The two bonded over their childhood traumas and became close friends. 
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Full Name: Felicity Jane Stromeheir 
Nickname: Fe
Age: 19
Birth Date:  December 4
Parents: Aphrodite and Elias Weber
Species: Demigoddess
Ethnicity: German/Greecian
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, panromantic
Religion: Polythesim
Status: Deceased
Face Claim: Katherine McNamara
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Name: Selene Alice Purefoy Vincent Age/DOB: Somewhere between 13-16 depending on thread (primarily used for Inferno Siblings/End of the War verses)
FC:  Kiernan Shipka Gender: Female Species: Mage/Legacy Features: Blonde hair with traces of brown, hazel/brown eyes, light olive skin Sexuality: Undetermined Ethnicity: Irish/Grecian 
Mother: Isabelle Jade Purefoy Father: Anthony Finnegan (biological father), Brent Vincent (adoptive father) Siblings: Ileana Vincent
Likes: Fire, books, chocolate, tea, witchcraft, her little sister Ileana, her Uncle Devlin Dislikes: Abrasive people, being controlled/dominated, monsters Pets: None at present Tattoos: None
Selene Purefoy Vincent is an extrovert. She loves befriending people since Brent and Devlin are very influential in her life. Not to say that Isabelle isn’t a fantastic mother. The granddaughter of Hades has a very kind heart because she has much sympathy for her mother and people like her. She’s heard stories of the war but she has seen the results of such glorious tales. 
Like her mother, she is very curious about the occult. Unlike her mother, she has been raised in a mostly stable home. When Isabelle was unable to care for her, her second cousin Peter helped Brent take care of her. 
Selene is a very beautiful and bright personality, named after the moon goddess. She’s very intelligent and bold with the soul of an artist and poet. 
Selene Purefoy was born on May 13 as Selene Finnegan to Isabelle and Anthony Finnegan as the two were married at the time. The marriage was short-lived as Anthony often came home late from work, most times in a drunken stupor and Isabelle was too short-fused to handle the situations she found herself in with him.
 She was a year and a half old when the Pantheonic Wars broke out. Her mother was pulled into the war to assist Devlin and other demigods, her father taking responsibility for her along with Peter until he too was called to assist. 
Isabelle didn’t enjoy leaving her family but as a skilled mage and combat trainer she couldn’t stand aside and let an obscene number of demigods die. Little did she know that around the time that Selene was six months, when she and Anthony were debating divorce, that Anthony had developed a grade three astrocytoma. He confided in Peter, Isabelle’s cousin, that he had five years maximum if he was lucky but that he didn’t wish to go through with any extreme treatments. Peter, as a result, had to decline when asked to join the war effort. 
Three months into the war, Anthony took a turn for the worst and died. Another three months later, Selene’s uncle Devlin disappeared shortly after her mother did. Isabelle was discovered in an abandoned asylum/hospital days after her brother went looking for her. Selene was at risk of becoming an orphan as Isabelle was practically on Death’s doorstep. 
After her mother returned, the young toddler noticed a difference but had no way of consoling her for the extensive damage and loss that had torn Isabelle’s heart to shreds. She often helped Brent make Isabelle meals and beverages so that they knew she was being taken care of. Peter often babysat when Isabelle and Brent needed breaks. 
Isabelle eventually pulled herself together and helped get Selene prepared for her first year of school and they slowly mended the wounds from the war. The young blonde became very interested in art and photography growing up, asking her mom and the two men who raised her for art supplies and other things which they happily obliged. 
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Name: Sabine Rosa Dubois Age/DOB: 20 (August 13)
FC:  Jessamine-Bliss Bell Gender: Female Species: Mage/Dragon Features: Dark brown hair with a red tint, hazel/golden eyes, pale skin Sexuality: Undetermined Ethnicity: Italian/Greecian
Mother: Maleficient Father: Chaos Siblings: Unknown
Likes: Fire, blades, books, chocolate, tea, wine, witchcraft Dislikes: Emotional people, being dominated, Maleficent Pets: Scarlett and Sage (corn snakes), Tigger (ball python) Tattoos: A small black ink dragon with its wings spread open, ready for flight on her right shoulder
Sabine was raised in a household where her parents have made it clear that they are superior beings to everyone else, one being a very powerful sorceress/dragon and the other being the embodiment of Chaos. Being the offspring of both, they expected her to regard herself as they did themselves. As a result, she is very introverted and has a god complex of sorts.
The only people she wishes to please are her parents but the strained relationship with her mother has pushed her to lean more toward Chaos. She is very much a daddy’s girl because he encourages her to use her powers and is often proud of her. 
She is most comfortable when she is curled up in her nest although she won’t admit that to anyone. Her space is what she holds dear which is why she doesn’t like people getting too close to her physically or emotionally. 
Due to the strain on Mal and Chaos’s relationship, arguments and physical fights were very common as Sabine grew up. For the first few years of Sab’s life, her mother was under the impression that her daughter would not develop any impressive powers. Occasionally the daughter of Choas would shift into her dragon form but it was never intentional. Seeing this to be a weakness and lacking patience, Maleficent debated sending the girl away.
Chaos objected, having developed a strong attachment to their child. His love for Sabine had outgrown his love for Maleficient. Sabine had become his world and he would do anything to ensure her safety and her growth in power. Seeing this as a threat, Maleficient trapped him and sent him to the Underworld where he would stay for a couple of years.
When he returned the first time, Sabine was five. Maleficient begrudgingly allowed Chaos back into the kingdom after discovering that their daughter had been hiding him in the east wing of the castle. Two years later, after many more arguments, they got into it again and Chaos was slain in front of Sabine who screamed and cried until Maleficent cast a sleeping spell. It was the first of a handful of times the child witnessed this.
Around the age of eight, Sabine got into it with one of the serving girls and fired off a warning blast of red hot flames. With the help of her mother’s tomes and a couple of tutors, she managed to control her abilities which later included spell casting and a full body transformation as she transitioned into her teen years. One day, she hopes to assume the throne from her mother, whether it be by Mal’s choice or by force.
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FC meme: Jeremy Irons
send me a FC and i’ll make up a character on the spot.
Full Name: Issac James Baker
Nickname: N/A
Age: 50 years old (depends on verse if he stays around)
Birth Date:  August 1, 1967
Ethnicity: English
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronouns: He/him
Sexual Orientation: N/A
Religion: N/A
Occupation: Tutor/Professor 
Status: Alive
Fandom: N/A
Face Claim: Jeremy Irons
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Name: Isabelle Jade Purefoy Age/DOB: 22 (March 22)
FC: Emma Watson Gender: Female Species: Demigoddess/Mage Features: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, tanned olive skin Sexuality: Pansexual, panromantic Ethnicity: English/Greecian
Mother: Jade Purefoy (High Mage) Father: Hades Brother: Devlin Purefoy Hades
Likes: Fire, blades, books, chocolate, tea, coffee, attention Dislikes: Being ignored, being underestimated, being ordered around Pets: Two hellhounds (Diamond and Rosco), Barn owl (Theo) Tattoos: A cat looking up at the moon in black ink inscribed with a protection enchantment and a spell to make her footsteps silent (when activated) on the upper left of her back
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