mtvhighschool · 8 years
By MN. NB an
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Tenke Rav Visits Yeshiva at the Start of the New School Year – Pictures/Video
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Niagara Falls Trip
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
7 Keys to Mastering Your Life’s Mission: #1: Kindness
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Ari Goldwag - Me'ein - Acappella Music Video
Ari Goldwag & Sheves Chaverim are back with another great music video – only this time without the music! Only their voices (and claps!) appear in this great Shabbos song – Me’ein. Ari is on his way home on Friday afternoon, while the Sheves Chaverim boys are back at home preparing the table for Shabbos. Will Ari get home in time for kiddush? Join them on a fun and heartwarming adventure. Filmed…
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Parents Just Don't Understand
Parents Just Don’t Understand
They were there for every first that mattered in my life. Except for one: my first steps onto the path of Judaism.
by Noah Dinerstein.
At six years old, he put his hands on mine as I gripped the handle bars, and guided me up and down the street for hours until he finally let go and I rode that Huffy on my own.
A few years later I was still small enough to sit on his lap while he was driving…
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
The Kinderlach Perform at Hakol Habah
The Kinderlach Perform at Hakol Habah – Jewishtidbits.com The Kinderlach performing at the end of the Hakol Habah” – The Next Voice – competition in Israel. //cdn.embedly.com/widgets/platform.js
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Kippalive – Vehi She’amda – When You believe
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
WATCH: Rabbi Chaim Mintz’s Passover Challenge
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
The Pesach Blues – Parody
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Op-Ed: Beyond Politics: Shabbos with Ted Cruz
Op-Ed: Beyond Politics: Shabbos with Ted Cruz
[By Yehoshua (Jeff) Ballabon]
I read Nick Muzin’s heartfelt piece about his friend and boss Senator Ted Cruz and Jews and decided to echo it with one of my own experiences with Cruz – from before he was a presidential candidate, or even a senator.
For many years off and on I attended the first day or two of CPAC– the American Conservative Union’s annual massive gathering conservatives – in…
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Mishpacha Writer Reflects on Meeting with Donald Trump
Mishpacha Writer Reflects on Meeting with Donald Trump
By Yisroel Besser- Contributing Editor, Mishpacha Magazine.
I wasn’t sure what to expect.
 I’ve seen enough Donald Trump footage to know it would be interesting. It was certainly a mark of prestige that our magazine, Mishpacha, served as the forum for a one-on-one interview with the Republican front-runner.
There were no pre-conditions and I assumed no obligation to provide a positive report. I’m…
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Opinion - Ted Cruz Vs. Donald Trump
Opinion – Ted Cruz Vs. Donald Trump
By Eytan Kobre, Mishpacha Magazine.
I haven’t yet written a word about the presidential primary season, and that’s mainly because I recoil from having to mention a certain one of the candidates in this column, let alone write about him at any length, just as I don’t men- tion his name in my home. I’m more deeply revolted and repulsed by him than by any other figure, past or present, in American…
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Video: The Babysitter and the Shema
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Rabbi Avraham Glick Talking in Yeshiva Before Pesach Vacation Rabbi Avraham Glick is a R"M in Novominske Mesivta, and joins our Yeshiva events regularly.
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Avraham Fried Sings with Children of Shalva Shalva, the Association for Mentally and Physically Challenged Children in Israel, is dedicated to offering high quality care for individuals with disabilities, empowering their families and promoting social inclusion.
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mtvhighschool · 8 years
Town Honors Man that Rescued a Jewish Baby
Town Honors Man that Rescued a Jewish Baby
In an emotional event during the Toms River Township Committee meeting this evening, the man who saved the life of a baby was recognized by Township officials and by the father of the infant.
William Copes, was driving down New Hampshire Avenue on that fateful day when he saw a vehicle plunge into a retention basin.
Mr. Copes immediately sprung into action, and when he found the wrecked car he…
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