murth · 8 years
You've turned out to be a great person and I'm only mildly bitter that I met you back when you were a piece of shit. But only mildly because now we're friends and it's cool to see you not be a douche.
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murth · 8 years
I feel fucking fucked. Not in a good way. Not at all
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murth · 8 years
This is bad but, whenever my boyfriend and I get in a fight, that night I ALWAYS look up my personal "the one that got away" on Facebook to see if he's still single.
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murth · 8 years
1. Which do you use more a pen or pencil? 2. What color is your bedroom carpet? 3. What is your favorite soup? 4. Do you know anyone who lives in Canada? 5. Who is the last baby that you held? 6. Last time you went to a zoo? 7. Last person who told you to fuck off? 8. Are your feet ticklish? 9. What is the last place you bought pizza from? 10.Would you like to learn to play the harp?
1- A pen.2-blue3-corn chowdah4- I know no Canadians5- I couldn’t even tell you if I’ve ever even held a baby.6- I don’t remember the last time I’ve been to the zoo.7-Tonight I told my boyfriend, Justin to fuck off.8- my get aren’t very ticklish9- L&B spumoni gardens in Brooklyn10- I mean, honestly, not really
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murth · 8 years
feeling sad today
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murth · 9 years
Have a boyfriend, they said. You'll have tons of sex, they said.
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murth · 9 years
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Disney Christmas Countdown [15/??]: Big Hero 6 Christmas promo videos
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murth · 9 years
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Life hacks/Tips Here
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murth · 9 years
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murth · 9 years
“This song isn’t funny at all, but it helps me sleep at night.”
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murth · 9 years
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murth · 9 years
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murth · 9 years
@elovers u?
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murth · 9 years
i could be dead for 4000 years but u put on twin size mattress and the second i hear ‘this is for the lions’ i will arise
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murth · 9 years
When I was younger, I had a constant battle with depression. It was always a struggle for me to do anything, and I felt most of the time feeling lost and very lonely. When I went away to college, I felt truly happy and content for the first time. However, as the first semester faded away, that honeymoon period melted away and I was just as miserable as ever. Missing classes, over sleeping, feeling that same confused and lost feeling I had while I was 15 and self-destructive. I dropped out and tried community college, which was worse than actual college and ended with me crying in the middle of a class. After dropping out of community college as well, I was at least able to make some money and get a job. I gained some happiness through independence and adventure, but still missing. Now, though, I’m living on my own with my boyfriend, far away from any relics of friends I’ve had throughout the years. And even though I’m often lonely being so far from my friends and having the opposite schedule from Justin, I am so happy and so actually content. 
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murth · 9 years
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Women’s Problems And Everyday Lives In Hilariously Honest Comics
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murth · 9 years
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shia watching the even stevens movie
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