Murtagh Morzansson
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18+ ~ "When you teach them—teach them not to fear. Fear is good in small amounts, but when it is a constant, pounding companion, it cuts away at who you are and makes it harder to do what you know is right." ~ Inheritance, "A Sea of Nettles", page 737 ~ Other blogs @ dragonheartstring360, andraste-preserve-us, dailydragon08, and were-all-idjits-here. Requests are closed.
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murtagh-thorn · 2 days ago
Reblog if you're a fanfic writer and you wanna know what your followers' favorite story of yours is ❤
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murtagh-thorn · 2 days ago
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My favourite scene from Inheritance
(they finally called each other "Brothers")
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murtagh-thorn · 8 days ago
Keep thinking about a rider who has chronic pain issues and how a dragon and other riders would react to that (inspired by my flareup lol). I know there could probably be a caveat of magic could cure it, but what if it couldn’t? What if it could only provide temporary relief at best? How would it make the rider feel now that they’re immortal? How would Murtagh or Eragon or the other characters react to it, especially if it was a romantic partner? Would love to hear everyone else’s thoughts.
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murtagh-thorn · 8 days ago
Murtagh had thought ever since he was 3 years old that all his relatives were dead. Then his foster father died when he was 18, and he thought that from that moment he would be alone forever, a boy without a family.
Then, Twins revealed that this silly boy with whom Murtagh had travelled for a few months and saved him many times was actually his long-lost brother. It was even more bitter for him to fight against Eragon, they were supposed to be brothers and not enemies.
Murtagh didn't even dare to dream to have a big family before.
(Little did he know that his new relatives would be just as reckless and similar to him)
Now Murtagh has brother, cousin, and niece (and his family is growing)
Can't wait for Murtagh to finally have a chance to be part of his new family. Let him spoil Ismira with gifts, have a cousin fight with Roran, listen to stories about his uncle, and about the childhood in Carvahall that he could have had
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murtagh-thorn · 9 days ago
this is probably a stupid question, but i just had a thought: you know how there are videos littering the internet of people going up in fighter jets for the first time and passing out because of the change in pressure? how does that not happen to dragon riders their first few rides?
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murtagh-thorn · 9 days ago
this might be trope-y af, but with reading murtagh and getting a glimpse into how neat and tidy he likes everything, lowkey love the idea of him with someone who isn't afraid to get messy or is a bit of a wild child (within reason, they still have manners of course, just not necessarily super courtly) and him appreciating how real and unfiltered they are and starting to see the beauty in the imperfections more.
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murtagh-thorn · 10 days ago
more art
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hahah rando murtagh and nasuada sketches from school today(they are not well done whatsoever i was a lil preoccupied)
since murtagh has a shit dad i volunteer to adopt him as my son i will be a greta dad(ignoring the fact im like 5-10 yrs younger than him...)
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murtagh-thorn · 10 days ago
im running out of titles
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Okay so i already posted Murtagh but i felt i should post the brothers together
ignore my goofy ahh
i will also adopt Eragon and lets hope i dont die
i also think Eragon has ADHD and you can't convince me otherwise
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murtagh-thorn · 10 days ago
This looks so good!!!
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“The likeness was an uncanny one. So skilled was it, Murtagh felt sure magic had been used in its creation. The sight of Nasuada's all-too-familiar profile— proud and perfect in resplendent relief, with a modest diadem upon her brow—set a familiar ache in his heart, and he touched the image with hesitant fingers.” (Murtagh, 193)
*I tried to make one of the crowns with Nasuada on them*
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murtagh-thorn · 12 days ago
In one of my chat about Murtagh headcanons (reader insert and OC headcanons welcome too) moods if anyone wants to comment, reblog, or DM!
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murtagh-thorn · 13 days ago
😭 I love this ashdlsjdjskdhdbxn
Fanfic that wants to be told, but words keep escaping me when I put it in story form. I know HOW I want the story to go, I can SEE IT in my head like a movie! But words escape me like child trying to avoid going to bed.
Okay! Here we go!
Title: On the Boundary Line
Murtagh and Eragon are fighting the next Big Bad. The final battle takes such a toll on them, their lives are hanging by a thread and they wake up, each alone, and find themselves in a sort of limbo.
Murtagh's perspective is first since he was the one I thought of first.
He wakes up, looks around and remembers the last thing he saw and felt. He wonders if he's dead. A voice assures him that he's not dead yet. He barely recognizes the voice, but it is familiar. He sees his mother, Selena. They embrace and then talk things out. He asks why she left him behind, she explains the situation. (Personal theory ->) She wanted to take him and tried to get Morzan to agree that he should have some time out of the castle. Morzan refused, and things started escalating and came to a boil when Murtagh started crying over his ruined horse toy. Morzan threw his sword, Selena healed him, but now she really couldn't take him with her because of his injury and because Morzan was ordering a closer eye on Murtagh (think supervised visits). Selena also told Murtagh that she didn't want to leave him behind when she went to Carvahall, or when she died. Selena apologizes for leaving him alone, and for bringing him into such a dangerous environment, and for not being able to do more for him. Possibly a few other questions happen, which result in a reconciliation between mother and son. She tells him she's so proud of her beautiful boy. (Also had the thought that Selena tells him that Eragon is close and will probably have the same questions. She gives the option to hear them himself, or wait until they find Eragon.)
Then another voice comes in, Tornac. Murtagh is a bit hesitant, guilt-ridden that Tornac life was cut short trying to get him away from Galbatorix. Tornac comforts him, saying it was worth the risk, and his death was worth it if it bought Murtagh a few months of freedom. He also tells him that he watched Murtagh's life up the point. Murtagh hangs his head, knowing that Tornac would not tolerate some of his actions. Tornac says he understands why Murtagh did what he did, and notes that Murtagh has grown from who he once was. He affirms his pride in him, when leads to another tight hug.
He also says that when Murtagh is tired of calling himself "Morzansson" he can call himself "Tornacsson". Murtagh is floored by this, but grateful, oh so grateful since he saw Tornac as a father figure. Soon after Murtagh pulls his mother into their hug so that he can hold and be held by his two parents.
(I thought of having Selena go see Eragon while Tornac is talking with Murtagh, but no. Murtagh needs this moment. It doesn't seem right for Selena to disappear when Murtagh is distracted by Tornac)
Murtagh admits that even though he knows of his responsibilities, he doesn't want to leave this moment. His parents agree on both terms, but know that
Eragon's piece starts with seeing Brom then Garrow and Marian.
He embraces Brom for the first time since learning that he was his father. He asks where they are Brom explains. Some banter and some talk happens. Eragon admits that he once entertained the idea of bring Brom back from the dead, but the Eldunarí advised against it. Brom affirms that they guided Eragon rightly. The summoning of souls back to their bodies is not a good practice (goes more into details than I can think of right now)
They hug again as Eragon cries on his father's shoulder, saying he's missed him. Brom shares the sentiment. He is so proud of Eragon, how much he's accomplished in so short a time. What he has decided to do with his life, and how he has lead people towards a brighter future. He kisses Eragon's forehead.
Eragon sees Garrow and Marian and embraces them tightly. He apologizes to Garrow that he couldn't save him and the farm. Garrow forgives him and appreciates what Eragon was able to do for him before he died. Marian holds her nephew-son close to her. So, so proud of who he became. How much he's grown from the little boy to the full grown man, and how he's chosen to live his life.
Then, Murtagh, Tornac and another woman walk towards them. It takes Eragon barely a moment to recognize her. He starts a step or two towards her before he runs to her. They catch in another embrace. Tears flowing harder and faster than their other meetings. Selena clutches Eragon. "My baby, my baby!" Eragon savors this moment, beign held by his mother for the first time in "living" memory. They take a moment to look at each other and take in their appearances. It strikes Eragon that his mother is around his current age.
Once mother and son are acquainted one of them gesture Murtagh over and for the first time, Selena holds both of her sons close. They ask their questions and she gives the answers they have been wanting. (upon further reflection, this feels a bit crowded and not as private. I’d like it if Selena could talk to her sons without an audience.)
Murtagh meets Garrow and Marian. It's strange, they are his blood family but it's like meeting strangers. Garrow shakes his hand, Marian hugs him, happy to meet her other nephew.
Murtagh gets a moment with Brom. Things are tense. Murtagh notes to Brom that it's a good thing Brom wasn't alive when he found out about Eragon's parentage. Some talking back and forth and finally, Murtagh asks a burning question. If Brom had survived, would he have chased Murtagh away? Born answers, he'd be cautious, but he wouldn't turn away Selena's son after he quickly proved himself. Brom apologizes for not getting to Selena faster, and admits that he mourned her when he was alive. Maybe a few more lines of talking before they shake hands(?).
Their time draws to a close, Murtagh and Eragon need to go back. They say their final goodbyes (maybe this is where Tornac tells Murtgah he can call himself Tornacsson.) Tornac send Murtagh away with handshake, one armed hug, and a kiss on the forehead. Murtagh sardonically jokes that Tornac is not making this departure easy. Tornac chuckles an apology, one last look of understanding is exchanged between mentor and mentee, adopted son and adopted father.
Eragon hugs the adults who raised him one last time, Garrow and Marian asks that Eragon say hi to Roran, Katrina and Ismira for them. Eragon agrees.
Murtagh shakes Garrow's hand, and gives Marian a hug when she gives him one.
The brothers meet Selena one last time for a tender hug. Their time once again cut short with her. She repeats her love for them and affirms her pride in her beautiful boys.
Murtagh and Eragon walk back to the waking world as their parental figures watch them. Selena stands next to Brom under his arm, Tornac next to Selena, arms at his side. Selena puts hand on Tornac's arm in thanks. Garrow and Marian stand near and behind Selena, Marian with a hand on her shoulder.
Another thought tangent... maybe I could have the father figures show up first, then when Murtagh and Eragon are together again Selena shows up. But I like the idea of Murtagh having a private moment with Selena without Eragon. In a draft where Selena is the last person they meet, Murtagh has to fully accept that he has to share Selena with Eragon. Not a bad thing, just not the vibe I was going for.
Annnyyyyway! If you've read all of this, thank you so much. Feedback is appreciated.
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murtagh-thorn · 17 days ago
Dad!Murtagh fills me with so many feelings
The big Murtagh son of Morzan when kids:
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I genuinely hope that one day he gets to have children, to invest all this care and gentleness, because the way he is thinking now while he doesn't even have kids, he is already the best father to any future child
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murtagh-thorn · 1 month ago
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murtagh-thorn · 1 month ago
Can’t stop thinking about making Murtagh a home cooked meal after reading in his book that he’s not a big fan of cooking himself. Just picturing him getting so excited when you hand him his plate that he forgets all his courtly trained manners for a minute and is just gobbling it down giving you the biggest heart eyes, thanking you profusely, and telling you how delicious it is.
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murtagh-thorn · 1 month ago
It’s been a long time since I read the Inheritance Cycle (halfway through Murtagh right now) and I know we’re told a few times Murtagh looks like his father. But I don’t remember if we’re told who Eragon looks like, like if he actually looks more like a young Brom vs Selena (although I’m sure he has some resemblance to her).
But I lowkey love the idea of Murtagh actually looking more like his mom than people - or even he himself - thinks. I know the book describes Murtagh when we first meet him with “dark eyes,” but it seems like there’s always a debate between if he has brown or grey eyes. I would love someone like Katie McGrath as a face cast for Selena and a side by side showing that while Murtagh does resemble his dad, he actually looks a lot like his mom.
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murtagh-thorn · 1 month ago
Question: would having a scewed negative view of yourself or multiple insecurities, or things like being neurodivergent or struggling with several negative core beliefs due to trauma, impact your ability to figure it out your own true name? The narrative seems to tell us multiple times that not knowing your own true name could be dangerous and a kink in your armor, but what if your view of yourself is so screwed or you don’t know who you are to where you literally CAN’T figure it out?
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murtagh-thorn · 1 month ago
Question: would having a scewed negative view of yourself or multiple insecurities, or things like being neurodivergent or struggling with several negative core beliefs due to trauma, impact your ability to figure it out your own true name? The narrative seems to tell us multiple times that not knowing your own true name could be dangerous and a kink in your armor, but what if your view of yourself is so screwed or you don’t know who you are to where you literally CAN’T figure it out?
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