murdered-rabbit · 12 years
That disgusted sign that got heard from the Harmon's ghost almost caused the little girl to smile and she was forced to clench her denture to control the corner of her mouth. No, sweetie, play along. A voice got heard inside her mind, a soothing motherly tone of voice that belonged to Bunny and she almost nodded, immediately following her demand, or rather advice with that sweet voice carressing her deepest wicked desires that flowed out in the presence of a new soul. Not like fresh meat but like a unstained soul. 
Miss Marie, the doll, was placed on her hands by the taller girl and she instantly fixed the seats surrounding them both, each doll had to be in an specific place, with an specific hat or outfit, everything in order like she demanded it to be and now that it finally was, she felt a little bit more relieved.
A punishment? That word echoed in her mind over and over as an internal war was detonated in her head. Just like split personalities fighting inside a poor condemned human. Her thoughts, her desires, split in two. Half of her was scared to hear that word, it reminded her of Rabbit, letting a whirlwind of memories scratch her healed wounds, making her want to curl in a ball on the floor and cry. However, the other half of her, the one that was winning the war, was excited to hear that word, it made her feel blood rushing through her entire being like a little wild animal in the hunt, screaming 'Yes, yes, yes!' in her poor twisted head.
"A punishment!" She repeated out loud but this time it wasn't a blood thirsty tone of voice, it was the usual harmonious and angelical voice characteristic of her, just like a little girl invited to play a game. And she quickly stood up with the doll again on her hands, wrapping her small fingers around Violet's hand to tug her along with her toward an empty table nearby where Dr. Montgomery used to do his experiments and had all his instruments near him. She placed the doll upon that cold surface and spread her legs and arms, it's face made of porcelain looking at the ceiling. 
"You do the honors, Ms. Harmon." That angelical voice sounded again and she held out a small hammer toward the young ghost, hinting her to take it and start 'the punishment'.
As the youngest of the entities carried the Harmon’s daughter along with her toward the basement of the house, the masked girl could catch a glimpse of her face and what a shame the rabbit facepiece was hiding that small tug on her lips that made it look like a wicked smirk of the devil. But oh, how could such adorable creature resemble something so condemned and twisted? Bah humbug! There could not be anything wrong with a little girl like her.
Although, every single mask wasn’t entirely required, it was simply how it is, no one should question the existence of them. Rabbit had put on the sentence like the manager of Satan’s rottening department and everyone under his charge would have to obey without any hesitation. However, the plastic accessory wouldn’t let everyone else see their true intentions, the small and barely noticeable motions in their facial features that would easily reveal the making of a trap or the evidence of a lie. It made them slightly more trustworthy, but who would easily trust in someone with a rabbit mask? It could be said that there are many naive lambs wandering around this place and the predators were in the hunt.
The young ghost teenager appeared as such kind person to Little Rabbit’s eyes and it added points to her ‘Good Girl’ list whilst she intently analyzed her in their small stroll toward the darkest place of the house, where she finally stopped in front of a very small table where Violet could only fit by sitting directly on the floor, yet, the petite little girl could still sit on a small chair, next to a few ragdolls and a set of tea cups were delicatedly placed upon that surface. What a child-like tea party. Violet was gently forced to sit down as the party begun.
“What you should call me? You should call me Little Rabbit! That’s my name, or at least that’s how they call me.” A quick eager motion of her head in agreement followed her words. “It’s nice to meet you Violet Harmon.” She hadn’t said her last name but she knew it already. “Now you have to be a good lady and pass me Ms. Marie, she’s not in the right chair!” She exclaimed with amusement in her voice, reaching her small hand out for the teenager to pass her the doll next to her and once the taller girl turned and grabbed it, it was suddenly a seven month aborted fetus with it’s skin rottening and a few parts falling off already, soft and almost tempting to squeeze, big eyes closed and swollen with a gangrened little mouth. Once again, that image just lasted for a brief second before it went back to a normal ragdoll.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
Those large hazel eyes stared up right into the taller girl's eyes from behind the mask, impatiently waiting for an answer but somehow she knew she would agree with her, that was her charm, her persuasiveness for everyone else around her to do as she pleased. Thus, after a few seconds she got the answer she wanted and expected, with that slight hint of confusion and cautiousness in their voices and she was already used to it.
"Take me to the basement. I don't want to go alone." Her voice was incredibly sweet and soft, almost like a purr. Harmonious like an angel's singing. And there she was again, giving gentle tugs on Violet's wrist to pull her along with her toward the end of the hallway. In the middle of their slow stroll toward the basement, she could smell that creature inside her, like an shark smelling blood through the water. And she made it slightly obvious by staring at her stomach for a moment before focusing her gaze back up on her face.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
Little Rabbit wasn't screaming, her little mouth was closed with an emotionless expression and cold eyes staring right into the girl's eyes. The screams were now in her head, the petite entity were not controling them anymore. A slightly wicked smirk crossed her lips even though it couldn't be seen through the mask as she noticed Rabbit's hands approaching Emma from behind with a barbed wire, sliding around her pale neck and wrapping it tightly, pulling her away from his little girl with a rough yank, making her fall on the floor as he continued to drag her away, choking her with every second.
"Make her bleed." The soft voice coming from that little girl standing there was clear, as a command toward the taller male entity that was handling the ghost as a ragdoll. 
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
The masked little girl remained in silence for a few more seconds after hearing her question, her pretty unblinking eyes staring right up at her face before her high pitched and soft tone of voice broke the quietness. "I'm new here and you should show me around." What a delicate way to command something, because there was no other option, she couldn't decline her request, no one has ever done it and remained with their intestines inside their body. Her small hands moved slowly to the front, sliding inside the slit of space to reach for the taller girl's hand in an attempt to convince her further, tugging gently on her hand.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
I'll play with you later or something. Such words meant so much for her head, the empty promises calling back in her mind, the blood running through her veins already boiling in desperation mixed with frustration. She couldn't listen to the advice the older girl tried to tell her, the first sentence had detonated the bomb that was well hidden inside of her.
Her small figure began to shake as her hands balled into tight fists, her head sinking between her shoulders and her face completely wrinkled as her eyes fell shut for a few seconds before she exploded in a fit of high pitched screams, her petite fists hitting constantly the sides of her head as if she was trying to get rid of something inside her mind. Suddenly, the screams multiplied, lower ones, louder ones. They filled the room and pierced the taller girl's eardrums, it felt like her own brain was being violently shaked by some kind of force.
It wasn't needed a call, the wicked tantrum she threw was enough to summon the other two entities, where the feminine taller one quickly held onto the yelling girl in her arms, lifting her up in a motherly way to soothe her somehow while the crooked tall male figure stood next to them, motionless. The screams inside her head wouldn't stop, only getting louder and deafening.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
As the youngest of the entities carried the Harmon's daughter along with her toward the basement of the house, the masked girl could catch a glimpse of her face and what a shame the rabbit facepiece was hiding that small tug on her lips that made it look like a wicked smirk of the devil. But oh, how could such adorable creature resemble something so condemned and twisted? Bah humbug! There could not be anything wrong with a little girl like her.
Although, every single mask wasn't entirely required, it was simply how it is, no one should question the existence of them. Rabbit had put on the sentence like the manager of Satan's rottening department and everyone under his charge would have to obey without any hesitation. However, the plastic accessory wouldn't let everyone else see their true intentions, the small and barely noticeable motions in their facial features that would easily reveal the making of a trap or the evidence of a lie. It made them slightly more trustworthy, but who would easily trust in someone with a rabbit mask? It could be said that there are many naive lambs wandering around this place and the predators were in the hunt.
The young ghost teenager appeared as such kind person to Little Rabbit's eyes and it added points to her 'Good Girl' list whilst she intently analyzed her in their small stroll toward the darkest place of the house, where she finally stopped in front of a very small table where Violet could only fit by sitting directly on the floor, yet, the petite little girl could still sit on a small chair, next to a few ragdolls and a set of tea cups were delicatedly placed upon that surface. What a child-like tea party. Violet was gently forced to sit down as the party begun.
"What you should call me? You should call me Little Rabbit! That's my name, or at least that's how they call me." A quick eager motion of her head in agreement followed her words. "It's nice to meet you Violet Harmon." She hadn't said her last name but she knew it already. "Now you have to be a good lady and pass me Ms. Marie, she's not in the right chair!" She exclaimed with amusement in her voice, reaching her small hand out for the teenager to pass her the doll next to her and once the taller girl turned and grabbed it, it was suddenly a seven month aborted fetus with it's skin rottening and a few parts falling off already, soft and almost tempting to squeeze, big eyes closed and swollen with a gangrened little mouth. Once again, that image just lasted for a brief second before it went back to a normal ragdoll.
They all knew somehow that a simple teasing wouldn’t be enough for such brave teenager, she doesn’t get scared easily. They knew, they have been watching, they have been closely watching her. She was interesting beyond belief but she was still a human, she still had a lot of emotions caged inside her, a lot of thoughts in her head and she was still manipulable, nothing could save her but her reactions might be possibly different.
Let the game begin.
Hot blood rushed through their veins, all three entities excited with her words, with her challenging tone of voice. All of them would have growled like animals before their bleeding prey but such masks would remain them calm and analytical.
“You should have said it before, she loves to talk.” A feminine voice spoke from an unrecognizable source before a petite figure appeared slowly in front of her, hopping contently and holding one of the Harmon’s hands and tugging on it.
For a split of a second, the image of the little girl changed in a flash, her mask was partially broke, letting see more of her eye and cheek, both covered in blood as the rest of the mask, fluids flowing down her exploded eye, hair messy, the rest of her pale skin stained with marks of hands and fingerprints all over her in dark red stainds, her dress ripped at the bottom and the neck, muddy and dirty. Just for a second that image pierced inside Violet’s mind before going back to normality.
“Play with me!” The little harmonious voice spoke before tugging her along, exactly like a normal human child would do to her in a situation where she wanted to play with her.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
Just like a girl leading her little sister. The petite entity followed right behind her, attaching herself to her waist with her small hands holding carefully onto the taller girl's shirt, sending a glance over her face for a short moment before getting uncomfortable by the brightness of the sunlight damaging her eyes, thus, her gaze remained glued to the floor and her own shoes. Silent. She stayed quiet for the entire time they were talking toward the basement and once she was away from the sun, the little girl moved away from her with more energy than before.
A image passed through that young lady's eyes for a split of second, where Little Rabbit's visible skin was completely burned, the skin damaged to her bones, some parts sliding in pieces, giant blisters with plasm. The white mask turned black, the plastic melted in some parts but her eyes kept staring emotionless into her. Just for a second that flashing image pierced her mind, but everything was normal, she was just standing there, content of being in the darkness again. "Thank you!"
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
"Get me out of the sun. Take me to a dark place." She responded with a soft voice, almost like a pleading whisper, impossible to deny coming in such helpless way. The little girl moved her head down and it seemed as if she was glancing at her own arms, constantly caressing over them with a fear of them being touched by the sunlight, not in a vampirish way but the sunlight happened to make her extremely uncomfortable and it was clearly evident in that moment.
The wolf in sheep's clothing.
The words coming out as a whisper got heard right behind the taller girl's ear, almost unhearable. But of course, there was no one there, nor anyone near them.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
Little Rabbit frowned right after hearing her words. She didn't want to play? She wasn't going to play with her? The blood rushed up across her small face behind the mask. "There's no one else around." She lost that joyful tone in her voice and it became more serious, yet still soft since it was her natural pitch.
She had to, she had to play with her. No one could say 'no' to her. No, that was impossible. "Play with me!" She yelled in demand as her little hands balled into fists right next to her sides. The only thoughts swirling inside her head were all confusing. Nobody has ever denied her something, her charm was to always convince people to do whatever she wanted them to do. Not this time? Oh, she will play with her.
Late night. Such quiet late night.
The silence drowning the Murder House that night was deafening to the point where you could hear the sound of a pin falling on the floor. It seemed like every entity around the house wasn’t present… But she wanted to play, and if she wanted it, she will get it.
Little Rabbit, the entity of a little girl with a rabbit mask, her child-like black dress with short sleeves and vintage decorations around the neck, black shoes and her long dark hair covering the edges of the mask. Her petite figure stepped into that trap of a house with joy on her every movement, hoping for someone to play with her.
Room after room she looked for someone to be wandering around. Nobody. She was getting concerned and almost desperated, abruptly stopping in every bedroom door during her search.
“You! Play with me!” She shouted cheerfully with her high pitched tone of voice once she found a girl sitting on a bed in one of the guests rooms. She had finally found someone and she will play with her.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
Late night. Such quiet late night.
The silence drowning the Murder House that night was deafening to the point where you could hear the sound of a pin falling on the floor. It seemed like every entity around the house wasn't present... But she wanted to play, and if she wanted it, she will get it.
Little Rabbit, the entity of a little girl with a rabbit mask, her child-like black dress with short sleeves and vintage decorations around the neck, black shoes and her long dark hair covering the edges of the mask. Her petite figure stepped into that trap of a house with joy on her every movement, hoping for someone to play with her.
Room after room she looked for someone to be wandering around. Nobody. She was getting concerned and almost desperated, abruptly stopping in every bedroom door during her search.
"You! Play with me!" She shouted cheerfully with her high pitched tone of voice once she found a girl sitting on a bed in one of the guests rooms. She had finally found someone and she will play with her.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
Is this rabbit thing some perverted fantasy of yours? I'm very curious.
Bunny took the place to answer this time. "We don't think of this as perverted."
I have never thought about it as sexual related, to be honest with you. It's just a twisted fantasy of being a murder with a rabbit mask, rabbits are quiet but the idea of the image of a rabbit mixed with a murder is kind of creepy.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
They all knew somehow that a simple teasing wouldn't be enough for such brave teenager, she doesn't get scared easily. They knew, they have been watching, they have been closely watching her. She was interesting beyond belief but she was still a human, she still had a lot of emotions caged inside her, a lot of thoughts in her head and she was still manipulable, nothing could save her but her reactions might be possibly different.
Let the game begin.
Hot blood rushed through their veins, all three entities excited with her words, with her challenging tone of voice. All of them would have growled like animals before their bleeding prey but such masks would remain them calm and analytical.
"You should have said it before, she loves to talk." A feminine voice spoke from an unrecognizable source before a petite figure appeared slowly in front of her, hopping contently and holding one of the Harmon's hands and tugging on it.
For a split of a second, the image of the little girl changed in a flash, her mask was partially broke, letting see more of her eye and cheek, both covered in blood as the rest of the mask, fluids flowing down her exploded eye, hair messy, the rest of her pale skin stained with marks of hands and fingerprints all over her in dark red stainds, her dress ripped at the bottom and the neck, muddy and dirty. Just for a second that image pierced inside Violet's mind before going back to normality.
"Play with me!" The little harmonious voice spoke before tugging her along, exactly like a normal human child would do to her in a situation where she wanted to play with her.
Such adorable human creature. That petite form of what used to be a living teenager, those large hazel eyes that still had some spark in them, not from hope but something stronger than anything else, curiosity. Something that had led an uncountable amount of people to their own death. She had this particular smell, not dusty and old like most ghosts, she was fresh meat, recently cut in the Hell’s butcher’s shop but got trapped in this house like many other.
Both female rabbits remained standing there, motionless, cautiously analyzing such interesting trapped soul. They would observe Rabbit’s form behind her, his slender long fingers placing upon her shoulder right before disappearing again. His action managed to pull out a fit of giggles out of the youngest of them, who disappeared in the air right after him. 
“Have you ever met your own nightmares?” The only entity remaining in front of her spoke with a soft tone in her voice, right above a whisper before her figure disappeared as well. “Have you gone insane?” A more child-like high pitched voice spoke right behind the young Harmon’s ear but there was nothing behind her.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
Once Violet's eyes focused on the end of the hallway, a small figure with pale skin partially covered in a black dress and a face covered by a rabbit's mask was disappearing past that corner. However, the exact same figure now appeared standing right in front of her, only visible what could be seem through the small slit of space that the teenager allowed to open. That masked face looking right up to her in silence, not even the sound of breathing could be heard from her with her small arms reaching behind her back, holding her both hands together just like a good girl, waiting to be noticed by the taller girl.
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
Such adorable human creature. That petite form of what used to be a living teenager, those large hazel eyes that still had some spark in them, not from hope but something stronger than anything else, curiosity. Something that had led an uncountable amount of people to their own death. She had this particular smell, not dusty and old like most ghosts, she was fresh meat, recently cut in the Hell's butcher's shop but got trapped in this house like many other.
Both female rabbits remained standing there, motionless, cautiously analyzing such interesting trapped soul. They would observe Rabbit's form behind her, his slender long fingers placing upon her shoulder right before disappearing again. His action managed to pull out a fit of giggles out of the youngest of them, who disappeared in the air right after him. 
"Have you ever met your own nightmares?" The only entity remaining in front of her spoke with a soft tone in her voice, right above a whisper before her figure disappeared as well. "Have you gone insane?" A more child-like high pitched voice spoke right behind the young Harmon's ear but there was nothing behind her.
The ghosts in the house didn’t frighten Violet anymore; at least, not since she had become aware that she was just a mere piece of memorabilia in this collection of freaks. Since it had appeared that she had accumulated an eternity of free time, Violet had resolved that she would dedicate a bit of it to coming to know a lot more about the other dearly departed residents.
And so with each new individual, the young teenager had come to form an interesting sort of bond. Some were friendly— her parents, Moira, Nora. Others were more gruesome—  Dr. Charles, Thaddeus, Hayden. Though they all were united by one thing and one thing only: this house. All who were bound here took part in its curse. The correlations intrigued the quirky violet.
Today she found her interest perked by an interesting pair— a woman and a young girl, their faces covered by masks that resembled rabbits. Violet watched them, fascinated for a while before someone grabbed her shoulder- She jumped, wide eyed, startled by that unexpected touch and swung her body around to face whomever was behind her. Alas, there was nothing but empty air.
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「☂」―;;                      ”If you’re trying to scare me, it wont work.”
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murdered-rabbit · 12 years
"Was it too much for her last night?" A soft and child-like voice inquired toward a tall male figure, who responded with a motion of his masked head in denial, no words spoken but the petite figure nodded eagerly in understanding. The location where they were talking wasn't specified. 
The Little Rabbit returned to the house they visited last night, running around happily, just like a child who was playing hide and seek, yet there was no one looking for her, or at least no one in sight. Constant giggling and soft squeaks from excitement left her lips and the sound crashed against her mask as she ran around every corner of that house, disappearing now and then as if she was a ghost. Soon after, her noises were able to be heard right outside of the young Harmon's bedroom, the masked girl was hopping contently.
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