mtpkit · 10 years
MTP Kit Online
Important Things to Keep In Mind When You Buy MTP Kit Online 
MTP kits from reputed companies can be safely used to terminate pregnancy. The combination of two drugs – mifepristone and misoprostol, causes exaggerated uterine contractions that expel the embryo from the womb. The kit is being used extensively by women around the world. There have not been many cases of serious side effects of the kit. However, before you buy MTP kit online, you need to keep some very important things in mind.
The duration of pregnancy
The MTP kit is recommended for pregnancies that are less than 63 days old. If you are not sure about the duration, visit a gynecologist and get yourself tested. Usually, doctors perform the ultrasonographic test to determine the duration of pregnancy.
 If you have missed your period, it does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. Sometimes, ectopic pregnancies also show positive on the strip test. Your doctor can correctly diagnose the cause of the missed period. This is a very important step because you must never use the MTP kit for false pregnancies or when you are not pregnant.
Remove IUD
If you have an intrauterine device, such as a copper T, installed in the uterus or any other part of the reproductive system, you need to get it removed before you use the kit. Keep this in mind before you buy MTP kit online.
Before you use the MTP kit, check the ingredients present in the two drugs. You can easily find this information when you buy MTP kit online. Go through the entire list of ingredients and check for the presence of any chemical that you might be allergic to. If you find such an ingredient, do not use the kit under any circumstances.
If you are using other medicines, consult the doctor and find out whether you can use the drugs in the kit. Some drugs react with each other and lead to complications. When you consult the doctor, share your entire medical history. Also, do not use the kit if you are using medicines for thinning blood.
Previous abortions
Have you had previous abortions? If yes, be it natural or induced, do not use the kit without consulting a doctor. If the abortion was induced, buy MTP kit online only if the doctor recommends it. Tell the doctor about the drugs that you used for the previous abortion.
Your blood condition
People with Rh negative blood group might have complications in future pregnancies if they use the MTP kit. In order to avoid complications, you might be required to take an Anti-D injection. Visit your doctor for advice. The kit might not be safe for you if your blood is thin.
What if the kit fails?
In rare cases, the kit might fail to cause complete abortion. In such a case, the pregnancy needs to be terminated surgically. You must not continue with the pregnancy after using the kit because the drugs damage the embryo.
Medical help
In some cases, especially when the users are allergic to certain chemicals present in the MTP drugs, the situation might get out of hand. For instance, you might have severe bleeding or you might hemorrhage. Therefore, you must have a friend or a member of the family with you when you use the kit. If the condition becomes serious, you should be rushed to the hospital since you might need blood transfusion, resuscitation and immediate medical intervention.
Do not buy MTP kit online without consulting a doctor if you are breastfeeding or suffer from chronic adrenal failure.
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