Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
deleting later but mod update just in case bc id not want 2 leave anyone concerned
Still processing after the fire but im doing okay, have housing and financial assistance and whatnot. That's not important though. THIS is fucking important
MY KERMIE LIVED!!! This puppet did NOT die in a fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is STINKY though
#id like to catch up#but tbh its so much easier for me to catch up on a longer timespan via pc so might have to wait a few days until I can set up my desktop#would like to make some more art as well there are a few things i never rly drew#but my art supplies are in a storage unit right now so#idk if ill be satisfied with just pencil for croaker i have to make it colorful
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Okay. I swe̵̟͂̆ar to̷̮̳͗́ Kermit... NOBO̴̯̠̾DY be̵̟͂̆tter fuck with me wh̴͕̾̈́i̶͍̒͠le I'm sh̴͕̾̈́i̶͍̒͠fting th̶̩͙͗I̸͔̒̀s tim̵̗̒͐͜e̷̛̩̠̓!!!
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M̵̳̽ȃ̸̬̂ybe you cou̵̙̰̔͝ld burrô̸̯̤w intô̸̯̤ the grou̵̙̰̔͝nd with your long ̸̩͂̋a̶̭̤̋nd worm-like̵̟͂̆ body
Or y̴̖͒ ̵̡̱̐̈ou could find a lo̷̮̳͗́cal cafe or diner ̷̦̋͜Õ̸̺͔͠r similar establ̴͕̾̈́i̶͍̒͠shment to st̸̩͂̋a̶̭̤̋y in fô̸̯̤r a little wh̴͕̾̈́i̶͍̒͠le I gue̵̟͂̆ss
Another night against the frigid weather…
I know I have an ice kink, but this is ridiculous!
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Th̸̩͂̋a̶̭̤̋t's LIT̷̺̈́Ë̵̝́̋R ̸̳̐͋A̶̮̞͛̃LLY insane̵̟͂̆ there's no way̴̖͒ ̵̡̱̐̈ the̵̟͂̆ difference betwe̵̟͂̆en o̷̮̳͗́ur timeline̵̟͂̆s is the e̵̟͂̆xistence o̷̮̳͗́f the moon
I a̵̳̽ȃ̸̬̂m attemptÍ̴̼͂ng to sh̶̩͙͗I̸͔̒̀ft to you̶̦̺͝r unive̵̟͂̆rse AS ̸̳̐͋A̶̮̞͛̃P. I haven't shifte̵̟͂̆d much lately bu̵̙̰̔͝t surely I c̵̳̽ȃ̸̬̂n land ̵̧͈͋i̵̧̖͝͠t
::::33 < I don’t think anyone would 8elieve me if I shared where the Mormons took me.
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Wait bỦ̷̦t will the̵̟͂̆ p̴͕̾̈́i̶͍̒͠ss p̶̩͙͗I̸͔̒̀t have b̵̳̽ȃ̸̬̂lls in it?
I thou̵̙̰̔͝ght you we̵̟͂̆re ant̴͕̾̈́i̶͍̒͠-piss bu̶̦̺͝t now it seems like̵̟͂̆ you'r̵̗̒͐͜e̷̛̩̠̓ pro-p̴͕̾̈́i̶͍̒͠ss???
Those who ignore the designs of the Piss and violate all that is Holy are anti-piss. I follow the wishes of the Piss to secure a shrine at Dashcon 2. One where the Piss is sacred and not a tool for terror. The Piss does not desire the Holy Substance in the Ball Pit but rather a dedicated Piss Pit for those who Believe to pay tribute.
Praise the Piss.
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M̵̳̽ȃ̸̬̂rty be carefu̵̙̰̔͝l! You could catch a cô̸̯̤ld in this we̵̟͂̆athe̷̛̩̠̓r
Another night against the frigid weather…
I know I have an ice kink, but this is ridiculous!
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The̵̟͂̆y're just tr̵̳̽ȃ̸̬̂umat̴͕̾̈́i̶͍̒͠z̷̺̈́Ë̵̝́̋d from previo̷̮̳͗́us exper̴͕̾̈́i̶͍̒͠ences :-( I bet she wou̵̙̰̔͝ld be nice if ve unde̵̟͂̆rsto̷̮̳͗́od!!!
I think Kermit might be planning to fire you for witchcraft...
not surprised a catholic like him can't tell the difference between a witch and a mage.
#catholics and christians and mages can hang out and be nice to eachudder :'-( wwwwwwwwwwwww-w-w-w-w-w-what uf we all held hands#uh on another note thank you for the blood ritual I appreciate it!!!#i think so far it is helping with the flea infestation in this house
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They fȃ̸̬̂ked it just like̵̟͂̆ the "landing" because nopo̷̮͗́ny̸̥̍͝ has ever gotte̵̟͂̆n to the mo̷̮̳͗́on 🙄
::::33 < I don’t think anyone would 8elieve me if I shared where the Mormons took me.
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T̴͕̾̈́he̵̟͂̆res no way the mo̷̮̳͗́rmô̸̯̤ns h̵̳̽ȃ̸̬̂ve m̷̦̋͜Õ̸̺͔͠on accee̵̟͂̆ss
::::33 < I don’t think anyone would 8elieve me if I shared where the Mormons took me.
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Tho̷̮̳͗́s guy peed the bed ̵̳̽ȃ̸̬̂nd th̵̗̒͐͜e̷̛̩̠̓y're bragging ab̷̦̋͜Õ̸̺͔͠ut it
Last night I woke up,
the Piss reached me.
Open your mind and body to the Piss,
let the Piss reach you too.
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Ha..haha! HaHAHA!!! OH HOHOHO HOHOOO!!! WHEEHEHEEEE!!! *Frolicks about and clicky my little horsey hoof heels together* OH HEEHEEEHOHO!!! This must be the confirmation that I am an exception to the DNI Because of how special and beautiful and cool and devoted I am :-)
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Fi̵̳̽ȃ̸̬̂nce? Imply̴̖͒ ̵̡̱̐̈ing not yet married?!? well thanu̵̙̰̔͝lly it sounds lÍ̴̼͂ke it was ju̵̙̰̔͝st oral which is f̵̧͈͋i̵̧̖͝͠ne in the eyes of god. But watch out!!!
Care to explain how you almost drowned in cum
Underestimated the cum-storage of my fiancee's balls, which coated my entire face and went up my nose.
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I kne̵̟͂̆w yo̷̮̳͗́u didn't h ̶͎͊A̴̖̦͑ ̵̳̽ve the̵̟͂̆ whole mormo̷̮̳͗́n thing h ̶͎͊A̴̖̦͑ ̵̳̽ndled 🙄
::::33 < Sorry I haven’t posted the Mormons kidnapped me and took my phone!
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Day three: centaur/troll
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