multitrack-drifting · 6 months
Trying my best to make this look smooth
I failed 😔
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multitrack-drifting · 6 months
a silly little in-universe headcanon to explain why so many hazbin hotel characters wear suits, bowties and tophats - they're considered fashionable bc lucifer, the king of hell wears these lol
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multitrack-drifting · 6 months
did you guys notice that in the commercial they record for the hotel alastor glitches out the whole time
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multitrack-drifting · 6 months
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Human Alastor and Vox
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multitrack-drifting · 6 months
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noiseless ver :)
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multitrack-drifting · 6 months
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multitrack-drifting · 6 months
I present an Idea™:
Alastor died from being shot in the head after a dramatic dog chase. And then there's Vox, who probably died from kicking a vending machine, or a television falling on his head Loony Tunes-style. He lies about how he got sent to Hell to give himself a cooler backstory than Alastor.
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multitrack-drifting · 6 months
hey, um, idk if this is rude or not, but I saw in one of your reblogs about aroace alastor that you said that most aro/ace/aroace people identify the way they do because of trauma, and I feel a bit weird saying this but that sounds really offensive to the people who have been told that they are only aro/ace/aroace because of nonexistent trauma to invalidate their sexualities (I have been told this a few times by people who try to claim that my asexuality isn't a thing & that I'm just afraid of sex because something bad happened to me even thought that isnt even true). Yes, there is a percentage of aro/ace/aroace people that identify that way due to some form of trauma, but that doesnt mean most of us identify this way because of that. I'm not trying to undermine or invalidate your experiences, I just wanted to point that out because it came off as offensive to me and might come off that way to others. If it wasn't your intention to sound like that, I'm sorry, but the way it was worded made it seem like it was
it's not rude, it's okay to discuss sensitive topics. yeah, that's why i said it might be a hot take. i had a feeling like people might not like it (because of a kneejerk reaction of me sounding exclusionary or smth), but i didn't exactly know the deeper reason why. like, all of the about 8 or whatever people i know who are aroace are aroace in some way because of trauma/uncomfortable previous experiences/being mentally ill or autistic. i thought it'd be a ratio of like 90/10 of people who had some trauma to do with sex or romance/people who are just like that naturally without accompanying issues. but then again my pool to draw conclusions from is me, eight people i know personally and people i see online lmfao, so it wouldnt be surprising if im wrong. i would have no idea how it would be to just be aroace without for example autism making it hard for me to understand others, severe depression fucking with me, or me having experienced childhood sexual trauma
aromance/asexuality is so hard to discuss because when people say the word it could mean any of 17 different things. being traumatized and therefore uncomfortable with advances, just not being interested in romance and sex from the get go, having depression or hormonal issues and having these feelings dampened and altered, people not being comfortable with hypersexuality being pushed on them by the culture and people around them and therefore identifying as asexual, anything really. its a billion of different subgroups, and you can't exactly put people in neat little boxes because it's complex and it can be a lot of these reasons
(not related to you but to what people said to you) also something being "from trauma" should never invalidate it, that's stupid. you can't get rid of trauma. trauma stays with you and shapes who you are and how you see the world, you just mitigate it and learn to live in a more healthy way after it happens. it doesnt fucking despawn after therapy exactly. so to me, labeling something as coming from trauma doesn't mean it's "not real" or "can/should be fixed so you can be made normal". it's a way of understanding yourself, beginning to feel comfortable with yourself and finding new ways to live your life
i guess i should have specified that i think the feeling of "desperately wanting to be in love but being unable to (because you're incredibly uncomfortable with it even though you want it)" that you see in a lot of aces writing a lot of romance and obsessing over fictional pairings as a way to experience romance themselves is uniquely trauma-based and it just sucks when people are like OMG DONT SHIP THE ACEARO CHARACTER bro i AM the acearo character. it sucks even harder that people who are so enthusiastic about keeping aroace characters void of romantic and sexual interaction can be so aggressive about it
the people that were trying to convince you you're "afraid of sex" throughoutly suck fuck in any case bc bruh why would they even care, that's your business
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multitrack-drifting · 7 months
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eh makes sense i guess
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multitrack-drifting · 8 months
im aroace uhh spectrum??? because im autistic, sexually traumatized, on antidepressants and a lot of other things. and thats exactly why i ship alastor. its very hard for me to experience normal romantic feelings, but i still long for it in concept. so its adorable and cathartic for me when any fictional character who didnt have romantic feelings for like forever suddenly feels just a tinge of something new for somebody else, its my favorite trope lol
i think that aroace most often isnt NEVER having sexual or romantic feelings. its having them in a greatly diminished amount and in very specific circumstances
Funniest thing that hazbin hotel fans do ever since alastor was confirmed aroace (which btw YESSSSS) is the way some of them defend him against the shippers.
"don't ship alastor he's asexual!!"
Do you think asexual people can't be in relationships 😭? I think you meant aro? (Aro people can still date technically but that's a whole other discussion) atleast properly try to understand what you're trying to defend lol
Honestly gets a chuckle out of me because the intention is sweet despite the lack of knowledge on it but does get annoying when you see multiple kinds of "don't ship Alastor!! comments on a cute ship post that isn't even sexual in any way
Also don't worry about shipping alastor, it's honestly fine as long you're not trying to erase/deny that he's aroace + it's very interesting the different ways you can explore the aroace spectrum through alastor ships + queerplatonic ships are also a thing
Remember aroace is a spectrum!! Fanfiction is literally "what ifs" and "au's"!! And he's still canon aroace in the show!!
Remember to be respectful and enjoy the next 24 hours :)
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multitrack-drifting · 8 months
fav vox and alastor interpretation: they're both on the aromantic spectrum. that's why vox is so assmad about alastor. he's the first man vox felt anything resembling romantic feelings for LMAO. bro never wanted to genuinely hold hands with someone for 100 years he's so confused
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multitrack-drifting · 8 months
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drew them dancing bc tomorrow is valentine's day !!
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multitrack-drifting · 8 months
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Caught spying on his hate boyfriend
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multitrack-drifting · 8 months
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I adore their friendship so much
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multitrack-drifting · 8 months
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in love with every damn frame from this moment. Alastor went from sinister to an absolute dork in a millisecond because of Rosie
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multitrack-drifting · 8 months
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This scene from Casablanca is basically them:
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multitrack-drifting · 8 months
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Vox, we know...
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