“Check out these blogs” and one of them is “beemovieerotica”
No. No, I don’t think I will, thanks.
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Why I Don't Want Kids
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I remember all the Doctor Who fanfics I used to read where Rose often got badly stereotyped as a damsel in distress whom the Doctor had to swoop in and save and smooch but the way I remember Doctor Who 90% of their relationship was the Doctor just setting Rose loose on people who had done something to offend them and sitting back giggling in the corner as she shouted
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i'm thinking about how cats hold their babies and how so many mammals also hold their babies and also about how physical touch is a love language
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Thanks to Maximus, crime in the kingdom disappeared almost overnight; as did most of the apples.
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i miss them (fictional character i think about literally every single day)
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#MetalMonday 〷 TIGHT ROPE 〷 (Lacuna Coil)
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reposting this from twitter bc it's making me lose my mind
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in this world it’s sleeb or be sleeben
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Cristina Scabbia 📸© nad422
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It’s Wet Beast Wednesday
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Cover for Me.
(click for better quality)
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Miri Surana covering up for Anders during an escape Attempt; Mages have to stick together you know?
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internet friends are kinda like illegally downloaded friends. you don’t get the physical copy but you still get all the great content
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i love tumblr because sometimes i get an urge to rb posts about something nobody likes and everyone just politely ignores me. everyone's like oh he's fallen into madness again, he'll be fine later i guess
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