multis-musas · 12 years
Hey so I noticed you weren't added onto the group page yet. I guess the others are still in denial that you're really here huh huh huh.
"I don't care. I've no business or relations with any of them...and no, you're wrong, actually. There's one that's not 'in denial'."
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multis-musas · 12 years
saru. saruhiko. saruhiko fushimi. SARUUUUUU.
"Can you not."
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multis-musas · 12 years
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And it's not like Takuto wanted to completely forget Wako, either; just...what if she didn't react well? After all, she had fallen for both of them. No, it wasn't like her to react badly to something such as two people being happy together, but there was always that possibility...considering the fact that the people that could be happy together were the two people she admired most as a woman. Who knew that it would end up this way, jeez.
Takuto would have no objections to speeding things up a bit for the sake of Sugata's curiosity. At first the redhead would be shy and obviously embarrassed, but he would relax and get into it. You couldn't expect him not to...being a driver required libido. Lots of it, too, to power something like Tauburn. If he really wanted to hide such a hunger for affection of sorts, it would take more than a sheepish exterior.
"You know me so well, Sugata." He grinned, standing and patting his pocket, making sure his wallet was still where he'd stuck it. "I'm in the mood for something cold. And...fruity."
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It was anticipating, to be honest. To see what would happen now that they were getting closer…what will Wako’s reaction be? What will become of their little trio, who would want to sit next to who at lunch, who would hold hands with who? Would it be Sugata or Takuto in the middle, instead of Wako?
Whatever happened, though, the driver had no intention of leaving his partner. He’d stay by his side always, through thick and thin, to stand with him and keep him safe.  That’s not only what a Star Driver was supposed to do - protect those important to them without hesitation - but it’s what he wanted to do. As a friend. As…something more, perhaps.
“Of course. What do you want—? I should be the one to pay. I suggested this, after all.” 
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multis-musas · 12 years
Wow, why wouldn't I?
"...that's a good question, actually. Why wouldn't you, indeed - but still, no."
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multis-musas · 12 years
If you don't care, then you should not care enough to show me your dick.
"Why do you want to see it in the first place?"
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multis-musas · 12 years
Maaan, don't be lame as shit.
"I hardly find refusing to throw away my dignity lame as shit. Even if it were, I wouldn't exactly care."
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multis-musas · 12 years
I'm here to touch your penis so whip it out, Fushimi.
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multis-musas · 12 years
I think we all know why I'm here today.
"Should I be expecting something? Or are you just here to chitchat?"
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multis-musas · 12 years
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Takuto didn't want to sound cheesy, but you could say he'd been doing the same. More and more he thought about Sugata. The sapphire blue haired man brought out seemingly every emotion in him; he made the driver mad, he made him upset, he made him happy, he made him feel sick with adoration and longing. They truly were opposites of one another, but at the same time, magnets that attracted and stuck together. They were some work of art.
Takuto had never imagined he'd be so nervous about hanging out with his buddy, though - after all, they were always together...just...with Wako there. Then again, Wako was like a barrier. A barrier that kept his feelings from reaching Sugata, and Sugata's feelings from reaching him. With her around, he never had a chance to be nervous.
Upon sensing the man's presence he looked up with eyes that glittered, reflecting the galaxies themselves. "I wasn't waiting that long, no," He replied, a smile tugging at his lips. "Only about five minutes."
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Though calm and collected on the outside, it was more than obvious to himself that he was nervous as fuck.
Takuto was never one for dates. He’d never been on one without a third person there. Come to think of it, he can’t recall a time when he’d been on a date period. For him to suddenly suggest to Sugata that they go out somewhere…that was a change. Of course, to others it may seem odd and uncharacteristic of the ruby-eyed male, but to him it made all the sense in the world. You…you go on dates like this with people you like, don’t you?
On this particular evening he found himself sitting outside of the cafe he’d eaten at so many times, shivering and cuddling into his jacket. For it being a tropical island, he still felt that the breezes could be chilly.
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multis-musas · 12 years
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Though calm and collected on the outside, it was more than obvious to himself that he was nervous as fuck.
Takuto was never one for dates. He'd never been on one without a third person there. Come to think of it, he can't recall a time when he'd been on a date period. For him to suddenly suggest to Sugata that they go out somewhere...that was a change. Of course, to others it may seem odd and uncharacteristic of the ruby-eyed male, but to him it made all the sense in the world. You...you go on dates like this with people you like, don't you?
On this particular evening he found himself sitting outside of the cafe he'd eaten at so many times, shivering and cuddling into his jacket. For it being a tropical island, he still felt that the breezes could be chilly.
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multis-musas · 12 years
okay takuto i desire your honest opinion of sugata go go go
"Mmph--? Well," He swallows an assload of rice. Rice that was supposed to be Colin's. "Sugata is my very best friend and the entire world. If you wanted to get cheesy you could say he's the brightest star in my galaxy. He's very important to me and I'd do anything to keep him safe." Blink blink. "...and he's...important in another way...sort of...if that makes sense..."
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multis-musas · 12 years
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Out of character he was, but hopefully not for long. To be honest all he needed was some rest, now that he had talked to Sugata; though, that didn't necessarily mean he was ready to leave his side.
Not yet.
His other eye winced when its other was examined, ruby irises gazing into topaz ones. "I didn't get much sleep last night. My sleeping schedule is screwed up beyond belief." He blinked. "...Sugata, you look tired, too."
In other words, you should come lay down with me somewhere so I don't have to leave you.  "Or is something bothering you? Are you thinking? You get that look when you're scheming." 
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Later, Sugata could press all he wanted; for now, what Takuto wanted was simply to keep him there, to hold him and reassure himself that he’d never leave again. Even now that Samekh was put to sleep and Kiraboshi had disbanded, the ginga bishonen couldn’t help feeling as though danger could always be around the corner. After all, even with Kiraboshi’s Cybodies gone, Tauburn remained; some crazy asshole descendant of Reiji (that wasn’t Takuto himself) could easily pop up and decide to attempt taking over the world.
Far-fetched, yes, but a possibility.
If at all possible, he wished that he could just grab Sugata by the hand and drag him onto the closest ferry headed towards mainland. As much as he loved Southern Cross Island, Tokyo was less of a threat than it. Wako…well. As rude as it sounded, Takuto was ready for a long break from the girl.
At the tugs to his hair he looked up, giving the man a tired look. “For now, can we just focus on the fact that you’re here, and not buried alive underneath the island?”
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multis-musas · 12 years
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Later, Sugata could press all he wanted; for now, what Takuto wanted was simply to keep him there, to hold him and reassure himself that he'd never leave again. Even now that Samekh was put to sleep and Kiraboshi had disbanded, the ginga bishonen couldn't help feeling as though danger could always be around the corner. After all, even with Kiraboshi's Cybodies gone, Tauburn remained; some crazy asshole descendant of Reiji (that wasn't Takuto himself) could easily pop up and decide to attempt taking over the world.
Far-fetched, yes, but a possibility.
If at all possible, he wished that he could just grab Sugata by the hand and drag him onto the closest ferry headed towards mainland. As much as he loved Southern Cross Island, Tokyo was less of a threat than it. Wako...well. As rude as it sounded, Takuto was ready for a long break from the girl.
At the tugs to his hair he looked up, giving the man a tired look. "For now, can we just focus on the fact that you're here, and not buried alive underneath the island?"
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Honest…? Perhaps.
There was, however, one thing Takuto was hiding from Sugata. Trying to hide, at least; perhaps now that he’s spilled his concern, it would be a bit more obvious. And it’s not like he’d deny it after beating around the bush…
The driver’s cheek pressed against his opposite’s shoulder, tears dried but that solemn, upset expression still plastered to his face. The slender hands entangled in his hair seemed to soothe him, reminding him in a way that Sugata was still here and listening to him, understanding what he was trying to say. You may be oblivious, Sugata, and reckless. But you’re a quick learner…or is it that you get me?
“I don’t care what anyone thinks or says. Not right now,” He replied, voice quiet and settled compared to the shouting he’d done earlier. “The only important ‘idea’ right now is the one in which you never do something that dangerous and bullheaded again. As good of a hero as you are, please, don’t play the role if it seems like it’s been given to you. Leave it to me.”
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multis-musas · 12 years
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Honest...? Perhaps.
There was, however, one thing Takuto was hiding from Sugata. Trying to hide, at least; perhaps now that he's spilled his concern, it would be a bit more obvious. And it's not like he'd deny it after beating around the bush...
The driver's cheek pressed against his opposite's shoulder, tears dried but that solemn, upset expression still plastered to his face. The slender hands entangled in his hair seemed to soothe him, reminding him in a way that Sugata was still here and listening to him, understanding what he was trying to say. You may be oblivious, Sugata, and reckless. But you're a quick learner...or is it that you get me?
"I don't care what anyone thinks or says. Not right now," He replied, voice quiet and settled compared to the shouting he'd done earlier. "The only important 'idea' right now is the one in which you never do something that dangerous and bullheaded again. As good of a hero as you are, please, don't play the role if it seems like it's been given to you. Leave it to me."
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The ginga bishonen’s expression softened into a troubled frown, eyes widened and shiny with wetness, sniffling and raising a wrist to wipe his cheeks.
He’d definitely feel awkward for this childish behavior later. Really, it was kind of silly.
“You didn’t realize because Wako was always there. It was always her. We were both so focused on the fact that as a Shrine Maiden, her safety was golden, that you failed to see your importance. But I’m surprised my drastic actions didn’t make you realize at the last minute, even so…” He murmured, choked sobs escaping between sentences. Carefully he lurched forward, a mess to top all sobby messes, to grasp the sapphire-haired man’s shoulders and drop his forehead to his collarbone.
“You, Sugata Shindo, are the reason why I wake up every morning. So I can bother you and chase you around and make sure you…you haven’t slipped away again…”
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multis-musas · 12 years
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The ginga bishonen's expression softened into a troubled frown, eyes widened and shiny with wetness, sniffling and raising a wrist to wipe his cheeks.
He'd definitely feel awkward for this childish behavior later. Really, it was kind of silly.
"You didn't realize because Wako was always there. It was always her. We were both so focused on the fact that as a Shrine Maiden, her safety was golden, that you failed to see your importance. But I'm surprised my drastic actions didn't make you realize at the last minute, even so..." He murmured, choked sobs escaping between sentences. Carefully he lurched forward, a mess to top all sobby messes, to grasp the sapphire-haired man's shoulders and drop his forehead to his collarbone.
"You, Sugata Shindo, are the reason why I wake up every morning. So I can bother you and chase you around and make sure you...you haven't slipped away again..."
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“I can’t believe this! Just how daft are you?!” The male shouted, ruby red eyes filling with tears, threatening to spill over at any moment.
No. Wako was never enough. She’ll never be enough.
“Every day I fought to keep her safe. Every day I put myself under stress and pain to make sure she made it through the day in one piece. But you know what, Sugata? In the end, there was something more important than Wako that I had to save. Didn’t you see it? The way I slashed her Cybody in half in the blink of an eye? Didn’t you hear her screaming?”
Though his voice remained unwavering and his composure together, Takuto’s cheeks finally stained with shining tears, plopping onto his signature red shirt. “In the end I broke what I was trying to hold together to save you. I didn’t want to live without you, Sugata, and I took the fastest way out of that fate. You’re the most important thing in my life and I wasn’t going to let anything tear you away from me.”
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multis-musas · 12 years
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"I can't believe this! Just how daft are you?!" The male shouted, ruby red eyes filling with tears, threatening to spill over at any moment.
No. Wako was never enough. She'll never be enough.
"Every day I fought to keep her safe. Every day I put myself under stress and pain to make sure she made it through the day in one piece. But you know what, Sugata? In the end, there was something more important than Wako that I had to save. Didn't you see it? The way I slashed her Cybody in half in the blink of an eye? Didn't you hear her screaming?"
Though his voice remained unwavering and his composure together, Takuto's cheeks finally stained with shining tears, plopping onto his signature red shirt. "In the end I broke what I was trying to hold together to save you. I didn't want to live without you, Sugata, and I took the fastest way out of that fate. You're the most important thing in my life and I wasn't going to let anything tear you away from me."
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“‘It’s something I had to do.’ You think that’ll take it back?” Takuto breathed out, struggling to keep his voice from raising. His teeth grit in the silence, but he spoke again before Sugata could open his mouth, cheeks getting hotter and eyes getting mistier. “I rather DIE than accept the fact that I could have to live without out you. Wako isn’t enough, you know! Do you have any idea how I would feel if I’d lost you that day? What if I hadn’t have been able to save you?! Sugata!”
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multis-musas · 12 years
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"'It's something I had to do.' You think that'll take it back?" Takuto breathed out, struggling to keep his voice from raising. His teeth grit in the silence, but he spoke again before Sugata could open his mouth, cheeks getting hotter and eyes getting mistier. "I rather DIE than accept the fact that I could have to live without out you. Wako isn't enough, you know! Do you have any idea how I would feel if I'd lost you that day? What if I hadn't have been able to save you?! Sugata!"
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Oh, did that cool reaction make Takuto angry. “Sugata…you really don’t understand, do you?” The driver murmured back, fists balling at his sides. “You don’t understand how badly you…you scared me…”
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