muffintopkittens · 4 years
Why sun sign astrology doesn’t work
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Let’s face it: a lot of the time, you won’t relate to your sun sign.
Your sun sign is who you are at your BEST. It’s who you are when you’re in your element, when you’re confident, when you’re in a comfortable situation.
Your sun sign is your identity, but also who you aspire to be. When you think of your sun sign, you think of the qualities that make you special, and make you an individual. It’s probably something you’re proud of. But also, it’s something to live up to; it’s a goal to be the best version of your sun sign that you can possibly be.
The sun sign is extremely important, because it follows you throughout your life in all ways, but it often can’t be pinpointed to specifics like the other placements can. It’s much more broad; it’s always present, but sometimes it’s just out of reach.
People will not always see your sun sign when they first meet you. But close friends will see your sun sign more than anything else, because they see the best in you.
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Your RISING sign is who you are all the time, without thinking about it. It’s natural.
Any time you feel threatened, need to put up a front, want to “appear” a certain way…that is your rising sign. Many people don’t consider the rising sign as important as the sun. But in reality, it’s more important.
Some people aren’t even aware of their rising sign. Some people will be surprised when they read the description. But if you ask anyone around you, they will see it immediately. You can’t hide your rising sign, you have to just accept it.
If you meet someone for the first time, that is their rising sign.
Your moon sign won’t be seen by the world at first either, but a lot of times it can be seen more than the sun sign. Your moon sign is your instinctual reactions and ways of living.
Any time you’re upset, you’re happy, you’re jealous, you’re disappointed…these are all times that your moon sign will show. Depending on the sign, of course, it will show in different ways.
Anything to do with the emotions cannot be defined by the sun sign. That is the realm of the moon sign. People wonder why they don’t relate to their sun sign on a lot of different posts - this is why. The moon sign is far more important, because it is your immediate needs and behavior.
People who see through you see your moon sign; people who are able to connect with you emotionally. They have to look deeply enough to get through the wall put up by the rising sign, though.
Mercury is how you get your message across. When you meet someone, there’s a bit of mercury thrown in there too, since they’ll be communicating with you.
Sometimes people will not consider you to be a lot like your sun sign. That’s probably because your mercury is in a different sign than your sun. It’s a bit conflicting, because the words you say are quite different from who you actually are - you might seem more like your mercury sign in some ways.
Mercury is probably the least appreciated and noticed placement in astrology. People always seem to forget about it, but it’s absolutely vital to understanding someone’s personality.
“What is an *insert sign here* like in love?” This is the question that everyone wants to know. Unfortunately, people usually answer it with sun sign. Again.
Venus is your true “love” placement. You might get a sense of what someone is like with their sun sign, but in a relationship you might be surprised when they act so differently. Their idea of romance might be drastically different from their central identity.
Mars is where to look if you want to get an idea of the overall energy someone gives off. Rising sign has a part in this too, but mars is how someone takes action.
Mars, in a sense, is also related to love because it’s how someone does the pursuing. Mars has to do with initiative (and how much of that you take).
Next time you make an astrology post, read an astrology post, or think about astrology in any way, remember this. Most people don’t do their research, and make assumptions that all sun signs are a certain way, and all people will relate to all aspects of their sun sign. This is not the case.
Think to yourself: is this asking about me on a daily basis? My emotions? How I communicate? How I act in love? My impulses?
Chances are, it’s not your sun sign.
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muffintopkittens · 6 years
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muffintopkittens · 6 years
Please spread the information!!!!!!!
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muffintopkittens · 8 years
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my mom:
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