muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
“Sometimes you have to accept the fact that there are things that will never go back to how they used to be.”
— Unknown
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
For me, the real separate is not when you both doesn't met anymore , its when you both became stranger for some reasons, never texting to each other again, wont share about our daily life and will never laugh with our own joke again. We just labelled as collegeous or classmates.
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
i heard somewhere saying "If you losed one, the better one will come" its true.
Im not regretting losing you, thank you for being with me till the universe separate us.
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
please notice me
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
If stealing someone's picture is legal, my gallery will full of yours
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
Extremely hating when u smiling to me as we passed by because you catched my feelings
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
....but i love you harder
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
Semantap-mantapnya kita merencanakan masa depan, tetap sisakan ruang untuk ridha bahwa hari esok memang di luar kehendak kita. "The future's not ours to see."
Dan isi ruang itu dengan tawakkal bahwa apa yang terjadi di luar perencanaan kita, adalah yang terbaik dari Allah.
Dan iringi dengan doa yang Rasulullah ajarkan pada pamannya, Abbas bin Abdul Muthalib ketika ia meminta diajarkan sebuah wirid...
Rasul bersabda, "mintalah afiyah pada Allah..." Afiyah bermakna kebaikan yang lengkap. Afiyah dalam agama, afiyah dalam dunia. Afiyah dalam kebaikan.
Dan itulah salah satu doa andalan yang selalu diucapkan pula oleh Khalifah Abu Bakr Ash Shiddiq. Kalau kita lihat perjalanan hidup beliau, kita akan tahu bahwa dunia dan akhiratnya begitu lengkap dan indah.
اللهم إني أسألك العافية في ديني و دنياي
"Allahumma innii as'alukal afiyah fi diini wad dunyaya.." (HR Ahmad)
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
it's less than a year since we know each other, you showed me your trueself so do i;)
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
Leave Everything Here
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
Happiness is temporary
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
Beberapa dari kita tumbuh dewasa lebih cepat daripada kebanyaan karena kita sudah melihat sisi terburuk dunia di usia muda
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 2 years
Terima kasih kerana pernah hadir dan menjadi sebahagian daripada kenangan dan memori dalam sanubari.Sesungguhnya kamu adalah salah satu insan yang nyaman pernah berada di samping ku.
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 3 years
Sometimes you just have to walk away. Regardless of how much it hurts.
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 3 years
Never waste time and energy wishing you were somewhere else, doing something else. Accept your situation and realize you are where you are, doing what you are doing, for a very specific reason.
Realize that nothing is by chance, that you have certain lessons to learn and that the situation you are in has been given to you to enable you to learn those lessons as quickly as possible, so that you can move onward and upward.
~ Eileen Caddy
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muhdrizwanmasblog · 3 years
Ruang ini akan sentiasa terbuka luas menyambutmu. Tapi pintunya tidak pernah kukunci dan aku lakukan itu dengan sengaja. Sekiranya kamu hanyalah tetamu hari ini pilihan kamu untuk pergi tidak akan dipertahankan dan meminta kamu disini bukanlah suatu paksaan.
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