428 posts
Hello! Online, I like to go by MaddytheBunny. You may recognize the name on various other sites where I also roam. Other online aliases include: RikoShuz based on the character Riko by the artist Shuz. Regular RP slut, but I can do other things, too! For example, I'm also addicted to Rimworld (1.6k hours) and am a fledgling Warhammer fan (My favorite faction is the Adeptus Mechanicus) She/Her, 22 years, may be on the spectrum, undiagnosed. Born in December. Any argument I may get into matters pretty little to me. my online presence is not a commitment.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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mtb-tv · 47 minutes ago
What's even better is the Alternative Insomniac's Gambit. Where the insomniac in question tries to stay awake for an entire day on zero (0) hours of sleep and go to bed at a reasonable hour instead of crashing at 3PM.
Currently doing an Insomniac's Gambit. For those of you who don't know, this is when you mess up your sleep schedule badly enough that you attempt to fix it by skipping an entire night of sleep then going to bed at a reasonable hour the next day. Crucially, it does not work
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mtb-tv · 8 hours ago
concept: sleeper emulations from citizen sleeper and severed workers from severance are from the same universe. sleeper technology as a near-future progression of lumon’s severed technology
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mtb-tv · 14 hours ago
My favorite character from the first game returns to the second game not only with a major role, but also looking like me IRL and using they/them pronouns.
The obsession is more than real.
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Some other artwork and extras under the spoiler :)
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My first art of them when they were first revealed <33
My reaction to Bliss being revealed was wild, I gotta say that much.
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mtb-tv · 2 days ago
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Leshy's redemption arc lol It's boys night, they're having fun.
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mtb-tv · 2 days ago
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mtb-tv · 4 days ago
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Cards I gave away to my friends
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mtb-tv · 5 days ago
Man, I hate when videogames I like share names with stupid songs from artists I don't give a fuck about
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mtb-tv · 5 days ago
If you ask a Boomer or Gen-Z what "RAM" in a computer is, you'll get two, completely wrong answers.
Technological literacy only exists in a very slim age demographic of people born from roughly 1980 to roughly 2007
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mtb-tv · 5 days ago
You're only allowed to reblog this post if you know all the fundamental components of a computer, and what their acronyms mean.
Technological literacy only exists in a very slim age demographic of people born from roughly 1980 to roughly 2007
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mtb-tv · 5 days ago
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got an axe for my celestial fang skittle
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mtb-tv · 7 days ago
I started this so long ago, then just gave up on it. Today I forced myself to finish it
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mtb-tv · 8 days ago
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mtb-tv · 8 days ago
Worse yet is Shit I Don't Fucking Like and WHY IS IT EVERYWHERE?????
"every possible kind of content can be found on the internet" yeah sure except for the One fucking thing I'm looking for. why does no one want to talk about the One Singular thing I'm looking for. but yeah other than that everything is on here.
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mtb-tv · 9 days ago
It would also be bad for humans, specifically, to live under Viltrumite rule in particular. In the comics, it was depicted that human DNA is almost identical to Viltrumite DNA, and the two are highly compatible. Earth would be designated as a "Breeding Camp"
Now I'll let you imagine what that would entail, but I'll give you a little hint: It'd be like some Asanagi-type shit, do not look that up
The Viltrumites Are Fascist
So a problem I've noticed starting to arise when it comes to how people talk about the Viltrumites is one I've seen show up in other discussions about media. People will often think it would be nice to live under Viltrumite rule, that the Viltrumites aren't that bad, or suggest Oliver asking if Mark thinks Omni-Man had a point is somehow valid. Alongside some people not necessarily calling the Viltrumites what they are by merely calling them imperialist, and by extension downplaying what they are.
The Viltrumites are clearly and blatantly fascist, and because of this the claims that they aren't that bad or it would be nice to live under their rule is dumb to say. This is something that I have seen in other discussion about media whether it be Starship Troopers or Helldivers. Where people either miss the point or are drawn in to liking certain fictional groups because they agree with what they are saying, regardless of satire or if the character is meant to be a bad person. A similar thing has happened in Warhammer 40K, where people miss over the fact that almost every single group is overtly meant to be a variant of fascist, and that Space Marines are included in this. Or how people are drawn in to liking someone like Homelander and Rorschach thinking they are actually good people. Heck this has even happened with Star Wars when people have claimed the Empire did nothing wrong, ignoring who they blatant represent. They aren't called Storm Troopers for no reason.
The Viltrumites are no different, they are fascist plain and simple. So far we have seen them straight up perform eugenics on their own species, in a might makes right mentality. Such practices is more than likely the reason why there are less than 50 "pure" Viltrumites left.
The Viltrumites as view themselves as having a right to rule over other species, because they are somehow "superior." As often the perform a specific Undertale route on those they subjugate. This is further seen in how they are selective in what alien species they will have relationships with, as they need to look like Viltrumites. This ties into their practice of eugenics. Because of their elitist mindset they have contempt for those they perceive as weak. They are also militaristic, you have how they treat resistance, and a kind of of cult of heroism. In others words, they meet a lot of the points.
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mtb-tv · 10 days ago
The Perfect Sleeper
It's been a minute since I made an esoteric CS lore theory/rant. I thought of this one while tweaking off of a headache and loud music on headphones that hurt to wear.
Anyway, so I've already established that I believe Essen-Arp (creator of Sleepers) to be a secret transhumanist cult under the guise of a megacorp, as discussed in this post
TL:DR, Sleepers as we see them in CS1 and CS2 are but mere prototypes, and not actually meant for labor. They're meant to be a testing group for the advancement of Sleeper technology.
What exactly is that advancement? What is Essen-Arp working toward?
Obviously (in my eyes), they're working toward creating the perfect synthetic-robotic frame that which they can use to escape the Entropy of Flesh.
I've already established that Sleeper frames, even in their prototype stage, are objectively superior to human bodies. In some ways more than others. Sure, they have their issues, but these issues are mainly as a means of control forced by Essen-Arp. The theoretical "Perfect Frames" won't be limited by Stabilizer, and would be fully capable of self-maintenance. Effective immortality, transcendent of flesh.
Sleepers can work in extreme, hazardous environments, but even they have a breaking point. The Perfect Frame would be totally unconstrained as to where it could go, bar the surface of a star. They would be fully immune to radiation, toxicity, chill, and heat. Even in the vacuum of space or deep below an ocean's surface.
CS2 established that the synthetic fibers making up a Sleeper frame are transient, and capable of change given the right stimuli. Perfect Frames would be capable of doing this at will. An infinitely-adaptable body that which can not decay, can not become obsolete, and can not be damaged easily.
Also I'd like to touch on emulation. The copy-paste of a human brain into a Sleeper frame wouldn't be present in the Perfect Frame. Rather, a total transfer of thought, memory, and personality would be uploaded from a human body into the Perfect Frame. Effectively making the Frame a new vehicle for the human soul, leaving a fleshy husk in its wake.
Anyway, rant over.
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mtb-tv · 10 days ago
Adblocker moment cuz this is the first time I'm seeing this and it deeply horrifies me
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i felt the ad looked beautiful
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mtb-tv · 10 days ago
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